Opposition to #KGPA-24-01 Public Comment from Ming and Dan Munzing Greetings, Honorable Mayor Johnson and Members of the Kalispell City Council, Thank you so much for your service in the best interests of our community. We truly appreciate you and count on you to keep the best interests of our present and future community at the heart of every vote you cast and every decision you make. My husband and I live at 213 Tronstad Rd. and thought the following might be helpful to you in making your decision for the June 3rd vote on amending Kalispell’s current growth policy and proposed annexation ot the 110.5 acres for the proposed subdivision of Tronstad Meadows / Whitetail Crossing. Market Mismatch: Our daughter’s home in the Valley, listed at $450,000, has been on the market for almost 2 weeks without a single inquiry or showing. Our kids are looking to purchase a home in Kalispell, listed at $499,000, which has been on the market for over a month with no buyer. Currently, there are 209 homes in the Valley listed under $500,000, showing no shortage of available housing in this price range. Our daughter’s experience and availability of housing in the valley under 500k appears to contradict the developers’ and other public comment claims that represent high demand and the supposed need for more housing. The banner cry of “housing! housing! Housing! To justify approving any and all developments rings false – especially when the homes will be more in the 600k and above range when buyers pay the proposed lot prices of $150k and up. Here are stats for current days on the market for housing in all price ranges in the valley: <https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/QMAF4nCXPwACs-DIbCV9AhlK7QXt5FRpoSKkTpyOyygJKfcCQc2VpNSBu1XqXwZ_j8eC0QMxUCPJ7PoLLZyNUl696mxbt9N4MKq1nJ4WcB5789OTvuIrlKJwQNF1936le0Wqbmh-JaXjam_tSkB5FGE> Hopefully, widespread negative sentiment shared with you as well as 584 signatures on a petition in opposition and the many public comments you’ve received should help you see how thin the argument is in favor of amending Kalispell’s current growth policy, annexing, rezoning, and approving a high-density “island” of lots (not even a real “development”) in the midst of mostly rural agricultural farmland seems ill-advised at the very least. Additionally, The proposed R3 zoning is out of character with the surrounding rural and agricultural landscape. Neighbor Tim Koenig, whose family owns over 100 acres adjacent to the east the proposed subdivision, has no intention of allowing his property to be annexed and plans to subdivide into 5-acre parcels for family members. This proposed subdivision on which you’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time reading comments in opposition would create an isolated, unconnected island to the city of Kalispell. Except, of course, for 75’ of contiguous boundary with Qail Meadows, which is a ridiculous rationale as it provides NO assets at all other than allowing the Kalispell city planners to attempt to make an argument in favor. We hope the city council can see through this falsity as well as the community can. External Developer’s Intentions: The project appears to be funded by Elcan and Associates, a national developer based in Alabama. Based on their plan to NOT develop and build a community as other developwers nearby are doing, Elcan and Associates seems more interested in selling lots and turning a profit than building community. Elcan’s plan sure has raised some red flags within the community. And we’d love to share the proud flags Elcan flies on its own website. In case you haven’t seen it, here’s an image from the developers own website showing this subdivision is one of hundreds nationally. <https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/Ptrr4DzPETTknVCgGaYC0sqmSCW2mz-jvYwBdS7Om6uzaFT94EvKiR7nioxW8CmUwH-yLG1TSSyiVuiQ2yLudORS0IPGo05dF0nLV-G0K9-_XsRUwFFsvgOFTf9PSOh8xqVSOYONGjhCtQJ6-zKzR0A> https://elcaninc.com/national-developments/ <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Felcaninc.com%2Fnational-developments%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cabrunckhorst%40kalispell.com%7Ce5 364e9edada4d3680e208dc80bf21f1%7C6219d736f71146359cbaff616a81b398%7C1%7C0%7C638526805631197794%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C& sdata=PyUvCl%2B2PEu5ce0zOlfTgTx%2BmOD52Q59NlaXzIuOBsk%3D&reserved=0> Elcan and associates’ approach contrasts sharply with carefully planned subdivisions like Howard Mann’s Silverbrook Estates, which have demonstrated and are a hallmark of long term commitment to our community. If Elcan is truly interested in improving our community, build a community. Don’t just sell lots. Growth Policy Inconsistencies: The proposed amendment, annexation, and R3 zoning are inconsistent with Kalispell’s Growth Policy Plan-It 2035, which aims for thoughtful, sustainable, and safe growth. Approving this amendment would undermine the principles guiding our city’s development. Please keep developing to provide more housing in areas that make sense. You’re doing a great job on the highway 93 corridor and west and south of town. Please continue that sensible trajectory and vote a solid NO on amending the growth policy, annexation, rezoning, and preliminary plat approval on Tronstad Meadows / Whitetail Crossing, a proposed development that is fraught with problems, is highly unpopular, and which approval of could threaten the public’s opinion of the city and council’s stated objectives of acting in the best interest of the community and its present and future residents. In conclusion, this amendment does not meet our community’s housing needs and puts undue pressure on local infrastructure and resources. We urge you to vote NO on the amendment to the growth policy, annexation, and R3 zoning for Tronstad Meadows and Whitetail Crossing. Thank you for considering the long-term interests of our community. Sincerely, Ming and Dan Munzing 213 Tronstad Rd., Kalispell ronstad Road Kalispell, MT 406-253-1314 <tel:406-253-1314>