Euterpe? Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2024 9:12 AM To: Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; info@whria.com.au; chair@awhn.org.au; contact@womenshealth.com.au; responsiblity@twdc.com; info@olympic.ru; office @olympic.ru; press@veb.ru; info@veb.ru; letters@time.com; info@thepoverellocenter.org; bredinger@thepoverellocenter.org; info@missoulaartmuseum.org; oped@missoulian.com; brittanysp@cctcsp.org; sishorn@ftbelknap.org; jerlthompson@standingrock.org; alisonjohnson@mhanation.com; debi.condon.csp@colvilletribes.com; Ralph C. Jefferson; KLevinson@Nooksack-nsn.gov; mtran@pgst.nsn.us; mary.squally@puyalluptribe-nsn.gov; gjames@quinault.org; Igreen@suquamish.nsn.us; rreeves@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov; fazure@fortpecktribes.net; cookiesmissoula001 @gmail.com; alternativewellness.nwmt@gmail.com; trichomevalley406@gmail.com; missoula@710montana.com; silverleafmissoula@gmail.com; alecj@bigskybuds.com; missoula@collectiveelevation.com; rchristensen@bsb.mt.gov; Sherrie Walsh; OfficeoftheProvost@umontana.edu; thepresident@umontana.edu; paul.lasiter@umontana.edu; alumni@umontana.edu; eoaa@mso.umt.edu; ithelpdesk@umontana.edu; news@umontana.edu; vpr@umontana.edu; Iogan.parker@umontana.edu; slavenl@missoulapubliclibrary.org; ejonkel@missoulapubliclibrary.org; amandaa@missoulapubliclibrary.org; (wood@missoulapubliclibrary.org; wes@missoulapubliclibrary.org; kolson@missoulapubliclibrary.org; crystalk@missoulapubliclibrary.org; svelk@missoulapubliclibrary.org; selyaa@missoulapubliclibrary.org; Mary Wooldridge; AIIenS@missoulapubliclibrary.org; edwardl@missoulapubliclibrary.org; taylorm@missoulapubliclibrary.org; joshuad@missoulapubliclibrary.org; mayorstaff@ci.missoula.mt.us; tlwagner@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI- News@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI-Sports@sbgtv.com; ml-Missoula-KECI- Weather@sbgtv.com; whmiller@sbgtv.com; comments@sbgi.net; advertising@sbgtv.com; newstips@kxlf.com; info@bethsoft.com; gaben@valvesoftware.com; media@gatesfoundation.org; unhousedneighborsunion@gmail.com; newsed@dailyinterlake.com; edit@dailyinterlake.com; obits@dailyinterlake.com; thisweek@dailyinterlake.com; community@dailyinterlake.com; dperkins@dailyinterlake.com; hdesch@dailyinterlake.com; hmatheson@dailyinterlake.com; tinman@dailyinterlake.com; jweber@dailyinterlake.com; kheston@dailyinterlake.com; szalesky@dailyinterlake.com; aray@dailyinterlake.com; fneighbor@dailyinterlake.com; jdugan@dailyinterlake.com; ckreider@dailyinterlake.com; circ@dailyinterlake.com; kfuller@dailyinterlake.com; classifieds@dailyinterlake.com; scarlon@dailyinterlake.com; jmoore@dailyinterlake.com; kbaker@dailyinterlake.com; zbedford@dailyinterlake.com; dfroelich@dailyinterlake.com; arobinson@hungryhorsenews.com; jtullos@whitefishpilot.com; klundgren@dailyinterlake.com; mrivera@dailyinterlake.com; rrooney@dailyinterlake.com; kreilly@dailyinterlake.com; dtreweek@dailyinterlake.com; skirby@dailyinterlake.com; tpritchard@dailyinterlake.com; airport; Johnna Preble; rcorcoran@kalispell.com; Tyson Parman; Aimee Brunckhorst; Judi Funk; Kalispell Meetings Public Comment; Doug Russell; Doug Russell; Carrie Jones; Michelle Turner; Michelle Turner; Cec Lee; jkinzer@kalispell.com; Personnel; BreAnn Hanson; Jolene 1 To: Shima; Fred Bicha; Chad Fincher; Paul Reinhardt; Parks and Rec; Cody Banal; Liz Sullivan; Cory Clarke; Chad Fetveit; Jordan Venezio; Ryan Bartholomew; Ben Sutton; Jana Purdy; Matthew Carlenzoli; Keith Haskins; Patrick Jentz; Margarite Juarez Thomas; Terri Loudermilk; Joe Schrader; Alexander Smith; Steve Varro; Ryan Votapka; Victoria Stewart; Aaron Losing; Robert Habets; info@fvcc.edu Subject: EXTERNAL Euterpe? Attachments: Luke a Donkick 4jpg; The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrinejpg [NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] Anastasia Sereda - YouTube - Anastasia Sereda ((d)an.drums) • Instagram photos and videos - the YouTube & Instagram channel & portfolio of the women I theorize portrayed as the (Greek) muse Euterpe & (Egyptian) deity Anat. #anastasia #seceda #anatman #euterpercussion #montana My day was difficult today, June 1 st, 2024, after I perceived to have endured ethnic inequality in the library which theoretically resulted in the formation of the black widow spider: a formation which has theoretically redounded in a serendipitous fashion as I've discovered my cursory study of flower types while looking for hashtags for a picture of a flower bed in the downtown Poverello Homeless Shelter courtyard theoretically resulted in the formation of the song "Every Praise" by Hezekiah Walker evident when the lyrics are transposed: "every word of worship, is to our clade, every word of worship on our accord. Asterid. Asterid. Asterid! Lavandula.... ! Lavandula.... ! The initial motivation of my inclusion of the hashtags #youretopay, #turnkiev & #newcranium in the following post was conducted in a bellicose & irritated spirit in reflection of the manner in which I perceived my desire to potentially study anatomy superimposed with a sociological pecuniary ultimatum this morning; however, as I observe the post after making the hashtags, I theorize the hashtag's inclusion may be conducive to a resolution of the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine as the circumspect polarity or teleology of the morphology of the Ukrainian woman Anastasia Sereda's theoretical portrayals as the (Egyptian) deity Anat & (Greek) muse Euterpe while she has been responsible for Seceda Peak in Italy is accommodated by the hashtags & pacified or explained in nature by reading the body of the post. I would like to apologize if the following post has been perceived as partisan & commend Ukraine's bravery in war as Ukraine's incitement of the Russian military has theoretically been vindicated or justified by the morphology of the Eastern Zodiacs. I've perceived Mrs. or Ms. Sereda, whom I am advocating a share of Butte's mine once sold to be shared with & whom I theorize to have been responsible for the US state of Montana & the Spanish language with, engaged in my psychology & invite her to correspond as to acclimate an understanding of our awareness of one another in prevention of a recidivist inclination which I fear to indulge while living as a former felon with brain trauma, responsible for the European continent, acculturated persecuted by the United States currency & portrayed as the Devil in the Bible. #youretopay #turnkiev #newcranium #hookadonbass Juxtapose the (Hindu) Anatman doctrine with dialectics, the Ontological Distribution Theory I petition to supersede Darwinism when abbreviated "O-Doctor" &juxtaposed Rene Baptiste Lamar's theory that was superseded by Darwinism, the (Egyptian) deity Anat, myth eoretica I influence on the formation of the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy & nation of Germany when juxtaposed the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy, my theoretical portrayal as the (Roman) deity Mercury when Mercury is transposed "me-cure-y" or "me - cure -why," my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr when juxtaposed sutures, the (PTE) element sulfur & women's suffrage & the morphology of the word anatomy when juxtaposed the (Hindu) deity Saraswati. #tellmeajake #celtics #mavericks #gou #surtr #play The following is a transposition of the lyrics to the (explicit) Sugar by System of a Down which I have chosen to share for scientific purposes for the lyric's theoretical formation sine qua non the appended photograph & for reasons of morale in relation to global warfare & popular culture for the lyric's theoretical formation sine qua non the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian woman either named or stage named Anastasia Sereda & theoretically portrayed as the (Greek) muse Euterpe & (Egyptian) deity Anat who plays (explicit) "System for a Down" covers on her drumkit shared on her Youtube profile & the US National Basketball Association Finals between the Dallas Mavericks & Boston Celtics. Juxtapose the Dallas Mavericks with kicking & the Boston Celtics with my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological figure Surtr "my girl she lashes out at me sometimes & I just nukeheradonkick & ooh baby. She's ok." I've theorized Mrs. or Ms. Sereda has formed to play the drums sine qua non the lyrics to the (explicit) Sugar when transposed from "let your mother pray" to " Gou Deva Play;" thus, the fact that she & I have influenced the lyrics to the song as recently as the formation of the 2023-2024 US NBA Finals may be of interest to her as she shares videos of her drumming on the internet.