Can-Chat to Supercharge Your Ideas Public Comment from Jake Burtosky[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.]
#missoulapubliclibrary #livinglabs
Did the Missoula Public Library form to not capitalize the first letters of the building's name as posted on the exterior of the building sine qua non my writing of the "(Greek) muses"
without capitalizing m?
#cawsino #cootenai
Juxtapose pigeons & crows. Why were the Confederate Kootenai Salish tribes named? Why was the Confederacy during the American Civil War named?
#mightlee #ontologicaldistributiontheory #distrybutte #buddhism
Juxtapose the former General of the Confederate States & United States Robert E. Lee with the Washington-Lee University in Lexington, VA, USA, the quote "keep your friends close & your
enemies closer" & Phyllis J. Washington.
Should the naming of the Washington-Grizzly Stadium & Phyllis J. Washington College of Education Building on the University of Montana proscribed as I petition Washington D.C. & the
US state of Washington proscribed? Does Washington superfluously impose a demand for cleaning on psychology? Has my life, evident by my theoretical portrayal as the (Nordic) mythological
figure Surtr when juxtaposed George Washington's name & Dein Bein Phu, Vietnam, responsible for George Washington's iatrogenic death? Juxtapose my theoretical influence on the formation
of the mine of Butte, MT, USA, the nation of Germany, the (PTE) element germanium, the L & M on the east side entry of Missoula & the (German) phrase mein leben with Dennis Washington
& Phyllis J. Washington & the company they own Montana Resources which extracts from Butte's mine. If the mine of Butte were appraised & purchased would the money be gifted to Butte
& not Montana Resources? Why is Butte governed by a CEO & not a mayor? From Butte's website at <
IjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ig1OwqEMMpma%2Fi3whXvzFHQkaNs%2BpfmXOqNCeJjOScM%3D&reserved=0> : "Welcome to Butte, America!" "We are a consolidated city-county
Government. We have an elected Chief Executive who leads the Executive Branch.