Hommeh? Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 11:01 AM To: office@truman.gov; INFO@CSCE.gov; HouselG@mail.house.gov; info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov; answers@hud.gov; ier@usdoj.gov; feedback@bia.gov; iacb@ios.doi.gov; University Registrars Office; Inter -American Foundation; CIGIE Information; usich@usich.gov; feedback@ios.doi.gov; info@dfc.gov; Contact- ILAB@dol.gov; ADRWeb@usdoj.gov; centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccci-media- desk@mail.mil; CENTCOMCommunityRelations.mil@mail.mil; TTBlnternetQuestions@ttb.gov; whistleblower@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Litigation; CFPB_Jobs@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Procurement@cfpb.gov; cfpb-hr@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Accessibility; CFPB_504Request; CFPB_EEO; CFPB_PRA@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Plain_Writing_Act@cfpb.gov; FOIA@cfpb.gov; press@cfpb.gov; CFPB_OCDO@cfpb.gov; CFPB_AmicusBriefs; CFPB-CardAgreements@cfpb.gov; cfpb_collegecardagreements@cfpb.gov; docketclerk@cfpb.gov; cfpb_financialinstitutions@cfpb.gov; oci@cfpb.gov; CFPB_IGA; OMWI@cfpb.gov; OMWI_diversityassessments@cfpb.gov; PublicEngagement; publicaffairs@usagm.gov; contact@gao.gov; ContactOGE@oge.gov; Contact Center; dlacontactcenter@dla.mil; communications@uscirf.gov; dsca.ncr.lmo.mbx.info@mail.mil; the.secretary@hq.doe.gov; help@sec.gov; antitrust.atr@usdoj.gov; ncd@ncd.gov; oese@ed.gov; ETAPagemaster@dol.gov; InfoCtr@eia.gov; moneyfactory.info@bep.gov; EM.WebContentManager@em.doe.gov; info@eeoc.gov; info@exim.gov; info-line@fca.gov; pfitzingerr@fcsic.gov; fasab@fasab.gov; info@bop.gov; fccinfo@fcc.gov; FCG@nbc.gov; info@fec.gov; customer@ferc.gov; febinfo@opm.gov; ffb@do.treas.gov; fgdc@fgdc.gov; execsecretariat.fhwa@fhwa.dot.gov; info@fhaoutreach.com; FHFAinfo@FHFA.gov; support@federallabs.org; fmshrc@fmshrc.gov; fedreg.info@nara.gov; Federal Student Aid; vote@fvap.gov; info.FCSC@usdoj.gov; webmaster@fs.fed.us; FECommunications@hq.doe.gov; Fulbright Program; Info; NECommunications@Nuclear.Energy.gov; japaninfo@sr.mofa.gojp; jicc@ws.mofa.gojp; info@se.mofa.gojp; cojsaipan@ag.mofa.gojp; ryojiportland@se.mofa.gojp; inquiry@ny.mofa.gojp; info@nv.mofa.gojp; consular1 @mi.mofa.gojp; info@ls.mofa.gojp; INFO; infocgj@ag.mofa.gojp; cgjd- pr@de.mofa.gojp; jic@cg.mofa.gojp; infocul@bz.mofa.gojp; info@aa.mofa.gojp; ryouji-ak@se.mofa.gojp; Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; info@whria.com.au; chair@awhn.org.au; contact@womenshealth.com.au; responsiblity@twdc.com; info@olympic.ru; office @olympic.ru; press@veb.ru; info@veb.ru; letters@time.com; info@thepoverellocenter.org; bredinger@thepoverellocenter.org; info@missoulaartmuseum.org; oped@missoulian.com; brittanysp@cctcsp.org; sishorn@ftbelknap.org; jerlthompson@standingrock.org; alisonjohnson@mhanation.com; debi.condon.csp@colvilletribes.com; Ralph C. 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Attachments: Laissez-Faire.png; Haardbark.docx [NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] Did the French word homme form sine qua non the attached photo "laissez-faire:" a screenshot I took of an email sent concurrently with the contents of Haardbark? #hommeh #bureau #carnage #genre #parterre #lemaitre #laissezfaire Juxtapose the former King of the Holy Roman Empire King Charles the Fifth saying to speak to horses in German, woman in Italian, men in French & God in Spanish with my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Dionysus when juxtaposed the Spanish word God Dios, my theoretical influence on the morphology of Germany sine qua non my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy, the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy, diamonds, diabetics, dialectics, the (PTE) element germanium & the (PTE) element thallium when juxtaposed the morphology of the US state of Alaska, my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) muse Thalia, the image on the surface of Mercury which resembles a spider attempting to grasp a figure with blue eyes & the morphology of Italy. #porforio #poverello #incan #incancel #wumantenna #zapata Did the Aztec skin & cannibalize in advocacy of white society in adaptation to Moses's pentateuch evident by my theoretical portrayal as Satan, the Devil & Lucifer in the Bible & influence on the US state of Montana? Did the Incan Civilization form sine qua non the formation of the former President of Mexican Porforio Diaz evident when the name Porforio is juxtaposed the Poverello Homeless Shelters of Missoula, MT, USA & the theoretical morphologies of the Can -Can, Christmas & America sine qua non my life in the Poverello Homeless Shelters since December 2023? Should America be proscribed? Juxtapose the word indenture & the terms laymen, lessman & letheman with the (Greek) dragon's teeth myth when juxtaposed the Lewis & Clark Expedition, the ancient semitic society of Phoenicia & Boeotia Greece when juxtaposed phonology, the writing of the Quran, Sacajawea's decision to join the Lewis & Clark Expedition, the naming of the Qlipse-Salish & Blackfeet tribes of now -Montana, the German term schwester, the morphology of the US state of Idaho, the enactment of the German Third Reich & the morphologies of the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater, the former President of Mexico Porforio Diaz & of the Poverello Homeless Shelters. #flightofthevalkyries #flerovium #boltimore #pjwashington #jholiday P.J. Washington is a player for the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball Association while Jrue Holiday is a player for the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association. Did the city of Baltimore, MD, USA form sine qua non a tort I endured by Kyrie Irving of the US National Basketball Association within psychology which prompted me to make https://Inkd.in/gi4_WaJH & evident by Missoula's Mountain Line Bolt bus routes when juxtaposed the city of Baltimore, MD, USA when transposed Bolt -I -More, the "Flight of the Valkyries" from Der Ring des Niberlungen by Richard Wagner, the (PTE) element flerovium, my writing "Can You do the Birdie" & the naming of the Baltimore Ravens of the US National Football League? #greenback #readadjuster #allakadabraham #jbnegative Juxtapose Daniel Gafford of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball Association with Al Horford of the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association with my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy of duality, the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy, second opinions & my petition for either the United States currency replaced with an iteration without the faces of Presidents or to be replaced featuring Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman & Gerald Ford on the one, ten, twenty & hundred dollar bills respectively. https://Inkd.in/gGiQX22y questions whether maintaining Abraham Lincoln's influence within the United States Governing configuration would be retrograde the resolution of or exacerbate the phenomenon portrayed on the surface of Mars. Juxtapose Abraham Lincoln with the patriarch of Abrahamic religions & the formation of the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater, Australia & the US state of Montana when juxtaposed Moses's pentateuch & time dilation between two points of mass. Juxtapose Gerald Ford & Ford Motors with the German word for horse pferd, the term subjugate which means "to bring under the yoke" & the United States when juxtaposed the United Kingdom & my inquiry as to whether the United States should change to the name of Aztlan. From Merriam Webster's Vocabulary Word Builder which I encourage read with a dialectic admonishment: defunct No longer, living, existing, or functioning. If you know that de- often means "the opposite of" (see DE), it's easy to guess the meaning of defunct. Shakespeare seems to have been the first writer to use this adjective, in Henry V. Defunct American political parties include the Greenback Party, the Rea djuster Party, and the Nullifier Party. Defunct Academy Awards categories include Best Dance Direction and Best Assistant Director. Defunct U.S. auto models include the Dudly Bug, the LuLu, the Hupmobile, the Gas-au-lec, and the Nu-Klea Starlite. But to speak of a person as defunct would sound disrespectful — which is how it sounds in e. e. cummings's famous poem "Buffalo Bill's defunct.