06-19-84 Zoning CommissionSPECIAL MEETING
June 19, 1984
Members Present
James B. Stephens, President
Charles Manning
Edgar Trippet
Members Absent
Virginia Sloan
Others Present
Jim Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O.
William Astle
Robert Johnson
Glen Neier, City Attorney
Rodger Hopkins
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by James
Stephens at 4:20 P.M. in the Kalispell City
Hall Council Chambers. Roll was taken.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Stephens called for any corrections or amend-
ments to the minutes of May 8, 1984.
Trippet moved to approve the minutes of May 8,
1984. Manning seconded. Motion carried.
MERIDIAN ADDITION ZONING James Stephens opened the floor for discussion
RECOMMENDATION of the Meridian Addition Zoning which had been
referred ;,t.o the- Zoning';_Commisson f'or a .forma-1
recommendation to the City Council.
William Astle, an attorney representing 10
landowners in Meridian and Storm's Meridian
Addition, addressed the commission and stated
that his clients were opposed to any commercial
or industrial zoning for Meridian Addition.
The existing non-residential uses within Merid-
ian Addition were there through variances from
the No. 2 Residence zone. Astle stated=,.that.
planners Steve Petrini and Gary Hill had pre-
viously stated that industry was to be limited
to locations west of the railroad at the west
Jside of Meridian Addition. The most recent
recommendation from the Zoning Commission to
the Council for B-3, I-1 and R-5 was a case of
spot zoning and merely accommodates the exist-
ing uses. To recognize these existing.uses and
allow additional commercial and industrial uses
by right, would cause great harm to the neigh-
borhood. Only multi -family zoning is compat-
ible with the Comprehensive Plan, the old zon-
ing and the wishes of the landowners in the
Storm's Addition.
Manning noted the concerns of, Consolidated
Electric and the O'Neil properties, being
zoned residential would not be marketable.
Bob Johnson stated that O'Neils purchased resi-
dential properties. If zoned residential, all
residential properties would be protected and
all existing uses could be continued under the
nonconforming use provisions of the zoning.
Astle pointed out that the most recent develop-
ment in Meridian Addition was the construction
of the Jeff Houston residence.
Stephens stated that the commission had person-
ally visited the neighborhood, been advised of
nthe history of the various properties and vari-
ances. He noted that the Meridian Addition is
not residential in character and there should
be a level of compromise.
Astle stated that initially his clients had op-
posed industrial, and that he has advised them
to oppose anything other than residential. The
evglution of the.neighborhood has been achiev-
ed through variances for uses which were con-
sidered compatible with the residences in the
area at the time, other.uses have no record of
variance but are there. The property was,,is
now and should be, zoned for residential use.
Stephens noted concerns for protection of pre-
existing nonconforming uses and values of other
properties in the Addition.
Astle stated that his clients would support
multi -family. This would provide a high land
value for future development of vacant lots, be
compatible with adjacent residential zones to
the south and would permit all existing uses to
remain under the nonconforming status.
Trippet suggested that landowners in Meridian
Addition withdraw from the City. The landown-
ers should get together, agree on what they
want, and petition.for that.
Stephens indicated that even if the landowners
get together, the neighborhood can still oppose.
Astle stated that an amendment to the Compre-
hensive Plan for industry would be devastating
to the neighborhood. Allowing industry would
set the trend for further industrial and com-
mercial encroachment into existing residential
neighborhoods causing blight. Multi -family
zoning would be best, it meets the plan, plan-
ners desires. The existing uses are there by
variance.and illegalities. Steve Petrini had
previously convinced the City Council that in-
dustry should stop at (west of) the tracks.
Trippet recommended that the commission follow
its previous recommendation.
Astle stated that the Council has asked the
Commission to consider all the facts, if multi-
family is recommended, it will accommodate
everyone that is there and the vacant lots. No
residential recommendation has been submitted
-' to the Council previously. Multi -family fits
the plan, recognizes the historical zoning of
the area; and is the most expeditious way to re-
solve the issue.
Manning suggested the possiblity of B-1 or B-2
zoning for lots fronting on Meridian Road.
Stephens suggested a compromise some how, this
is not a precedent, this is a unique situation
in the City.
Astle stated that the commission must be con-
sistant, you cannot zone for residential and
industrial together, no where else in the City
has a residential:zomeā¢'-keen placed against
industrial without a zone to buffer.
Manning asked what the most appropriate zone
would be, what was the original recommendation
for this area?
Mohn stated either R-5 or RA-1 was recommended
for this area during the original City rezoning
plan in 1978-79. RA-1 would be a good buffer.
between the industrial and residential areas.
Noting the I-1, B-3, RA-2, R-5 down zoning from
the Burlington Northern right-of-way to Fourth
Street West on the City Zoning Map.
Motion Manning moved to recommend an RA-1 zone for
Meridian Addition, noting that multi -family
would be most compatible with existing noncon-
forming uses and would promote development of
vacant land. The F.R.D.O. be directed to do
the 12 point zoning evaluation of the RA-1 re-
commendation. Seconded by Trippet. Motion
carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:.57 g,M.
Re pectfully bmit
th'iRcre ary