01-27-81 Zoning Commission.KALISPELL ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES January 27, 1981 Members Present: Jack Heller, Chairman Ann Smith Norma Corbitt Others Present; Jim Mohn, FRDO Planner Minutes Approved Meeting was called to order at 7s30 P.M. in the Kalispell City ?Tall. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Zone Change The Board considered an application by the Outlaw Inn Request by for a change in zoning classification from B-6 to B-3 Outlaw Inn on property located at the intersection of lst Ave. East and Old Highway #93. Buck Torstenson and Dan Johns, Attorney, gave a presentation on their studies. 01 The reason for the change was to facilitate the con- struction of a seven -story office building on the site, which B-6 does not accomodate. Johns requested his Findings of Fact and the FRDO Staff report be made a part of the record. The proposal is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Dan Johns' Bob Hafferman, Director of Public Works, has conducted Presentation a traffic count on Old Highway #93 with a relatively light use of one vehicle per minute. Johns stated the proposed building would enchance the area aesthetically with new construction and removal of an older building. They will request a heighth variance and there is no interference with airport regulations from the Kalis- pell City Airport. Johns further stated construction would improve land -use utilization and will tie in as an added expansion to the Outlaw Inn as announced previously in the Daily Inter Lake. Gene Doty of the Kalispell Fire Department stated no objections when considering fire regulations. Smith questioned the traffic problems, potentially partially abandoned street and traffic near the 7-11 triangle. Johns discussed �J projected plans with the Board with the aid of maps. He stated Tom Barnard is in full agreement with the proposal to facilitate a cleaner area near the triangle. There is also adequate off-street parking. Smith could see no problems with approval, but commented changed in a larger area to B-3 would improve zoning areas. Smith read a description of B-6 zoning and Johns found B-6 zoning to be quite restrictive. They noted a problem with Appendix B as it is a generalized zone and needs continued additional amendments. Motion for Smith moved to recommend to the city council that the Approval Passed area zoning be changed to B-3 from B-6 and recommended CD inclusion of Findings of Fact by Dan Johns and FRDO recommendations. Additional reasons listed are that the proposed change covers all 12 points for zone changes and it does not require a Comprehensive Plan Change. Second Corbitt. Unanimous. Torstenson stated the construction will be an improvement in the area. Johns stated the variance application would be contin- gent upon a zone change. Smith stated this Board will correspond with the city council, then the city clerk will request Verma to advertize a public hearing after the Clerk sets a date. After public hearing and two readings, the change could be passed 30 days from the second reading. Old Business Mohn stated Verma had sent a letter to the Burlington - Northern Railroad with the Board's consideration of merging CLNI and LM on Burlington -Northern properties - giving them 30 days to respond. Consideration Smith recommended they request the city to revise the of 5-member ordinance regarding zoning commission members. Board Board is now comprised of four city -appointed members. She felt a 5-member board would be more adequate. Heller suggested a 3-member Board. Corbitt suggested the Board have one member.at large for education purposes before appointment of a voting member. Heller saw -2- (�1 a. problem with a member at large wasting his time as he should be willing to attend Planning Board and Zoning Commission meetings. Heller moved to recom- ment to the city council to allow a 5-member zoning commission board, either by having a member at large by appointment of the Mayor or election by the Board. Second Corbitt. Unanimous. Smith reminded members to consider the upcoming Board election of officers. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15. Submitted & Attested: Linda Tippetts Recording Secretary Approved: '�) 'o '16'e d )14 C, �ha i rman