Flathead Warming Center from Cindy JobeJudi Funk
From: ckjobe@montanasky.us
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2024 3:49 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Flathead Warming Center
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Mayor and Kalispell City Council Members:
Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences of the Flathead Warming Center. My husband and
I are long-time volunteers at the Warming Center. We have NEVER experienced any sense of being in danger or
threatened during our time of volunteering. To the contrary, we interact continually with the "guests" (homeless
persons) and consistently experience those individuals being polite and expressing gratitude for our volunteer
efforts. When there is a question or concern regarding any lack of adherence to the rules and structure of the Warming
Center, I have personally observed the staff confronting the "guest" and holding that individual accountable for their
My greater concern is how do we as a community identify potential solutions regarding homelessness without utilizing
shifting of blame or offering up the "sacrificial Iamb?" I believe it is wrong and unfair to blame the Warming Center for
the complaints brought by a group of people living in the vicinity of the Center. The Warming Center is an integral part
of the solution to the addressing the problem of homelessness in our community. I am in favor of the Kalispell City
Council, Whitefish City Council, Columbia Falls City Council, Flathead County Commissioners, the Warming Center,
Samaritan House, Salvation Army, and Ray of Hope coming together and developing strategies to address the increasing
problem of homelessness in our community. NOW is the time for proactive solutions.
Lastly, in my opinion, it is the absolute wrong decision to revoke the Conditional Use Permit. Our community is in great
need of the services provided by the Flathead Warming Center as they assist homeless persons to access necessary
resources to rise out of homelessness. It has been my honor and privilege to volunteer at the Flathead Warming Center
and be of help to those in need.
Thank you for listening. I appreciate each of you taking the time to read my email and consider my thoughts.
Cindie Jobe