Tronstad Meadows _ Whitetail Crossing Public Comment from Andy ShirtliffFrom:Andy Shirtliff
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:EXTERNAL Tronstad Meadows / Whitetail Crossing
Date:Wednesday, May 8, 2024 9:43:12 AM
MBIA Letterhead_grey_Tronstad Meadows Whitetail Crossing_signed.pdf
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May 7, 2024 Montana Building Industry Association
1717 11th Ave.Helena, MT
Dear Kalispell City Councilors,
My name is Andy Shirtliff, I am the Executive Director of the Montana Building IndustryAssociation and a proud Kalispell native; I am writing to express my full support for theannexation and zoning change requests for the Tronstad Meadows/Whitetail Crossingneighborhood. This development and all housing developments at this moment are crucial inenhancing the accessibility of housing, stabilizing the housing market, and fosteringhomeownership opportunities for middle-income families in the Flathead Valley.
I grew up just off Whitefish Stage Road where my folks have lived for the last 40 years andsince that time, Kalispell has grown by leaps and bounds as have home prices. It is widelyrecognized that increasing the availability of attainable housing is paramount for thecommunity and the economy.
In the fall of 2023, the City of Kalispell reported a 0% housing vacancy rate and a staggering231% surge in median home prices over the past decade, with significant growth concentratedin the last three years. While housing stock went from a surplus to a deficit of 3,161 homes injust eight years; to catch up, Kalispell and the County will need to build 1,500 over the nextdecade.
In addition to my work with the MBIA, I am also a City Commissioner for the City of Helena,where we have witnessed firsthand the repercussions of the housing shortage on ourcommunity and our economy; however, we have chosen to be an active partner with housingdevelopers by streamlining the permitting process, supporting annexation, and unanimouslyapproving housing developments.
This proposed development will introduce 380 well-built, family-sized homes to the FlatheadValley, with a primary aim of offering them at or below the median housing price; providinghomes for working families, like the home I grew up in just down the road.
Thank you for your ongoing efforts in addressing the critical need for attainable housing byapproving the annexation and zoning change requests for the Tronstad Meadows/WhitetailCrossing neighborhood.
Andy ShirtliffExecutive Director, Montana Building Industry Association
City Commissioner, City of Helena, MT
ANDY SHIRTLIFFExecutive Director 406.442.4479 |
1717 11th Ave
Helena, MT 59601
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