Warming Center from Laura Rashid-KeyserJudi Funk
From: Irashid@charter.net
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 11:30 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Warming Center
I attended the City Counsel Meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024. 1 did not appreciate the Warming Center
staff and backers not taking any responsibilty for the adverse consequences the Warming Center is
having on local residents and businesses. Instead, they blamed them for not handling the problems
correctly. These residents and business owners did not sign up to be drug & alcohol & mental health
therapists. They just want to live in the safe neighborhood they used to live in.
It's obvious that the Warming Center is attracting people to our area who do not want to contribute to
society. Our fairgrounds closed. Our Chamber of Commerce is moving.
The majority of the support for the Warming Center came from people who do not live in the area that is
being negatively affected by its presence. I know some of those people are larger property owners. If they
sincerely want to take care of these people, build a facility for them on their own property that does not
have a negative impact on everyone else. It is not right to assist or enable people at someone else's
expense and then accuse them of not caring or having compassion.
Kudos to Counselman Graham. Great presentation.
Laura Rashid -Keyser