Dis? Try-Butte. Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:37 PM
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Subject: EXTERNAL Dis? Try -Butte.
Attachments: Mein Leben, Mein Kampf.docx; Trick Hoes.png; Nazionalejpg
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#mightlee #bootdis #aztlanta #wallaswallas #cootenAl #burrdie
Juxtapose the shape of the US state of Louisiana with the Confederacy established during the United
States Civil War, the Confederated Kootenai Salish Tribes of America or now -Montana & the L & M in
Missoula, MT, USA when transposed "Machiavelli -Lee" &juxtaposed the Washington -Lee University in
Lexington, VA, USA & Niccolo Machiavelli's quote "keep your friends close & your enemies closer" & the
Ontological Distribution Theory that I petition to supersede Darwinism when distribution is transposed
"dis-boot-ion" & when distribute is transposed "dis-try-butte." Did Buddhism form sine qua non my/the
Ontological Distribution Theory? Was the "Mexican -American War" of 1846-1848 fought in order to
portray the former Confederate General Robert E. Lee as an ally of the United States? Why was the
Washington -Lee University in Lexington named? Should the United States be proscribed on account of
George Washington's influence? Would the maintenance of Abraham Lincoln within a Governing
configuration exacerbate the phenomenon on the surface of Mars evident the naming of the Abrahamic
religions when juxtaposed theory that the "hand -you -rob -I" legal code formed in protest of the Bible's
ethnic discrimination?
#colonel #elcolon #ellion #elchapel #elsolon #solecism #soloi
From https://Inkd.in/gQ8SnxNq:
Does Atenism, or Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt's sovereign state, supersede the "hand -you -rob -I"
legal code evident by Solon of Ancient Greece's supersession of Draco when juxtaposed Pharaoh
Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt & Satan as portrayed in the Bible while the Hammurabi legal code has been
necessary to demand global adherence to a configuration which, unlike Biblical theocracy, does not
discriminate against black & brown skin people?
From Merriam Webster's Vocabulary Word Builder which I encourage read with a dialectic
solecism (1) A grammatical mistake in speaking or writing. (2) A blunder in etiquette or proper behavior.
In ancient Asia Minor (now Turkey), there was a city called Soloi where the inhabitants spoke Greek that
was full of grammatical errors. So errors in grammar, and later also small errors in formal social
behavior, came to be known (at least by intellectuals) as solecisms.
Draconian comes from the name of Draco, a leader of Athens in the 7th century B.C. who in 621 B.C.
produced its first legal code. The punishments he prescribed were extraordinarily harsh; almost anyone
who couldn't pay his debts became a slave, and even minor crimes were punishable by death. So severe
were these penalties that it was said that the code was written in blood.
#meinleben #meinkampf
At the mention of Butte I would like to express my protest of Dennis & Phyllis J. Washington, the owners
of the Montana Resources company who extract resources from the mine, who I don't care to learn of
benefitting from my efforts. Juxtapose the Ontological Distribution Theory I petition to supersede
Darwinism when distribute is transposed "dis-try-butte" with the morphology of Darwin, Australia, Phyllis
J. Washington when juxtaposed the Philistine Civilization that once existed where Gaza exists today
when transposed "fill -us -with -teens" &juxtaposed the words thesis, sister, Moses's pentateuch, the
morphology of Australia, Dein Bein Phu, Vietnam, my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological
figure Surtr & George Washington's iatrogenic death, the German word schwester when juxtaposed
Moses's pentateuch, the word sister, the morphology of Australia & the creation of the United States, the
former Qlipse-Salish tribes of now -Montana when juxtaposed my memory of an English translation of the
Quran's "muzzling of Jacob" & disallowance of hunting on foreign grounds, land west of the Louisiana
Purchase, the Lewis & Clark expedition, Merriweather Lewis's suicide & the L & M on the east side of
Missoula, MT, USA when juxtaposed the morphology of the US state of Idaho, the German Third Reich &
the (mature) video game series Baldur's Gate when juxtaposed the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy of
duality, the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy, second opinions & the former Prime Minister of Italy Benito
Mussolini of the (W. Zodiac) Leo ascendancy's theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythologicaIf igure
#meinleben #meinkampf
As I petition the wealth of Butte's mine split between myself & the women theoretically portrayed as the
Greek mythological Muses I would like to express my desire to file punitive lawsuits against a number of
the women theoretically portrayed as Muses who I've perceived & compiled evidence corroborating my
perception as uncooperative & subversive.
#hu #hafnium
As my life has theoretically been responsible for the mine of Butte, MT, USA & the German phrase mein
leben & as I've petitioned the mine of Butte, MT, USA appraised, purchased & split between myself, the
present owners, the woman theoretically portrayed as the (Greek) deity Mnemosyne & (Egyptian) deity
Niethe, the women theoretically portrayed as (Greek) muses & "the son of heaven" as adumbrated by the
Quran, is expecting me to share my wealth with women an act of gender inequality as the mine of Butte,
MT, USA has formed sine qua non my theoretical influence on or existence sine qua non the Australian
continent: a continent which has formed sine qua non gender evident by the shaping of Alaska? I don't
care for the influence in which my advocacy of the mine of Butte, MT, USA shared with the women
portrayed as the (Egyptian) deity Niethe & the (Greek) muse Calliope has had on my life as I've tried since
communicating with them via the email address given by the website of Butte's strip -club "Sagebrush
Sam's" where I encountered them to no avail while, if the matter were introduced to a courtroom, I would
share the evidence I've discovered of the women's theoretical portrayals as deities as evidence
corroborating my perspective the women have been engaged in my psychology: I've perceived the
woman theoretically portrayed as Mnemosyne in particular to have been distracting & often cruel &
disrespectful prompting me to threaten her with murder & no longer feel the desire to engage with her
As my theoretical portrayal as Allah in the Quran can be juxtaposed the (Greek) muse Urania &
transposed "Allah Urania" & theorized to have formed in relativity to the muses & as the woman
theoretically portrayed as Mnemosyne, "the mother of the Muses," theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian)
deity Niethe can be juxtaposed Butte, MT, USA & the (PTE) element hafnium & transposed "Butte, ha,
Neat, hey," the mine of Butte, MT, USA can be theorized to exist in relativity to the Quran, the muses & the
(PTE) element hafnium which has prompted me to theorize the Quran's "fifth to the son of heaven" was
written to both encourage my compunction in relation to the present owners if the mine were to be
appraised & purchased & theorize a fifth of the mine was meant to be split with the women theoretically
portrayed as Muses: a petition which I do not perceive being responded to patriotically as I live
theoretically responsible for the United States & the US state of Montana from the South American
perspective. Why does a river run through the city of Missoula, MT, USA?
#starbucks #mavericks #starwars
Juxtapose Starbucks Coffee with the (E. Zodiac) Ma sign, the US state of Montana, the Dallas Mavericks
of the US National Basketball Association, horses, spurs, the San Antonio Spurs of the US National
Basketball Association, the US state of Texas, Star Wars, the character Luke Skywalker from Star Wars
when juxtaposed my last name & Luka Doncic of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball
Association, the Catholic Church, the terms laymen, lessman & lethemen, the Mormon Church, the
morphology of Australia when juxtaposed the (Greek) Prince Cadmus/dragon's teeth myth, Boeotia
Greece when juxtaposed the Lewis & Clark Expedition, the German term schwester when juxtaposed the
morphology of Australia, the former Qlipse-Salish tribes of now -Montana, my memory of an English
translation of the Quran's disallowance of hunting on foreign grounds, Sacajawea's decision to join the
Lewis & Clark expedition, Merriweather Lewis's suicide, the L & M in Missoula, MT, USA, the shaping of
the US state of Idaho, the QLD region of Australia & the University of Montana. Should Starbucks & Star
Wars be investigated for premeditating & colluding the fulfillment of my pecuniary & intimate affairs
without my consent as I petition a government appropriation sine qua non the theoretical acculturation
or adumbration of the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" by the US dollar bill that I've organized & petition fulfilled?
#minnesota #odoctor #leosophical
From https://Inkd.in/gujjynKH which speaks on the 2023-2024 US National Basketball Association in
relation to the Donetsk People's Republic or (contested/former) city of Donetsk in the Donetsk Oblast of
the Donbas or Donbass region of Ukraine & the morphologies of the Walla -Walla tribe of America &
Juxtapose sugar, tachyons, theory that cancer forms sine qua non epistemology which if proscribed will
no longer be conducive to the formation of cancer, the Ontological Distribution Theory that I petition to
supersede Darwinism when juxtaposed the theory Darwinism superseded Lamarckism, Moses's
pentateuch & the morphologies of Australia & Alaska, the (Greek) dragon's teeth myth when juxtaposed
the morphology of Australia, the terms layman, lessmen & lethemen & the Mormon Church & mythology
of Satan when juxtaposed epistemology, carnivores & antagonists. Has Australia formed sine qua non
qua non the fear of being consumed engendered by whales from krill or is the relationship between
whales & krill expressive of the microbial interaction which engendered the shaping of Australia? Did
Australia form before gender formed or did Australia form sine qua non gender evident by the shape of
the US state of Alaska?
#mot #bateman
Should Daisy Ridley be investigated in relation to my affairs? Why, when juxtaposed my theoretical
influence on the character Patrick Bateman from the (rated-R) American Psycho sine qua non St.
Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, MT, USA & my theoretical portrayal as the (Canaanite) deity Mot, has
Daisy Ridley's spouse Tom Bateman formed in name? Juxtapose Daisy Ridley with the United Kingdom &
my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible.
Has the United States been decimated, expropriated & subjugated concurrently with the September
Eleventh two -thousand -one attacks on New York City evident by the Catholic Joe Biden's presence in
politics when juxtaposed the Vatican, the two -thousand -eight stock market crash, the presence of
foreign influences in the United States private enterprise & popular culture such as Eton Musk, Charlize
Theron, Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill & Daisy Ridley & the Donald Trump Administration's stock market pace?
Is the phrase "Trump never loses" both popular & not always veritable? Why did Barack Obama say
"Trump will never be President?"
#lemaitre #maythefourthbewithyou #mightnh #aprilfools
Did Earth form in name sine qua non the Darth characters from the fiction Star Wars which formed in
name sine qua non the Dartmouth University in the US state of New Hampshire of the United States?
Juxtapose the US state of New Hampshire with King Hammurabi of Ancient Babylon, the character from
Star Wars Darth Vader when transposed Earth Invader & the surface of the planet of Mars. Did the Star
Wars plot form sine qua non my life evident by my theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set when
juxtaposed the plot of Star Wars between Darth Vadar, Chancellor Palpatine & Luke Skywalker &
(Egyptian) mythology between Set, Apep & Apophis? Juxtapose the Sith from Star Wars with the
(Egyptian) deity Set. Did Dartmouth University & the Ivy League Colleges form sine qua non my life
evident by the (W. Zodiac) Taurus, Gemini & Cancer ascendancy when juxtaposed the fabricated word
hematodor, the word hematocrit & the word intravenous when juxtaposed the Ivy League Colleges when
transposed intravenous league?
#trickhose #untermenschen
Juxtapose the cities of Nagasaki & Hiroshima. Japan with the (W. Zodiac) Pisces ascendancy, Daito-Ryu
Aiki-Jujutsu & Aikido Japanese martial arts, the (W. Zodiac) Aries ascendancy, duality when transposed
"duel -reality" & the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer ascendancies. Why did the nation of Germany form in
name? Why did the former Dictator & Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler form in name? Why did the
word dolphin form? Why did Australia form in shape? Why did Alaska form in shape? Juxtapose the US
state of Alaska with the nation of Japan. https://Inkd.in/gzaZendX shares evidence supporting my theory
that the Japanese language, Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu & Aikido martial arts, Microsoft & the black widow
spider formed sine qua non my life.
#scarleft #johannson #hitter #moredirk #hannover
Did the word scarlet form sine qua non scarring from brain & cranial trauma on the left side of head?
Juxtapose Scarlett Johansson, Scarlett Johansson's last name when transposed "yourhand-son," the
former Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitter's last name when transposed "hit -her," my
theoretical portrayal as the (Babylonian) deity Marduk, the (Babylonian) deity Marduk when Marduk is
transposed More -dirk &juxtaposed the former basketball player Dirk Nowitzki's history in sport playing
against Lebron James or when Marduk is transposed Marduk &juxtaposed Nazi Germany's Gestapo
police force when Gestapo is transposed Gestabo, my theoretical influence on the morphology of
Germany evident by my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini constellation & Hannover,
Germany. Does Scarlett Johansson collude with Jill Biden or Lebron James? Has Scarlett Johansson,
Lebron James or Jill Biden colluded the fulfillment of my pecuniary or intimate affairs without my consent
& if so, am I a victim of criminal wrong -doing?
#aries #duality #typhus #germanium #covid #pisces #binary
Did the COVID form sine qua non my life evident by my testimony of having adumbrated the disease near
the death of Kobe Bryant & the Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs & San Francisco 49ers of the
US National Football League in the year two -thousand -nineteen, the morphology of the Caldera in
Yellowstone National Park when juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the US state of Montana, the
police & the emergency nine -one -one number, my theoretical influence on the (explicit) Who Shot Ya &
Hit'Em Up by Christopher Wallace & Tupac Shakur respectively, my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek)
deity Typhon & influence on the disease which killed Anne Frank typhus, the outcome of the two -
thousand -nineteen NBA season when juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the King James
Edition of the Bible & the "King James" nickname used by Lebron James, my theoretical influence on the
Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya or Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement when Hamas is juxtaposed
Montana when juxtaposed my brain trauma & metallic cranial filament or replacement & transposed M-
antenna & transposed "Hamassatcom" & then again (adult admonishments) "Have-ass-dot-com" & the
quote by Nostradamus when juxtaposed the mantelpiece above the fireplace in my family's former
restaurant & my family's former restaurant's theoretical influence on the (explicit) music artists Jay-Z,
Nas & Amy Winehouse "A plague shall fall across the land. After a feeble man &jezebel shall rule the
western world a fool ruler will damage & subjugate the populace. The Great Eagle shall suffer & fall."
#callhim #joust
Should Scarlett Johansson be investigated in relation to my affairs? Why has Scarlett Johansson's
spouse Colin Jost formed in name: her psychopath invasion of my psychology when juxtaposed my
theoretical influence on the formation of the Caldera in the Yellowstone National Park?
Has Scarlett Johansson been commissioned by the Biden Administration or the Vatican with the
Fisherman's Ring to arrange my investiture & matrimony? Should the United States Government be
investigated for religious entanglement with the Vatican? If investigated, could Pope Francis face war
crimes for the theoretical role of abetting Ukraine in warfare? Was the Russian military operation in
Ukraine colluded between the leadership of the United States, Russia & Ukraine in attempt to prevent the
impeachment of the Biden Administration sine qua non the Russian power of edict? Juxtapose the
former Presidents of the United States Ronald Reagan & George Bush with the word rush & the naming of
Russia, the former President of the United States George H.W. Bush, the Bill Clinton, Barack Obama,
Donald Trump & Joe Biden Presidential Administrations in the United States, the naming of the Bush
Center for Intelligence, the naming of the Reagan Center for International Development, the Kremlin in
Moscow, Russia, the United Kingdom, the nation of Ukraine & the Vatican. Juxtapose the Fisherman Ring
with Scarlett Johansson, the former German Dictator & Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Hanover, Germany & my
theoretical influence on the morphology of Germany.