City Council May 6, Public Comment from Margaret DavisAimee Brunckhorst
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 1:57 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL City Council May 6, 2024
Dear Council Members,
Resolution 6193 regarding Tronstad Meadows points up once again that Flathead County's failure to
update and apply its Growth Policy to land use decision -making creates uncertainty for property
owners near areas with development potential.
Every farm in the Flathead valley is a candidate for subdivision. The economics of farming on a large
scale are no longer favorable for supporting an agricultural base. It is too late to roll back the clock.
The 2023 Montana legislature also passed legislation that restricts public participation in local land
use changes.
Ultimately it will be the availability of public infrastructure that may determine growth
patterns. Wastewater treatment, septage treatment, potable water, road rights -of -way and carrying
capacity, emergency services, schools, and parks will all need consideration.
A well -conceived, large subdivision must be considered on its merits. In the end it may serve
Flathead residents better than a patchwork of scattered, dinky projects.
Margaret S Davis, homeowner 160 Charlotte Ave, Kalispell MT 59901