October 13, 1981
Members Present:
Ann Smith, Chairman
Bob LeDuc
Ron Nance
Jack Peters
Kathleen Jukich
Norma Corbitt
Ed Trippett
Others Present:
Nakul S. Verma, Planning Director
Gary R. Hill, FRDO Planner
Steve Berg, Representing Harrington & Bibler Inc.
Minutes Approved Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the
Kalispell City Hall by Chairman Smith. Minutes
of the previous meeting were approved. Motion
made by Norma Corbitt and Seconded by Ron Nance.
�_�,.�Harrington & Bibler
Mr. Verma, explained that the request by Harrington
and Bibler is to grant a conservation easement to
the Flathead County on 60 acres of land, containing
lower Foy Lake, located 2 miles Southwest of
Kalispell. He stated that the application involves
that the applicant shall keep the property un-
developed and open for the next 15 years and in re-
turn will get a tax break as provided by Statutes.
Mr. Verma, stated that the conservation easements
are intended to encourage property owners to keep
their property "Open" if so designated in the
Comprehensive Plan. The copy of application to-
gether with his staff report were previously
mailed to the board members. Mr. Verma informed
the board the this is the first application for
conservation easement in Flathead County and the
subject property is designated as "Open Space"
in the Kalispell Area Comprehensive Plan. He
further stated that the application is referred
to the Planning Board by the Board of County
Commissioners in accordance to State Statutes.
Attorney Steve Berg, representing Harrington and
Bibler, responded to questions by board members
y� regarding the proposed filling of lower Foy's
Lake and its possible impacts.
Motion made by Ed Trippett and Seconded by
�. Bob LeDuc to recommend approval of the con-
servation easement request to the Board of
County Commissioners. Motion carried unanimously.
Zoning Change & Variance
Etc. Application Fees. Mr. verma informed the his office has developed
a new fee schedule to make our fees similar to
other cities and counties in Montana. He stated
that CAB has recommended to the governing bodies
in the County to adopt the new fees schedule
prior to January 1, 1981. He further stated
that the. adoption of new zoning fees would require
an amendment to the County Zoning Regulations
for the.planning jurisdiction area of Kalispell.
This would require a recommendation -by the Board
active as Kalispell City -County Zoning Commissioners.
Ann Smith, stated that 'the new fee schedules for
subdivisions is already adopted by the Kalispell
City Council and .the zoning fees shall be adopted
after a recommendation is received from the Kalispell
Zoning Commission. Norma Corbitt felt that the fee
for variance and conditional use permit should be
higher than what was proposed. She moved to
raise the fee for variance and conditional use
permit to $100.00.. Motion died because of lack
of a second. Jukich moved that the recommended
fee schedule be approved with variance fee in-
creased to $100.00. Motion seconded by Corbitt.
On roll call vote, Corbitt and Jukich voted in
favor and LeDuc, Nance, Peters and Trippett voted
against the motion. It was then moved by Peters
and seconded by LeDuc that fees as proposed by
CAB be accepted and recommended to the Board of
County Commissioners. Motion Carried unanimously.
Kalispell Comprehensive
Plan Update Mr. Verma, stated that the Kalispell Comprehensive
Plan update project as requested by the Board, is
currently in progress. The project is scheduled
for .completion in two year period. The first
year work program is conceived as of Six parts;
1. Updating of the Plan to include various
amendments to plan made since its adoption,
2. A critical evaluation of the plan to determine
which portions need to be revised,
3. Establish community goals and objectives to
� be accomplished through the plan,
4. An analytical study of the regional setting
of Kalispell to determine its locational
potentials and needs,
5. In clusion of the socio economic data of the
community (1980 census) and there upon make
population projections and,
6. Development of a community concept plan based on
its growth trends, stimulants, deterrents, needs
and potentials.
Mr. Verma, stated that Gary Hill, Senior Staff
Planner is assigned full time to the project. To
date, first two phases have been completed and the
work is in progress on other phases. There was
discussion on amendments made in the plan to date.
Ann Smith stated that the comprehensive Plan map
quality needs to be improved and street names
should be identified on the map. Smith also
stated that in updating the plan, particular
attention should be given in locating a regional
shopping mall.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55
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Tammie Harriman
Recording Secretary