04-08-86 Planning BoardKALISPELL CITY -COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION HELD ON APRIL 8, 1986 The meeting was not officially called to order due to lack of a quorum. Those in attendance were Manning, Stephens, Hall, and Reynolds. David Greer, Senior Planner, represented the Flathead Regional Development Office. The agenda items will again be placed on next month's agenda. Informal discussion did take place concerning the following two items: 1. Work Program for 1986-1987 year. 2. MAP Spring Conference in Great Falls. WORK PROGRAM: Manning stated that there are two projects that the Planning Board will be requesting the CAB to include in their work program for the 1986-1987 year. They are: 1. Consideration of zoning in the immediate areas surrounding the City of Kalispell at the request of the County Commis- sioners. Some work has already been started on this project and David Greer passed out a letter received from the County Commissioners approving the boundaries of the area to be considered for zoning. 2. Reduction of the number of zoning classifications in the zoning ordinance of the City of Kalispell. Manning stated that a letter has been received from the City Council requesting that this be pursued by the Planning Board, and Zoning Commission. Manning stated that there are two other possibilities that could be included on the Work Program. They are: 1. Drafting of a Sign Ordinance. 2. Drafting of regulations pertaining to Satellite Dishes. Manning stated that the Annexation Committee did not see the need for the Sign Ordinance and that the Building Inspector would like to con- tinue treating Satellite Dishes as he has been -namely, permanent structures that must,m.e.et all setbacks and height restrictions. It was pointed out that five years ago a sign ordinance was considered through the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and then for some reason was shelved. Dave Reynolds suggested that a survey be done to find out if the business community feels there is a need for a sign �i 1 ordinance. After further discussion, those present felt that it would be a good idea to conduct a survey of the Chamber of Commerce and the Kalispell Development 'Council and see if they feel the need for a sign ordinance. Manning asked Greer to draft a survey and letter, which he would sign, to that effect. The general discussion on a proposed Satellite Dish ordinance led in the direction of allowing the Building Inspector to continue as he has been and then if any problems arise the Board would deal with it then. SPRING CONFERENCE IN GREAT FALLS: Since most of the planning board members were not present in order to receive the agenda of the MAP Spring Conference, Manning requested David Greer to send the agenda along with a letter to all the planning board members requesting that they respond within five days. Those present did not know if they would be able to attend. Reynolds sug— gested going down by air if the cost was not prohibitive. Greer said that he would check into the cost. General Discussion ended at 8:20 p.m. Ava Walters, Recording Secretary 2