Fake Planting of "Used" Needles in Valley from Loretta SharpJudi Funk
Loretta Sharp <crowbear2@gmail.com>
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 5:09 PM
Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
EXTERNAL fake planting of "used" needles in valley
Speaking with the class today, we discussed how "used" needles were placed at areas around
FVCC. The needles did not look used nor did the barrels have any residue. The students
brought up that biased citizens may be trying to plant fake needles to champion their position on
the Flathead Warming Center. We are also still weary of losing our clinical site as is the FVCC
nursing students.
Why would someone plant fake used needles? Would someone be paying some high schoolers
to do that? The needles looked like somebody's mother or grandmother's diabetic needles.
Very weird.
"I wish you the joy of a purposeful life. I wish you new worlds and the vision to see them. I
wish you the decency and the nobility of which you are capable." Jonathan Daniels.