01-08-85 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - JANUARY 8, 1985 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Ed Trippett, vice president at 7:30 AND ROLL CALL p.m. Those present were Trippett, LeDuc, Sloan, Manning, Stephens, and Reynolds. Ormiston was the only member absent. Others present were Nakul Verma, planning director, David Greer, senior planner, and Tom Jentz, senior planner. There were six people from the public. APPROVAL OF Reynolds pointed out that on page 3 of the minutes of December 11, MINUTES 1984 that the name of Mel Ferguson was incorrect. It was changed to "Mel Torgeson." There being no further changes, the minutes were approved as corrected. ELECTION OF Trippett opened the meeting to nominations for a member -at -large for MEMBER -AT -LARGE the year 1985. Sloan moved to re-elect L. M. Ormiston to that position. Manning seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ELECTION OF Trippett opened the floor for the purpose of electing the officers of OFFICERS for the year 1985. President LeDuc nominated Ormiston and Stephens seconded the nomination. Stephens then moved to cast a unanimous ballot for Ormiston for President. Seconded by LeDuc and the motion passed unanimously. O Vice -President Sloan nominated Stephens for Vice -President. LeDuc seconded the nomi- nation. Sloan moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for Stephens as vice-president. It was seconded by Reynolds and the motion passed unanimously. At this time Trippett turned the chair over to Stephens in the absence of the newly elected president. KEN -WAY DEVELOP- Stephens called on Verma to give the staff report on a request, from MENT AND KOENIG Gerald A. & Lillian J. Koenig and Ken -Way Development for the annex - ANNEXATION ation of Lot A of the Resubdivision of Block 12, High School Addition REQUEST with RA-1 zoning. The property is located between 8th and 9th Streets West and west of 10th Avenue West with a total area of 1.922 acres. Verma stated that the property is adjacent to the city limits and the property will be used to expand the housing for the elderly that is already existing on an adjacent lot. Reynolds called attention to the letter from Ken Hammer, Director of Public Works, comment number 3 asking if this is being' addressed at this time. Verma stated that this was simply an annexation request and there weren't any siteplans being submitted as yet. When that stage is approached then the question of access from 10th Avenue West will be addressed. He further stated that this is the right way to do it. The staff will need to evaluate the site plan when that is submitted before recommendations will made on this question. Ken Nardinger stated that, if they choose to access from 10th Avenue West, it would not be a problem for him to bring that road up to the city standards. Motion Trippett moved to recommend approval of. the annexation request with the four conditions as stated in the staff report. It was seconded by Manning and the motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Verma stated that last month a public hearing was held on the proposed Master Plan. He stated that the Planning Board should plan a work ses— sion to review all. of the public comments and to recommend any changes to be made to the Master Plan. He felt that this work session should be held on a different night from the regular monthly meeting. Sloan suggested that the scheduling of this meeting be held off until the new appointments to the Board have been made by the •County Commis— sioners. NEW BUSINESS Verma stated that a meeting with the County Commissioners and the City Council was held last month to discuss zoning areas outside the city limits. He stated that there were three items on the agenda: 1. Should there be zoning outside of the city limits? 2. If so, how far should be zoned? 3. If it is to be zoned, who should do it? The general concensus was that there should be some kind of zoning and land use control outside of the City Limits. At least two of the three Commissioners felt that they would. go one to two miles -and that the zoning should be done by the County. They gave a directive to .the Staff to start working through the planning board to find out what areas to zone and how it should be zoned. This is another project this Board will be working on. LeDuc stated that the Board should get the Comprehensive Plan done first.. Manning stated that they could not zone areas until there was a current comprehensive plan. Verma suggested working with each pro— ject side by side. Verma stated that the zoning commission is made up of the four city appointees from the Planning Board. He suggested that this board should think about having the City Zoning Commission be the whole nine member -board and thereby allowing county members to have some say in zoning matters especially since this body will be looking at zoning outside of the City Limits. He further stated that the statutes allow it. This has already been done in Whitefish and Columbia Falls and is working very well. LeDuc stated that there was a problem in that there is a lot more.agri— culture land around the city of Kalispell than there is around the cities of Whitefish and Columbia Falls. Verma stated that the Commis— sioners did not want to zone the agriculture land. After further discussion, LeDuc stated that he felt that everyone should work together and Trippett suggested that a motion be made by the Zoning Commission rather .than this Board. Sloan suggested that it be taken under advisement and wait until two new members have been appointed to the Board. —2— ( 7) ADJOURNMENT Trippett moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Rey- nolds and the meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Pr ident Ap p r o v e d: �t dy_e L a, /fie e ,1wL e �a -3- Recording Secretary KALISPELL CITY ZONING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 11, 1985 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by president, Virginia Sloan at 7:36 AND ROLL CALL p.m. Those present were Sloan, Stephens, Trippett and Manning. Also present was Nakul Verma, Planning Director. APPROVAL OF Stephens moved to approved the minutes as submitted. The motion was MINUTES seconded by Manning and passed unanimously. MAHUGH ZONE Sloan introduced the request from Chester M. Mahugh to amend the Offi- CHANGE REQUEST cial Zoning Map of the City of Kalispell by changing the zoning classi- fication from R-4 (Single Family Residential) to B-2 (Neighborhood Pro- fessional Business) for Lots 7 through 12 in Block 228, Kalispell. Sloan pointed out that action on the previous Mahugh Zone Change Request had been tabled pending his bringing a request to change the zone of the entire west half of the block rather than just two lots. Mr. Mahugh's plan is to put an insurance office on the Ray Robbin pro- perty which includes all of Lots 7 and 8 and the south 10 feet, of Lot 9 of this zone change request. Mahugh stated that he had a buy/sell agreement on the Ray Robbin pro- perty contingent upon obtaining the necessary zone change. He did not feel that putting an insurance office at this location would change the character of the neighborhood. He stated that he would be provid- ing adequate off-street parking for any employees and customers of his business. He stated that his business is not a noisy business and would not affect the tranquility of the neighborhood in any way. Kraft and Abbott, property owners within the requested zone change area, also expressed favorable opinions for the zone change request. Mary Stillman, Mr. Samuel, and Beth Mortensen all expressed opposing viewpoints saying that they felt this zone change would destroy an already established neighborhood. They felt that their neighborhood was at the saturation point now. They wanted their neighborhood to stay residential. Stephens stated that the petitioner has signatures from 83% of the pro- perty owners affected by the zone change request and he did not feel there was anything that could be done at this stage but to send it on to the City Council. Sloan stated that her concern was where the commercial area was going to stop. Motion Trippett moved to recommend the zone change as requested. The motion was seconded by Stephens. The motion passed by a vote of 2 to 1. Man- ning did not vote due to leaving to chair the City Council meeting and Sloan cast the only opposing vote. OLD BUSINESS Verma stated that the City Council passed unanimously the request by the City Zoning Commission to combine with the Planning Board and City Zoning Commission into one board. He stated that the City Attorney is drafting the ordinance and it will have to have two readings before it becomes official. He further stated that the City Council would like to have it noted in the minutes of this meeting showing a response to their motion. Motion Stephens moved that the Commission reaffirm the recommendation that was made the previous month by the Zoning Commission to combine the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and the Kalispell City Zoning Commission and to call it the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission. The motion was seconded by Trippett and it passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Verma stated that the Planning Board is still short two members from the County portion and the member -at -large has now resigned. He stated that at the next meeting a new member -at -large needed to be elected and a new .president was also required. Verma stated that he has received an official directive from the County Commissioners asking the Kalispell City -County Planning Board to look into extra -territorial zoning of the area immediately adjacent to the city limits of Kalispell. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. C1 President Recording Secretary Approved: u c� .�1js-y►a-c r� /'� �P-r� l �� Z`� -2-