04-27-82 Planning BoardApproval of Minutes P.U.D. Consideration - Kalispell Planning Jurisdiction Motion City Council Representative Absence KALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND KAL- ISPELL CITY -COUNTY ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES April 27, 1982 Members Present: Kathleen Jukich, President Bob LeDuc Ron Nance Doug Morton Jack Heller Ed Trippet Others Present: Jim Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O. Meeting was called to order in the Kalispell City Hall at 7:30 P.M. by President Jukich. The minutes of the April 13, 1982, meeting were approved as circulated. The first item of business on the agenda was the consideration of the Planned Unit Develop- ment Ordinance for the Kalispell Planning Jur- isdiction. President Jukich turned the floor over to Jim Mohn who gave the background of the P.U.D. Trippet asked about the history of the P.U.D. and suggested that they go back to the original nine zones, and to pyramid zone instead of contract zoning. Heller made a motion that the parking area in number 4, Standards of Development, P.U.D. draft, be in accordance with the City Ordinance. Seconded by Trippet. Unanimous vote. Motion carried. It was brought to the attention of the Board that during the period of January 1, 1982, to April 29, 1982, that the Board had met on eight occasions and that Paul Palmer, City j Council represent ative.,had only been in attendance at one meeting, that being on April 13, 1982. It was also mentioned that the communication link betwen the Board and the City Council is of major importance to the actions of the Board and attendance by the Council representa- tive is vital. Motion Trippet made a motion that a letter should be sent to Mayor McDowell informing him of this problem. Seconded by Trippet. Five voted for this action, one against. Motion carried. Adjournment There being no old business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, LouAnn Conrad Recording Secretary Approved: Chairman -2-