01-26-82 Zoning CommissionApproval of
Election of Chairman
and Vice Chairman
January 26, 1982
Members Present:
Jack Heller, Chairman
Ron Nance
Ed Trippet
Others Present:
Jim Mohn, FRDO Planner
President Heller called the Zoning Commission meeting
to order at 9:00 P.M. Minutes of the previous meeting
were approved as mailed.
Heller made a motion that the
of Chairman and Vice Chairman
next meeting. Nance seconded.
election for the offices
be tabled until the
Unanimous vote. Motion
Zoning Recommenda- The next item of business was the consideration of
tion for highway a zoning recommendation for highway rights -of -way
rights -of -way additions described as.800 feet of right-of-way located
between the Fairgrounds and Buttrey's Super Store,
east of Meridan Road, and 500 feet of right-of-way
known as Underpass Hill located west of the Burlington
Northern Railway overpass.
Heller asked why the zoning needed to be changed.
Mohn stated that when it is brought into the City
that some zoning classification has to be put on
it. He also said that the section of highway in front
of Buttrey's Super Store is contigious to B-3 zoning
on the south and west and public ownership on the
north. The planning staff recommended that the B-3
Commercial be designated. The existing highway right-
of-way inside the City Limits, in regards to Underpass
Hill, has already been zoned B-4 and the planning
staff is recommending that the B-4 zone be extended
out to the new limits described on the parcel that
is being annexed.
Nance made a motion that this be approved as presented.
Seconded by Trippet. Unanimous vote. Motion carried.
Hyslip Request John E. Hyslip requested an amendment to Section
4.02 of Appendix B, Kalispell Zoning Ordinance, to
amend the parking requirement for medical and dental
Mohn gave the background, making note of a letter
from the City Clerk referring the Hyslip letter
to the Zoning Commission for review. He said that
the evaluation that had been conducted was somewhat
superficial, in that they just examined other cities
parking formulas for medical and dental offices and
discussed this at length with the City Building In-
spector, Lloyd Shoemaker. It was indicated by Shoemaker,
as per Mohn, that in some areas, but not all, that
the existing parking ratio of one space per 150 gross
square foot of floor area has created some problems.
Particularly in light of the fact that some of the
new buildings are being utilized for hallways, stair-
ways, elevators, etc. In discussing this with the
Building Inspector, and reviewing some of the build-
ing plans that he had on file, it was found that
25% to 35% of the building floor area is used up
in these "non -usable spaces". Mohn said that they
are suggesting to the Commission that an increase
be recommended.
Trippet moved that this be tabled until the next
Board meeting so that the other Board members could
discuss it also. Seconded by Nance. Unanimous vote.
Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
LouAnn Conrad
Recording Secretary