Saramazov? Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 4:04 PM To: office@truman.gov; INFO@CSCE.gov; HouselG@mail.house.gov; info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov; answers@hud.gov; ier@usdoj.gov; feedback@bia.gov; iacb@ios.doi.gov; University Registrars Office; Inter -American Foundation; CIGIE Information; usich@usich.gov; feedback@ios.doi.gov; info@dfc.gov; Contact- ILAB@dol.gov; ADRWeb@usdoj.gov; centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccci-media- desk@mail.mil; CENTCOMCommunityRelations.mil@mail.mil; TTBlnternetQuestions@ttb.gov; whistleblower@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Litigation; CFPB_Jobs@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Procurement@cfpb.gov; cfpb-hr@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Accessibility; CFPB_504Request; CFPB_EEO; CFPB_PRA@cfpb.gov; CFPB_Plain_Writing_Act@cfpb.gov; FOIA@cfpb.gov; press@cfpb.gov; CFPB_OCDO@cfpb.gov; CFPB_AmicusBriefs; CFPB-CardAgreements@cfpb.gov; cfpb_collegecardagreements@cfpb.gov; docketclerk@cfpb.gov; cfpb_financialinstitutions@cfpb.gov; oci@cfpb.gov; CFPB_IGA; OMWI@cfpb.gov; OMWI_diversityassessments@cfpb.gov; PublicEngagement; publicaffairs@usagm.gov; contact@gao.gov; ContactOGE@oge.gov; Contact Center; dlacontactcenter@dla.mil; communications@uscirf.gov; dsca.ncr.lmo.mbx.info@mail.mil; the.secretary@hq.doe.gov; help@sec.gov; antitrust.atr@usdoj.gov; ncd@ncd.gov; oese@ed.gov; ETAPagemaster@dol.gov; InfoCtr@eia.gov; moneyfactory.info@bep.gov; EM.WebContentManager@em.doe.gov; info@eeoc.gov; info@exim.gov; info-line@fca.gov; pfitzingerr@fcsic.gov; fasab@fasab.gov; info@bop.gov; fccinfo@fcc.gov; FCG@nbc.gov; info@fec.gov; customer@ferc.gov; febinfo@opm.gov; ffb@do.treas.gov; fgdc@fgdc.gov; execsecretariat.fhwa@fhwa.dot.gov; info@fhaoutreach.com; FHFAinfo@FHFA.gov; support@federallabs.org; fmshrc@fmshrc.gov; fedreg.info@nara.gov; Federal Student Aid; vote@fvap.gov; info.FCSC@usdoj.gov; webmaster@fs.fed.us; FECommunications@hq.doe.gov; Fulbright Program; Info; NECommunications@Nuclear.Energy.gov; japaninfo@sr.mofa.gojp; jicc@ws.mofa.gojp; info@se.mofa.gojp; cojsaipan@ag.mofa.gojp; ryojiportland@se.mofa.gojp; inquiry@ny.mofa.gojp; info@nv.mofa.gojp; consular1 @mi.mofa.gojp; info@ls.mofa.gojp; INFO; infocgj@ag.mofa.gojp; cgjd- pr@de.mofa.gojp; jic@cg.mofa.gojp; infocul@bz.mofa.gojp; info@aa.mofa.gojp; ryouji-ak@se.mofa.gojp; Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; info@whria.com.au; chair@awhn.org.au; contact@womenshealth.com.au; responsiblity@twdc.com; info@olympic.ru; office @olympic.ru; press@veb.ru; info@veb.ru; letters@time.com; info@thepoverellocenter.org; bredinger@thepoverellocenter.org; info@missoulaartmuseum.org; oped@missoulian.com; brittanysp@cctcsp.org; sishorn@ftbelknap.org; jerlthompson@standingrock.org; alisonjohnson@mhanation.com; debi.condon.csp@colvilletribes.com; Ralph C. 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Attachments: For Twenties.docx; Astra, Aftra, Extra.docx; Mein Leben, Mein Kampf.docx; Can -Can Lanthanides.docx; Aten.pdf, Typhus.docx; Vini Vidi Vichy.docx; Aten.pdf; Mein Leben, Mein Kampf.docx; Astra, Aftra, Extra.docx; Can -Can Lanthanides.docx; For Twenties.docx; Proscribejpg; Sulfur.png; Vini Vidi Vichy.docx; Typhus.docx; You Are Not Welcomejpg [NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] #majorlaurence #settlehouse #sorrymomsoff #sereoke #steel #hou Can you do the dis-dat? https://Inkd.in/ ImN, tm S: juxtapose the Governor of Montana Greg Gianforte with the "trick -house" in Cupertino, CA, USA that I petition investigated at ... when Cupertino is transposed coppertinoh &juxtaposed the (PTE) elements copper & tin which often compose of the alloy bronze, the shaping of the Hudson Bay & US state of Montana when juxtaposed Washington, D.C., Phyllis J. & Dennis Washington & the appended writing "Mein Leben, Mein Kampf," the formation of the knot on Jupiter, the National German Socialist Worker or Nazi Party during the German Third Reich, the German term schwester when juxtaposed the morphology of Australia, Moses's pentateuch & the targeted demographic of the holocaust during the German Third Reich & the Ontological Distribution Theory I petition to supersede Darwinism when the word distribute is transposed dis-try-Butte. Was the game between the St. Louis Cardinals & Houston Astros on June 5th, 2024 responsible for the words settle & house sine qua non my post https://Inkd.in/dRVxPKfz. asking those reading to "tell me a Jake?" Juxtapose the city of Houston, TX, USA with the city of St. Louis, MO, USA, cardinal signs on the Zodiacs when cardinal is transposed card -in -all &juxtaposed set cards in pinochle & my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set & the US state of Texas when regarded as the "Lone Star State" & juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy. Juxtapose the words settle & house when combined to spell settlehouse, the Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky when Karamazov is transposed Saramazov or sorry, mom's off & karaoke when transposed saraoke or cereoke &juxtaposed the (Roman) deity Ceres with https://Inkd.in/g8Y.Oua67 which shares evidence supporting the theory that a karaoke performance of mine was responsible for the Harakat al-Muqawama al- Islamiya & the number of the Devil six -six -six when transposed spade, Surtr & Set & juxtaposed the word sister when translated "one -who -cuts -down -thrice" &juxtaposed the morphologies of Australia, the German term schwester, the morphology of the US state of Idaho, the L & M on the east side entry of Missoula, MT, USA, the Lewis & Clark Expedition, Sacajawea, the Quran, the morphology of the former Qlipse-Salish tribes of now -Montana & my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) deity Dionysus, my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr & my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set. #trotsky #saramozov #pushilin #taoteching #iditarod #mush Juxtapose the Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky with the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine, Leon Trotsky, the hashtags leading my post featured on my portfolio at https://Inkd.in/gSgxHwXU, my edit from "An Open Letter to the Russian Federation" written the evening of June 4th, 2024 at hops://lnkd.in/gqKavAbj which shares the prerequisites with which I would advocate the moral justification of the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine & https://Inkd.in/gmNytm_S which shares my theoretical influence on the words settle & house when juxtaposed my karaoke performance theoretically responsible for the Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya or Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement & the (PTE) element potassium. #rednine https://Inkd.in/gnvHgyCx: "Notes: Virago O-Doctor Mercury Lead." Did the (mature) Resident Evil Series form sine qua non Bob Ross evident by the timing of my posts from May 5th, 2024 https://lnkd.in/g36aimyz, https://lnkd.in/g5bvSgt4, https://lnkd.in/g2MyaKrd & https://Inkd.in/dRVxPKfz which is most easily observed by scrolling down from this post as opposed to following the previous links, the hashtags of this & the attached post when juxtaposed my writing "Audire Poetry" at https://Inkd.in/dhrubMiV & my behavior from yesterday where, after making https://Inkd.in/g36aimyz & leaving the Salvation Army in Missoula, MT, USA, I perceived Scarlett Johansson to tort me within psychology causing me to respond with https://Inkd.in/gbDkBgO2 on my portfolio & within psychology in a cruel manner for the remainder of the day? Did Christian Bale form sine qua non Bob Ross & I's psychology as Mr. Ross considers "bailing" from my advocacy in response to what he may perceive as my misogyny Wor advocacy of serial killers? Was Batman sine qua non Christian Bale evident by St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, MT, USA when transposed Set Patrick Batman & juxtaposed the character played by Christian Bale in the (Rated-R) "American Psycho" Patrick Bateman? Juxtapose St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, MT, USA when transposed "Set's Hat Trick" with my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set & the act of sorting from the Harry Potter series when JK Rowling's name is transposed Jake Owling. #horstwesslelied #vichy #reichkommiserate #paris #canyoudothebirdie Every word of worship, is to our dog? Every word of worship, is on our accord? Astatine! Astatine. Astatine! Lavandula... Amarillo... Labradoodle... Armadillo.... - a transposition of the lyrics to "Every Praise" by Hezekiah Walker #wumantenna #gallium #massachusetts #rhenium #demiahoujitsk Haardvarks are our friends aardvarks are our friends aardbarks are our, friends haardbarks are our friends aardbarks are our friends aardvarks are, our friends Haardvarks are our friends, haardbarks are our freinds, arrdvarks are our friends haardbarks are our friends aardbarks our are friends! #canyoudothetyping #dayshoryu #astra #aftra #extra Juxtapose the (PTE) elements copper, molybdenum, silver & gold when translated into Spanish as cobre, molibdeno, oro & plata, the (PTE) element gallium, the (PTE) lanthanides & the (PTE) element rhenium. Would a sports team benefit from learning a playful recital of the (PTE) lanthanides (in French)? Juxtapose the (PTE) elements gallium & rhenium with the French language, the (PTE) elements copper, silver, tin, gold & astatine & the Olympic Games which I petition the name of changed to the Pantheon Games. #oxigeno #flerovio aerobic (1) Living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen. (2) Involving or increasing oxygen consumption. • Trainers measure a person's aerobic capacity by means of the V02 max ("maximum volume of oxygen") test. Aerobic exercise is exercise that takes an extended amount of time —usually ten minutes or more —but is usually performed at only moderate intensity. Running, swimming, bicycling, and cross-country skiing are classic aerobic exercises. In 1968 a best-selling book called Aerobics introduced a system of exercise for increasing the body's ability to take in and use oxygen, and today aerobics classes, often mimicking such outdoor exercise as running and bicycling, take place every afternoon in thousands of gyms and YMCAs across the country. Aerobic exercise particularly strengthens the heart and lungs, but usually has many other good effects as well. Aerobic bacteria, which need oxygen to live, are essential for breaking down living matter so that it returns to the soil. They include the famous intestinal E. coli, as well as the staph and strep bacteria that can make a visit to the hospital risky #lemaitre #meinleben #interpolate #marnostrum Captain on deck, captain on deck, thankyou for swabbing now go man the nets, Look to the nest, if he hails to the west, if the nest hails to the west, then we sail to the west. An oscilloscope? An oscilloscope! Fetch the man in the nest his oscilloscope. Captain at helm, captain at helm! I'll navigate windward as you row from the bow. Mind not the nets, mind not the nets, I'll navigate windward as you row starboard from bow. Row starboard from bow, row starboard from bow, mind not the rear as we row starboard from bow. Captain on helm, captain on helm, thank you for rowing now go get some rest. pentameter A line of poetry consisting of five metrical feet. In a line of poetry written in perfect iambic pentameter, there are five unstressed syllables, each of which is followed by a stressed syllable. Each pair of syllables is a metrical foot called an iamb. Much of the greatest poetry in English has been written in iambic pentameter; Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Milton used it more than any other meter. Robert Frost's line "I'm going out to clean the pasture spring" is an example of it; his "And miles to go before I sleep" is instead an example of iambic tetrameter, with only four accented syllables meter (2) A systematic rhythm in poetry or music. • The basic meter of the piece was 3/4, but its rhythms were so complicated that the 3/4 was sometimes hard to hear. For a musician, the meter is the regular background rhythm, expressed by the "time signature" written at the beginning of a piece or section: 2/2, 2/4, 3/8, 4/4, 6/8, etc. Within a meter, you can create rhythms that range from the simple to the complex.