Minutes approved..
Addition .,
R-3 Zoning app'd.:
Public Hearing:
Mission Village It
Country Village ll
Slama Add.119.
Porta V i l-1 a #2,
Addition #65.
A meeting of'the Kalispell City -County Planning Board was held
on Tuesday; April 27, 1976, at 8 p.m. in the:P.:P, &:L. Service
Members present:.
Fran Letn anger
Lois Randall
Harvey Knebel
Garmen Meadows
William J. Lupton
Dale Williams
Maurice Ed 'e
Dale W. Haag
Dorothy Garvtn
James J. Thompson
Others present
2 APO Staff representatives
2.News Media Representatives
Mel Wollan, County Commissioner
Joe DeLong; County Commissioner
103 Guests
The meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board was
called to.order by President.Fran L°itninger at"8:10.p.m.
The minutes of April 13, 1976 were approved as. mailed,
The Board reopened it's review 'of' the R^3 Zoning request for
Springdale Addition. Jane Lopp outlined .the zoning procedure:
Plat room validation lof petition; planning board review and
recommendation to governing body; governing body holds public
hearing -followed by motion of what to zone and establishment
of the zone. After reviewing the Springdale Zoning request
as it_ related ;to the Comprehensive Plan and existing land use
patterns, recommendation to the .County Commissioners of an
R,-3 zone was approved;
A public hearing on Mission Village'II and Country Village II.
The Staff Report was reviewed and public comment was received.
Mr. - Robin Street noted that M°. James Treweek,.an adjacent
landowner was not notified -of the hearing within the required
time `period..
Dale Haarr moved to.continue hearings to the next regular
meeting; Seconded 'by Lois Randall: Motion carried.
Hearing on'Slama Addition'No. 19
The Staff Report wasreviewed and public comment was received
and during the discussion,. it was found that an adjacent
landowner, Mrs: Beatrice Le is;t i ko, was not not tf ted of the public
Lois Randall, moved, to continue the hearing until the next
regular meeting; Seconded by William Lupton: Motion carried.
Public hearing on Porta Villa Subdivision ,No. 2, Addition #65.
The Staff Report was reviewed and public comment was received.
After discussion by the Board, Dale Williams moved.to approve'
the Preliminary Plat and Annexation request for Porta Villa
Subdivision No. 2, Addtn. #65 with the following conditions:
1.. That:all water and sewerage systems, be approved'by,
the State Department of Health and the C tty .of : Kal ts.pel 1 ,
2.. that Lot 10.be.accepted and cash be accepted to satisfy
° the park requ'trement,
Public Hearing
Greenacres West
2 Hearing Limitation
per Board Meeting.
3, . that the. cost .of/qr. the tmprovement� Qf KaKthorn Avenue
and the North z of rel.lows.tone 'Streetbe borne by
the developer,
4.. that the developer _InstalI- fare hydrants as directed
by the Fire Chtef and the City of''KaltapelI, and
5. that a.1110t.dratnage- easement" be .reserved along the
North. line of Lots 8 and 10'.and along the West line of
Lot 10,..as an additional `drainage route should the
need arise (easement would permit any ---use except
construction of permanen°t structuresil,- and
6. that adequate buffer zone be provided at th-e Northerly
end of Lot 9'and the southerly end of Lot 1,.
7. that Lot.1l.be excluded until further".plans-are
aubm i t,ted to, the. C ity-County Planning Board, and
8, . that, a. 60 k . easement. Right of way: be: prQv ide.d ..t'o ` th_e
city on an east,west'route in th-e center of Lots 1
tfiraugh 8,
'9. that the ctty-be requested to resolve to the best of
tt's'abMty,, tKe traffic' flax' problems. and drainage
problems to this, area.
Seconded.by Harvey Knebel.,
Lois Randall moved to add, that the proposed annexation be'
made as. No.: 1 Res. tdence District; Seconded by,. Dale W U 1 tams.
A show of hands. resulted in a -4,4 tto wtth 2 abs-ten ttons
(Meadows-Letntnger). Roll -call -vote resulted to a 4,4 tie,
with 2 abstentions (Meadows-Leintner)
Pteeslden.t, Letntnger. declared the result as,- a negattVe vote.
Hearing. on Greenacres West.
The Staff.Report was reviewed and public comment was received.
After discussion by'the Board,`Williams moved that the
Preltmtnary Plat of Careenacres. Wes.t.be rejected as proposed.
Seconded.by Dale Haar; Motion,carrted.
The,Board requested th.at a.directive be issued to the
A;NO.' Staff, not to schedule more than t�Co.hear<.l:ngs;. for. any
future board meetings.'•
There being no further-bustness--to be conducted,
President Fran Letntnger adjourned the meettng;
Meeting adjourned. at 1 :15; a:m.
Ike the undersigned, members ,af the Kalispell City -County Planning Board,
do hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board
be held Tuesday, April 27, 1976, at 8 p;m. in the-P.-P.' t L. Service Center.
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