11-13-86 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 1986 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Charles Manning at 7:40 AND ROLL CALL p.m. Those present were Manning, Trippet, Sloan, Reynolds, Treweek, and LeDuc. Hall arrived at 8:25 p.m. Gunnerson and Stephens were absent. David Greer, Senior Planner from the Flathead Regional Development Office, was also present. APPROVAL OF MIN- Trippet moved to approve the minutes of the October 16, 1986 meeting UTES OCTOBER 16, as presented. Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 1986 DISCUSSION OF PIanning introduced the agenda topic of continued discussion on ZONING OF AREAS recommendations for the zoning of areas adjacent to the City of ADJACENT TO CITY Kalispell with particular emphasis on the area subject to the OF KALISPELL Informational Meeting held on October 23, 1986. Manning stated that there were good comments on the informational meeting and he felt it was a well presented meeting. Greer said he also came away with that feeling. The slide show seemed to be very helpful and there was no opposition to proceeding. Greer stated that he felt one of the reasons for this is that the area is kind of static and not rapidly changing at this time. Trippet asked if there was an underlying factor of the truck by pass. Greer stated that once the owners found out that the possibility of a truck by-pass on Willow Glen Drive was not the issue, the meeting went well. There were quite a number from the Greenacres area. Most people were interested in seeing how this might affect their property. He added that there will be some areas that will end up being non -conforming. Trippet felt that the area with the most conflicts was the Four Corners area. Trippet stated that he had suggested to several land owners in that area that they should petition for a zone of their choice, such as industrial, before the -County zones them something that would make them non -conforming. Greer stated that the FRDO would prepare a report on any zoning petition but one particular concern would be "compliance with the Master Plan." Trippet said if that area is zoned one way, that will make a lot of others non -conforming. How do we deal with an area like that? Greer stated that few areas can be zoned without creating some non -conforming uses. You have to look at everything including the availability of services and general suitability of the area for particular uses. Most of the proposed zoning will reflect the existing and predominant uses of the area. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the Commissioners who will have the final determination on how a particular area should be zoned. Greer added it would be nice to have more public input in some of these areas that have a mixture of uses. 1 Manning expressed a concern of zoning areas as light industrial and and how it might affect the location of a truck by-pass. Greer stated that light industrial zoning could go in on the west side of Highway 93 South where it is anticipated by the Master Plan. Greer indicated \ that the Master Plan anticipated the routing of a by-pass along the railroad grade west of town. Discussion ensued with some concern expressed that traffic should not be funneled onto Meridian Road by the by-pass. Greer stated that there was some concern about the zoning on Conrad Drive where there is some mixture of uses. He felt that maybe high density residential might be appropriate for a portion of that area Greer suggested that Board should decide the next course of action. They could have another informational meeting or they could make some changes to the map, make some definite proposal, and then have a meeting. Reynolds and Manning expressed the idea of having another informational meeting before proposing something more concrete. Sloan felt that another meeting was promised but that the Board should present some sort of proposal and let them shoot holes in it. After further discussion, the Board decided to have Greer prepare a more detailed map and bring it to the next meeting so that a possible proposal could be formalized. Then the Board would have another meeting for the public in the month of January. OLD BUSINESS Reynolds asked what the status was of the Planning Board's -' recommendation to the County Commissioners concerning Stillwater Meadows Preliminary Plat? Greer stated that the subdivider has asked for a 60-day extension and it was granted. He added that the County Commissioners have been receptive to the recommendations made by the Planning Board. Manning stated that two items had been proposed for the work program for this year which were sign regulations and reduction of the city zones. (The work program has not been adopted by the Countywide Administrative Board.) He stated that he felt the Board should be pursuing these issues also. He asked the Board members what they felt they would like to work on. Sloan stated that she felt there was a lot of support for a sign ordinance. Manning stated that he felt any sign ordinance should become part of the zoning regulations. Trippet felt that a sign ordinance should be city wide. Greer stated that one was done for the City of Columbia Falls recently and it is a fairly good one. It was suggested that an ad hoc committee be formed to work on sign regulations. After further discussion, the Board requested to receive a copy of the Columbia Falls ordinance so that they could study it. They also asked that the previous paper that was done by the FRDO on the reduction of zones for the City of Kalispell be sent to them. 2 NEW BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 3 Ci �dZ� Ava Walters, Recording Secretary