01-11-83 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY —COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES January 11, 1983 Members Present: Kathleen Jukich, President Jack Peters Harvey Simpson Paul Palmer Dave Shank Roger Graham Robert LeDuc Doug Morton Members Absent: Ed Trippet Jack Heller Others Present: Jim Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O. Rich DeJana, Attorney at Law Glen Neier, City A--ttoi:ney Gary Nystul, City Gican'ailman Gayle Vidal, City Z,citlE i lwoman Mike Fuller Gary Rose Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in and Roll Call the Kalispell City Hall Council Chambers by Presi— dent Jukich. Roll call was taken. Approval of Minutes Morton moved that the minutes from the November 9, 1982, meeting be approved as circulated. Seconded by Palmer. Unanimous vote. Motion carried. Annexation Consideration — President Jukich introduced the next item of busi— Dry Bridge Park ness as being the consideration of annexation of City property known as Dry Bridge Park into the City of Kalispell and designate a P-1 (Public) zoning classification for this tract. Jukich turned the floor over to Mohn who presented a brief background. Morton asked how the annexation was being done differently. Mohn replied that there was no exten— sion of City services. Peters asked who the property was purchased from. Neier stated that the three Assessor's Tracts were part of the Conrad Estate. Palmer stated that there might be a problem with police protection and that the existing road is not where the easement specifies. Palmer moved to approve the annexation of Dry Bridge park. Seconded by Morton. Unanimous vote. Motion carried. Annexation Consideration — The next topic of discussion was the consideration Kaltan Addition #153 of annexation of the Kaltan Addition #153 into the City of Kalispell with a B-3 (General Business) zoning classification. The proposed Kaltan Addition is approximately seven acres in area and is located West of Ashley Square. Mohn presented the background along with the follow— ing F.R.D.O. recommendations: 1. That 30 feet of right—of—way be dedicated to the City along the Eastern boundary of the tract. 2. That all new utility installations be con— structed in accordance with Kalispell's "Stand— ards and General Provisions for Design and Construction (also referred to as City Stand— ards)." 3. That final building plans be submitted to and reviewed by the Fire Department as desired by the Fire Chief. 4. That the Smith Valley Fire District be notified of the annexation of the property to the City. Jukich asked DeJana, legal representative for Don Whaley, owner of Kaltan, Inc., how long the road right—of—way was. DeJana replied that the West line was 995.5 feet and the East side was 932.9 feet. Mohn asked DeJana if there was a Certificate of Survey recorded. DeJana said that there was not. Jukich stated that she had been out to the subject property to look at the topography and that she could see a drainage problem. DeJana said that this was one of the problems that will have to be addressed if there is a sale of the property, and there is now no problem with the drainage. He further stated that at present the owner was in negotiations with Idaho Forest Products. —2— Neier mentioned that the description of the property may cause problems at the Clerk and Recorder's Office, as it cannot be recorded without a plat. Morton asked if an annexation plat can be recorded before it has been approved. Mohn stated that it could not. Simpson asked if the 30' would be dedicated as is. Mohn stated that he was not sure if the City had an easement on the 30' right now, and that this issue would be resolved at the Council level. Palmer said that the developers do provide their own streets. Simpson moved that the F.R.D.O. recommendations be approved along with a fifth recommendation which would read: - 5. That the developer participate in the improve- ments of the right-of-way to be dedicated, with participation in an improvement agreement to be negotiated with the City Council. Seconded by Palmer. Seven for. One against. Motion carried. Consideration of PUD Consideration of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance Draft Ordinance draft for the City of Kalispell was the next item of business for discussion. Palmer stated that he had read all of the information on the proposed PUD that had been sent by the F.R.D.O., said that the information was fine, but that he would rather have a meeting where there is a pro and con panel. He felt that he has enough information to make a decision, but also felt that this was a major project and that comments from developers, surveyors, etc., should be heard. He asked the Board members if they felt at this time if they could give fact finding re- commendations. He said he would like to have another meeting this month with an hour for public input and then continue into a regular meeting. LeDuc said that the County Commissioners should also be included in this. Palmer moved that a public information meeting, followed by a regular imee iingg,, be held on Tuesday, -3- Old Business New Business January 25, 1983, at 7:00 P.M. regarding the proposed PUD Ordinance draft. Seconded by Simpson. Unanimous vote. Motion carried. President Jukich introduced Harvey Simpson to the Board members that he had not met. There was no new business to discuss. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, LouAnn Conrad Recording Secretary Approve . Chairman 7,71 —4—