System of a Down_Public Comment from Jake Burtosky[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] <
VZs9cvW7904%3D&reserved=0> : did the "Three Dog Down Official Down Laboratory" in Polson, MT, USA form sine qua non the Minnesota Timberwolves &/or Indiana Pacers trailing three games
in the US National Basketball Association Playoff Semifinals? Did the (explicit) band System of a Down form sine qua non the "Three Dog Down Official Down Laboratory" in Polson, MT,
#harakat #spidertigeryesornometry
Juxtapose Karl Anthony Towns of the Minnesota Timberwolves of the US National Basketball Association with the Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya or Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement, the
(PTE) element potassium, the high school Columbia Falls Wildkats of the state of Montana in the USA, the Minnesota Timberwolves when juxtaposed my birth of & theoretical influence on
formation of the (E. & W. Zodiac) Gou & Gemini sign & ascendancy & theoretical influence on the US states of Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Utah, Montana, Minnesota & Alaska &
ua67 <
erved=0> which speaks on my karaoke performance theoretically responsible for the (PTE) element potassium, the naming of the Columbia Falls Wildkats, the Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya
& the Cherokee tribe of America.
#mountianline #meinleben #mhtyphon #jakemall #stpatrick #batman
Today is the Sunday May 26th, 2024, the day of the week where as many as 2.5 billion people according to a cursory web search congregate for adherence to the epistemology which theoretically
portrays me as the Devil. (In retrospect of making this post, this number may be inflated to include proclaimed Christians who do not congregate for Biblical services). The time is
6:45 AM. The (PG-13) "The Dark Knight" is on the television at the Johnson Street Poverello Homeless Shelter in Missoula, MT, USA. Did the opening (plot detail admonishment) scene from
"The Dark Knight" where buses are used in a bank robbery form sine qua non Missoula's Mountain Line bus service this morning as local psychology shapes my perception & the enthusiasm
of those whose occupation requires early awakenings is expressed? Did Batman form sine qua non St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, MT, USA evident when St. Patrick is transposed "Set
Patrick Batman" & juxtaposed the thespian Christian Bale who played Batman in the films directed by Christopher Nolan & the character from the (Rated-R) "American Psycho" Patrick Bateman?
My plan is to recapitulate my criticisms of the Bible & my petition for the Bible's replacement this morning. My awakening this morning was extrinsic & malicious: I fear Joe Biden to
have been responsible for the formation of Alaska attempting to proselytize ignorance to garner sexual attention for himself precluding me from the attributes which would have distracted
me from committing to his opposition. Juxtapose the plot of the (PG-13) "The Dark Knight Rises" with the theoretical source of my awakening & my petition for all crime which has occurred
within or concurrently with the acculturation of Biblical epistemology to be absolved, vindicated or pardoned on account of my theoretical influence on the word alibi as evident in <
R%2B876YASpz9mPo%3D&reserved=0> .
Continued at <
xS%2BrMTXG8bR6DFhl2zO%2B4s%3D&reserved=0> .
#gemini #cancan #mahastavva #scorpio #anatman #pisces
Continued from <
my2bX94VWJPDn%2F2%2BPTBEnodUZc%3D&reserved=0> .
Has Moses's pentateuch been written sine qua non the Chicxulub Asteroid & time dilation between two points of mass in the process of discovery of the source of bellicosity which motivated
the portrayal of Satan & snakes as antagonist in Moses's book of Genesis: the equal & opposite reaction of carnivores theoretically responsible for the (Buddhist, Indian or Hindu) Prince
Mahasattva parable which alludes to extrinsic motivation encouraging human beings to offer themselves to carnivores in the wild? As Jesus Christ has been portrayed as the (Nordic) mythological
figure Freyr in relation to the celebration of the German Third Reich & the naming of the former German Chancellor Adolf Hitler & the (Nordic) mythological figures Baldr & Surtr, has
warfare been naturally occurring within humanity sine qua non carnivore nature or has warfare been the catalyst in which the discovery of the knowledge which should have been promulgated
in place of the Bible has been discovered? Consider the quote I remember to have read from a feminist book called her "Body is Her Art" by Linda Kurti which I checked out from the Los
Angeles Public Library in the approximate year of two-thousand-nineteen: "we do not antagonize, erase cruel thoughts from your memory." As roses have formed in name & theoretically
grown sine qua non Moses, does Moses deserve not to be the subject of partisan recrimination or has Moses been imposed upon with dialectic compunction in preservation or satisfaction
of the growth of roses?
As Plato attempted to portray Aztlan as Atlantis in "allegory on the hubris of nations" & while I act to satisfy the objectives & motivation of the former nation of Aztlan, I theorize
to have formed to have been portrayed as Lucifer in the Bible expressive of Plato's hubris & ignorance denigrating foreign nations as opposed to achieving the standard of Aztlan as
the leader of the nations responsible for the creation of the United States & theoretically the extrinsic motivation which necessitated Aztlan "the Land of Whiteness" created, my birth
which resulted in my brain trauma & Pharaoh Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt's proclamation of Atenism. My theory is that Plato has been responsible for or motivated by the writing of Moses's
pentateuch as Plato has been responsible for the writing of the Bible's book of Revelations & that Plato's & Moses's motivation has been sine qua non time dilation between two points
of mass & the Chicxulub Asteroid. Is Moses's pentateuch & Plato's Republic expressive of the partisan accounting of white women that white men have been responsible for conducive to
the formation of Egyptian slavery evident by Moses's false proclomation of men as the origin of the genders in his pentateuch, the writing of "keeping virgin women" in the Bible's book
of Numbers, the word white when juxtaposed whales & the Wales region of Australia, the creation of the United States when juxtaposed the shaping of Australia & the Bible & the former
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade & Australia when transposed "I'll-sell-ya?"
#gemini #cancer #germany #hermana #protagonistes
Are germs satisfied when achieving a sense of euphoria or feeling of protagonist influence? This (Set's Bat Trick) is the post or photograph which I've theorized to have been responsible
for the Spanish word guapo as I am theoretically portrayed as the (Greek) deity Dionysus responsible for the US state of Montana & shape the Spanish language kinetically. Juxtapose
the Spanish words hermana, protagonistes & guapo with the morphologies of the nation of Germany, the (PTE) element germanium & the Spanish word hermana & the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer
#hu #shu #tu
We want to wish you a merry toucan! Why have toucans formed? Juxtapose the (E. Zodiac) Hu, Shu & Tu signs with bats, the Can-Can, cannibalism & toucans when toucan is transposed "Tucan."
#uchuthis #gemini #cancer #lion #probiotics #logarithm
My theory is that the character from Batman Harley Quinn formed sine qua non the character from Batman Harvey Dent Before leaving my station to get breakfast at approximately 8:00 AM
MTN time on May 26th, 2024 while writing on the (PG-13) "The Dark Knight," which is playing on the television at the Johnson Street Homeless Shelter, I was postulating the psychological
ramifications of playing an antagonist in theatre while thinking of the character from "The Dark Knight" Harvey Dent. Upon observing the breakfast I said "nutritional value" in an awed
voice as the options for breakfast were cereal unlike the usual offering of frosted pastries & as I opted for the orange cereal selection I said "I heard orange is good for your bile"
in a voice similar to Harley Quinn as I remember from the (mature) Batman Rocksteady games which, if you've read <
oiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=JO3kYLUgOhOngOs6q2IKtYA0mD2VY9EJr33DNzohyeM%3D&reserved=0> , you know I theorize to have formed sine qua
non my life while, evident by my theoretical influence on the formation of St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, MT, USA, I too theorize Batman to have formed sine qua non my life. Upon
returning to my station, I theorized the character Harley Quinn formed sine qua non in the moments portrayed in this post to assuage insecurity the thespian playing Harvey Dent in "The
Dark Knight" may deport himself with. Harvey Dent: a man whose protagonist aspirations in relation to the word alibi & the nature of warfare & murder throughout human history are expressed
by the formation of his "two-faced" alter ego as his equal & opposite reactions are responsible for murder?
#tellmeajake #heathledger #sugar #lollipop #mars #neptune
Did the word patriot form sine qua non my theoretical influence on the United States & the father of my nephews Mykel, Isaac & Eli Burtosky Patrick Miller? Has St. Patrick's Hospital
in Missoula, MT, USA formed sine qua non my nephews Mykel, Eli & Isaac Burtosky & their father Patrick Miller? To my memory, Heath Ledger played in the (Rated-R) "The Patriot" with
Mel Gibson. Has Mel Gibson formed sine qua non my mother who has been portrayed as the (Greek) mythological figure Semele? Has Mel Gibson adumbrated my birth as my mother formed to
give birth to me as evident by <
rTKV9w4QSHYhpa4Q0xJOgBuAuFJJqQhvqAKyw0kUE%3D&reserved=0> ? Did (spoiler alert) Heath Ledger die sine qua non the dedication to the quality of the (PG-13) "The Dark Knight?" In other
words, did Heath Ledger die as the "requisition" of "The Dark Knight" required a thespian to sacrifice his life? The showers at the Johnson Street Poverello smelled like sewage today
which I felt like noting for my mother's theoretical portrayal as Semele & the formation of Mel Gibson in relation to my writing on the "The Dark Knight" when juxtaposed "The Patriot"
& Heath Ledger.
푲缯䶦ꍻ뚶蕵蒌⠷䜒⁷�澰ꧏ匆⎐認⨉孌䚗궉忿韾엿ﯞﶠ翛䟻忭诼ﴟ鿳鱿 炰ᡗ㊋䣓쭼캪犯⨯Ⴜ꧘妶鉋컊퇚࿓ɱケ㶹ꫫ뢿䢯ᶟ욠뫋鍓꓂㕖솤蓼ᩲ凭曳㗺᥀맋뫪뭱㥦ꁇ㯺専ਐ⋣᧼ꆽ긭䙨盛㏵펞ॖ㥮櫥䧪嫨㻓哚邞�怦憂켭༹爕ꇩ謘ᾴ��붜㳸£ꠊϳ晪䎪ᖩ᥊흟㝚뤧齕碆텒뒨톊闞䏪Őꟙ猤䧫賉簲妵ꣅ蒵셉ꉵЂꌯ⠒便태ኈ됣觶่嗥씸璉ដ玳龱瑱့ꦼ⺟䥐ீꇀၒ빧ꢈ췂㐤鯂肌⚙뫊쥸đ쯡纲選桓䄹䪉镓뎷
燡ᴜ뇴氋욟᰻猊프뎐䊇漺篻뗆㛵ꭚ奡ۘꇥ偗릴꼂꼘瀏⻓�㦶ი⮣⼿酩歡磚ﰠフ섒ᄒ⇑퍞㭥츜뛋▼㧩䈹専�腘柣ჭ䭏फ़梒藻♌ꆁ꫁箣髧䨚᱃⥃࢚筞퇭돓熶曥룛띺屭长睢潚⊈栙鳔ྊ쓝甅礻ӯ霃堗ᐵ泙ꮲꉗꅌ}? ̄�믝ꍷ㨜⛮뱳䒨⩔弞㯜洋뫅텭룀ᦶꇅ뢒뾷赡屮�诩易ʅ䠥烑ನഌ奾ᚏꋆ狋睲軔ᄿᡥ㢰馗さᜨ᪣剜䎭扥謟㿫샴᪻⾖釲䨡烁⭌맠庭灉黠㭎樐뽯勸㡍쇿௰惀跬붶渻埻뗆뽖갸שּׁ뵩ቡ̽踇㲃
鲷鵱歸軡㪍硟澯좨毸卉뀌ꂵ�ꩶ옜挗䎀榗�굋贁꽡雉㋴锈벆�ᇑ빯⢑귧芳䓵祎ꟊﰝࠜ沆⭃陀俼铠熩엉ﴢ圾ᴟ䤟햯ឫ哜�Ὡ웿뗯篵똟췫��洽㟅젝ȃ뜎惡㧊༝Ό穛英겼퐫몥棥挟ꯚͻ䵦缇߰�Úᠵ䉄ɨ䠄万왆䐆觊遂᧦�㏂嫩냉ꊔ倛祧떋ỗ㍙뼙놯떱꯭篘孛ឍ⻂俏雚ᒶ워�ﭒ깞ꍡ ﹠ェÅj댱ᷦ嵞ᓛಞ隗病ᮥ亗ꁫ蹱ꊲﳽ筕珇畽觴妶ﯕ菭ᬧ焪䔦ᦨꖎ�讀⏳躯㭲䌑姢荙⌕胁곡捠ݭ斛ᶲꡯ龂㭟闣�㲸獸诩嫇峑ݐ佋뎔
گ⺎鯚沗岋㵙�媔ꋎ圣㱗恑劵芆䥸ᗊ튯듘幤䳒쳇៏㣊⍶쩊蕪䧲罂鞄꒮娫悍騨ࠌ�棊彜跲渏ા詇櫏궋눎閯ﴉ᥀녬검․膷幏噲버뿝慠꣱蛺깯襜̘멍窪搴뱹ଫ賉 �쵁㌅흞Ⴧ㡢ř⇕ꥴ閥開蒍떳▹㣞⩿ꉽṾ掹㶈쑸砦ᛳꬱㄧ∡柎樷㡲狍髦ᠧﱗဎ榏翕鳺蚃灹�諐ꍂ힊㺥৵뉂閾虿儡ﰖ옜軶⒛돪ᤕ�劃햻�㹶庀娃ꉬ�ꦣ夭샂⎠₼귊덟簥勋圙韹綇⊻堾䠞좆ជ⼢᪥훤ꬿ諭ꭞ귡ἇ澶럯�뷹륶燵�ꃼ걝ᕪ늲껙賁钊詈