08-12-86 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING AUGUST 12, 1986 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Charles Manning, President at 7:35 AND ROLL CALL p.m. Those present were LeDuc, Reynolds, Sloan, Hall, and Manning. Those absent were Stephens, Crick, and Trippett. Also present was David Greer, Senior Planner of the Flathead Regional Development Office. APPROVAL OF MIN- Reynolds moved to accept the minutes of the July 8, 1986 meeting as UTES JULY 8, 1986 submitted. Hall seconded the motion and it passed unanimously of the quorum present. STILLWATER Manning introduced the application by Don C. Walker for preliminary MEADOWS PRELIMI- plat approval of Stillwater Meadows, an 11-lot residential NARY PLAT subdivision. Generally, the subdivision is proposed in an area south of Conrad Drive and north of Anderson Lane, between the Stillwater River and the Flathead River. It is further described as being located on 13,36 acres on Tracts 2IB and 2GAB in the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sectin 9, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. Greer gave the staff report saying that this subdivision had previously received conditional, approval from the County Commissioners in 1981. The average lot size will be one acre, The property has a rural character with six single-family dwellings adjoining some of the property but that agricultural uses tend to dominate in the vicinity.. He stated that the proposed subdivision would be in substantial conformance with the "Suburban Residential" designation of the Kalispell City -County Master Plan but that the text of the Plan also states that "where appropriate, reserve areas within the 100-year floodplain in a natural state as. parkland, wildlife habitat, open space or agriculture." _Each of the lots would have individual wells and septic tanks and that covenants are being proposed to establish responsibilities of ownership and maintenance of -the common properties. The permitted uses of the subdivision would be,restricted to single-family dwellings. He stated that flooding is the principal threat to public health and safety in the area of the proposed subdivision. The Flood Insurance Rate Maps indicate that the subject property is located within the 100 to 500 year frequency floodplain (Zone B). The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation has determined that a significant portion of the proposed subdivision is below the elevation of the 100-year frequency flood. A later letter from John R. Hamill, Supervisor of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, states that the proposed subdivision may not be in the 100-year floodplain but is subject to some shallow flooding during a 100-year frequency event. Greer stated that there is riparian habitat found along the banks of the Stillwater Fiver and the backwater channel of the Flathead River. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks suggests that the riparian vegetation remain undisturbed and that all development be set back as a buffer to those areas. Rapid percolation may be a problem in the area. The Soil Conservation Service indicates that the /1 soils in the area have severe limitations.for development. For the v individual sewage treatment systems, concerns pertain to (1) depth of groundwater, (2) percolation rates, and (3) location of the 100-year floodplain. The preliminary test hole results monitored by the Flathead City -County Health Department suggest that the groundwater "is not so shallow, as to preclude use of conventional absorption trenches." Since there is no park proposed for the subdivision, the fee -in -lieu is set at $2,526. The soils are a class II and designated prime agricultural land. The previous conditions of approval for this subdivision indicate that the property has been flooded on at least three other occasions. He added that areas of concern in addition to a potential flooding problem are the suitability of the property for individual septic tanks and the loss of prime farmland. The staff recommended denial of the preliminary plat approval for this subdivision but did also list 16 conditions of approval if the County Commissioners should decide to approve the subdivision. Public Hearing Manning opened the meeting to a public hearing and asked for comments from those in favor of the subdivision. Mrs. Don Walker stated that they do support the 16 conditions of approval. She also stated that real estate offices have stated that there is a real shortage of one acre lots close in to town and that there seems to be a desire by prospective buyers for this type of property. Don Walker stated that the property is impractical to farm. He cited the example that this year he hayed the property and received $118 but the taxes on the property are approximately $268.00. There being no further proponents, Manning called for comments from opponents of the subdivision. Charlene Lengstad stated she was opposed to the subdivision because of the shallow wells in the immediate vicinity. She was concerned because the drainage is toward the other properties with the shallow wells. She could not understand why there is so much confusion over the floodplain since she believed that it was in the 100-year floodplain. She added that, in 1981, the property owners were made promises that the county would improve the county road south of the subdivision. This has yet to be done. The road is too hazardous for the traffic that is now using.it. She also felt that Conrad Drive was carrying a lot of traffic and it was not up to the standards needed for that amount of traffic. Betty Daily added her opposition by saying that there are a lot of logging trucks using -Anderson Lane to go to the sawmill at the end of the road. Mr. Smith, a farmer in the area, cited that there had been floods O there in 1908, 1916, 1948, and 1964. He also cited that the septic tanks would all be draining into the rivers and subsequently into the 2 lake. He felt that the added septic tanks will cause trouble for the shallow wells. Chuck Williams stated that he could live with the lots being three to five acres in size but not one acre in size. He also agreed with the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department that there is an excellent riparian area on the banks of the rivers and the Owen Sowerwine preserve is near there, which may also be adversely affected. Board Discussion Hall stated that the saw mill at the end of Anderson Lane is in bank ownership and may not be in existance for very much longer, since it is up for sale. Sloan asked why the previously approved subdivision was not followed through? Mrs. Don Walker explained that the property had been sold to someone else who got the preliminary plat approval and then subsequently they had to take the property back and now they are asking for approval of the same subdivision as previously approved. LeDuc expressed concern about the water table in that area and felt that the septic tanks would be a problem. Sloan agreed with LeDuc and added that concern about the shallow wells in regards to the addition of more septic tanks in the area. Greer pointed out the the State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences will require a drainage plan. The Flathead City -County Health Department has a concern over the fast percolation in the area. He stated that if the property is in the 100-year floodplain they can build there only if they floodproof it. This can be done by building structures that are two feet above the floodplain elevation. Reynolds also felt concern for the threat of flooding and for the number of lots to be created. Manning felt that the two lots adjoining Anderson Lane could create a problem so access should be restricted to the private road within the subdivision. Hall expressed concern over the present property owners in the area have septic tank approval and the proposed subdivision having a complication with getting septic tank approval. Charlene Lengstad, of the audience, stated that she felt the area was already over developed. She felt that the same problem experienced in Green Acres had a potential for developing in this area. James Burton, surveyor for developer, stated that perk tests have been done on each of the lots for the purpose of determining the size of the drainfield. Five test holes were done in May at the request of Glen Gray and the ground water did not come close to the six feet level in all five test holes. Mrs. Walker added that this has been done twice. 3 0, Motion Sloan moved to recommend denial of the proposed subdivision due to overwhelming concern of potential threats to public health and safety. Reynolds seconded and the motion passed with the following vote: Sloan, Reynolds, and LeDuc in favor and Hall opposed. WORKSHOP ON ZON- ING OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS OF KALISPELL OLD BUSINESS Manning stated that the workshop for establishing zoning districts outside the, city limits of Kalispell would start following adjournment of the meeting. Manning asked Greer to comment on the Mainstreet Revitalization Workshop he attended. Greer stated that the workshop was conducted by the National Main Street Center in Washington, D.C. The content of the workshop was excellent and well worth attending. He stated that a wealth of information was presented during the workshop that he was not prepared to provide a detailed report on the conference, The main topics included downtown revitalization strategies, building improvements, and financial strategies. Manning requested that each of the Board members be provided with copies of the City Zoning Ordinance, City Subdivision Regulations, 'Extra -Territorial' Zoning Ordinance, County Subdivision Regulations and the recently adopted City -County Master Plan. NEW BUSINESS Greer stated that all of the planning boards with the exception of Columbia Falls, which has not yet been contacted, have agreed to try to schedule the workshop for the planning boards in the middle of November. He stated that he has asked the Department of Commerce for assistance and followed up his verbal request with a letter. They have said that they will assist but have not sent written notification to that effect yet. He added that the Columbia Falls Planning Board will be presented with this at their next meeting. As soon as possible, the workshop will have to be set up. Manning asked how many meetings Frank Crick has missed. Walters stated that he has missed six consecutive meetings. Manning stated that he felt there needs to be a replacement for him since it appears that he is going to be unable to attend the meetings due to employment obligations. Motion LeDuc moved to send a letter to the County Commissioners requesting a replacement for Frank Crick since he is a county member of the Board. Hall seconded the motion and it passed unanimously of the quorum present. Jim Treweek was suggested as a possible replacement. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. M t, Char Approved: Recording Secretary, Ava Walters