April 22, 1980
Members Present:
Ann Smith, Chairman
Norma Corbitt, Jack Peters
Bob LeDuc, Jack Heller
Kathryn Jukich, Dorothy Garvin
Frank Paliga, Roger Graham
Others Present:
Jim Mohn, ATS Planner
Meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. in the
Kalispell City Hall. Minutes of the April 8th
meeting were amended on Page 3 as follows:
"Industrial Zone request from Orin Streich was
referred to the Planning Board via the County
Commissioners. Request was from Streich, not
the County Commissioners." Minutes were accepted -
as amended.
Rose Glen
Carl Baltrush requested annexation, zoning and
subdivision approval'on Rose Glen, a total of
Zoning and Sub-
3.75 acres South of the Adams Addition. Present
zoning is County RA-1 Gra the:west half of the
property and County B-3 on the East strip. Baltrush
requested a blanket RA-1 zone removing the County
zoning. Subdivision plans are for 15 lots from
7500 square feet to 8400 square feet anra RA-1
zoning which allows for four-plex structures.
ATS stated no objections as the property is sur-
rounded by the City and RA-1 zoning is compatible
with the Comprehensive Plan and adjacent area.
ATS approval is contingent upon the following con-
ditions: 1. Extension of City of Kalispell West
and South. 2. Construction of a cul de sac on
Glenwood and Rosewood improved to city specifica-
tions. 3. Ten -foot storm drainage on South bound-
aries of Lots 7 and 12. 4. Acceptance of cash in
lieu of parks in the sum of $750. 5. RA-1 zoning,
and, 6. Temporary cul de sac will be an easement
until Rosewood is extended South.
Public Comment Mrs. Nordem stated an extension of Rosewood
would run the road straight into her home.
Chairman Smith explained the street would be
curved and moved instead of her home.
Board Comment Dean Marquardt, surveyor and land planner for the
project, stated the project does conform to the
Comprehensive Plan, street alignment and lot size
is in accordance with subdivision procedures and the
drainage problem will be engineered in the plans
for the final plat. He further explained curvatures
in streets obtain better land use and enhance the
area's appearance. Corbitt questioned the Glen-
wood drainage and Marquardt stated it will drain
into the county drainage ditch. Heller was con-
cerned with the location and size of the nearest
park which is Hawthorne. Mohn stated the park
meets requirements for that area. Marquardt stated
most units would be efficiency one -bedroom apart-
ments with a projected impact of 15 students.
Hayes explained planned structures would be low -
profile with a daylight basement. Jukich questioned
the availability of funds to develop the subdivi-
sion. Hayes stated it would be privately owned
with government funding.
Annexation and Heller moved to approve annexation and RA-1 zoning.
Zoning Approved Second by Graham. Unanimous approval.
Corbitt moved to deny the Rose Glen subdivision.
Motion died for lack of a second.
Subdivision Paliga moved to approve the subdivision contingent
Approved upon the six previously listed ATS conditions.
LeDuc seconded the motion. Motion passed with
Corbitt dissenting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.
Next meeting is scheduled for April 13th.
Submitted & Attested,
Linda Tippetts,
Approved: Recording Secretary
Planning Board Chairman
Kalispell Zoning Commission meeting opened at
8:25. Members present: Jack Heller, Dorothy
Garvin, Roger Graham, Norma Corbitt, Ann Smith.
Ordinance B and Board discussed proposed amendments to the
Election of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance to be presented to
Officers the City Council for acceptance of Ordinance B.
Dorothy Garvin was elected president, Norma Corbitt
elected Vice -President and Jack Heller, Secretary -
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35.
Submitted and Attested:
Linda Tippetts