02-24-762- 24-.76 C- Minutes approved. Buffalo Hill Town- houses Hollo Addition Zoning Regulations A meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board was held on Tuesday,.Februar.Y 24, 1976,'.at Vp,m. at the P P & L Service Center. Members present: Dorothy Garvin Dale Haarr Charles Hash Harvey . Knebe 1 Fran Leininger Garmen Meadows Lois Randall James J. Thompson Dale Williams Others present: 4 members of. Kalispell City Council 3 members Kalispell Board of Adjustment 2 representatives of the News Media 4 citizens 1 APO Staff representative The meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board was called to.order by President -Fran Leini.nger at 8:05 p.m. Dale Williams moved that the minutes of -February 10, 1976 be approved as mailed; seconded by Dorothy Garvin: motion carried. Dale Williams reported that Buffalo Hill Townhouses and the Hollo Addition would be before the Council next meeting for annexation. Dale Williams suggested that Steve Petrini review for the council and Board of Adjustment members present, the important chapters of the zoning regulations. Steve then explained briefly Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6 of the proposed zoning regulations. The following Sections received comment by either councilmen or Board of Adjustment members: 1. Section 4.05 A3 - should be entitled Subdivision Sale Signs. 2. Section 5.10 - Additional wording should be added to indicate that a variance could be requested to restore a building damaged beyond 50%. 3. Section 6.05 - The term of office for members appointed to the City Board of Adjustment is 3 years not 2. 4. Section 6.11C - feeling that Board of Adjustment should be allowed to grant land use variances. 5. Section 6.14B. 5. a-g - feeling that no maximum densities shouT,d be placed when changing to P;U.D; from another zone. 'Fran.Leininger thanked the Councilmen and Board of Adjustment for attending the meeting and stated the Planning Board hopes that further council review of the regulations will continue and that hopefully the `City would adopt them soon. There being no further business James J. Thompson moved the meeting adjourn; seconded by Lois'Randall: motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 16:15 p;m. We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board, do hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be held Tuesday, February 24, 1976, at 8 p.m.. in the P P & L Service Center.