02-14-84 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES i February 14, 1984 Members Present Ed Trippet Kathleen Jukich Bob LeDuc Les Ormistoni Jack Peters Chuck Manning Virginia Sloan James Stephens Members Absent Douglas Morton Others Present James Mohn, Senior Planner, F.R.D.O. Mike Casey, Director, Rural Resource Development Council Tom Sederstrom, Thomas, Dean & Hoskins Ray Lybeck, Adjacent Land Owner Allan Peterson, City Building Official 4 members of.the public Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Ed Trippet at and Roll Call 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Kalispell City Hall. Roll call was taken. Approval of Minutes Trippet called on any corrections or amendments to the minutes of January 10, 1984. Being none, Manning moved to approve the minutes. Jukich seconded motion. Motion carried. . Election of Trippet said his term as member of the Board termin- Member-at-Large, 1984 ated at the end of the calendar year, and has been reappointed. Jukich and Ormiston also were reappointed. LeDuc moved to nominate Ormiston as Member -at -Large. Motion seconded by Peters. Motion carried. Election of Officers LeDuc moved to nominate Jukich as President. 1984 Ormiston seconded. Jukich moved to nominate Manning as President. Sloan seconded. Trippet closed nominations and written ballots were counted by Ormiston. Jukich was elected as Presi- dent. Sloan moved to nominate Manning as Vice -President. Jukich moved to nominated Trippet as Vice -President. LeDuc seconded. Trippet closed nominations and written ballots were counted by Peters. Trippet was nominated as Vice - President. Jukich took over the meeting as President of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board. Preliminary Plat Jukich asked to hear from the developer or spokes- Reapproval of person for the developer. "North Springwood Subd." Dawn McAlister with Marquardt Surveying, said she had nothing to add, but would answer any questions if she could. Mohn then gave the F.R.D.O. presentation. He said it was the same application submitted two years ago. The original preliminary approval period had expired. The developers did not seek the extension in time. Mohn said the Owner/Developer is Chester L. Ellingson and the location of the property is on the East side of Helena Flats Road, immediately North of Spring - wood Lane, 1/2 mile South of Rose Crossing Road. JThe size if 19.7 acres/8 lots/2.0 acres minimum lot size. The intended use is single family residential. The F.R.D.O. recommended approval of "North Spring - wood" with the following conditions: 1. That all water and sewer systems be approved by the State Department of Health and Environ- mental Sciences and County Sanitarian. The drainfield trench bottom areas and sidewalls be lined with fine sand and sandy loam material. 2. That a 35 foot drainage easement, granted to Flathead County, be provided along the South bank of Spring Creek in accordance with Section 5.4.2 of the Flathead County Subdivision Regu- lations, and that all vegetation within this easement be retained in its natural state. 3. That at an additional ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the County for future improve- ments on. Heleria"FIats Road. 4. That the private road be built to 24 foot County gravel surface standards. - 2 - 5. That the road within North Springwood Subdivision be named and appropriately signed. 6. That the road within North Springwood Subdivision remain private with a Homeowners Agreement for maintenance and snow removal. 7. That the plat provide net and gross acreages and each lot stating that portion of the road to be taxed to each lot. Jukich asked if • anyone ,would 'like -to., -comme-nt . Public Hearing Ray Lybeck, 500 Reserve Drive, Kalispell, Mt. said he was neither an opponent or_ proponent. He was concerned that they didn't establish another Ever— green in the Helena Flats Community. He didn't want contaminated ground water. The Board discussed the potential sewer system problems and LeDuc said he feels they will have a sewer system there within three years. Lybeck was concerned about Recommendation No. 3 re— garding the 10 feet of right—of—way dedicated to the County for future improvements on Helena Flats Road. He wanted to know if there were plans of doing something with this road. He said before 8:00 A.M. and after 5:00 P.M. the traffic congestion was awful. Mohn said it was noted in the Environmental Assess— ment, but no improvement plans at the moment. Sloan asked Mike Casey to comment. Casey said he was not speaking for the Conservation District. He said .the reality of what he is trying to do includes the fact that good growth might be that growth that is closer to towns. Agriculture preservations in the past has been a matter of look— ing at the best soils and trying to save them all. The technique they are taking now balances the actual soils quality and their proximity to sewer, water, other agricultural lands, etc. He is not exactly familiar with the exact proximity of the piece the Board is presently discussing. He said there is another prospective one might want to look at and that is, is it inevitable? If it is, by denying it, one winds up developing a little further out and a little less dense. It is not an easy decision.. Sloan said she was concerned with the soil and the road. — 3 Ellingson felt you needed a higher density for a C� sewer system. Said the development was a good mile past any high density. By not allowing any more high density development, it was not feasible for a sewer system or water system. Said water was good - 30 feet clear water - 80 feet to the deep aquifer. Motion Trippet moved to approve the Planning Board Staff's recommendations 1 through 7 for North Springwood. Ormiston seconded motion. Motion carried. Annexation of the Mohn presented the F.R.D.O. report of the request "Heritage Health from Developers Diversified for annexation of the Center Addition" "Heritage Health Center Addition" to the City of Kalispell. The location is on the northwest corner of the Simmons Addition, 700 feet north of Sunnyview Lane, and 400 feet east of U. S. Highway 93 North. The property is described as a portion of Assessors Tract 7E in Government Lot 6, NW4, SW4, Section 6, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The purpose of the annexation is to locate a hospital facility, which is a "conditional use" on the RA-1, RA-2, and RA-3 zones. The F.R.D.O. said the annexation request is in accor- dance with the Kalispell Comprehensive Development Plan and recommends approval with the following con- ditions: 1. That all new utility installations and;-r>oadway construction be done in accordance with Kalis- pell's "Standards and General Provisions for Design and Construction" (City Standards). 2. That access to the property include a 50' radius cul-de-sac for fire apparatus, and be annexed to the City. 3. That a surface drainage plan be approved as per City Standards. 4. That fire hydrants be installed in accordance with City Standards with location approvals and fire flow tests approved by the Fire Chief. 5. That the access roadway be included in the annex- ation. 6. That the access to Highway 93 be approved by the State Department of Highways. 7. That the 40' easement from Windward Way to the `-� site, be limited to "utility" uses only. - 4 - Jukich asked for any comments. Sederstrom and applicant didn't have any problems with Recommendation 2 and 5, except that they were concerned for adjacent landowners who would become surrounded by the City and become concerned with forced annexation. Stephens didn't feel it was good' planning or good, use of the land. Jukich asked if there were additional comments. Motion Trippet moved to recommend to the City Council the Planning Staffs Recommendation 1 through 7, to pass as written. LeDuc seconded. Motion carried. Old Business None New Business LeDuc was upset about the draft resolution "Criteria for Local Determination of Evasion of the Subdivision and Platting Act" which was drafted by the F.R.D.O. by the request of the Flathead County Planning Board. He felt this concerned everyone in the County and should be brought before all concerned Boards. The Board discussed this and agreed with LeDuc. Motion LeDuc moved to have a letter written by the Kalispell City -County Planning Board to the County Commis- sioners asking them to take no action on this draft resolution until all concerned Boards and public input has been considered. Seconded by Stephens. Motion carried. Mohn said the County Commissioners adopted a new County Subdivision Regulations which takes effect March 16, 1984. Mohn introduced Mike Casey to the Board. Mike Casey wanted to introduce himself to the Plan- ning Board. He said he was the Director of the Rural Resource Development Council and explained that he was hired under a two year contract with the Conser- vation District to identify prime agricultural lands in the County, then develop tools and techniques to protect these lands from unnecessary development. Specifically, they are looking for alternatives to conventional zoning and are currently looking at "LESA" - "Land Evaluation and Site Assessment." - 5 - This is an evaluation system used to differentiate prime agricultural lands from other land. He is asking each Planning Board to volunteer a repre- sentative to serve on the committee. He said Mayor McDowell had already appointed Chuck Manning to serve on behalf of the City Council and the Kalispell City - County Planning Board. Casey said some meetings will be public and will publish those public meetings. Ormiston moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Manning seconded the motion. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Sharon H. Bowman Recording Secretary Approved: Chairman - 6 -