Mayer Johnson and City Council Members Tronstad Public Comment from Jeffrey MullerJeffrey Muller
Kalispell, Mt
Honorable Mayer Johnson and City Council Members,
Affordable Housing -You have heard overwhelming public comments from people all over
the Flathead Valley unanimously in favor of affordable housing. With the high cost of Land,
Materials, Labor and Interest rates as high as they are today the term affordable has turned
to obtainable. People of Kalispell and the County of Flathead are looking for solutions and
hoping that our city planners and council do everything they can to help supply this
housing. Housing that's affordable not obtainable. Nobody but the developer prospers with
the approval of this these Subdivisions, You, our city council will be sending a message to
the public that Developers interests overshadow the needs of the community is approved
as is.
You heard a comment from one resident that if they build more homes that people living in
what is considered an affordable home would sell them and move into a more desirable
home. Theory is this would open up those lower costing properties for others to purchase .
My question is why someone would opt to drop their low mortgage they have for one that is
considerably higher.
Martin Kay from the Sheriffs dept spoke on Kalispell's need for affordable housing for
safety, law enforcement and Fire Dept. personnel. His request to the Council was to do
what they can to create desirable housing options that fits within the budget of the public
employees that serve our community every day. Again, approving this subdivision there is
no guarantee from the Developer that any of those needs will be met.
The Developer for Tronstad Meadows/Whitetale subdivision is selling lots. Not Pre
constructed homes. Comments and testimony have been heard detailing how costs for
home buyers will increase. Lot buyers now have the burden of Rent/mortgage payments
while transitioning from their place of residence to their future home now in construction.
The Developer is putting a 380 + lot subdivision in and walking away with huge profits.
Doing the math with lot sales only at 100,000.00 dollars each brings a gross amount to 38
million. Realistically lots are expected to be around 130,000.00. The Developer purchased
the property for around 4 million. Approximately19 million for the infrastructure is what we
are being told and we think that is on the high side, leaves millions for the developer as
profit. Schools will be overcrowded, EMS, Fire and Police will not receive any funds from
the Developer, instead the burden will fall on the city taxpayers. Frank Garner keeps stating
the fact that 600.00 is what is being paid for the land as it is sitting. If the lots are
developed, no taxes will be levied on the developer until a house sits on a lot. The city
could be looking at 10 to 20 years before a substantial amount of taxes are collected. If the
Developer is so keen and positive on this development being transformable, why are they
not moving forward with building out the entire subdivision. Even, in phases would show
they were in with both feet. I've always believed strongly in risk vs reward.
You've heard comments on how this subdivision will supply jobs to the residents who
reside here. The belief and understanding is that when there is a boom in any town, there is
a draw that is created that brings in Labor from out of town to fill these positions. Adding to
one of the reasons the wages and rental costs go up among others. This influx also
contributes to the lack of housing. Local Businesses are forced to compete and now must
raise rates in order to keep their employees. Slowing down the growth rate will help
stabilize the economy.
HWY- 93 and Tronstad Rd. Traffic Light
According to Comments made from the Developer they, in the last week have been
diligently working with the Dept. of Transportation and Kalispell public works Dept. and
think they have come up with a plan to address all the Safety concerns at Tronstad Rd. and
Hwy 93. Once again, the developer has voiced no concern for opening this plan up for
public opinion. There are no formal drawings or studies confirming this plan is the best
solution to not only the safety concerns at this corner but is it the best option for the Hwy
93 corridor. This decision made in haste will alter the Flathead Valley forever.
You've heard comments from Teachers that are desperately seeking to buy homes in a
price range that one person working in the Family can afford. That there was 0 inventory in
the housing market. The dream of purchasing a home any time soon may not be an option,
but for those who have a nest egg put away buying a townhome or condo might be the
answer for them to get a head start. Research shows that in the Flathead Valley as of 5/22
the housing market consisted of 203 homes available under 500,000, From 501,000 to
750,00 there are 69 homes and from 751,000 to 1,000,000 there are 99 homes. There are
homes and options for 1 st time buyers our there in the same price range as what is going to
be offered. Not a lot of taker until interest rates drop.
Moving on to Water and the proposed Well.
There was testimony from a property owner of 30 yrs that stated that once the well on the
Konig property was installed and tested he began getting rocks and debris in his water. This
well is run for approx. 3 months a year. There has been no test performed to guarantee that
if drilling a separate well and using it at full capability which will be the intent that it does
not do damage to all the rest of the property owners wells in the vicinity. Special care
should be taken to avoid any deviation to these wells capacities. The developers failed to
perform their due diligence in regards to the well proposed at this development. Given that
the proposed property has been in the works for a year and no tests have been done on the
well brings even more questions. Your selling a proposal that has a golden egg attached to
it. If the egg is broken or damaged is this proposaljust as entertainable?