Minutes approved.
Communication regard-
ing Slama Addition.
Continue discussion
next meeting.
Communication regard-
ing Meadowland Unit 2.
Continue discussion
next meeting.
Report of May 28
Zoning Regulation
Public Hearing.
Fiscal 76 Budget
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board
met Tuesday, June 10, 1975, in the P P & L Service Center.
Members present:
Edward Bull
Howard Hammer
Charles Hash
Harvey Knebel
Fran Leihinger
Dale Williams
Others present:
1 APO Staff Member
3 Guests
The meeting was called to order by President Hammer at 8:40 p.m.
A motion by Fran Leininger, Seconded by Harvey Knebel, approved
the minutes of May 27, 1975, as mailed.
The Board received a communication from the Kalispell Annexation
Committee referring the Slama Addition annexation back to the
Board for further study due to traffic problems in the area. Two
-alternate plans were enclosed. It was the consensus of Board
members present that the staff further investigate the situation
and that the discussion be continued at the next meeting of the
Board, June 24th.
A communication was received from the Kalispell Annexation
Committee regarding Meadowland Unit No. 2 annexation. The
Committee recommended that the request to annex Meadowland
Unit No. 2 be deleted and stated that if a future request is
made by the property owner, he must conform to all City of
Kalispell annexation regulations concerning city services.
Commissioner DeLong, Dean Marquardt and Darwin Hamilton
participated in the discussion. It was the consensus of
Board members present that. Meadowland Subdivision be further
discussed at the 24th meeting since the Council and Commissioners
expressed disagreement to the Board's recommendation.
Fran Leininger and Howard Hammer attended the public hearing
on Zoning Regulations for the Kalispell Jurisdictional Area
held May 28, 1975. Howard Hammer reported on said hearing.
Commissioner DeLong stated that he felt more members of the
Planning Board should be present at further meetings involving
the Board.
The proposed budget for fiscal year 76 was discussed. Dale
Williams moved that the Kalispell City -County Planning Board
adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year 1976 as presented.
Seconded by Edward Bull; motion carried. A copy of the budget
is attached.
It was suggested that a roster of Board members be forwarded to
the Montana Association of Planning Boards for their mailing list.
Discussion of bridge
across Stillwater
River will be cont.
next meeting.
Howard Hammer reported that.the City and County have undertaken
a project to install a bridge across the Stillwater River 'to \m,
connect the Lawrence Park Road with Whitefish Stage. The Board
was disturbed since they had not been consulted regarding the
project and that the general public also was not made aware of
the project. The Commissioners will.be invited to the next
meeting to discuss the status of said project.
Jim Mohn informed the Board of the Northwest River Basin Study
Commission meeting Thursday, 9 a.m. at the Outlaw Inn.
Adjourned at 10 p.m.
.. ...... ... ..............
We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County
Planning Board, do hereby waive notice of meeting and
consent that a meeting of the Board be held Tuesday,
June 1-, 1975, at 8 p.m.j.n the P P & L Service Center.
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