06-24-80 Planning BoardO Y.ALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES June 24, 1980 Members Present: Ann Smith, Chairman Kathleen Jukch, Frank Paliga Jack Heller, Dorothy Garvin Others Present: Jim Ybhn, Planner Ed Walsh, City Zoning Official Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M, in the Kalispell City Hall . Minutes of the previous meeting will be approved July 8th. Greenacres #4 A public hearing was held on Greenacres West Unit #4, Mbhn outlined locations which is West of Willow Glen, South of Kelly Road and consists of a subdivision of 10.67 acres into 62 lots. Density would be 5.8 units per acre. The Comprehen- sive Plan reconuends up -to two units per acre. P,bhn explained the overall density of Greenacres 1, 2 3 and 4 would be compatible to the Comprehensive Plan. ATS Rec(xmTendations ATS recomTended approval upon the following conditions: 1. Design should be adjusted on Lot 34 to resolve the 'excessive side slope problem. Consideration of Willow Glen Driveto allow for further expansions of right-of-way and buildings should be setback an additional ten feet. 2. Ad- equate provisions allowed for prevention of storm flooding on .Lots 22 and 23. 3. The proposed cul de sac be extended South 400 to 500 feet.to provide future access in that area of the subdivision. 4. Lot #1 be widened to 75 feet from 65 feet and Lots 2 through 9 be adjusted accordingly. 5. The location of utility easements be placed to meet requirements of the utility companies. Street design allows for sidewalks, but ATS felt standards for sidewalk requirements have not been set. Public Comment Vickie Gerkins and Ann Taylor of Greenacres were concerned with the following: 1. Lot sizes of Unit #4 were too small and inconsistent with -the adjacent subdivisions. 2. Hom size would be too small for young families. 3. Unit #4 would be using the existing Homeowner's Park without providing funds. No,park would be developed for Greenacres #4. 4. Sewer odors and specifications. 5. Present water problems in the basements of Unit V. Gerkins and Taylor questioned the cash in .lieu of park payment :apd felt a Park should take precedence over the county receiving funds. Developer's Counts Dean Marquardt, developer, stated the reason for the smaller and FHA Funding lot size was because there was a demand for FHA housing and larger sized lots would not net the financial requirements of FHA loans by the time structures were built on the lots. The total cost would then be too high for FHA funding if larger lots were sold. He stated there was a great demand and need for FHA housing and funds are now available. Covenants call for a minimum of 800 square feet for each home on one level. Nbhn stated t Sword of the County Parks Department would recommend cash in lieu of a park because the County has difficulty in maintaining their present park system. Cash payment would be $2600. Heller felt the present system, of cleternnriinq : the, value of . un developed lots for cash payment La lieu of parks should be changed. Developed lots in this area sell for $7,000 and an .8/acre Park area which includes seven lots con -pared with the established price of an undeveloped area is not equitable. Paliga questioned the possibility of compromising on the size of lots. Sewage & Water Jukich questioned the sewage disposal system as there was no Specifications detailed information available at this time. Will FHA approve the design concept? ;Marquardt explained the pressure sub- O surface disposal, system of septic tanks and pumips will have to be<,approved by the Department of Health and FHA accepts Health Department Standards.. Smith felt the water and sewer system should met City standards as it could eventually hook onto City systems. Marquardt stated the system is superior to most present systems and that sewage lines will be built to City specifications, but not the water lines, as they are allowed to use the present installed standards. Jeff Huston, 1326 2nd St. -West, questioned the distance of the disposal system from the slough. There is a distance of about 600 feet. Marquardt stated pumper trucks would be used for fire problems as their water system was not designed to use hydrants and pumper trucks were adequate. Taylor questioned notification of adjacent owners. Mohn stated certified letters are mailed only to directly adjacent owners and owners across the street. Legal notices have a statutory time requirement of 15 days notice. Gerkin questioned, if lots on Willow Glen were designed for consideration for the proposed truck route. Nbhn stated they were. Taylor presented letters from area residents as follows: Richard Lowrey, 1763 Stage Lane; Mr. &Firs. David J. Boone, 1787 Stage Lane; and Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Anderson, 1771 Stage Lane. Their objections were decreased adjacent property values, lack of a community park and density and lot size. 0 1� Garvin. quests oned Marquardt on meet;tng the conditions as stated by XT . Marquardt felt the only problem would be with installing the water system to meet Kalispell City specifications. Others conditions were acceptable. The present sewer system costs $1000 for each lot. If conditions mt City specifications, the lot cost would be too high. Present ceiling on FHA loans is $38,500. Developers are selling lots only, not building structures. Paliga questioned the feasibility of,donating the slough area for park develop- ment.. Marquardt doubted the land would be suitable for that type of use. Subdivision Approved Heller moved to approve the subdivision contingent upon the with Conditions previously stated ATS conditions (See Page 1), including paragraph`"'B"' Cattachedj. d'ukich felt emphasis should be placed on sewer and water specifications up to City Standards. Second Garvin. Unanimous, Old Business Smith questioned the need to make a Comprehensive Plan Change for the Nbridian Zoning District. Mohn explained that was not required at this time. .Heller moved the meting be adjourned at 9:00. Next meting is scheduled for duly 8th., S'ubm tted & Attested: Tanda Tippetts Recording Secretary Approved:. Chairman