02-23-82 Planning BoardPtinutes Approyed Public Hearing - Idaho Forest Industries 'Annexation and Zoning Request Idaho Forest Industries Back- ground: tor. Jim Eng4s4 KALISPELL.CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES February 23, 1982 Members Present: Kathleen Jukich, President Bob LeDuc Ron, Clarice Doug ,Morton Bd. Tr�ppet Others Present: Jim Mohn, Senior Planner, FRDO Approximately 32.gue.sts Fleeting Eaas called to order in, the Kalispell City vial at 7;30 P.+. \by President Jukich. It was moved, seconded and a'proyed that the minutes of the Jan- uary meeting be approved as mailed. President Jukich introduced the next item of busi- ness as being the consideration of amendment to Kalispell Comprehensive Plan to provide for business land use of approximately 10 acres Southwest of the Intersection of Highway 93 and Four Mile Drive,by the Idaho Forest Industries. The public hearing was formally opened and Jukich turned the floor over to Jim Mohn, Senior Planner from the Flathead Regional Development Office. Mohn outlined the basis for the evaluation, Compre- hensive Plan applicability, land use impacts, loca- tional potential, visual considerations, traffic impacts, utilities and services to the people pre- sent. He then read correspondence from. the Montana State Department of Highways which stated that the Inter- section� in question was rated as one of the worst, intersections in the State. Correspondence was also read from Mrs. Charles J. jginegard and Mrs. Vernon Harris with concerns being the traffic safety prob- lem and a business,_being in the middle of a, residential area. The floor was turned over to Mr. Jim English, re- presentative of the Idaho Forest Industries. He presented a drawing of the Atlas Building Center which -is located in Couer d!Alene, Idaho, and stated that the proposed building in Kalispell would be of the same architecture. English felt that the business would be an asset to the community. Proponents/Opponents President Jukich asked for comments from the pro- ponents. There were none. She then asked for comments from the opponents. Public Comment - Dr. Loren S. Vranish, a resident in the Four Mile Dr. Loren S. Vranish Drive area, asked the Board to look at the building centers and lumber centers already in the valley. He stated that there were already 14 building centers and felt that there was no immediate need for any more. Dr. Vranish also brought up the safety factor of the Intersection of Highway 93 and Four Mile Drive, that he had called the State of Montana Highway De- partment and that they had said that the Intersection was rated as one of the worst in the State. He asked the Planning Board to consider the fact that there were no funds available to fix up the turnoff. Vranish had taken a census of residents in the vicinity. A petition with 22 signatures was read to the Board and people present. This stated that the intersection in question was dangerous and that they would like the Highway.Department to do something about the intersection before any business came into that area. He also felt that the business does, not conform to the community desires. Public Comment Pam Harris, Four Mile Drive, said that the turn - Pam Harris off was hazerdous and that it was the only inlet into the subdivision. She had spoke with the High- way Department about installing lights or signs in the area, but that they had given her no posi- tive committment. She felt that by putting in another access would not alleviate the problem. Public Comment Fury Adkins, North Haven Drive, said that she had Mary Adkins been involved in two separate car accidents at the intersection and that this is a very dangerous spot in the winter and when dark. Public Comment Alicia Morton Alicia Morton agreed with Adkins. She also commented that she would like to see a four lane highway with a correct turnoff. ,727 Public Comment - Hank Slueter, North_Haven Heights, felt that a Hank Slueter lot of the residents would not be opposed if an adequate turnoff and good access was built. Public Comment - Dale Haarr, North Haven Heights, stated that the Dale Haan North entry to Kalispell was the only good entrance to the City and that by setting this. business in, it would ruin the sceneryr, not only for the people dri'wng into town, but for the residents in the vicinity.as well,. He also said that the President of Flathead Valley Community College would like the State section to the North. for a college campus. He felt that this would be a• real responsibility since it would in- crease the traffic floe to that section of town; Haarr felt that, there is a lot of commercial ground located in various sections of Kalispell that is run down and that could be used for k�usinesses such as I\tla,s Building Center. He urged the Planning Board to go .over the conside.rati,on F,�i_th extrenye care. �blic Comment Barbara Kress, North Haven HeightsQ said that she Barbara K-re,ss was not sure if the college was going to survivef and quest�p4p4 the driving capabilities of the people who had been involved ?n accidents at the intersection. She said that all sides should be looked at. Public Comment - Herb Koenig, Church Drive,, felt that if the business Herb. 1"niq was a,l7,owed to code 4,nto the area, that the turn- Off Koul,d be sipja, ar to .the one: located at the Mont villa Apartment site. He said that there was to much traffic now and that he would like to see a central- ized business area. Public Comment - Brent Hall, 647 Sylvan Court, said that he was against Brent Hall the industry coming in -and locating in the Four Mile Drive area because of the aesthetic value and the traffic problems. I-ie said that there is traffic problems already and that what worried him was the 18 wheeled trucks which would have to come into the business. Public Comment - HallFauerso, North Haven Heights, said that he had Hal Fauerso been a professional truck driver and that there was not room at the intersection for the semi -trucks to turn onto Four Mile Drive and that would cause a real problem. -3- Public Comment Gary Cockrell, North Haven, said that he was in Gary Cockrell opposition of the building center coming into,the area due to the traffic problems and the fact,'�that an area church requested a change, but were denied. Public Comment Tom Kress, North Haven Heights, felt that if the Tom Kress Atlas Building Center were to come into the area that it would drop the value of the property. Public Comment - Phyllis. Burks, New Haven Heights, suggested that Phyllis Burks each Board member drive the area where the turn- off is located to see what it is like. Public Comment - Dr. Jerry Wildgen, Grandview Drive, stated that the Dr. Jerry Wildgen intersection and turnoff was a tremendous hazard and that this was a beautiful entrance into the City and would be ruined by the proposed building. Jukich asked if there were any more comments from the opponents. There were none, She then turned the floor over to Jim English and Jay Billmayer, consulting engineer, for rebuttal. Rebuttal - Jay Billmayer, consulting engineer for the project, Jay Billmayer said that a lot of foresight had been put into the Jim English project, that the Atlas Building Center people were willing to come into the area, to be part of the City and co-operate in the development of Kalispell. He also stated that the proposed building is of good architecture and'would have a large paved area. Jim English said that Ialispell needs more business and that this would bring employment to the area and profit. He stated that most of the money would stay in the Kalispell area. English also stated that the building center in Couer d'Alene has the identical situation with the highway problem and that there have been no accidents. He said that the semi -trucks would be coming into the. business approximately two to three times a week, that the building has high aesthetic values and that the area is paved for eas-y-,, clean up. The public hearing was closed. Jukich asked for comments from the Board. Board Comments Doug 14orton asked English about the highway in front of the Couer d'Alene property. English said that there were more lanes and traffic at the Idaho busi- ness. LeDuc said that he was satisfied so far. Board Motion Trippet made a motion that the Kalispell Comprehensive Plan be amended to change the land use from High Density Urban to General Commercial for approximately 10 acres located Southwest of the Intersection of U.S. Highway #93 and Four Mile Drive and that the North/South road to the subject property be developed to link Summit Ridge Road with Four Mile Drive in order to reduce traffic impact on U.S. #93. Also to change B-3 and R-5 zoning classification be approved as requested, that a greenbelt of a minimum of 15 feet in width be provided as a "buffer" for the residential and business zones, access to the business zone shall only be from Four Mile Drive,)tie B-3 zone tract shall not be subdivided and shall be developed as a single business, that the proposed Atlas Building Center architecture be a similar to the pictures submitted by the applicant - any subsequent change from this design would require approval by the Planning Board and the utilities shall be developed in accordance to the standards of the City of Kalispell. These shall require approval by the Director of Public Works. Seconded by LeDuc. Recommendation President Jukich asked for a roll call vote. Morton Denial opposed, Trippet opposed, Jukich opposed. LeDuc for, Nance for. The request was denied three to two. Annexation Request - Mohn gave the background of the request as.sub- Idaho Forest Industries mitted. Morton made a motion that the Annexation Request be denied. Seconded Trippet. Unanimous vote. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, LouAnn Conrad Recording Secretary Approved: Chairman -5-