April 10, 1984
Members Present
Kathleen Jukich
Ed Trippet.
Chuck Manning
Virginia Sloan
Bob LeDuc
David Reynolds
Les Ormiston
Members Absent
Jack Peters
James Stephens
Others Present
James Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O.
Tom Metzger, Kalispell Regional Hospital
6 members of the public
Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Kathleeen Jukich
and Roll Call at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Kalispell City
Hall. Roll call was taken.
Approval of Minutes Jukich called on any corrections or amendments to
the minutes of March 13, 1984. Being none,
Manning moved to approve the minutes. LeDuc second-
ed. Motion carried.
Horizons Addition #160 Jukich introduced Mohn from the F.R.D.O.
Mohn reported that this is a request from Flathead
Health Center, Inc. for approval of the Northwest
Horizons Addition No. 160, a one -lot annexation of
4.182 acres of land located between Kalispell Region-
al Hospital and the City Reservoir No. 2 described
as portions of Assessors Tracts 6E and 6DI in Govern-
ment Lot 14, Section 6, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead
The Planning Staff recommends approval of the re-
quested Northwest Horizons Addition No. 160 with
the following conditions:
1. That the remainder of Assessors Tracts 6DI and
6E (described as Tract 2 - Certificate of Survey
No. 7497) be annexed in addition to the request
ed property.
2. That new easements be provided as follows:
a. 40-42.98 foot water and sewer line easements
be provided along the easterly boundary of
the present Tract 6E, (affects both Tracts
2 and 3 of Certificate of Survey No. 7497),
b. A 60 foot road, water, sewer, and utility
easement be provided along the south boundary
of Tracts 6DI & 6E, (affects a portion of
Tract 3 of Certificate of Survey No. 7497)
and would connect Bountiful Drive with
Buffalo Hill Drive.
3. Prior to construction or installation of utili-
ties, the Fire Chief approves water supply,
hydrant replacement and access, and other fire
protection items.
Tom Metzger from the Kalispell Regional Hospital
had no problems with the conditions except for
Condition 2.b. - He felt the road had no pertinent
value to the property and that the neighbors were
concerned. Would like easement granted for the road
to be used as an emergency access only.
Motion After Board discussion, Trippet moved to approve
the Planning Staff's recommendation of the requested
Northwest Horizons Addition No. 160. LeDuc seconded.
Motion carried.
Reservoir Addition #164 Mohn reported that this is a request from the City
Annexation of Kalispell for Reservoir Addition No. 164, a one -
lot annexation of 2.75 acres containing City Water
Reservoir No. 2 and elevated tank, and the northerly
400 feet of Buffalo Hill Drive (0.6 acres). Property
is described as Assessors Tract 6B in Government
Lot 14, Section 6, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead
The Planning Staff recommends approval of the Reser-
voir Addition No. 164.
Motion After a brief discussion by the Board, Sloan approved
the Planning Staff's recommendation of the Reservoir
Addition No. 164. Reynolds seconded. Motion
Old Business Manning said the subject of the Criteria for Evasion
of the Subdivision and Platting Act will be consid-
ered by the County Commissioners on April 16th at
9:00 A.M. Jukich encouraged all Planning Board
members to attend.
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New Business Jukich read a letter she received from Nick Verma
dated April 5, 1984 regarding the amount of
$2,079.87 in the Planning Board account. Verma
suggested the Board transfer the monies to the CAB
with the request to budget said monies for 1984-1985
budget for the purpose of workshops/seminars.
Motion After further discussion by the Board, Trippet moved
to transfer funds of $2,079.87 authorizing Kathleen
Jukich to sign a warrant to transfer funds to the
CAB. Ormiston seconded. Motion carried.
Motion Ormiston moved that said monies ($2,079.87) to be
transferred and rebudgeted to the CAB be used by
the Planning Board - 75% for education and 25% for
travel expenses. Trippet seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon H. Bowman
Recording Secretary
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