02-09-10 ARC MinutesDATE:
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes
Old Business:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010; 7:30 a.m.,
0 Avenue East Cafe, 128 ls' Ave E
Corey Johnson (Chairman); Janet Clark; Mark Norley
Carol Nelson; John Hinchey; Russ Skelton
City Staff—PJ Sorensen
Guests — Terry Therrien (WalMart/Western Neon); Gary Collier
(Cenex and Hunters BBQ/Kalispell Neon); Craign Ronan (Hunters
BBQ); Noea Higgins (Glacier State)
Russ moved to approve the January 26 minutes; Mark seconded.
Approved 6-0.
Glacier State — new freestanding signs at 600 Liberty and 506 lgt Ave W. They presented
a landscaping plan. They are using dwarf arborvitae around the back and sides of the
signs. Color of lettering is still an issue — suggestion that it be changed for better visibility.
Mark moved to approve; Carol seconded. Approved 6-0.
New Business:
Hunter's BBQ — 1260 Hwy 93 W; new wall sign. They are removing the existing
freestanding signs (just wall signs will be used). Their plans were revised for 2 new
signs, each less than 50 sq ft. No ARC action required.
Equity Supply — 120 W Idaho; revised freestanding sign. Essentially the same sign, but
a portion will be removed and electronic numbers will be put in. End result will be a
smaller and shorter sign. Carol moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 6-0.
WalMart — Hutton Ranch Rd; new wall signs. Same signs as previously shown during
the building review. Mark moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 6-0.
Other Discussion:
Potential Awards Program — Katharine is continuing her research, but is not able to be
here today. Discussion included whether to make the program just downtown or city-
wide; categories (maybe new construction and downtown remodel) — Russ mentioned that
Bozeman has several categories; whether signs should be included (maybe just as a factor
in the overall architecture); and whether to go back a few years for the first set of awards.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20