Allow the Warming Center to retain its permit from Kyle LeflerJudi Funk
From: Kyle Lefler <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2024 5:20 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Allow the Warming Center to retain its permit
Dear City Councilors,
It is with great urgency that I write to you today to ask that you uphold the Flathead Warming Center's
permit so that it may remain as an essential service for this valleys un and underhoused population.
Most unhoused individuals who utilize the warming center are folks who have lived and worked in this
valley foryears, who have fallen victim to sky high housing prices, coinciding with a decline in availability
of services for individuals who face mental health and addiction struggles. The existence of the Warming
Center ensures that these individuals do not die on the streets of our city. Revoking their permit, and
removing this essential service will only worsen the conditions that these neighbors are dealing with.
I urge you all to consider the ways that we could, in fact, expand services for the unhoused population in
our valley, offering them support, healthcare, and a leg up to get them back on their feet. This support
would ensure a decrease in the number of unhoused individuals, and would be a beautiful expression of
Montanans and helping our fellow Montanans.
Kyle Lefler
1543 7th Avenue W
kyle lefler
(she, her, hers)