Homeless population Public Comment from Valeri McGarveyI thought you might find the following article interesting. It would be wonderful if this council and our mayor would be honest about the causes of homelessness in our community. To
say that that the problem began in 2020 because of the Warming Center is disingenuous. Correlation is not causation. I have homeless folks in my neighborhood too, but I am not asking
for the library to be closed down. Your job as the mayor and council is to solve problems in our city, not blame the very people who are attempting to solve the problem. Please do the
job we elected you to do. If you think the homeless issue will disappear if the Center closes down, you are mistaken.
3PL5g_aem_AY9qXLXTu2b5Z-f0V4xNOqiJjm4M3Woz-ntugUomVaSLj5AMJkB-t1nNAfS_X2SYc2qwK1GHklubeX1gIJuNrtB- <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fflatheadbeacon.com%2F2024%2F05%2F
Valeri McGarvey