April 10, 1984
Members Present
Chuck Manning
Virginia Sloan
Ed Trippet
James Stephens
Others Present
James Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O.
7 members of the public
Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chuck Manning
and Roll Call at 8:10 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Kalispell City
Hall as Stephens reported he would be late. Roll
call was taken.
Aproval of Minutes Manning called for any corrections or amendments
to the minutes of March 13, 1984. Being none, Sloan
moved to approve the minutes. Trippet seconded.
Motion carried.
Northwest Horizon Manning read the Planning Staff's recommendation
Addition No. 160 to approve the requested RA-2 zone for the Northwest
Zone Request Horizon Addition No. 160.
Motion Trippet moved to approve the requested RA-2 zone
for the Northwest. Horizon Addition No. 160. Sloan
seconded. Motion carried.
Reservoir Addition #164 Manning read the Planning Staff's recommendation
Zone Request to approve the P-1 and R-4 zones for Reservoir
Addition No. 164.
Motion Sloan moved to approve the Planning Staff's recommen-
dation to approve the P-1 and R-4 zones, where
appropriate, for Reservoir Addition No. 164. Trippet
seconded. Motion carried,
Continuation Manning opened the discussion on zoning for the
Discussion on Zoning Meridian Addition.
for Meridian Addition
Manning explained that the Commission members met
to look at the proposed property to see what the
situation looked like.
Trippet suggested that the property owners come up
with a sound proposal where all 15 people sign a
petition to make it a multiple zone district.
General discussion of the alternatives for zoning
classifications and the desires of the land owners
present led to the three district description that
was recommended.
Motion Trippet moved that Lots 4 through 16 of Block 1 and
Lots 4 through the East half of 7 and 13, 14, and
15 of Block 2 be zoned I-1. That Lots 1, 2 & 3 of
Block 1 & 2 be zoned B-3. That the West half of
7 through 12 of Block 2 be zoned R-5. Sloan second-
ed. Motion carried.
Sloan wanted it reflected in the minutes that she
seconded the motion to carry the issue on, but felt
from a planning standpoint, it was illogical to jump
from a residential to industrial area.
Old Business None
New Business Manning distributed papers on "An Evaluation of
Zoning Ordinance."
After Board discussion, Trippet suggested a meeting
or short work shop to include the Annexation Com-
mittee, Glen Neier (City Attorney), Alan Peterson
(Building Official), for the discussion of the Zon-
ing Ordinance on the 24th of April.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon H. Bowman
Recording Secretary