Minutes approved.
Ed Bull resigned.
Recommend preliminary
approval to prelimi-
nary plat of Highland
Park Professional Sub,
subject to conditions,
Howard Hammer
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board
met Tuesday, August 12, 1975, in the P P & L Service Center.
Members present:
Keith Allred
Howard Hammer
Harvey Knebel
Fran Leininger
Dale Williams
Others present:
1 APO Staff Member
5 Guests
The meeting was called to order by President Hammer at 8 p.m.
A motion by Dale Williams, Seconded by Keith Allred, approved the
minutes of June 24, 1975. Motion carried.
The Board received the resignation of Edward Bull from the Kalispell
City -County Planning Board.
A public hearing was held on the preliminary plat of Highland Park
Professional Subdivision. Jim Mohn presented the staff report.
After general public comment was received and discussion by members
of the Board, Keith Allred moved that the Kalispell City -County,
Planning Board recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the
preliminary plat of Highland Park Professional Subdivision be
given preliminary approval subject to the following conditions:
1. All water and sewage systems be approved by the State
Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, City
Sanitarian,and City Engineer; and
2. That the City Council grant a zone change from No. 1
Residence district to a No. 5 Business -Residence district.
Seconded by Dale Williams;, motion carried.
Howard Hammer informed the members of his resignation. from the
Kalispell City -County Planning Board effective August 15, 1975.
The Board directed the staff to draft the following letters:
- Letter to the County Commissioners informing them of the
2 existing vacancies on the Board.
- Letter to the City Council informing them of the existing
vacancy on the Board.
- Letter to the Annexation Committee of the City Council
requesting written statements of action taken by the Council
on proposals submitted to them from the Planning Board.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County
Planning Board, do hereby waive notice of meeting and
consent that a meeting of the Board be held on Tuesday,
August 12, 1975, at 8 p.m. in the P P & L Service Center.