07-12-83 Zoning CommissionKALISPELL CITY ZONING COMMISSION July 12, ,1983 Members Present.: Harvey Simpson, President Virginia Sloan Paul Palmer Members Absent: Dave Shank Others Present: Jim Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O. Nakul S. Verma, Planning Director, F.R.D.O. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. in and Roll Call the Kalispell City Hall Council Chambers by Presi— dent Simpson. Roll call was taken. Approval of Minutes Palmer moved that the minutes be approved as cir— culated. Seconded Sloan. Unanimous vote. Motion - carried. Zoning Classification The next item of business on the agenda was the ;',Request — Pack request from Ronnie Pack for a B-3 (General Busi— ness) zoning classification for property to be known as "First Addition to Pack Addition No. 91 to Kalispell". Sloan asked if this property was presently zoned. Mohn replied that it was not. Palmer informed the other members that the Annexa— tion Committee had proposed that this property be brought into the City since the property located on both sides is City property. Simpson agreed with Palmer in that this should be contiguous. Palmer moved that this be continued until further action can be taken by the Planning Board. Seconded by Sloan. Unanimous vote. Motion carried. Old Business There was no old business. New Business There was no new business. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, LouAnn Conrad, Recording Secretary Approved: Chairman KALISPELL CITY —COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES July 12, 1983 Members Present: Doug Morton, .Vcd' President Paul Palmer Harvey Simpson Virginia Sloan Members Absent: Ed Trippet Bob LeDuc Kathleen Jukich Jack Peters Others Present: Jim Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O. Nakul S. Verma, Planning Director, F.R.D.O. Dean Marquardt Alan Peterson,.City Building Inspector Henry Oldenburg, Commissioner 5 guests South Gate Due to the lack of a cqsjipres:e'sit declared no meeting and all further business will be heard at a scheduled Special Meeting. .©ldenburg'submit.t,edltwp,letters from the Montana. Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. Respectfully submitted, LouAnn Conrad Recording Secretary Approved: ,Chairman