The regular meeting,.of the .Kali.spell Zity-County Planning Board met.
Tuesday;. October; 141975, in the..P P & L Service, Center.
Members present:,. Others present:
Dorothy Garvin 2 APO Staff Members
e Dale Haarr, 4 Guests
Fran Leininger
Garmen Meadows•.
Lois Randall ,
James Thompson
Dale Williams
The .,meeting was called to order by -Vice President Fran Leininger at
8:03. P.m -
Minutes approved.
A motion by Dale Williams,' Seconded by Lois Randall, approved the
minutes.of 8-12775. Motion carried.
New members
The Board acknowledged the three new appointments to the Board:
Dorothy. Garvin,; Dale Haarr and..Garmen Meadows..
Reviewed S-J annexa-
The Board revJewed ;a request from Stewa rt,and Janes to annex a
tion. Advised that
tract of .ground located west of Gibson Addition north of
uses proposed do not
Highway 2 West. Jim Mohn presented.the.staff report. The Board
comply with Comp.,
reviewed the report and listened to general comments from the
,Plan and recommended
owners and surveyor. After discussion by members of the Board,
%-J be annexed and
Dale Williams,moved that.the Kalispell City -County Planning Board:
-' !oned No. 4 subject
to conditions.
A. advise the City Council that the proposed uses contemplated
..In the -:annexation proposal do not comply with the adopted
Kalispell Comprehensive Plan; and
B. , ,recommend to the. Kal ispel1, City Counci 1 that - the tract of
ground known as.Tract.7.A, SW', SE4, Section 12, T28N, R22W,
PMM and ,located,adjacent`to.the.west,city limits be annexed
to the C i,t.y .of Kal is pe.l l .and zoned No. 4 Main Business
District subject to the following -conditions:,
1, that ,a tempora ry cu l.-de-s.ac . be provided at the extreme
-north end o,f,.the pr.opos:ed. street; .
2, that„t;he proposed roadway,_and temporary cul-de-sac be
improved to oi,.ty:;speeificat'ions,and standards; cost to
be borne by the deveLoper.s;-_.
3:. .that, a l,l wa.te.r, and sewer lines: extended to serve the
development be insta led to: city specifications and
standards., cost .to: be,bo.rne' by the developers;
4. that the approach of the•peoposed:roadway with Highway 2
West be reviewed by the Kalispell.Ongoing Traffic Committee,
1 1 1
referral.has already been made to said committee, and their
recommendations, if any, should be considered by your body
prior ,to annexation; and
Status of proposed
s i gn requi rements
for zoning regs.
Status of proposed
amendments to sub-
division regs
Board to continue
meeting on Tuesday
Fran Leininger
elected President.
Dale Haarr elected
Vice President.
5.. that a landscaping'buffer be planted and maintained along
the west ;property. line of said Tract 7A to effectively p
screen proposed commercial and/or warehouse uses in the
proposed developmen't from view of existing and future
residential development to the west.
Seconded by Lois Randall; motion carried.
The Board discussed the comprehensive plan with .respect to commercial
expansion on Highway 2 West. I It was requested by Lois Randall that
the minutes reflect discussion of stopping commercial expansion with
the lands involved in the S-J annexation.
Alternate sign requirements to those contained in the Proposed
Comprehensive Zoning Regulations were distributed for review.
Steve Petrini described the differences between the proposed
requirements by the two -'si'gn. comp anies and the proposed requirements
contained in the Zoning Regulations. The Board instructed Steve to
contact the Kalispell Central Business Association; retail groups of
the Chamber of Commerce and citizen organizations interested to
review thetwo sign proposals and report the results to -the Board.
Proposed Amendments to the Flathead County Subdivision 'Regulations
dated 9-23-75 were distributed The differences from the original
amendments distributed previously were briefly explained. A
hearing on the proposed amendments is scheduled for October 16.
The Board discussed suitable nights for regular meeting dates and j
reasons for meeting on the present night. Lois Randall moved that
the Kalispell City -County,. Planning Board continue to,meet on
Tuesday nights. Seconded by Dale Haarr; motion carried.
Vice President Fran Leininger declared that nominations for President
were in order. Lois Randall -placed in nomination for President the
name„of Fran Leininger to fill the unexpiredterm. James Thompson .
moved, that nominations for,the.office of President be closed and a
,unanimous ballot be cast for,Fran Leininger.' Seconded by Dale Haarr;
motion carried.
President Fran-Leininger declared that, nominations for Vice President
were in order. , James Thompson placed in nomination for Vice President
the name of Dale Haarr to fill the unexpired term. Dale Williams moved
that nominations .for the office of Vice President be closed and a
unanimous ballot be cast for Dale Haarr.. Seconded by Lois Randall;
motion carried.
It was the consensus of the Board that the .fi'rst meeting in November
be held specifically for general orientation and that a second meeting
be held if further busines..s needed to be conducted.
Adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County
Planning Board, do hereby waive notice of meeting and
consent that a meeting of the Board be held Tuesday,
October 14, 1975, at 8 p.m. in the P P & L Service Center.
k�16 V/jwA_