11-13-84 Zoning CommissionKALISPELL CITY ZONING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 13, 1984 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to -order by James Stephens at 8:26 p.m. Those AND ROLL CALL present were Stephens, president, Sloan —,-'and Manning`:` Absent was Trippett:-_ Others present included Nakul S. Verma, Planning Director. APPROVAL OF The minutes to the meeting of September 11, 1984 were mailed. Manning MINUTES moved that they be approved as circulated. Seconded by Sloan. Passed unanaimously. CONSIDERATION Verma gave a report on the reasons for considering amending Table 3-0 OF AMENDING of the Kalispell City Zoning Ordinance. This table prescribes Zoning TABLE 3-0 Districts allowed in various land use categories of the Master Plan. The main reason for considering amending the table is to provide a greater number of zoning classifications in each land use category. Verma stated that there have been situations where a zone should be allowed but are unable to allow it because it conflicts with this table. This was referred -to the City Council and they have officially requested the Zoning Commission to make a recommendation. The plan- ning staff looked into it and is recommending two alternatives. They are: Alternative 1 This alternative pertains to broadening the zoning district classifica- tions within each land use category in order to provide a greater flex- ibility of choices while preserving the integrity of the Master Plan. A pyramidical approach within residential and non-residential categor- ies is suggested to accomplish this. Based on this concept, Table 3-0 of the Zoning Ordinance is recommended to be amended as circulated. Alternative 2 The second alternative is to completely eliminate Table 3-0 of the Kalispell City Zoning Ordinance and make zoning decisions based on the individual situations and use the comprehensive plan only as a "guide" iln the process. Such an approach is being applied in other communi- _ t-i_e_s-_n—F-lath-ead—Coun_t_y a_nd ha-s—g_enerally wo_rlce_d we1L Manning stated that an example of the problem of changing the Master Plan is the Meridian Addition case. Manning suggested that the whole thing be eliminated from the code. Stephens asked if the proposed Table could be used as a guide. Manning suggested that it could be a policy statement. Motion Sloan moved that the Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council the second alternative. Seconded by Manning. Passed unanimously in a voice vote. OLD BUSINESS Manning stated that the Meridian Zoning was rejected by the City Coun- cil and they will be reviewing the non -conforming uses to allow greater flexibility. NEW BUSINESS Verma stated that he is working with the County Commissioners on zoning outside of the City Limits. Two of the three Commissioners are willing to go and do some zoning outside of the City. They do not want to go all the way up to the three miles, but they indicated they might not mind going up to one mile or so. The only problem between the City and the County is that, if the County tries to zone the area and 40% of the property owners oppose it, then they cannot zone. He further stated that Whitefish has already zoned up to one mile and so has Columbia Falls. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. P sident Recording Secretary Approved: ce —2—