Can You Dance Like I Can_Public Comment from Jake Burtosky[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.]
#kingjakes #haillucifer #dorefusetsk
As I perceive Mick Jagger treating me in an impertinent & disrespectful manner while profiting from my portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible, should the Rolling Stones be proscribed? I would
like to use this opportunity to express my desire to file a punitive lawsuit against the Rolling Stones as I theorize Mick Jagger has formed to attempt to exploit & profit from my status
as I suffer in poverty.
#nba #surtr #cane
Juxtapose the US National Basketball Association when abbreviated NBA with the word enabling, my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr, sugar cane, my brain
trauma & the story of Cain & Able from Moses's pentateuch.
#saurus #gemini #sauron #nibelung #nbaling #crowtzu #mordor
Juxtapose the fictional setting of Mordor in the Lord of the Rings with Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, the French word setourdir, the nation of El Salvador & the formation of the US National
Basketball Association. Juxtapose the Ring of Nibelung with the Lord of the Rings, the US National Basketball Association when abbreviated NBA, transposed NBAling & juxtaposed the story
of Cain & Abel in the Bible, epistemology, dialectics, the logo of the Boston Celtics of the US NBA & my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr, my theoretical
influence on the Crow tribe of America, my theoretical influence on the formation of crows & my theoretical portrayal as the (Babylonian) deity Marduk when juxtaposed the fictional
setting of Morder from the Lord of the Rings & murder, the "Flight of the Valkyries" from the Ring of Nibelung, Nordic mythology & Kyrie Irving of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National
Basketball Association.
#motmarvoloriddle #iamlordvoldemort
Juxtapose Lord Voldemort & the Death Eaters from the Harry Potter series with the L & M in Missoula, MT, USA when transposed Lord Voldemort or Major Lionel.
#boxton #ybox #lukeadonkick #wallawalla #daitoryu
Has my life been an influence on the morphology of the Arabic, Spanish & Italian languages & the writing of the Quran evident by my writings to the Japanese Daito Pharmaceutical Company
at <
dwqfOfc8kczOkP4%3D&reserved=0> & <
xpw2Oj5RsDcmOyKs8SLP1CzCQqaEuCnvtyczoVqAqBk%3D&reserved=0> ? Did Microsoft form sine qua non my writings to the Daito Pharmaceutical Company evident by the crest of the Takeda Clan,
which you can observe at <
ezbTS6zsoCSG2eTG4iaymD4lEWqQGDO1d70%3D&reserved=0> , when juxtaposed the Headmaster of Daitō-ryū Jujutsu Takeda Sokaku when Takeda is transposed Jakeda? <https://gcc02.safeli
shares theory that my life has been responsible for law sine qua non the construction of the Great Wall of China. <
IjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=VoCBSOk14uNxGX7urrc3KzLdFKQ9zyNKPbkEqfMYOTA%3D&reserved=0> questions whether the Great Wall of China
was superfluous.
Juxtapose Microsoft with metaphysics, logarithms, dialectics & teleology if metaphysics were measurements of microbial entropy as if at a state of uniform regularity, if logarithms were
the method, rate &/or pattern of the communication of desire by microbial formations to be observed & recorded, if dialectics are the process of deliberation prior to introducing an
agent into a formula which will produce a new entropy in avoidance of prompting the dia- prefix expressive of a desire for one to kill another & if teleology was either the leadership
or negotiation of leadership in relation to the formation of perception. Do microbial measurements motivate microbial observation's formations? Do distant observations introduce communication
or static electricity which influences perception?
#aries #vemini #cancer #pisces
Juxtapose the formation of Microsoft Windows & the black widow, brown widow or Latrodectus genus of spider when Microsoft Windows is juxtaposed black widows & transposed Black Windows.
#celltics #dialetics
I perceive myself disrespected by the (explicit) music artist Chris Brown within psychology & if my perception is veritable, I pray for vengeance. Juxtapose Chris Brown with the Boston
Celtics of the US National Basketball Association & the letters b & c.
#youandiverse #meinleben
Juxtapose my petition for an appropriation & my theoretical influence on the words universe & university & the curriculum taught in schools with the words grade & greed, video games,
affluence, serendipitous phenomenon of an intrinsic origin & polygamy.
#ucrowtis #cawsino
Juxtapose the logo of the Boston Celtics when Celtic is transposed Cell-tic & juxtaposed dialectics with my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr, my last name
when juxtaposed crows, murder & the Crow tribe of America, the word crow when transposed c-row or see-row & juxtaposed the word brown when transposed be-rowing & the word pharaoh &
the story of Cain & Abel from Moses's pentateuch.
#schutzstaffel #machiafemini #cancer #leo #libra #aquarius #adolphim
Juxtapose popularity with the quality of a media production which forms to be made available on the public domain.
Juxtapose Harry Houdini with Eminem, sugar, the glycemic index, binary code, H.H. Holmes or Herman Webster Mudgett, Heinrich Himmler, the phrase Heil Hitler, the Hamas & Hezbollah Organization
& the phrase "Happy Holidays." Did Harry Houdini die as Adolf Hitler & Heinrich Himmler were unable to escape the defeat of the German Third Reich & instead committed suicide? Juxtapose
Harry Houdini with the (E. Zodiac) Hu & Hou signs.
Did Eminem form sine qua non my life evident when the lyrics of "Without Me" are transposed "you want Burtosky this is what I'll give you, tonight's soup served with some ground pepper"
& juxtaposed my former occupation & theoretical influence on the US NFL Super Bowl or when the lyrics to "The Real Slim Shady" are transposed "I'm Mic Jagger, yeah I'm the real Jagger"
& juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the Rolling Stones & family's former restaurant Jagz? Juxtapose the morphology of pantyhose with my photo in front of "the shrine" at the Johnson
Street Poverello Shelter in Missoula, MT, USA at <
%7C%7C%7C&sdata=5aLsmWFP7J3UzfEyjhn%2BJEqGHrDkJE7rUBMGqK5FlrI%3D&reserved=0> or the appended photo "Trick Hose Celtics." I've theorize "the shrine" at the J-Street to have been responsible
for & the Ancient Arabic Order of the Noble & Mystic Shrine & the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association evident when Boston is transposed Boxton & juxtaposed my theoretical
influence on the US National Basketball Association as shared at <
JXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=H%2Bx21BYtiQ2zx4eq1%2FU1gLvRT71e1euIwLMGTm3peoQ%3D&reserved=0> & that I theorize to have formed sine qua non the "trick-house" that I petition investigated
which has theoretically been responsible for H. H. Holmes or Herman Webster Mudgett & the enactment of the German Third Reich.
Juxtapose Berkeley Pit in Butte, MT, USA & the Titan Krios microscope at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, CA, USA, my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) mythological
figure Typhon & the (explicit) "Rap Devil" by Machine Gun Kelly & "Killshot" by Eminem. Juxtapose Colson Baker who performs by the stage name Machine Gun Kelly with the Boston Celtics
of the US National Basketball Association. Juxtapose Colson Baker with Cleveland, OH, USA & my theoretical influence on the outcome of the two-thousand-sixteen NBA Finals. Juxtapose
the Boston Celtics when transposed Boxton Celtics & juxtaposed "the shrine" at the J-Street Poverello in Missoula with Luka Doncic of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball
Association when his name is transposed "Nuke-a-John-Kick" & juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the formation of the nuclear weapon & enactment of the German Third Reich.
h <
=0> & <
h9JuHglS4%2BfLuhh8%3D&reserved=0> questions whether Star Wars & the US National Basketball Association formed sine qua non Luka Doncic & I.
Juxtapose the (explicit) album Binge by Machine Gun Kelly with the word binge &
#boxtoncelltics #mhtyphon #jakemaul #set #ambivalence
Juxtapose the formation of boxing with the morphology of the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association when Boston is transposed Boxton & juxtaposed the "shrine" which
has formed in the Johnson Street Poverello Shelter in Missoula, MT, USA that you can observe & read more about at <
joiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=wGbL%2FYeV3lAPhN1eSj1nQQARNKCJhlMcGLvE0n%2BH7c0%3D&reserved=0> , my theoretical influence on the formation
of the Xbox evident by the surface of Mercury & my name when juxtaposed Bill Gates, the Walla-Walla tribe of America when juxtaposed the nation of Mexico, my theoretical influence on
the US state of Montana, the Spanish language & my theoretical portrayal as Allah in the Quran & the Xbox when transposed Ybox & juxtaposed the chromosomes, the above post within this
post indicated by hashtags which you can observe at <
7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=zvcSQ63R4JsCoEyZ5NAGzdZe4VQGY5v5fGfJw3NomHc%3D&reserved=0> & <
BTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=KJNGKgSsTUgWS%2BBGbw2YYAriqaH2D%2BJLYzm1BRbiBtI%3D&reserved=0> which questions whether Mercury portrays my stripping of Lebron James's
accolades sine qua non the formation of the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater. Juxtapose the (W. Zodiac) Taurus ascendancy when Taurus is transposed saurus, the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy
when juxtaposed the formation of Australia, Alaska & the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater, steroids when juxtaposed asteroids & the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy.
#gemini #cancer #humantenna #gou #ma #gou #massachusetts
Juxtapose the character Jesse Pinkman from the (TV-MA) Breaking Bad with my name Jake Burtosky,& Jeffrey (Lionel) Dahmer when p is juxtaposed b & d. Juxtapose the actor Bryan Cranston,
who acts in the (TV-MA) Breaking Bad, with the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association, my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy & the (W. Zodiac)
Cancer ascendancy. Juxtapose the (explicit) music artist Chris Brown with the Boston Celtics. Juxtapose the player for the Boston Celtics Jayson Tatum with the (PTE) element potassium,
potatoes, <
%2BHa6PYt2HMV4JakcBIA3s2RU%3D&reserved=0> which speaks on the theoretical morphology of potatoes sine qua non the murder of Sharon Tate & Charles Manson when Celtic is transposed Cell-tic
& juxtaposed dialectics.
#horstwessel #flightofthevalkyires
Did the (Nordic) mythological Valkyries form sine qua non Kyrie Irving of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball Association? Juxtapose the (E. Zodiac) Ma sign with the logo
of the Dallas Mavericks, the Horst-Wessle-Lied song used as an anthem during the German Third Reich & the song "Flight of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner. The "Ride of the Valkyries"
(German: Walkürenritt or Ritt der Walküren) refers to the beginning of act 3 of Die Walküre, the second of the four epic music dramas constituting Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Juxtapose "Der Ring des Nibelungen" with the Lord of the Rings & <
JXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=x9mr0tf9a4LtDcuKwN5R%2Bkaq2TU5BHKfeNaEzvgMpaQ%3D&reserved=0> which questions whether the Lord of the Rings formed sine qua non the "shrine" in the J-Street
Poverello Shelter theoretically responsible for boxing & the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association.
#celltics #dialetics
I perceive myself disrespected by the (explicit) music artist Chris Brown within psychology & if my perception is veritable, I pray for vengeance. Juxtapose Chris Brown with the Boston
Celtics of the US National Basketball Association & the letters b & c.
#nba #surtr #cane
Juxtapose the US National Basketball Association when abbreviated NBA with the word enabling, my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr, sugar cane, my brain
trauma & the story of Cain & Able from Moses's pentateuch.
#youandiverse #meinleben
Juxtapose my petition for an appropriation & my theoretical influence on the words universe & university & the curriculum taught in schools with the words grade & greed, video games,
affluence, serendipitous phenomenon of an intrinsic origin & polygamy.
#ucrowtis #cawsino
Juxtapose the logo of the Boston Celtics when Celtic is transposed Cell-tic & juxtaposed dialectics with my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr, my last name
when juxtaposed crows, murder & the Crow tribe of America, the word crow when transposed c-row or see-row & juxtaposed the word brown when transposed be-rowing & the word pharaoh &
the story of Cain & Abel from Moses's pentateuch.
#schutzstaffel #machiafemini #cancer #leo #libra #aquarius #adolphim
Juxtapose popularity with the quality of a media production which forms to be made available on the public domain.
Juxtapose Harry Houdini with Eminem, sugar, the glycemic index, binary code, H.H. Holmes or Herman Webster Mudgett, Heinrich Himmler, the phrase Heil Hitler, the Hamas & Hezbollah Organization
& the phrase "Happy Holidays." Did Harry Houdini die as Adolf Hitler & Heinrich Himmler were unable to escape the defeat of the German Third Reich & instead committed suicide? Juxtapose
Harry Houdini with the (E. Zodiac) Hu & Hou signs.
Did Eminem form sine qua non my life evident when the lyrics of "Without Me" are transposed "you want Burtosky this is what I'll give you, tonight's soup served with some ground pepper"
& juxtaposed my former occupation & theoretical influence on the US NFL Super Bowl or when the lyrics to "The Real Slim Shady" are transposed "I'm Mic Jagger, yeah I'm the real Jagger"
& juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the Rolling Stones & family's former restaurant Jagz? Juxtapose the morphology of pantyhose with my photo in front of "the shrine" at the Johnson
Street Poverello Shelter in Missoula, MT, USA at <
%7C%7C%7C&sdata=O6BgrASNtVmotazYkGPoHr0Ppnj%2F9AQESeqrzvwtj6A%3D&reserved=0> or the appended photo "Trick Hose." I've theorize "the shrine" at the J-Street to have been responsible
for & the Ancient Arabic Order of the Noble & Mystic Shrine & the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association evident when Boston is transposed Boxton & juxtaposed my theoretical
influence on the US National Basketball Association as shared at <
JXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=eMmu6JUvn8nKFeOS%2FQphWzNpKSsdpe6ytLGip94Ku5k%3D&reserved=0> & that I theorize to have formed sine qua non the "trick-house" that I petition investigated
which has theoretically been responsible for H. H. Holmes or Herman Webster Mudgett & the enactment of the German Third Reich.
Juxtapose Berkeley Pit in Butte, MT, USA & the Titan Krios microscope at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, CA, USA, my theoretical portrayal as the (Greek) mythological
figure Typhon & the (explicit) "Rap Devil" by Machine Gun Kelly & "Killshot" by Eminem. Juxtapose Colson Baker who performs by the stage name Machine Gun Kelly with the Boston Celtics
of the US National Basketball Association. Juxtapose Colson Baker with Cleveland, OH, USA & my theoretical influence on the outcome of the two-thousand-sixteen NBA Finals. Juxtapose
the Boston Celtics when transposed Boxton Celtics & juxtaposed "the shrine" at the J-Street Poverello in Missoula with Luka Doncic of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball
Association when his name is transposed "Nuke-a-John-Kick" & juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the formation of the nuclear weapon & enactment of the German Third Reich.
h <
ed=0> & <
W0qCvPwng8OFpTSLHlWc%3D&reserved=0> questions whether Star Wars & the US National Basketball Association formed sine qua non Luka Doncic & I.
Juxtapose the (explicit) album Binge by Machine Gun Kelly with the word binge &
#boxtoncelltics #mhtyphon #jakemaul #set #ambivalence
Juxtapose the formation of boxing with the morphology of the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association when Boston is transposed Boxton & juxtaposed the "shrine" which
has formed in the Johnson Street Poverello Shelter in Missoula, MT, USA that you can observe & read more about at <
joiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=40psSD3yHFEdbL4Wu%2F9pw%2FVYLOYbr5G8c%2FCEpzkPbR4%3D&reserved=0> , my theoretical influence on the formation
of the Xbox evident by the surface of Mercury & my name when juxtaposed Bill Gates, the Walla-Walla tribe of America when juxtaposed the nation of Mexico, my theoretical influence on
the US state of Montana, the Spanish language & my theoretical portrayal as Allah in the Quran & the Xbox when transposed Ybox & juxtaposed the chromosomes, the above post within this
post indicated by hashtags which you can observe at <
7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=U2ciyKt0ocB8RTmgishXX3Eg534hwlKJNjb9ceZDupU%3D&reserved=0> & <
BTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=xomtYWf2I2GLtuw9Ew5UqTMeWm%2BNzFqFqhJvUfpLYiU%3D&reserved=0> which questions whether Mercury portrays my stripping of Lebron James's accolades
sine qua non the formation of the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater. Juxtapose the (W. Zodiac) Taurus ascendancy when Taurus is transposed saurus, the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy when juxtaposed
the formation of Australia, Alaska & the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater, steroids when juxtaposed asteroids & the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy.
#gemini #cancer #humantenna #gou #ma #gou #massachusetts
Juxtapose the character Jesse Pinkman from the (TV-MA) Breaking Bad with my name Jake Burtosky,& Jeffrey (Lionel) Dahmer when p is juxtaposed b & d. Juxtapose the actor Bryan Cranston,
who acts in the (TV-MA) Breaking Bad, with the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association, my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy & the (W. Zodiac)
Cancer ascendancy. Juxtapose the (explicit) music artist Chris Brown with the Boston Celtics. Juxtapose the player for the Boston Celtics Jayson Tatum with the (PTE) element potassium,
potatoes, <
L5mxTjCeAOwfM2yJz73o%3D&reserved=0> which speaks on the theoretical morphology of potatoes sine qua non the murder of Sharon Tate & Charles Manson when Celtic is transposed Cell-tic
& juxtaposed dialectics.
#horstwessel #flightofthevalkyires
Did the (Nordic) mythological Valkyries form sine qua non Kyrie Irving of the Dallas Mavericks of the US National Basketball Association? Juxtapose the (E. Zodiac) Ma sign with the logo
of the Dallas Mavericks, the Horst-Wessle-Lied song used as an anthem during the German Third Reich & the song "Flight of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner. The "Ride of the Valkyries"
(German: Walkürenritt or Ritt der Walküren) refers to the beginning of act 3 of Die Walküre, the second of the four epic music dramas constituting Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Juxtapose "Der Ring des Nibelungen" with the Lord of the Rings & <
JXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=iUplRrm72C01wnrQ4VfzVIURmcqbHaYLnEgF4GQ9RsU%3D&reserved=0> which questions whether the Lord of the Rings formed sine qua non the "shrine" in the J-Street
Poverello Shelter theoretically responsible for boxing & the Boston Celtics of the US National Basketball Association.
厉►o᫋镨ⰷሥ뺧쉲慹ⰿ住㾕ᆵﺿ꿻ソ﷿ツ⋿芆ﴠ뇼忟翝﷿⽨ﳿ㾌翿→ᆵ꿫ᅳ緝翻﹟ラ→ᅲ�棈뾎棈붎꼣�헿⌚몭⌚蚬忿�뼡⇿㪢蠼←㺯꼣죿蹨᪲ꐣﲛ袆⌚좯Ⅿ㪢ス翽→濈쿗㨢畿럷ﬗ睱痝�ﵟ志執㝝�뿾ォិ7ិ믾浱熫��ិ흵�뷶엗틫䧿틿�㵾됭羝翝핟→帻溽ⶽ鸤䯫뷴䯫 ̄흵ퟫ럞罝緝ꭽ;ﻟᅥ䳷繯寃뺯嶿뗵㷕ﵻ⚽濭ﻻW낺线殿壝灝浽뺄愛숦
폵ﵿ㝝�㿽篓翓缬苾忺決→痵�緩픷폿オ뵗뼶㞽翓测먮귭空뵞딮盫ퟫ鿾䯵翺疪俫毻뿞䭯ꞯ䭋銮ꫭ䮧빞뺴■揻幻埿귫垥�뿺錈꽽쓶奔ﶿ糽��繬ᆵ↑﷽翅뿿뿟�翿ソ﷿ӽ�뿿淿Nﯾ룿뽿翿뿯�뼶䋶' ̄迫�ᄎ㉊ጌ惈゚✘ᦄﷸﳇ葬/翼��ﯵᆵ⯾�%⛽廰�崰뾽﷿kッ㷘﷿︯㼌㮝ᆵퟵ㮖袠쩁遾⁄㿥䉭ܡﴩ荿∌爐ꖟᆬ䊄匎⫽稘⦅⦅䶖싲᎖믿ᅮ뇜吢
镁旈첕ꮯ朳豠늉쮶㍳촭끝徸⯼淕ﭻ―絝尠⒮䷭⚼▋ⴜ皢Ὂ瞴圶ᅲ፶鿠ソᅭ᎙ᆏ춠።ᢂ⠄蜔攜訓ॎ䆝씉쐩육혙䘼㎃塧ᒗᲑᥧ碜ڍᑫ覈鄌蠓ᑫႤઁၫứ䄣⎒骂⇄蛇ᑫẇꀙ⸡䀡ᠡडᐜᲑ棄堳㢥㛳ၰ䊠䉰䪁ꘘ䦱蘌䝔⏃ਁ ᅂ钂髢㫄㙄ṧꀙడ鰐ꑃ酱ᄂℑ⊒ࡱᤴ䊬砜䁹ࢻ茰㬈莰궰䆨ဆᙶೂ�䅐廘ೂ술ూ술ဌݡ١瘐䆘䇘ᶄᶄẄ瘐薝㬈〈ࢃ茰ࣻ࠻茰࿂〈솃℈莰莰〈艁냯벃䄨�葁䄘䇘ߡ槂紽긇侃♜ꞟ蒯䇓ꛫ䶃Ḵ伓㐈ᔞ
癉䟕ﷱڱࠝ뿿徽ﺏ험䓸龝䑼繄ᄑ ̄ﭗ䦄ﯿ彝ᅰ迭믿」뛻缩W껟�䷐鮠뾿�蟿槻ཷﯿ钆泈촓鹀䗈遗传マꃳﬧᄡ濿㿾)篼鍾⇻$닱伓᯿С⼨ﮂἆ%ﳟﴗテ뽉�릶⦅鯴﷿テ恋⁄㿥⇂⤇숷ܡI뽞ს钃。毓핫殥䊄匎涪䭿蟁緻༃紘꜒⫑᭼䫴隟ᆪ门ﻟﳵƵ⢂冀伥흍翿ჹ&揹o跥ꀺ䆿啾ʙ艾䇿a濬쑞홓ツ弽뿾裼�訬?僤忇ퟷ꿿翽■圐�■�ﳿ袐᮲죿蹨ힿﳿ⏺鷶虼㜖⦅⌚ꚭퟫ