09-15-81 Zoning CommissionKALISPELL CITY ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES September 15, 1981 Members Present: Jack Heller, Chairman Ron Nance Norma Corbitt Ann Smith Others Present: Jim Mohn, Senior Planner Northridge Heights Meeting was called to order in the Kalispell City Church of God Hall at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Heller. The Board Zone Change considered a request by the Northridge Heights Church Request of God for an amendment to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Kalispell for a change in zoning class- ification from R-1 to B-2 on property described as follows: The northernmost 21,246 square feet of Lot 3, Block 9, Northridge Heights Section 3, Addition No. 15; West of U.S. Highway #93 and North of Northridge Drive. F.R.D.O. Recom- Mohn stated the basis of the request was "the desire mends Denial to sell for an attractive business..... the requested site with highway frontage more favorable to a busi- ness than to a residence." Mohn stated the reasons for the F.R.D.O. recommendation of denial were: The Title Report and covenants reflected that uses were restricted to residential; and a letter from Norbert Donahue, City Attorney, advised that the requested zone, if granted, would result in "spot zoning". Mohn also noted that there may be a discrep- ancy in the legal description in the report and appli- cation, and if property was not properly described, the covenants stating "residential use" may not apply. Proponents Mr. Pomeroy stated the discrepancy in description on the title report and application were due to an error by the title company; and that the piece of land in question is partially covenanted, but does include provisions for professional offices. He submitted the title insurance report covering coven- ants and an accurate legal description. Heller read Paragraph "B" of the covenants. Smith reviewed lot numbers in the subject area including vacant lots and stated covenants say there "may" be offices. -1- Pomeroy explained present land use and noted that the F.R.D.O. said the area was primarily residential, 1 but there were not residences on the highway frontage. Their -Contract for Sale on the property was contingent upon the zone change and it would be used for real estate offices, which would attract minimal traffic and passing lanes were already on the highway. Opposing Comments A copy of correspondence to Ann Smith, signed by Sandra Kay Streit was entered into the minutes(see enclosed). Mr. H. Hafferman, 524 Parkway Drive, declared the meeting out of order as adjacent owners had not been formally notified. Mohn explained the procedure of review and recommendation; including this Board's recommendation to the City Council, and at the time of Council consideration, public notices would be mailed. Hafferman withdrew his point of order. Smith stated she had notified adjacent landowners because of the last zone, change — no input was re— ceived, and when before the Council, 30 people showed up with objections. She felt it unfair of this board to hear only proponents on zone changes, and not opposing comments. Shelley Eckland asked if the land were sold to the real estate office, could it be resold. Pomeroy stated covenants were placed on the contract, and _) would require church approval. Eckland asked if the property was restricted to that zone and Heller affirmed that restriction. Eugene Johnson asked for a definition of professional and commercial. Mohn explained zone restrictions and some of the permitted uses included offices for doctors, dentists, attorneys, real estate, engineering firms, architects, CPA's and architects. Mohn further explained either the zoning or the coven— ants apply, whichever is the most restrictive; how— ever; covenants were only as strong as the landowners. Sandra Streit listed three main objections to the proposed zone change (see letter) and stated it was an encroachment of commercial uses on residential areas. Pomeroy stated the Church has no plans to sell other lots, they were only selling the northern tip, and the rest of the property would remain with the church. The Streit's expressed concern with setting a precedent for further commercial properties and road accesses. Dave Walsh concurred with the Streit's and stated a precedent was hard to overturn. Gene Johnson was concerned with the 10' higher eleva— tion on the access with exhaust filtering down to residences. They purchased land in a residential area and expected it to remain residential. —2— Heller asked if there were covenants prohibiting _ access from Parkway Drive, would they change their views? Streit, Hafferman and Brochmeyer stated their opposition to a mixture of commercial and residential. Mrs. Jack Dodd agreed with comments on spot zoning. Motion for Denial Smith moved to deny the Church of God request for Carried a zone change from R-1 to B-2 for the following rea- sons: 1. The request would constitute spot zoning, the next B-2 zone is 1/4 mile down the road, and this is not contiguous to any other B-2 commercial zone. 2. This will, in this Commission's view, devaluate property. 3. Approval would contribute to undesirable strip commercial zones along the high- way. Motion seconded by Corbitt. Unanimous. Amend Permitted Under new business, Mohn requested the Commission Used in C-1 Zone to amend the list of permitted uses in a C-1 Zone to accommodate antique stores. Heller stated second hand stores fell into the same category. Smith read the existing General Commercial, C-1 uses. Heller requested a definition of antique store and cautioned against opening this up with no controls. Smith stated she did not like to address specifics when its an amendment. Corbitt stated she did not want allowances for "Junk" in residential areas. Smith questioned allowances for outdoor displays in C-1 zones. Smith read the definition of antique and second hand stores. Smith moved to recommend to the City Council that antique stores be allowed uses in C-1 zoning. There was further discussion of antique, second hand and trading post businesses, their allowances for outdoor displays and their compliance with surrounding uses. Decision Tabled Heller moved to table any decision until more facts are available. Second Corbitt. Motion carried. Minutes Approved Minutes of the July 14th meeting were approved. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Submitted & Attested: Linda Tippetts Recording Secretary Approved: Chairman �`