November 24, 1981
Members Present:
Ann Smith, Chairman
Norma Corbitt
Bob LeDuc
Ron Nance
Kathleen Jukich
Jack Heller
Ed Trippett
Others Present:
Jim Mohn, Senior Planner
Minutes Approved Meeting. was called to order in the Kalispell City
Hall at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Smith. Minutes of
the last meeting were approved as mailed.
Idaho Forest The -Board considered an application by Idaho Forest
Industries Annexation Industries, Inc., for annexation into the City of
Kalispell of 27.536 acres located Southwest of U.S.
Highway 93 and Four Mile Drive. The proposed land
use is 9.864 acres for General Business and 17.672
acres for Residential development.
F.R.D.O. Recom- Mohn explained this was a two-part request consisting
mendation to Deny of annexation and zoning (10 acres for B-3 Commercial
as Submitted and 18 acres for R-5). The Comprehensive Plan desig-
nates the area as "High Density Urban" and the R-5
zoning is compatible; however, the B-3 zoning is
not compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. F.R.D.O.
recommendation states that as submitted, the annexa-
tion application calls for Residential and Commercial
Use. Since the Commercial is not compatible with
the Kalispell Comprehensive Plan, a Plan amendment
will have to be considered; therefore, the recommenda-
tion is for denial, as submitted.
Idaho Comments Jim English of the Idaho Forest Industries, stated
Verma had indicated to him that this group was going
through the Comprehensive Plan to consider needed
changes. English stated this area was conducive
to this type of business. He presented drawings
of the "Atlas Building Center" and stated the business
would need several acres to run.the complex. The
structure would have a low profile and residents
to the South would look over the top; residents to
the East would not see the structure. He stated
they would return to the board with a request so
the Board could make a proper motion.
Request for Smith explained the processes of Plan Change, Annexa-
Plan Amendment tion, and Zoning. English requested the Board to
Amend the Comprehensive Plan.
Jack Beebe, Idaho Forest Products, relayed his feed-
back from neighbors which was neither a definite
"No" or "Yes" opinion on their proposals.
Public Comment Gary Cochrow, 107 North Haven Drive, stated his con-
cerns with the narrow road and bad intersection at
Four Mile Drive and #93. English stated Four Mile
Drive may need expansion at their cost. Smith stated
a condition to annexation could be a turnout lane
on #93. English stated they had anticipated that.
Trippett asked if #93 improvements were up to the
State Highway Dept. Smith it was not necessarily
up to the State. Trippett asked, if it was a State
right-of-way, why annexation? Smith noted the purpose
was for City water and sewer. English stated the
County did not seem to have zones. Smith noted the
County does have a vehicle for zoning.
Hank Sleuter, 110 North Haven Drive, requested consid-
eration of access to North Haven subdivision before
commercial development was allowed. #93 intersection
was very hazardous, and additional accesses should
be considered, perhaps improvements to Cherry Lane.
Smith noted Cherry Lane was on a time frame, and
explained that it could be paved with a thru street
if North Haven Heights were annexed to the City; but
it was on a specific time frame.
Tom Chris, 128 North Haven Heights, stated he was
against this development. He tried to get a small
road built and everyone passes the buck; who is re-
sponsible for costs of road improvements? Smith
replied that if North Haven annexes, it will be paid
through an S.I.D. Tom Chris stated he heard one
condition is that two accesses be provided in and
out of the development. Who pays? Smith stated
it was no advantage to put a thru street from the
County to the City and several talks had been held on
the subject.
Trippett inquired of Chris's opposition. Chris stated
they didn't need another thistle patch with vapor
lights. He urged developments to be more concentrated
and there wasn't a need for another subdivision.
Jukich stated there was no plan for subdivision now,
only a request for zoning for land use.
Chris stated he objected to both. Trippett asked
what he wanted the land used for. Chris replied,
Agriculture. He stated the present developments
should fill before more are planned, and the land
should be farmed until there is a need.
Board Comment Nance questioned elimination of proposed traffic
(� problems. English stated, on a busy day, perhaps
20 cars, at the most, would be in the parking lot,
depending on the market. LeDuc stated this business
would compare to "Zieglers" and would not create
that much traffic. Beebe stated the adjacent neigh-
bors were concerned with the intersection now, and
something will have to be done whether they build
there or not. Peters asked if access would be on the
Highway or Four Mile Drive. Beebe stated it would be
on Four File Drive. Corbitt questioned if the 17.7
acres would be developed. English replied the high
density zone would be a buffer to the building center
and residences behind. There were no immediate plans
for development and the dryland farming will continue
until the market returns.
Trippett asko,d English if they were in partnership
with Hagedone. English stated Hagedone does not
go into partners with anyone; however, he did build
some condominiums for them in Coeur d'Alene. English
stated local people, approximately 20 to 40, would
be hired for the building center.
Francis O'Boyle addressed the #93 intersection and
its history, including TAC committee studies. Nothing
/- was actually accomplished, and he suggested North
J Haven Heights petition for annexation and they may
get the street through. An environmental impact
statement and ingress and egress on #93 may be needed
to accomplish something.
Motion to Approve Trippett moved to recommend to the City Council to
Plan Change approve a Comprehensive Plan Change to B-3 in the
southwest corner of Four Mile Drive and U.S. Highway
#93 on the north edge of the city. Second by LeDuc.
Motion Carried
Mohn explained procedures for plan evaluation and
the F.R.D.O. Plan assessments with public hearings
and recommendations to the Council and Commissioners..
He stated they also have another request pending
and the two could perhaps be combined and heard in
January. Doug John asked what the F.R.D.O. report
was, for clarification. Mohn stated they had recom-
mended against the original request, because it was
against the Comprehensive Plan.
LeDuc, Nance, Jukich, Heller & Trippett voted "Aye.
Corbitt opposed. Motion carried.
Smith explained their recommendation at this time
was only on Plan Amendment. They were starting with
Step 1. English stated he had no objection, and
was hoping the interest rates would drop.
{---lAnnexation & Zoning LeDuc moved to table the original Idaho Forest Indus-
",. --"Tabled until January tries request for annexation and zoning for 60 days
in order to accommodate procedures. Second Nance.,
Motion carried.
By Laws Distributed
Rules of Procedure and General Governing Rules for
the Board were distributed for consideration at the
next meeting.
Letter of Resignation
Smith submitted a letter of resignation effective
January 2, 1981. Mohn read the letter to the Board.
Verma's Citizenship
Smith stated, for the record, as Chairman of the
Status Questioned
Planning Board, she had received a phone call from a
concerned citizen inquiring of the status of Verma's
citizenship. She stated she had called Mel Wollan to
check this out, but he had not returned her calls;
she further noted that the Board could not do any-
thing about it.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Submitted & Attested:
Linda Tippetts
Recording Secretary
J Approved:
November 25, 1981
Members Present:
Jack Heller, Chairman
Ron Nance
Norma Corbitt
Ann Smith
Meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Chairman
Heller. The fifth member has not yet been appointed.
Barnum Request The Board considered a petition by Irene Barnum and
others for zone change from R-4 (Residential to I-1
(Light Industrial) for the property bounded by Burl-
�> ington Northern R.R., Woodland Park, Center Street
and 4th Avenue East.
- 4-
F.R.D.O. Recommends Mohn stated the application had been previously sub -
Approval mitted in January and F.R.D.O. and the Zoning Commis-
sion had approved the request. The City Council, in
March, had recommended that the area requested
for change to I-1 be enlarged over that contained
in the January request.
Public Comment Doug Johns explained this request was a renewal of
the earlier proposal and the Council wanted to see
the entire tract zoned I-1. The land was impossible
to sell with the designation of R-4 zoning and I-1
would open it up to more uses.
Irene Barnum stated this should not be residential
because of its proximity to the tracks. Jim Sapping-
ton, representing Harriet Johnston, stated her prop-
erty was devaluated by the present zone and was re-
questing the change.
Heller read a petition with nine signatures requesting
the area to remain R-4.
Heller asked if there were any provisions for screen-
ing from warehouses. Barnum stated a 10' hedge was
already there. Johns stated the requested zoning
requires screening and that would be complied with.
Heller asked Mohn to locate residences of petitioners
on the map. Most were on the south side.
Brad Walterskirchen stated he was against the zone
change and also owned an adjacent lot. He enjoyed
the back yard and felt the traffic would be disturb-
ing. He did concede it was not conducive to resident-
ial development.
Sappington stated there was no possibility of con-
structing residences next to the railroad. Doug
Johns stated he had talked with Austin Miller at
length and he was not 100% in favor of I-1, but fav-
ored commercial. He had plans to sell his property.
He stated most of the area landowners dated back
to the mid-40's and came into the area when it was
zoned industrial.
Corbitt asked if this were the only available zoning.
Mohn stated, given the physical location and surround-
ing uses, this was the only appropriate zoning given
under the Plan.
After some discussion, it was decided that buffering
would be mandated as the land use changed.
i f
' Motion for Approval Smith moved to recommend to the City Council that
Carried they approve the Barnum, et al, zone change request
from R-4 to I-1 and that they expedite as soon as
possible. Second Nance. Unanimous.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00. Next meeting is sched-
uled for December 8, 1981, at 7:30 P.M.
Submitted & Attested:
L nda Tippetts
Recording Secretary
Chairman- )
I Me