09-11-84 Zoning CommissionKALISPELL CITY ZONING COMMISSION Members Present James B. Stephens, President Virginia Sloan Charles Manning Ed Trippet Members Absent None SEPTEMBER 11, 1984 Others Present Margaret Clark, Planner II Nakul S. Verma, Planning Director Tom Jentz, Senior Planner Jim Burton, Flathead Land Consultants CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:42 p.m. by AND ROLL CALL James Stephens, president. Roll Call was taken. APPROVAL OF THE Manning moved for approval of the minutes of the MINUTES August 14, 1984 meeting.as written. Sloan seconded it and the motion carried. REQUEST BY ROBERT Margaret Clark presented the staff report and recom- L. MONK FOR B-3 ZONE mendations for the request by Robert L. Monk for 8.678 acres of land located between the City of Kali- spell Airport and U. S. Highway 93 South. The pro- perty is described as Assessor's Tracts 2 and 7AA in Section 20, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Mon- tana. Discussion by Board None Members Motion Trippet moved for the adoption of the request for B-3 (General Business) Zoning. The motion was seconded by Manning. The motion carried with one abstention by Stephens for personal reasons. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Manning presented two items that he wanted the Zon- ing Commission to discuss. Expansion of Per- The: first item for discussion was current policy mitted Uses for regarding issuing building permits suggesting the Issuing Building expansion of permitted uses under the Comprehensive Permits Plan categories. For instance, in High Density Urban you are allowed RA-1, RA-2, RA-3, B-1, B-2 zones and the recommendation from the City Attorney is that this is too restrictive and that there should be some overlap possibly allowing for some of these horizontal permitted uses to overflow into another category. Verma clarified by stating that the City ordinance has has established a relationship between land use classifications of the Master Plan and the zoning categories. The City's Zoning Ordinances are more restrictive in the uses allowed in their various zon- ing categories. Manning is saying that the aim is to broaden the category and allow more uses in the var- ious land use classification areas. Motion Trippet moved that the Commission recommend the broadening of the land use classifications to the City Council so that the Council could refer it back to the Zoning Commission. The Commission could then gather all the needed information and present a com- plete referral .to the City Council. This was to be done in a letter by Stephens. The motion, seconded by Sloan, passed unanimously. Transition Area Manning referred to a letter from Ross Planbeck.of C-2 to CLM the Community Redevelopment suggesting that in the transition area that is going on with the theoret- ical proposed Mall to expand the uses allowed in the n CLM to include C-2 uses so that rezoning of the area will not be required. Stephens asked if the CLM was too restrictive? Manning stated that C-2 zone was more flexible than the CLM. Verma suggested that the decision on that be post- poned so that it can be studied more.. There may be uses allowed in a C-2 zone that would not be desire - Able in the CLM district. The planning staff could research this and send the information out in the next packet. Verma also suggested that Manning take this request to the Council and recommend to them that they ask the Zoning Commission to study it and make their recommendations. ADJOURNMENT Sloan moved for adjournment. Trippet seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted,. w C.- Ava Walters Recording Secretary Approved,: Chairman:d�