KLJ_Kalispell_Engineering_Services_4-29-24 SOQ from KLJCITY OF KALISPELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APRIL 2024 Statement of Qualifications for Engineering Services For Grant Applications, Reviews, Studies, Design, and/or Construction Administration KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ) Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Point of Contact 1830 3rd Avenue E #201 Kalispell, MT 59901 (p) 406-755-2763 (m) 406-300-7104 Mark Anderson Sr VP Public Works and Transportation 5 Statement of Qualifications Cover Sheet – Areas of Expertise □ □ 1. Sanitary Sewer Collection System: This area will generally include new installation , rehabilitation, and replacement of gravity sewer mains, manholes, force mains and lift stations.. The projects may include planning, design or construction administration. □ □ 2. Wastewater Treatment: This area will include all work needed at the wastewater treatment plant and at remote locations used for treatment. Projects may include planning, design or construction administration. □ □ 3. Water System: This area will generally include new installation, rehabilitation or replacement of water mains, pump and well facilities, and reservoirs. The projects may include planning, design or construction administration. □ □ 4. Stormwater Collection and Treatment: This area will include planning, design or construction administration of new or replacement stormwater facilities. Treatment of stormwater is also included in this section. □ □ 5. Geotechnical Evaluations and Materials Testing: This section includes all projects requiring geotechnical evaluation or material testing. □ □ 6. Roads and Multiuse Paths: This area includes planning, corridor studies, design, and construction administration for new roads, upgrades of existing roads, and new or upgraded multi- use paths. □ □ 7. Water Rights Acquisition: This area includes supporting the city with water right obtainments and diversions for existing or new water rights, or other support regarding water rights as needed. □ □ 8. Traffic Engineering: This section includes corridor signal timing, school crossings, and design and construction administration of new or replacement signals, speed surveys, or other types of traffic studies. □ □ 9. Utility Modeling: This section includes updating and model scenario runs for the City’s water and sewer models. □ □ 10. Surveying: This includes all survey services–design survey, construction staking, property surveys, and creation of documents for platting, lot line relocations, easements, etc. □ □ 11. Construction Inspections: This includes construction inspection for City design projects and new development projects. Su b m i t t e d Qu a l i f i e d X X X X X X X X 6 SOQ Cover Sheet – Areas of Expertise (Continued) □ □ 12. Funding/Financial Studies: This area includes feasibility studies and funding assistance including special improvements districts, state revolving fund loans, and various other grant and loan programs. □ □ 13. Development Plan Review: This area includes supporting the City Engineering Department for new and redevelopment design plan and report submittal reviews and comments. □ □ 14. Land Acquisition: Includes right of way acquisition, easement acquisition and property acquisition. Services may include appraisal, negotiation, and documentation preparation. □ □ 15. Structural Analysis & Design: Includes all projects requiring structural evaluation and/or design. □ □ 16. Electrical Engineering: Includes all projects requiring electrical evaluation and/or design. □ □ 17. Grant Applications/PERs: This includes compiling, writing, and editing grant applications as well as the creation of Preliminary Engineering Reports Su b m i t t e d Qu a l i f i e d X X X X 1830 3rd Avenue East, Suite 303 Kalispell, MT 59901-5778 406-755-2763 KLJENG.COM April 29, 2024 Keith Haskins Deputy Public Works Director | City of Kalispell 201 1st Avenue E Kalispell, MT 59901 RE: Public Works Professionals Services – Request for Qualifications Dear Mr. Haskins, The City of Kalispell deserves professional consulting services from a reliable partner who will ensure projects are completed efficiently, while providing an exceptional customer experience. KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ) has worked hard to establish a trusting and lasting partnership with you, and we are eager to continue providing services for engineering, construction, and surveying projects. KLJ is aware of both the challenges and opportunities facing Kalispell over the next few years: critical infrastructure in need of upgrades or improvements and a large amount of state and federal money available. Our experience is a great fit to complement the City’s engineers on these projects, and the KLJ team will provide the City with the excellent service that we have proven as our standard on past projects: CLIENT FOCUS | Our foremost objective is that City of Kalispell has an exceptional experience throughout all project phases. We provide this through effective communications, strict project management protocols, and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) reviews on every deliverable. RESPONSIVENESS | The core team assigned to your projects is based in Kalispell and will be available on short notice. Team members bring recent experience from Kalispell infrastructure projects, giving us knowledge of the local landscape. FULL-SERVICE CONSULTING | The on-site Kalispell team is experienced in public works services and is supported by the larger KLJ team with competence across the areas of expertise. The specialized team we have assembled has a personal investment in serving the City of Kalispell and contributing to your community. We are ready to get to work and help you succeed! Sincerely, KLJ Engineering LLC Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Client Relationship Leader Statement of Qualifications for 1 Engineering Services 1 For Grant Applications, Reviews, Studies, Design, and/or Construction Administration 1 KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ) 1 Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP 1 Point of Contact 1 1830 3rd Avenue E #201 1 Table of Contents Firm Information .........................................................................1 1. Sanitary Sewer Collection System .......................................3 3. Water System ...........................................................................5 4. Stormwater Collection & Treatment .....................................7 6. Roads & Multiuse Paths .........................................................9 8. Traffic Engineering ..............................................................11 9. Utility Modeling ....................................................................13 10. Surveying .............................................................................15 11. Construction Inspections ..................................................17 13. Development Plan Review ................................................19 15. Structural Analysis & Design ............................................21 16. Electrical Engineering.......................................................23 17. Grant Applications/PERs ....................................................25 Key Staff Matrix .........................................................................27 Appendix: Resumes 1KLJENG.COM Firm History and Expertise KLJ is a multi-disciplined engineering consulting firm specializing in the municipal and transportation markets. Since 1938, KLJ has served city, county, state, federal, Departments of Transportation (DOT), Tribal, and private clients, providing planning, design, and construction engineering services for community planning and infrastructure projects. We are an employee- owned firm with a staff of 550 in 24 offices across Montana, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, and Texas. For decades, KLJ has found continued success working with numerous Montana clients, large and small, public and private. KLJ officially opened our first Montana office in Billings nearly 30 years ago, with our Kalispell and Helena offices opening just four years later. To us, it’s not just working on another project – it’s working on a project in our hometown, our family’s backyard, our school district, and more. We understand the unique characteristics of this great state because we live and work here, too. Firm Information KLJ MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Project Management » Preliminary Engineering Reports (PER)/Estimating » Capital Improvement Planning (CIP)/ Budgeting » Scope/Fee/Schedule Development Planning » Comprehensive/Master Plans » Land-Use Plans » Housing Plans » Transportation Plans » Economic Diversification Plans » Annexation Plans State & Federal Grants » Identification » Writing Applications » Administration for Reimbursement Public Engagement » Public Involvement Plans » Content Development » Open Houses and Event Planning » Social Media » Web Pages » Media Buying » Visualizations and Videos Civil Engineering » Site Development and Utilities » Hydrology/Hydraulics » Roads » Trails » Stormwater Management » Water » Wastewater » Subdivision Reviews » Parks and Recreation Traffic Engineering » Traffic Impact Studies » Intersection Studies » Corridor Studies » Signal Timing Electrical Engineering » Lighting » Signals » Power Distribution Telecommunications » Last and Middle Mile Distribution » Corridor Analysis » Right-of-Way (R/W)/Utility Permitting » Environmental Clearance Structural Engineering » Bridges, Culverts, and Retaining Walls » Building Foundations and Framing Environmental » National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/Permitting » Wetland/Threatened and Endangered Species » Cultural Resources » Air and Noise Quality » Hazardous Materials Corridor Services » Survey » Drone Photogrammetry » Right-of-Way (R/W) » Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping Construction Management » Documentation of Construction Activities » Inspection of Materials and Installation Quality 2KLJENG.COM Location Your main point of contact, Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP, is located in KLJ’s Kalispell office. This gives him the ability to meet in-person with department personnel at anytime during the performance of the contract. Ryan is backed by more than 75 Montana professionals from KLJ’s Helena, Great Falls, Bozeman, and Billings offices. If necessary, specialty services will be provided by staff from offices within KLJ’s footprint. Our team has a strong background of working together to deliver projects for our clients. All staff included in our submittal have worked on various project in Montana. References Name, Title, Client Name Contact Information 1. S a n i t a r y S e w e r C o l l e c t i o n 3. W a t e r S y s t e m 4. S t o r m w a t e r C o l l e c t i o n & Tre a t m e n t 6. R o a d s a n d M u l t i u s e P a t h s 8. T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r i n g 9. U t i l i t y M o d e l i n g 10 . S u r v e y i n g 11 . C o n s t r u c t i o n I n s p e c t i o n 13 . D e v e l o p m e n t P l a n R e v i e w 15 . S t r u c t u r a l A n a l y s i s & De s i g n 16 . E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g 17 . G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s / P E R s Jarod Nygren, Development Services Coordinator | City of Kalispell 406-758-7942 | jnygren@kalispell.com Services Provided: RAISE grant application support; Glacier Rail Park design, construction inspection, and survey; Kalispell Trail and Complete Street design, construction inspection, survey, and grant administration. Mark Young, Civil/Transportation Engineer | City of Helena 406-447-8099 | myoung@helenamt.gov Services Provided: Utility modeling, PER preparation, traffic engineering, roadway design, utility relocation, and construction inspection. Bob Vosen, Missoula District Administrator | Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) 406-523-5802 | rvosen@mt.gov Services Provided: Traffic engineering, stormwater drainage management, floodplain permitting, roadway and path design, bridge design and analysis, and construction inspection. Kas Manderle, Great Falls District Engineer | City of Great Falls 406-454-5921 | kmanderle@mt.gov Services Provided: Utility modeling, utility relocation design, roadway design, and grant administration. Mark Studt, Project Engineering | MDT 406-444-9191 | mstudt@mt.gov Services Provided: Path and sidewalk design, grant writing assistance, grant administration, construction inspection and survey, stormwater drainage design and modeling, landowner management and coordination, and public involvement. Firm Information Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP 1803 3rd Avenue E #201 Kalispell, MT 59901 406-300-7014 ryan.blumer@kljeng.com 3KLJENG.COM Previous Performance/Experience KLJ provides municipal water distribution and sanitary sewer collection engineering services to communities throughout Montana and the northwest region. KLJ has developed great relationships with City of Kalispell staff and the community through ongoing service in all facets of municipal engineering. We are proud to have served the City of Kalispell on several prior infrastructure rehabilitation projects involving sanitary sewer systems. GLACIER RAIL PARK LIFT STATION | KALISPELL, MT KLJ developed the design for a 40-acre rail-served industrial park. Infrastructure improvements required extension of City water and sewer, a new lift station, a stormwater treatment system, new traffic signal, many miles of new rail track, extensive grading and slope stability analysis, gravity block retaining walls, and road upgrades to accommodate truck traffic. The sanitary sewer improvements included sizing a new lift station for a peak flow of 46 gpm, 1,500 feet of gravity mains, and 2,400 feet of forcemain to tie into the City of Kalispell sewer system. The rail park was completed four months ahead of schedule and earned an American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) award, as well as many national awards. KING AVENUE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS | BILLINGS, MT This project consisted of water main and sanitary sewer main extensions along King Avenue West from 44th Street West to 48th Street West. The project included 1,600 feet of 24-inch water main and 24-inch sanitary sewer main within MDT R/W. The depth and size of the sanitary sewer main posed a unique challenge. The sewer was approximately 25-feet deep with ground water only nine feet deep. Challenges in dealing with deep excavation were compounded by a tight corridor, need to keep King Avenue open to two- way traffic during construction, and many existing utilities in the proximity. KLJ worked with local contractors and City engineering staff to provide a constructible design solution and successfully worked with the contractor to administer construction through an expedited schedule and ultimately deliver a successful project. SOUTHEAST GREAT FALLS WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN AND IMPROVEMENTS | GREAT FALLS, MT KLJ performed a study of the existing wastewater collection system in the southeast portion of Great Falls. The study included modeling the wastewater collection system with storm and sanitary analysis software to determine available capacities of the existing collection system trunk lines and potential impacts from additional flows as a result of pending development. The model was developed through a combination of the City’s existing base maps and field verification. Analysis of the extent of infiltration and inflow (I&I) was considered in the study. In addition, we analyzed alternatives for expansion of the collection system into development areas. There are six existing lift stations being inventoried and considered for improvements. Analysis, alternatives, cost estimates, CIPs, and recommendations were presented in a master planning document and an improvement project was developed from these. The alternative chosen for construction included approximately 4,900 linear feet of new gravity sewer main, 530 linear feet of new force main, along with a new 25-foot deep, 11 by 11-foot lift station prior to discharging into the existing City of Great Falls sewer system. KLJ performed all design along with the construction staking for the chosen alternative. 1. Sanitary Sewer Collection System 4KLJENG.COM Key Project Staff KLJ offers a strong balance of management, technical expertise, communication skills, and construction engineering experience for Sanitary Sewer Collection System projects. KLJ’s talent provides us the ability to arrange project-specific teams to best fit each given scenario. Our Sanitary Sewer team specializes in new, rehabilitation, and replacement for gravity sanitary sewer mains, manhole design, lift stations, force mains, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) reports and submittals and modeling for master plans. Made up of a mix of team leaders and project engineers, our team can tackle any of the City of Kalispell’s Sanitary Sewer Collection System needs from design through construction. DAN RICHARDSON, PE, CFM | TASK LEADER Dan is a project manager/engineer with extensive experience in Sanitary Sewer Collection system design. His experience includes design for new, rehabilitation, and replacement for gravity sanitary sewer mains, manhole design, lift stations, force mains, DEQ reports and submittals, and modeling for master plans. Included in Dan’s experience is aiding multiple cities in Montana in their sewer main design, sizing lift stations, authoring master plans, and leading a design teams in delivering comprehensive sanitary sewer plans and specifications. Dan is proficient in design software including AutoCAD Civil 3D and Storm and Sanitary Analysis. JESS WAGNER, PE | TASK LEADER Jess is a project engineer with experience in wastewater treatment and conveyance design. Her background includes development of master plans, PERs, design, bidding, and construction for various communities. Jess’ experience includes sanitary sewer collection systems, including both gravity and pressure systems, sizing lift stations along with wastewater treatment. She leads KLJ’s Sanitary Sewer design team and oversees projects from conceptual design to construction. ROCHELLE HANSEN | PROJECT ENGINEER Rochelle’s lifelong career in the civil engineering field has provided her with a solid background in engineering, design, construction, and project management of various project types and sub-disciplines, including sanitary sewer collection design. She brings knowledge of City of Kalispell processes, as well as experience working with your unique infrastructure, engineering needs, design standards, and ordinances to successfully deliver projects. TRAVIS JONES, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Travis previously worked as a project manager for many of KLJ’s complicated water and wastewater projects. His background includes system planning, hydraulic modeling, design, construction administration, and construction observation. Travis’ management capabilities, hydraulic modeling background, and experience with planning and routing for rural utility projects have provided smooth construction projects. 1. Sanitary Sewer Collection System Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Jess Wagner, PE Jhett Quade, EI John McDunn, PE Matt Tummel, EI McKenzie Butcher, PE Rochelle Hansen Ryan Welsh, PE Travis Copper, PE Travis Jones, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 5KLJENG.COM 3. Water System Previous Performance/Experience KLJ has provided municipal water treatment and supply engineering services to communities for 86 years. Our staff has broad technical expertise in wastewater, stormwater, and water treatment systems and will provide the City of Kalispell with the highest quality analyses, design, and construction administration services, as demonstrated by our previous performance. We utilize specialty design teams that work together on project after project. This team approach allows our municipal teams to develop high- quality, innovative solutions with the efficiency to meet budget and schedule requirements. PINESDALE WATER TREATMENT PLANT | PINESDALE, MT The Town of Pinesdale received an Administrative Order from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to bring turbidity levels into compliance with drinking water standards. The Town asked KLJ to assist with complying with the order. While we were preparing a process selection report to address the turbidity issues, Pinesdale received a violation notice for haloacetic acids (HAA5) levels. The report was revised to address both turbidity and HAA5 and recommended ultrafiltration as the treatment process. KLJ assisted with grant writing and administration to secure funding through multiple sources, including Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Department of Natural Resources (DNRC), and Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP). The project included two pilot studies and design and construction administration for the 200-gpm ultrafiltration membrane. VAUGHN WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS | VAUGHN, MT KLJ has provided engineering services to the Vaughn Water and Sewer District through a Master Service Agreement (MSA) from 2019 through present day. KLJ’s first task order was to provide design and construction services for water system improvements to their system. Design included survey of existing system, modeling of the water system through Infowater, water main extension design for two locations, a new 150,000-gallon water tank, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) report preparation, and grant administration. During the construction phase, KLJ provided construction administration and on-site inspection services. Post construction, KLJ provided for follow up services ensuring the entire system was working to the expectations of the district. RODNEY STREET PHASE II | HELENA, MT Rodney Street is one of the oldest residential roads in the neighborhood and significant improvements and updates were needed to meet current demand for heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Following Phase I, Phase II planned for improvements from 9th Avenue down to the Helena Avenue intersection with additional connections to each intersection along the way. The scope of the project included improvements to both above and below-ground infrastructure, including water and sanitary sewer utilities, street surfacing section, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and landscaping. The existing double water mains were abandoned and replaced with a single, larger water main and residential service lines were reconnected. Design included survey, modeling of the water system through Infowater and DEQ report preparation. During the construction phase, KLJ provided construction administration and on-site inspection services. 6KLJENG.COM 3. Water System Key Project Staff KLJ offers a strong balance of management, technical expertise, communication skills, and construction engineering experience for Water System projects. KLJ’s talent provides us the ability to arrange project-specific teams to best fit each given scenario. Our Water design team specializes in new installation, rehabilitation/ replacement water mains, pump and well facilities, water storage design, DEQ reports and submittals, and modeling for master plans. Made up of a mix of team leaders and project engineers, our team can tackle any of the City of Kalispell’s Water System needs from design through construction. DAN RICHARDSON, PE, CFM | TASK LEADER Dan is a project manager/engineer with extensive experience in Water System design. His experience includes design for new installation; rehabilitation/replacement of water mains, pump, and well facilities; water storage design; DEQ reports and submittals; and modeling for master plans. Included in Dan’s experience is aiding multiple cities in Montana in their water main design, sizing pump booster stations, authoring master plans, and leading a design teams in delivering comprehensive water design plans and specifications. He is proficient in design software including AutoCAD Civil 3D and InfoWater. MCKENZIE BUTCHER, PE | TASK LEADER McKenzie is a municipal engineer concentrating on drinking water system analyses and design. She has knowledge in water treatment facilities, water distribution, water storage, and construction. McKenzie’s principal area of focus is water system analysis and design. She has experience developing and writing design memos, construction administration services, and preparing plans and specifications. JOHN MCDUNN, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER John is a professional engineer working on municipal projects throughout Montana. As a former DEQ employee, he utilizes his past experience in reviews for DEQ submittals and reports to ensure compliance with set requirements. John’s water design experience includes new installations, replacements, pump stations, wells, and water storage. RYAN WELSH, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Ryan is a professional engineer in KLJ’s Billings office. He works as a project manager and project engineer for various projects, including residential subdivision, site development, and various other street, water, wastewater, and stormwater design projects. Ryan has more than 25 years of design and civil engineering experience for municipal clients where he has completed numerous water system design upgrades, ranging from water extensions to water main replacements. Dan Richardson, PE, CFM McKenzie Butcher, PE Gary Johnson Jess Wagner, PE Jhett Quade, EI John McDunn, PE Matt Tummel, EI Rochelle Hansen Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Ryan Welsh, PE Travis Copper, PE Travis Jones, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 7KLJENG.COM 4. Stormwater Collection and Treatment Previous Performance/Experience KLJ has provided municipal stormwater collection and treatment engineering services to communities for more than 86 years. Our staff has broad technical expertise in stormwater collection and treatment and will provide the City of Kalispell the highest quality analyses, design, and construction administration services as demonstrated by our previous performance. Our specialty design teams have significant experience working together to deliver successful projects. This team approach allows our municipal teams to develop high-quality, innovative solutions with the efficiency to meet budget and schedule requirements. KALISPELL BYPASS | KALISPELL, MT KLJ completed design of eight miles of mixed urban and rural arterial, including 8.5 miles of shared-use path. Our team incorporated City of Kalispell MS4 requirements into the highway design. Stormwater was addressed for each phase of the bypass ranging from roadside ditches, storm drain piping conveyance system, and regional detention ponds for road runoff. In-depth studies were performed and documented in Hydraulics Reports from the preliminary analysis all the way to the final design. Both floodplain permits and FEMA permits were obtained for sections of the construction, with a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) associated with the Spring Creek crossing. Bank stabilization was addressed in multiple creek crossing areas to address potential erosion and undercutting of the new highway. HILLTOP ROAD STORM DRAIN EXTENSION | BILLINGS, MT KLJ was selected by the City of Billings to provide design, bidding, and construction administration for the Hilltop Road Storm Drain Improvements project in Billings Heights. The project includes extension of approximately one mile of storm drain pipes, up to 54 inches in diameter. The project was prompted by excessive surface flow along City streets in the area due to numerous prior upstream developments that were originally constructed without stormwater management facilities. KLJ provided an optimum design by completing an advanced hydraulic model of the proposed storm drain system. Inlets were strategically placed to intercept water prior to overflow of road crowns in poorly graded areas and locations were refined from use of real flow observations during storms. TONGUE RIVER SLOUGH STORMWATER MASTER PLAN | MILES CITY, MT Currently. a levee surrounds Miles City, which does not meet United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) standards and is not certified. Because the levee is not certified, FEMA floodplain maps do not recognize the levee as a barrier. Therefore, much of Miles City is located within the 100- year floodplain. KLJ was contracted to complete a Master Stormwater Plan for the City to certify the levee and recommend improvements to the current system. Recommended improvements are based on USACE and FEMA requirements for levee certification. The completed plan included calculating volume and peak flows from the 10, 25, and 100-year 24-hour storms to determine conveyance of stormwater runoff, identifying temporary storage locations, and discharging stormwater into the Yellowstone River. With the Plan, the City was awarded an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant to complete design and construction for the project and is currently in the final design phase for the new system. 8KLJENG.COM 4. Stormwater Collection and Treatment Key Project Staff KLJ’s experience ranges from complex urban storm drain systems to stream alignments and wetland mitigation sites. We have performed stormwater master plans, design, and construction administration for new and revised stormwater facilities, stormwater treatment, bridge scour evaluations, bridge opening design, floodplain analysis, stream analysis and modeling, comprehensive project hydraulic analysis and design, and irrigation design. For our urban design projects, we create stormwater management designs, including outfall and retention/detention. KLJ evaluates the impact of the drainage system in its entirety, evaluating risk to neighboring properties, identifying alterations to existing flow patterns, protecting environmentally-vulnerable areas, ensuring wildlife and fish passage where needed, and avoiding or minimizing wetland impacts as much as possible. DAN RICHARDSON, PE, CFM | TASK LEADER Dan is a project manager/engineer with extensive experience in Stormwater design. Dan leads the Montana Hydraulics team along with leading the Hydraulics Term Contract for MDT, acting as an extension of their staff for complex projects involving stormwater. His experience includes master plans, design of new and replacement facilities, treatment meeting MS4s, floodplain anaysis, bridge scour analysis, hydraulic modeling, and lift stations. TRAVIS COPPER, PE, PLS | TASK LEADER Travis’ professional experience includes design in engineering, land surveying, and construction administration, with extensive experience in stormwater design in urban settings. This experience has been in both the private and public sectors and encompasses a broad range of projects, including stormwater management systems, as well as a broad range of land development projects. ROCHELLE HANSEN | PROJECT ENGINEER Rochelle has significant experience developing stormwater collection and treatment designs for everything from small commercial developments to larger subdivisions and road networks. She is familiar with both Kalispell engineering stormwater standards, as well as the Montana Best Management Practices (BMP) manual and various stormwater treatment methods. TIM KROHLER, EI | PROJECT ENGINEER Tim is a design engineer with experience in hydraulic design, highway design, and aviation design. This background allows him to quickly understand the needs and constraints of a hydraulics project. Tim serves as the lead design engineer for MDT hydraulics projects with experience ranging from urban designs, treatment, basin delineation, hydrologic calculations, highway drainage design, bridge opening analysis, and hydraulic modeling. Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Travis Copper, PE Hayden Addams, EI Jhett Quade, EI Rochelle Hansen Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Ryan Welsh, PE Tim Kroehler, EI Travis Jones, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 9KLJENG.COM 6. Roads and Multiuse Paths Previous Performance/Experience KLJ provides full-service planning, design, and construction engineering for road and multiuse path improvement projects. We also offer significant public involvement expertise to facilitate successful input and coordination efforts for these projects. Our expertise on road and multiuse paths is evident in the success of the Parkline Trail and the Highway 93 Bypass projects, both of which directly affected the community and mobility of the city. KLJ will provide the same team that has delivered these projects to future Kalispell needs. KALISPELL BYPASS, MULTIPLE ROAD AND TRAIL PROJECTS | KALISPELL, MT KLJ provided comprehensive roadway and environmental design services to MDT on the construction of a new bypass around Kalispell, the connecting roads, and trails. Interim funding allowed the completion of $50 million in road improvements with 14 segments. Design included eight miles of new access-controlled highway; redesign of six miles of urban streets incorporating MS4 drainage, including stormwater detention and treatment systems, lighting, and sidewalks; nine miles of new accessible trails (with stream overcrossings and road undercrossings); signalized intersections; roundabouts; noise walls; and traffic engineering. KLJ also led all public involvement efforts. KALISPELL TRAIL AND COMPLETE STREETS | KALISPELL, MT The rail in Kalispell once was an economic driver that provided transportation of goods and services for more than 30 companies in the downtown area. KLJ assisted Flathead County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA) and the City in preparing and submitting three Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant applications to be awarded $10 million for construction of a new rail park outside of the downtown, transition of the existing 1.7-miles of downtown rail line to a shared-use trail (including conversion of a railroad bridge to a pedestrian bridge), and reconstruction of downtown roadways to complete streets. KLJ provided planning, preliminary, and final designs for all segments of the project. The project was completed four months ahead of schedule and earned an ACEC Honors award as well as many other local and national awards. US 93 RONAN-URBAN RECONSTRUCTION | RONAN, MT KLJ provided comprehensive urban and rural roadway design services to MDT for the reconstruction of 3.5 miles of US 93, including the conversion to a one-way couplet through the community of Ronan, MT. The project converted western Montana’s primary north-south road into a one-way couplet system through Ronan and included a separated shared-use path along the entire corridor. The outdated road geometry is being updated to current standards, and access control will be continued in accordance with rigorous environmental and cultural mitigation requirements. Coordination efforts with affected landowners addressed community awareness and identified key design, traffic access, and circulation issues that dictate access control and R/W acquisitions. Public involvement with existing Tribal, MDT, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) groups was managed through close communication with MDT Consultant Design and maintained through comprehensive, detailed records. ADDITIONAL PROJECTS: »Evergreen Sidewalks | Evergreen, MT »Rodney Street Phase II | Helena, MT »Bad Rock Canyon OT Study | Columbia Falls, MT 10KLJENG.COM 6. Roads and Multiuse Paths Key Project Staff The Roads and Multiuse Paths category covers a broad range of project types that require standing teams with diverse technical abilities and local knowledge. Our approach to future Kalispell transportation projects entails providing key project leadership from our local Kalispell office with technical support from the Helena office, which houses our Montana transportation design team. KLJ’s engineers are experienced and dedicated to many facets of transportation planning, corridor studies, design of new and rehabilitated roads, path design, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design, intersection design, roadside safety studies and construction administration. DAN RICHARDSON, PE, CFM | TASK LEADER Dan is a project manager/engineer with extensive experience in Road and Path Design. He leads the Montana transportation team where he manages some of the more complex MDT and City comprehensive road design projects. In addition to this, Dan leads designs for ADA-compliant facilities and path projects and often leads meetings/presentations to the owners or general public. DILLON MCLAIN, PE | TASK LEADER Dillon brings a thorough knowledge of principles, procedures, federal rules and regulations, and methods of road design and related engineering, as well as MDT guidelines and procedures. He is involved with planning, location, roadway alignment, ADA facilities, environmental impacts, culturally sensitive areas, R/W, hydraulic analysis, utility impacts, and roadside safety. Dillon is skilled at preparing specialized exhibits and has led technical presentations for clients and the public. MATHEW MOGSTAD, EI | PROJECT ENGINEER Mathew is project engineer with extensive experience designing and delivering road and path projects. He has worked closely with various owners to coordinate the final design of new road construction and new ADA facilities. Additionally, Mathew has worked with multiple cities and sensitive landowners to coordinate impacts and alternative designs. MATTHEW TUMMEL, EI | PROJECT ENGINEER Matthews’s transportation engineering experience and design knowledge provides the technical and analytical skills required for the successful design, inspection of transportation infrastructure. He is currently integral to road design and inspections for current projects. Matthew brings a thorough knowledge of principles, procedures, and methods of road design and related engineering. Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Dillon McLain, PE, PTOE Austin Scott Chad Fischer, PE Chris DeVerniero, PE Jhett Quade, EI Joe DeVore, PE, PTOE, RSP2 Mathew Mogstad, EI Matthew Tummel, EI Oz Khan, PE Rochelle Hansen Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Ryan Welsh, PE Steve Grabill, PE, PTOE Travis Copper, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 11KLJENG.COM 8. Traffic Engineering Previous Performance/Experience KLJ is adept at examining intersection, corridor, and area traffic operational and safety issues within a community. We have diverse experience covering a multitude of urban traffic engineering projects, including traffic impact studies, school traffic studies, corridor studies, transportation plans, pedestrian/bicycle facility studies, traffic control analysis and recommendations, signal design, coordination, warrant studies, safety audits, and transportation master plans. KLJ has experience with complete streets approaches, context-sensitive solutions, rural-to-urban transitions, traffic-calming techniques, quiet zones, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and other methods that balance traffic and social issues of a community. MONTANA INTERSECTION SAFETY EVALUATIONS (ISE) | MONTANA KLJ developed 14 ISE reports that covered 16 intersections across Montana. Each intersection safety evaluation included collection of traffic data, crash data, and traffic forecasts; as well as completing warrant, traffic, and multimodal analyses. At least two alternatives were identified for each intersection. Each alternative had an operational (Vissim microsimulation analysis) and safety analysis (Surrogate Safety Assessment Model [SSAM]) completed. A benefit/cost analysis was also completed to aid in recommendations for the preferred alternative. TRIBAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY PLANS | MONTANA KLJ has worked with multiple Tribes across Montana, and our footprint, to help incorporate or update existing Tribal Transportation Safety Plans. To help prepare the safety plan, recent crash data is analyzed, and Tribal, state, and federal safety professionals come together to identify safety needs and strategies to implement to reduce injuries and fatalities on Native American Reservations. The plans focus on the “Four Es” – Education, Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Engineering and will be instrumental in applying for safety funding and for use by state DOTs in their Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan. TRUNK HIGHWAY (TH) 22 CORRIDOR STUDY AND RECONSTRUCTION | MANKATO, MN The TH 22 Corridor study included 30 miles of roadway that stretched through several different contextual settings. The project was a collaboration of the Mankato/North Mankato Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), requiring coordination with both agencies. KLJ was responsible for access reconfiguration and safety analysis at more than 100 access points along the corridor, operational analysis at 32 intersections, Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report at eight locations, and detailed microsimulation analysis through the urban areas of the corridor. KLJ continued into the design phase of the Mankato to Saint Peter segment. This approach further refined analysis from the original corridor study and relied heavily on microsimulation modeling to compare a wide range of corridor and intersection concepts. This generated several innovative intersection solutions, including a continuous T-intersection and future planning for a jughandle interchange. MDT MISSOULA TO HAMILTON SPEED STUDY | US 93 SOUTH OF MISSOULA, MT KLJ completed a speed study and investigation for MDT along US 93 for 40 miles from Hamilton to Missoula. The speed study does not include the communities of Victor, Stevensville, Florence, and Lolo; however, the study takes into consideration the speed transition zones. In addition, MDT and the public was concerned about the 55, 65, and 70-mph speed limits along the corridor. The speed study focused on the Bell Crossing, Woodside Cutoff, and Cochise intersections. The speed study included collecting and analyzing speed, pedestrian and bicycle, crash, citation, roadway characteristics, speed zone history, and vehicle classification data. 12KLJENG.COM 8. Traffic Engineering Key Project Staff Traffic Engineering is an essential part of every road and shared-use path project, even if it only includes preparing temporary and permanent traffic control signing and pavement markings. KLJ’s Traffic team is experienced in many aspects of traffic engineering, including analysis of complex systems, including the inter-relationship of crash history, traffic flow, geometric design, signal timing, school crossings, speed surveys, and traffic impact studies. DILLON MCLAIN, PE, PTOE | TASK LEADER Dillon has been involved in many wide-ranging transportation- focused projects with MDT, city, county, and Tribal agencies. He has extensive experience with federal/state transportation policy, risk identification, mitigation strategy preparation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance implementation, planning process development, and transportation study research. JOE DEVORE, PE, PTOE, RSP2 | TASK LEADER Joe is a transportation engineer and planner with experience in traffic operations and safety studies, traffic impact studies, traffic forecasting, traffic modeling and simulation, long-range transportation plans, GIS analysis, speed studies, ADA compliance, pavement management, context-sensitive solutions, asset management, noise analysis, and advanced statistical analysis. His leadership helps client select transportation options that reflect each community’s needs and values. STEVE GRABILL, PE, PTOE | TASK LEADER Steve has 33 years of experience in transportation planning. He is adept at preparing transportation planning documents that are easy to understand by both technical and non-technical readers, and that provide staff and elected officials clear guidance for implementation. Steve is often responsible for team and client coordination, report quality review, public involvement, leading planning activities, and building consensus among stakeholders. CHAD FISCHER, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Chad specializes in traffic engineering and roadway design. He has experience in analysis of traffic projections, crash history and countermeasures, traffic safety, signal design, markings, traffic signal warrants, and intersection analysis. Chad has assisted in preparation of traffic safety plans, long-range transportation plans, and traffic impact studies. He has strong design experience applying current American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards on both urban street and rural highway projects. Dillon McLain, PE, PTOE Joe DeVore, PE, PTOE, RSP2 Steve Grabill, PE, PTOE Austin Scott Chad Fischer, PE Chris DeVerniero, PE Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Jhett Quade, EI Mathew Mogstad, EI Oz Khan, PE Ryan Welsh, PE Travis Copper, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 13KLJENG.COM 9. Utility Modeling Previous Performance/Experience KLJ provides utility modeling and GIS development and management to municipalities and communities across Montana and the Mountain West. KLJ excels at establishing effective models and management practices that will supplement the Kalispell Public Works existing system and provide precise scenario runs for future development needs. RODNEY STREET PHASE II | HELENA, MT Rodney Street is one of the oldest residential roads in the neighborhood and significant improvements and updates were needed to meet current demand for heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Following Phase I, Phase II planned for improvements from 9th Avenue down to the Helena Avenue intersection with additional connections to each intersection along the way. The scope of the project included improvements to both above and below-ground infrastructure, including water and sanitary sewer utilities, street surfacing section, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and landscaping. The existing double water mains were abandoned and replaced with a single, larger water main and residential service lines were reconnected. KLJ modeled the existing water system along with the new water system to show that pressures and flows were maintained by properly sizing the new single water line. The water system was modeled in InfoWater with findings documented in the DEQ report, which was submitted and approved. VAUGHN WATER IMPROVEMENTS | VAUGHN, MT KLJ has provided engineering services to the Vaughn Water and Sewer District through an MSA from 2019 through present day. KLJ’s first task order was to provide design and construction services for water system improvements to their system. Design included survey of existing system, modeling of the water system through Infowater, water main extension design for two locations, a new 150,000-gallon water tank, DEQ report preparation, and grant administration. During the construction phase, KLJ provided construction administration and on-site inspection services. Post construction, KLJ provided for follow up services ensuring the entire system was working to the expectations of the district. SOUTHEAST GREAT FALLS SEWER MASTER PLAN | GREAT FALLS, MT KLJ performed a study of the existing wastewater collection system in the southeast portion of Great Falls. The study was necessary due to significant interest in new commercial and residential development. Much of the land that the development is anticipated to occur on did not have sanitary sewer service. The study included modeling the wastewater collection system with storm and sanitary analysis software to determine available capacities of the existing collection system trunk lines and potential impacts from additional flows as a result of pending development. The model was developed through a combination of the City’s existing base maps and field verification. Analysis of the extent of I&I was considered in the study. In addition, we analyzed alternatives for expansion of the collection system into development areas. The alternative chosen for construction included approximately 4,900 linear feet of new gravity sewer main, 530 linear feet of new force main, along with a new 25-foot deep, 11 by 11-foot lift station prior to discharging into the existing City of Great Falls sewer system. KLJ performed all the sewer modeling and developed design plans along with the construction staking for this chosen alternative. 14KLJENG.COM 9. Utility Modeling Key Project Staff Our engineers utilize InfoWater software, HydroCAD, Civil3D, Storm and Sanitary Analysis, and GIS along with a diverse skill set to complete a wide variety of utility design and modeling projects. Our master planning process includes everything from the water source and treatment through distribution and storage, utilizing hydraulic modeling of the system. We have designed a wide range of distribution systems and transmission mains, as well as prepared, maintained, and updated utility system models for municipalities across Montana. JESS WAGNER, PE | TASK LEADER Jess’ background includes utility modeling for water and sewer systems, development of master plans, PERs, design, bidding, and construction for municipalities. She leads KLJ’s water and sewer team often providing senior oversight on utility models. Jess also has experience managing projects from conceptual design through construction. She is proficient with multiple design software ensuring consistency of municipalities utility models. MCKENZIE BUTCHER, PE | TASK LEADER McKenzie is a municipal engineer concentrating on drinking water and sanitary system analyses and design and modeling. She has knowledge in water treatment facilities, water distribution, water storage, sewer distribution, and construction. McKenzie’s principal area of focus is utility design where she authors design reports backed by technical utility models to show results. She has experience developing and writing design memos, construction administration services, and preparing plans and specifications. DAN RICHARDSON, PE, CFM | PROJECT ENGINEER Dan is a project manager/engineer with extensive experience in Utility modeling, including Sanitary Sewer Collection systems and Water systems. His experience includes developing master plans for water and sewer systems, updating models with new or updated designs, modeling alternatives, field collection of data to back models, developing design alternative memos, and developing unique alternative solutions to infrastructure. Dan is proficient in design software, including AutoCAD Civil 3D and Storm and Sanitary Analysis and InfoWater. Jess Wagner, PE McKenzie Butcher, PE Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Matt Tummel, EI Rochelle Hansen Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Ryan Welsh, PE Tim Kroehler, EI Travis Copper, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 15KLJENG.COM 10. Surveying Previous Performance/Experience Land surveying services are closely tied with civil engineering services. KLJ is fully committed to the surveying profession, and we place a strong emphasis on our survey capabilities. With access to support from more than 50 survey crews company-wide, our Kalispell survey staff has extensive experience in surveys for GIS, engineering, construction, and cadastral purposes. We use both conventional, GPS, and drone survey methods depending on site-specific conditions. KALISPELL TRAIL AND COMPLETE STREETS | KALISPELL, MT KLJ assisted the City of Kalispell design and construct a multi-use path and complete street through downtown Kalispell. The proposed trail replaced nearly two miles of rail previously dividing the City of Kalispell. Before construction could begin, the City of Kalispell and BNSF needed to sign a Railbanking Agreement. This agreement transfers the rights and interests of BNSF to the City of Kalispell to construct a multiuse path. KLJ created legal descriptions and a partial retracement survey representing BNSF’s interests within downtown Kalispell. The recorded partial retracement survey was referenced in the Railbanking Agreement. This unique partial retracement survey has involved close communications between BNSF, Flathead County PLAT room, the examining land surveyor, the City of Kalispell attorney, and KLJ surveyors. KLJ also provided all design boundary and topographic surveying as well as all construction surveying and staking for all phases of the project; the surveyors worked alongside the contractors to prepare for critical task such as road closures and concrete pours. KALISPELL BYPASS/FOYS LAKE | KALISPELL, MT KLJ was the lead design engineer for the design- build project to convert a 1.9-mile segment of the two-lane bypass around Kalispell into a four-lane highway for MDT. The project included changing the at-grade roundabout at Foys Lake Road into a grade-separated interchange. The on/ off ramps feature teardrop-shaped roundabouts instead of traditional traffic signals. KLJ provided survey, R/W, highway and traffic engineering, environmental document and permit preparation, storm drainage improvements, utility relocations, streambank restoration, public involvement, and enhancement to the Great Northern Historic Trail. KLJ survey staff completed the project control densification, engineering survey, retracement survey for a temporary construction easement, and construction staking for the concrete layout of the roundabout. EVERGREEN SIDEWALKS | EVERGREEN, MT KLJ provided for survey and design for the Phase 1 of the MDT Transportation Alternative Evergreen Sidewalk project. The scope of services included 1.2 miles of new sidewalk with new Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) compliant curb ramps at all intersections within the project boundaries. During the survey phase, KLJ provided for comprehensive survey of all the existing utilities, existing features, connections to the highway, connections to approaches and existing sidewalks along with providing for a wetland survey for the existing wetland located within the project boundary. 16KLJENG.COM 10. Surveying Key Project Staff KLJ has a broad depth of qualifications and local experience required for completing necessary surveying and mapping work for City of Kalispell. We have assembled a project survey team with the experience and qualifications necessary to complete urban projects. Our local Kalispell office has four surveyors on staff with significant experience working on commercial, MDT, and Kalispell City projects. The team is supported by our Helena-based Professional Land Surveyors (PLS) and Survey Group Leader. Our combined survey team has expertise in design survey, construction staking, property surveys, boundary retracement, topographic and utility surveying, platting, preparation of easement exhibits, and lot line relocations. JONAH WINCHESTER | TASK LEADER Jonah is a Senior Survey Crew Chief located in Kalispell, MT. He has extensive experience in cadastral, corridor, utility, control surveys, and private land boundary retracements. Jonah provides the necessary data to generate certificate of surveys (COS), topographical surveys, bathymetric surveys, and construction layouts. He also has responsibilities including drafting, courthouse research, plat submittals, data downloads, survey data conversions, office-to-field data generation. Jonah’s nine years of experience gives him the knowledge and experience to correctly manage and deliver an accurate survey. JUSTIN STEFANIK, PLS, CFEDS, EI | TASK LEADER Justin is a PLS in Montana, a CFedS, and an Engineering Intern (EI). He has extensive experience providing cadastral, private land retracement, corridor, utility, and control surveys to public and private clients. Justin completes General Land Office (GLO) retracement surveys, section breakdowns, COS, topographical surveys, bathymetric surveys, construction stakeout, drafting, writing legal descriptions, courthouse research, data downloads, and manipulations. His supervision of field survey crews for more than 17 years brings an understanding of the correct procedures to provide an accurate survey and has completed surveys meeting multiple agencies’ protocols. MICHAEL REIS, PLS | TASK LEADER Michael has been in the surveying profession for more than 30 years. He was part owner of a survey company for 15 years before joining the KLJ team in 2008. Michael has an in-depth knowledge of land surveying, has planned many minor and major subdivisions, family transfers, court order surveys, deeds, easement documents and has drafted COSs. He has worked with many government agencies, title companies, lawyers, lending institutions, realtors, and private landowners. Jonah Winchester Justin Stefanik, PLS, CFedS, EI Michael Ries, PLS TASK LEADERS Key Staff 17KLJENG.COM 11. Construction Inspections Previous Performance/Experience The construction team at KLJ is adept at providing construction inspection and administration services for civil projects of all types and levels of complexity. Our local staff has experience working directly for the City of Kalispell in a construction inspection capacity, delivering successful, projects on-time; and is supported by KLJ’s dedicated construction group, which ensures excellence in regulation and specification adherence for every project. KALISPELL GLACIER RAIL PARK AND TRAIL AND COMPLETE STREETS | KALISPELL, MT KLJ provided construction inspection and administration services for both the Glacier Rail Park and Kalispell Trail and Complete Streets projects. KLJ certified material testing per project standards, coordinated construction staking and survey, verified constructed elevations, and certified that the end product met the project specifications. KLJ provided designs and full-time construction administration for the Glacier Rail Park for the City of Kalispell. Services included grading, pavement for roadways and parking lots, nine rail turnouts, waterlines, sanitary sewer, storm drain, retaining walls, and signalization of US 2 intersection. Additionally, we provided surveying, traffic counts and a traffic impact study of the intersection. After delivery of the rail park, KLJ provided construction administration and inspection for the Parkline Trail project. The project was awarded a federal TIGER grant that KLJ helped the client receive and administer, received multiple national awards, and was completed four months ahead of schedule. RODNEY STREET PHASE II | HELENA, MT KLJ provided design and construction administration support for a street reconstruction extending eight city blocks on the edge of downtown Helena. The project included improvements to both above and below ground infrastructure, such as water and sanitary sewer utilities, street surfacing section, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and landscaping. The existing street section was removed to subgrade and a new gravel base and asphalt pavement was placed. The square curb was upgraded to a standard curb and gutter pan section while the adjacent sidewalk was replaced including connections to residential walkways. KLJ provided full-time construction administration throughout the project, providing daily inspection reports, construction inspection, shop drawings review, change orders review, and as-built plan development. FRONT STREET | HELENA, MT Front Street, located in Helena’s historic Last Chance Gulch area, is a City project that improved utilities and street function in an historic urban landscape. Design of this 0.34-mile comprehensive urban roadway reconstruction project included roadway centerline realignment, new sidewalks on both sides of the corridor, ADA facilities, an upsized eight-inch water main replacement, new 60-inch diameter trunk storm drain and associated inlets, landscaping features, and utility coordination. Roadway improvements included bulb-outs at intersections, wider and ADA-accessible sidewalks, shared-use lanes, angled and parallel parking and landscaping. A raised intersection was constructed at Neill Avenue. KLJ provided for full time construction administration throughout the project duration, providing daily inspection reports, construction inspection, shop drawings review, change orders review, and as-built plan development. 18KLJENG.COM 11. Construction Inspections Key Project Staff Construction engineering begins in the development of project alternatives and continues through design to minimize construction costs and impacts to the public. Our construction engineers oversee planning and management of a variety of projects, such as highways, bridges, water systems, wastewater, and stormwater. Construction engineers engage in the design of temporary structures, cost estimating, planning and scheduling, materials procurement, equipment selection, cost control, and providing RPR services. In addition to the engineering components, our staff follows strict procedures pertaining to quality control and safety, making sure projects are completed safely and accurately. RYAN BLUMER, PE, PMP | TASK LEADER At KLJ, Ryan provides construction management, administration, and inspection services. He aided in the successful completion of the Kalispell Parkline Trail by providing direct construction inspection, as well as administration services, such as schedule management, construction plan revisions, bid and pay app review, and utility installation observation. Ryan has more than eight years of experience in construction inspection for projects in the Flathead Valley, including commercial developments, subdivisions, and road and multi- use path projects. In addition, he performed construction management and inspection for heavy civil projects ranging from slope stabilization to multimodal port developments and high traffic freight and passenger rail station redevelopment. HAYDEN ADDAMS, EI | PROJECT ENGINEER Hayden interned at KLJ during summer 2022 and provided RPR services on several projects throughout Montana. Now, as a full time engineer, he provides design, engineering, and construction inspection services for local Kalispell and regional projects. Hayden’s experience includes construction inspection, site civil design, hydraulic analysis, and stormwater management; and he is familiar with MDT procedures and guidelines. He has provided material testing verification, inspection reporting, and construction administration for the City of Kalispell, as well as MDT and the City of Evergreen. JHETT QUADE, EI | PROJECT ENGINEER Jhett has been providing civil design services and field and construction inspection for more than seven years. He serves as a municipal engineer, assisting with design and construction inspection for city, county, and state projects. Jhett has experience designing new water facilities as well as developing rehabilitation and replacement plans. He is well- versed in design of mainline design principles, well facilities, and service lines. Jhett brings a wealth of field experience to supplement his design knowledge. Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Austin Scott Hayden Addams, EI Jhett Quade, EI Matt Tummel, EI TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 19KLJENG.COM 13. Development Plan Review Previous Performance/Experience KLJ has provided development plan review for many communities, municipalities, counties, and state agencies across Montana. With a wealth of experience in providing services at every level we are well equipped to review a variety of development plans for compliance with state, federal, and local regulations. Our team is dedicated and detail-oriented, focused on ensuring not only compliance but also on intended results of projects and effective application of reviews. KLJ brings a focus on quality while maintaining an understanding of available budget and resources for Kalispell. STILLWATER COUNTY FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REVIEW KLJ provided Floodplain Development Reviews for the Stillwater County after the flooding in 2022. Services included review of floodplain permits and associated documents including no- rise certificates and hydraulic models. In addition to the floodplain permits, our team reviewed plans and specifications for projects addressing the flooding providing comments to the Stillwater County, often being involved in the review meetings with design engineers and owners for proposed work. MDT TECHNICAL REVIEWS KLJ has provided on-call review of hydraulic system impacts or consultant designs through a Hydraulics Term contract. Recently, we provided two separate Technical Hydraulic Reviews for the Fairview West and US 2 Culbertson projects. With these reviews, KLJ evaluated hydraulic models, hydrological calculations, and hydraulics calculations, and participated in review meetings going over our comments. LAUREL, BAKER, GLENDIVE, FALLON COUNTY, DAWSON COUNTY REVIEWS KLJ was the acting floodplain administrator for Fallon County, Dawson County, the City of Laurel, and the City of Baker, along with providing assistance to the City of Glendive, when requested. Services include review of floodplain permits and associated documents, including no- rise certificates and hydraulic models. In depth review of calculations, as well as adherence to standards and regulations was crucial to effectively providing these services. In addition, our team often review plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) documents, providing comments to the City or County. MT DEQ INDEPENDENT SUBDIVISION REVIEW KLJ has several staff members that are experienced in the subdivision of land in counties across Montana. Independent reviewers can now assist DEQ with subdivision review when applications reach a certain number. Our team has several members ready to apply their expertise to provide independent reviews for future projects. 20KLJENG.COM 13. Development Plan Review Key Project Staff KLJ is an established firm with civil engineering projects across Montana and the upper Midwest. We strive to help communities maintain and upgrade infrastructure in the most efficient and cost-effective ways to address the needs of the community. General civil engineering services encompass a wide variety of potential projects and KLJ has the expertise to combine them all together. We are experienced in assisting our clients with development plan reviews, by applying our engineering expertise along with our knowledge in designing and constructing developments within the City of Kalispell. We also have strong qualifications and backgrounds in CIPs, comprehensive plans, downtown plans, zoning regulations, and report submittal reviews. RYAN BLUMER, PE, PMP | TASK LEADER As part of the Public Works team at KLJ, Ryan provides design services, plan review, and construction services for municipal, utility, and development projects. Ryan has significant experience completing plan reviews for heavy civil projects as well as site civil projects. He has completed many developments within the City of Kalispell, Flathead County, and surrounding municipalities and is adept at ensuring projects abide by local and state regulations. CHRIS DEVERNIERO, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Chris is a senior project manager who has been involved in many wide-ranging transportation-focused projects with MDT, city, county, and Tribal agencies. Chris has extensive experience with federal/ state transportation policy, risk identification, mitigation strategy preparation, FHWA guidance implementation, planning process development, and transportation study research. He brings a combination of real-world knowledge and experience in asset management principles. DAN RICHARDSON, PE, CFM | PROJECT ENGINEER Dan has utilized his design experience to perform development reviews for multiple entities. Not only providing review of internal projects, he has provided technical reviews for MDT and various City and Counties, as well as floodplain permit reviews. JOHN MCDUNN, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER John has more than 30 years of experience in municipal engineering. Most recently, he served as the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Project Engineer as well as a member of the Deviation Committee with the State of Montana DEQ. John was the Project Engineer for several larger municipal projects in both the water and wastewater sections of the DEQ. Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP Chris DeVerniero, PE Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Dillon McLain, PE, PTOE Gary Johnson Hayden Addams, EI John McDunn, PE Rochelle Hansen Steve Grabill, PE, PTOE Travis Copper, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 21KLJENG.COM 15. Structural Analysis & Design Previous Performance/Experience KLJ’s structural professionals have the technical expertise to support projects of all sizes, types, and complexity. We have completed designs for state DOTs, counties, municipalities, railroads, and private sector clients. We have completed numerous culvert and bridge crossings, including single and multi-span bridges, and complex interchange bridges. Our capability includes highway, pedestrian, railroad, rehabilitations, retaining walls, and wildlife crossings, along with rehabilitation, and evaluation. MDT KALISPELL BYPASS US 93, ASHLEY CREEK – SOUTH BRIDGE | KALISPELL, MT KLJ widened the Kalispell Bypass from two to four lanes between US 93 and Airport Road. The project included widening the Ashley Creek-South bridge. Structural design included providing a Type, Size and Location (TS&L) report and preliminary and final design. The TS&L report stage evaluated widening the existing structure against building a new structure adjacent to the existing bridge. The new bridge is approximately 35 feet wide and 149 feet long, single-span precast MTS-81 girder bridge with a Cast-in Place (CIP) concrete deck and integral concrete bents founded on steel pipe piling. The widened alternative minimized cost and encroachment on Ashley Creek and the downstream pedestrian bridge. This also provided additional construction workspace within the constrained R/W limits. CHS LAUREL REFINERY PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE | LAUREL, MT The pedestrian bridge is a 296-foot two-span structure. The first 64-foot span is located over Nutting Road, a local county access road. The second spans 232 feet over both the BNSF railroad line and US 212. Due to the span length of the longer second bridge, it was determined that the crane needed for placing the structure in one piece was cost prohibitive. KLJ reviewed the assembly points of the span and determined that it would be feasible to assemble the span into two pieces and then lift each piece into place separately, thus reducing the crane size needed on-site. KLJ designed a temporary pier to be located at approximately 2/3 of the overall span. Two 55-ton hydraulic jacks were connected to the pier to allow the truss to be raised or lowered as needed for proper alignment with the second truss section. After installation of the truss, the temporary pier was removed. MDT MT-13 BOX ELDER CREEK BRIDGE | ROOSEVELT COUNTY, MT KLJ completed design of a single-span, prestressed concrete bridge. The bridge replacement split from the remaining eight- mile, rural road reconstruction project called Jct. Sect 250 North. Due to the poor condition of the existing timber bridge, the project was put on an accelerated schedule. KLJ completed the permitting, R/W acquisition, and new bridge and road transition plans in six months. This project is an outstanding example of KLJ’s flexibility and depth of resources in action to successfully address a client’s needs when unforeseen complications arise. 22KLJENG.COM 15. Structural Analysis & Design Key Project Staff Our comprehensive structural experience in Montana includes design of bridge and building components in wood, steel, reinforced masonry and concrete, and precast/pre-stressed concrete structures. We have a wide variety of foundation design experience and have completed structural design for commercial, retail, hospitality, government, and educational facilities. Our team is well-versed in structural design and analysis in support of water, wastewater, and stormwater projects, as well as retaining walls, noise walls, and light/signal pole supports. SHAWN MAYFIELD, PE | TASK LEADER Shawn is a lead bridge engineer with field review experience on numerous bridge projects over his past 20 years with KLJ. He is certified as a team leader for bridge inspections, having completed the National Highway Institute (NHI) course for Safety Inspections of In-Service Bridges. Shawn has led structure rehabilitation and replacement aspect of bridge projects throughout the Upper Midwest and has an in-depth knowledge of the practices of DOTs in conjunction with AASHTO and FHWA standards. Shawn’s comprehensive experience provides an unmatched project resource for the KLJ team. WADE THOMPSON, PE | TASK LEADER Wade is a structural engineer more than 14 years of experience in structural design, roadway design, inspection, and construction management of rural transportation projects. His design experience ranges from historical bridge rehabilitation to prestressed concrete bridges and long-span steel bridges. Wade’s experience also includes public involvement, hydraulic design, bridge inspection, project management, and client management. He has been involved in all facets of project progression from preliminary planning to project construction and close out. Wade’s focus has been the design and construction of highway and structure projects for DOTs, counties, and cities. MATT ISLEY, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Matt performs duties as a design engineer and has more than 20 years of experience specializing in the structural and transportation sectors. He primarily works as a design lead for bridge projects with experience in prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete, and structural steel design. Matt has experience in all stages of design, including preliminary layout and sizing, bridge type determination, final design, plan production, and project specifications. His experience includes bridge replacement projects, as well as bridge rehabilitation projects, using AASHTO design codes with DOT standards. Shawn Mayfield, PE Wade Thompson, PE Matt Isley, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 23KLJENG.COM 16. Electrical Engineering Previous Performance/Experience KLJ has provided electrical engineering services to Kalispell and other municipalities in a variety of capacities. From street lighting to lift stations and intersection signals, KLJ has experience delivering excellent projects that have a positive impact on communities. Our team has a broad set of skills to not only complete the electrical design and engineering but ensure its integration into the overall project is seamless and meets the larger project objectives. US 93 RONAN-URBAN RECONSTRUCTION | RONAN, MT KLJ provided comprehensive urban and rural roadway design services to MDT for the reconstruction of 3.5 miles of US 93, including the conversion to a one-way couplet through the community of Ronan, MT. The project converted western Montana’s primary north-south road into a one-way couplet system through Ronan and included a separated shared-use path along the entire corridor. KLJ developed traffic forecasts and analysis to determine lanes, signalization needs, and transition between multi-lane roadways. From this analysis, KLJ designed a new signalized intersection in the Ronan North portion of the project, which included providing for all electrical design associated with the new signal. STORM DRAIN NE OF KALISPELL | KALISPELL, MT KLJ provided for hydraulic design for a new storm water system located in Evergreen located northeast of Kalispell. Design addressed flooding located along US 2, new ADA-compliant ramps and a new lift station prior to discharging into the Stillwater River. KLJ provided for electrical design for the new lift station along with storm drain and piping design associated with the project. KALISPELL TRAIL AND COMPLETE STREETS | KALISPELL, MT KLJ completed the design of the street and path lighting for nearly two miles of trail in downtown Kalispell that replaced an existing rail line. The project included design of electrical systems for intersections, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crossing warning devices, complete streets, and lighting for a multi-use path. The projects was completed four months ahead of time and was awarded an ACEC honors award. GLACIER RAIL PARK | KALISPELL, MT This project was for the newly developed Glacier Rail Park and included the design of a new traffic signal that was installed on US 2 and Flathead Drive that had poor signal visibility with the railroad overpass. Different options were discussed on how to improve the visibility and were analyzed before a final decision was reached. KLJ analyzed existing traffic volumes and new site-generated traffic for signal warrants and different phasing options and signal cycle lengths for an actuated signal that would yield the optimal Level of Service (LOS) for the intersection. In addition to this, KLJ provided for design on a new sanitary sewer lift station, which included all the electrical design associated with the new list station. 24KLJENG.COM 16. Electrical Engineering Key Project Staff KLJ has a diverse team that has provided electrical engineering services in many different capacitates to meet client needs. We have designed multi-use path and street lighting for the Parkline Trail project, completed intersection light designs and timing at numerous locations in the Flathead Valley, and designed lift stations for cities and water districts. Our planning experience also includes sizing and placement of lift stations and treatment facility evaluation and planning to meet changing effluent requirements, including disinfection requirements and final effluent disposal. With a broad swath of experience, KLJ’s electrical engineering services can be applied to whatever needs the City of Kalispell has. GARY JOHNSON | TASK LEADER Gary is a business-minded, hands- on project manager with more than 25 years of experience ranging from municipal to heavy industrial projects. He has a strong ability to troubleshoot both technical issues and business processes. Gary excels at communicating engineering details to clients and associates for mutual understanding. He has significant project management experience, including estimating and budgeting, scheduling, code compliance, training, public speaking, and resource allocation. Gary’s career has included significant electrical and development projects across a range of fields. He has experience in industrial automation, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) upgrades, conveyors and crusher for oil and sand companies, water treatment plant upgrades, and lift station design and development. Gary brings the City of Kalispell the knowledge needed to effectively evaluate electrical projects and determine the appropriate resources needed to meet project needs. CHAD FISCHER, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Chad has extensive experience on roadway and traffic projects providing roadway design and traffic analysis. He utilizes his knowledge of industry standards and specifications on current projects. Chad is also experienced in traffic engineering, including safety plans, LRTPs, traffic signing improvements, traffic projections, traffic safety improvements, crash analysis, signal warrant, and design and pavement striping. He brings that knowledge of traffic engineering to ensure effective and constructable designs for signal systems, street lighting, and beacons. DAVID DREWING, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER David is a Professional Electrical Engineer with 20 years of well- rounded technical leadership experience providing electrical power, energy, and telecommunications solutions. He provides electrical engineering for lighting, electrical power, controls, and communications for transportation, aviation, oil/gas, water, telecommunications, and utility industries. With a broad range of experience across municipal work and transportation, David can bring a level of expertise that ensures understanding of relevant external factors as well as the integration of systems at the intersection of different agencies. Gary Johnson Chad Fischer, PE David Drewing, PE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 25KLJENG.COM 17. Grant Applications/PERs Previous Performance/Experience KLJ has been highly successful in preparing and obtaining grants, including assisting in garnering key community input and support for moving forward with infrastructure improvements. Our staff is trained in engaging the community and specific key stakeholders to ensure projects are supported, not just financially, but by the impacted public impacted. Securing project financing and leveraging available project dollars is critical to improving City facilities at a reasonable cost to the community. To assist the City of Kalispell in developing innovative strategies to fund capital improvement projects, we have included Becky Rosenleaf to lead our project funding and community engagement team. Becky will work with you to evaluate current funding mechanisms and structure a mix of funding for maintaining and improving your community’s capital assets. STORMWATER PER | BIG SANDY, MT KLJ designed improvements to the stormwater system and provided construction oversight for the project. System upgrades included a new stormwater main along Main Street, from Highway 87 to 3rd Street, and new larger trunk mains along 1st and 2nd Streets to convey water away from the downtown area to a discharge point out of town. The town is located in an area of Choteau County that is quite flat, resulting in a project area with very little difference in elevation from one end to the other. The preference for a system that drained by gravity and eliminating a lift station, presented the project team with the challenge of designing the below grade piping with minimal elevation change while maintaining the roadway cover required to meet MDT and Montana Public Works Standard Specifications. KLJ wrote a PER that was utilized to write and obtain an ARPA grant to fund the project’s construction. SEWER SYSTEM PER | VAUGHN, MT KLJ is currently working with Vaughn to update a sewer PER in order to fund improvements to the existing aging sewer system. The updated PER will be utilized to supplement the funding already obtained through an ARPA grant that was written and obtained by KLJ for sewer improvements. SUN PRAIRIE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT PER | SUN PRAIRIE, MT KLJ is currently working with the Sun Prairie County Water District on their water improvements project. The district serves 103 households that utilize this system along with a separate irrigation system. To get to where the project is currently, KLJ has written a PER, wrote a successful grant application for the Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP), coordinated with the County and wrote a successful grant application for ARPA funding, and has started on design for their improvements. The water system upgrades addressed include the need for improved water supply, improved pressures throughout the system, metering usage, new fire hydrants, and upgrades to the existing pump house. The project was able to obtain full grant funding for the entirety of the project, totalling an estimate of $1.1 million. KLJ has worked closely with the grant agencies to meet startup conditions for both the MCEP and ARPA grants. In addition to the water improvements project, KLJ has assisted the district with their irrigation system and pressures throughout the district. GRANTS »City of Kalispell | Kalispell Bypass: Airport Road Interchange to US 93 Intersection | RAISE application (2023) »City of Columbia Falls | Gateway to Glacier Safety and Mobility Improvement Project | Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) application (2020) »Flathead County | Flathead County Bridge Improvement Project | Bridge Investment Program Planning Grant (2022) »Anaconda Deer Lodge | Mill Creek RAISE Grant (2023) 26KLJENG.COM 17. Grant Applications/PERs Key Project Staff KLJ offers you the unique advantage of on- staff government relations professionals. Our government relations team is responsible for finding, researching, applying for, and then assisting in the management of funding resources. The presence or absence of funding for specific projects is often the difference between a project being successfully completed, and it being delayed or shelved. Our team of professional grant writers work in partnership with our engineering and survey staff, as well as with City staff, to develop and implement funding strategies unique to each project. We have extensive knowledge of grant and loan resources and have assisted clients in securing nearly $340 million in both planning and construction grant funding in the past five years. In 2015, 2016, and 2021 we had the honor of working with the community of Helena to complete several Transportation Alternatives (TA) Grants. In 2016, the Benton Avenue Path grant was awarded $988,000 and in 2022, the 6th Ward ADA Ramps was awarded $569,000. Our project team will provide recommendations that entail broad financial considerations combined with practical solutions tailored specifically to the City of Kalispell. BECKY ROSENLEAF | TASK LEADER Becky is adept at searching for, identifying, and then successfully applying for funding resources for a wide variety of infrastructure planning and construction projects, as well as economic development and diversification activities. She is a certified Professional Facilitator, as well as a Certified Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) practitioner. Becky has used these skills in conjunction with knowledge of funding resources and community planning to identify stakeholders and develop partnerships that aid communities in accessing critical funding, conducting successful planning, identifying/ securing partnership resources, and gaining public support for critical community infrastructure and development projects. DENAE JOHNSON | TASK LEADER Denae serves as a government specialist at KLJ and focuses on grant writing, analysis, funding, and public engagement. She works with communities to identify, research, apply for and manage a variety of infrastructure planning and construction projects, as well as economic development, diversification, and resiliency activities. Denae has worked with state, city, county and Tribal clients in the Upper Midwest to take full advantage of new and expanded federal funding to move projects from concept to completion. JESS WAGNER, PE | PROJECT ENGINEER Jess is a project engineer with experience in writing PERs for water and sewer projects. Her background includes development of master plans, PERs, design, bidding and construction for various communities. Jess’ experience includes leading design teams in the development of preliminary and final documents aiding in applications for funding. Becky Rosenlead Denae Johnson Chris DeVerniero, PE Dan Richardson, PE, CFM Dillon McLain, PE, PTOE Gary Johnson Jess Wagner, PE Joe DeVore, PE, PTOE, RSP2 McKenzie Butcher, PE Steve Grabill, PE, PTOE TASK LEADERS PROJECT ENGINEERS Key Staff 27KLJENG.COM Key Staff Matrix Name License Office Location Years of Exp 1. S a n i t a r y S e w e r C o l l e c t i o n 3. W a t e r S y s t e m 4. S t o r m w a t e r C o l l e c t i o n & Tre a t m e n t 6. R o a d s a n d M u l t i u s e P a t h s 8. T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r i n g 9. U t i l i t y M o d e l i n g 10 . S u r v e y i n g 11 . C o n s t r u c t i o n I n s p e c t i o n 13 . D e v e l o p m e n t P l a n R e v i e w 15 . S t r u c t u r a l A n a l y s i s & De s i g n 16 . E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g 17 . G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s / P E R s Austin Scott Helena, MT 5 Becky Rosenleaf Billings, MT 35 Chad Fischer PE Remote – AZ 10 Chris Deverniero PE Helena, MT 21 Dan Richardson PE, CFM Helena, MT 21 David Drewing PE Remote – KS 22 Denae Johnson Bismarck, ND 20 Dillon McLain PE, PTOE Helena, MT 10 Gary Johnson Kalispell, MT 27 Hayden Addams EI Kalispell, MT 2 Jess Wagner PE West Fargo, ND 18 Jhett Quade EI Billings, MT 3 Joe DeVore PE, PTOE, RSP2 Eagan, MN 12 John McDunn PE Helena, MT 30 Jonah Winchester Kalispell, MT 9 Justin Stefanik PLS, CFeds, EI Helena, MT 17 Mathew Mogstad EI Helena, MT 14 Matt Isley PE West Fargo, ND 20 Matt Tummel EI Helena, MT 7 McKenzie Butcher PE Bozeman, MT 8 Michael Reis PLS Helena, MT 31 Oz Kahn PE Eagan, MN 11 Rochelle Hansen Remote – MT 30 Ryan Blumer PE, PMP Kalispell, MT 8 Ryan Welsh PE Billings, MT 25 Shawn Mayfield PE Rapid City, SD 20 Steve Grabill PE, LSIT, PTOE Billings, MT 35 Tim Krohler EI Billings, MT 4 Travis Copper PE, PLS Billings, MT 23 Travis Jones PE Billings, MT 17 Wade Thompson PE Grafton, ND 14 28KLJENG.COM YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 5 years EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering Technology – Montana State University- Northern CONTINUING EDUCATION ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction: • Asphalt Testing Technician • Embankment and Base/Density Testing Technician • Aggregate Testing Technician OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Austin provides roadway design and traffic engineering experience to the many MDT, local, and Tribal government design projects he has worked on. Austin has a strong design background covering urban and rural highways, while providing innovative technical solutions to complex design related problems. He brings a thorough knowledge of MDT standards and specifications to all his design projects. Austin primarily specializes in roadway alignment, water main and sewer design, planning, ADA facilities, R/W, pavement striping, and roadside safety. Roadway Engineer | MDT MT Highway 200 Perma Curves Feasibility Study | Sanders County, MT Austin provided roadway design efforts for a five-mile study phase project on MT Highway 200 in western Montana, partially located on the Flathead Indian Reservation. The project, bordered by the Flathead River to the north and intermittent rock cliffs to the south, will develop alignment alternatives to reconstruct the winding roadway to meet current design standards and provide safety enhancements while minimizing impacts to the cultural, environmental, and physical characteristics of the corridor. Roadway Engineer | MDT US Highway 93 Ronan Reconstruction | Ronan, MT The project includes a 3.5-mile complete urban and rural reconstruction in western Montana on the Flathead Indian Reservation. This project contains two miles of five and four-lane, high-speed rural highway along with 1.5 miles of low-speed, urban highway, including a one-way couplet through a rural community. This intersection crosses US Highway 93 at an existing skew and is proposed to intersect within a seven percent superelevated curve. Safety considerations were made for potential conflicts with sight distance, driver familiarity, and truck turn movements. Austin was tasked with detailed modeling and grading for the project. Consultant Inspector | Term Services for MDT Construction | Missoula, MT Austin worked in MDT’s Missoula Materials Laboratory as a consultant inspector and laboratory technician. Austin’s duties included field collection, field testing, and laboratory testing of concrete, soils, and aggregate. Austin also tested volumetric properties of asphalt for many of MDT’s maintenance and federally-funded projects including Bearmouth East and West, Bonner Interchange-East, I-90 Bridge Preservation MP 117-149, Phillipsburg-North, Stevensville-South, Perma Canyon, Union Creek, Rainbow Bend, and Salmon Lake-North. Along with the testing of construction materials, Austin also performed clerical work associated with the materials. Austin began his consultant inspector term in April 2022 and ended his term in September 2022. Traffic Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass, MDT | Kalispell, MT Austin served as traffic engineer for the US Highway 93 to Airport Road section of the multi-phase Kalispell Bypass. He was involved with the plan preparation and roadway stationing for the combined $44 million in construction on the Bypass. Austin assisted with composing exhibits and presentations for public meetings. Traffic Engineer | MDT Statewide Intersection Safety Evaluations | Throughout Montana Austin assisted the MDT on a detailed safety evaluation of high-risk crash locations throughout Montana. These detailed safety evaluations are identifying specific crash trends and crash narratives occurring at each intersection, quantifying the crash impact, and then identifying and evaluating safety improvements to address the specific intersection safety needs. Austin designed Conceptual Intersection layouts and installed traffic cameras at these locations. These layouts consisted of roundabouts, reduced conflict intersections (RCI), traffic signals, and other alternative intersections that will address specific issues. Austin Scott | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Construction Inspection 29KLJENG.COM Becky is adept at searching for, identifying, and then successfully applying for funding resources for a wide variety of infrastructure planning and construction projects, as well as economic development and diversification activities. She is a certified Professional Facilitator, as well as a CPTED practitioner. Becky has used these skills in conjunction with knowledge of funding resources and community planning to identify stakeholders and develop partnerships that aid communities in accessing critical funding, conducting successful planning, identifying/securing partnership resources, and gaining public support for critical community infrastructure and development projects. Becky has led or been heavily involved in numerous planning and construction grants with different funding agencies for communities in Montana, South Dakota, and Colorado. Some of the most recent projects she has worked on include: »RAISE Grant ($10.02 million) – City of Columbia Falls »RAISE Grant ($15.8 million) – Northern Cheyenne Tribe »ARPA Water/Sewer Competitive Grant ($1.9 million) – City of Miles City »TA Grant ($432,436) – City of Helena (2021) »TA Grant ($449,879) – City of Sidney (2021) »Delivering Local Assistance Grant ($750,000) – City of Miles City (2019) »Transportation Alternatives Grant ($485,000) – Town of Lame Deer (2015) »Tribal Transportation Safety Grants ($642,000) – Northern Cheyenne Tribe »TSEP Planning Grant ($15,000) – Nine Mile Water and Sewer District (2016) »CDBG Planning Grant ($30,000) – Town of Plevna (2016) »EDA Public Works Grant ($980,000) – Lincoln County Port Authority (2016) »TSEP Construction Grant ($750,000) – Nine Mile Water and Sewer District (2017) »Transportation Alternatives Grant ($987,000) – City of Helena (2017) »Coal Board Grant ($48,000) – Town of Hysham (2017) Grant Writing/Public Engagement | City of Kalispell/FCEDA Glacier Rail Park and Rails to Trails Project | Kalispell, MT KLJ assisted FCEDA and the City of Kalispell in creation of the Glacier Rail Park and then, once that was operational, with the rails-to-trails project in which the previous rail tracks were converted to a multi- use trail, transforming downtown Kalispell. Becky participated in this process first in assistance with preparation/debrief related to the first TIGER grant application (which was not funded) but was utilized as the base for a rewritten application that was funded the following year, and then later assisting with facilitation of public outreach. Grant Writer | City of Columbia Falls-Grant Writing Services | Columbia Falls, MT In 2020, KLJ contracted with the community of Columbia Falls specifically for the purposes of writing/ submitting a BUILD grant. The City hoped to utilize these grant funds to construct significant pedestrian facilities throughout the downtown and core areas of the community. KLJ wrote/submitted this grant. It was not awarded but was highly ranked. This grant was rewritten and resubmitted under the same program (now renamed RAISE) in 2021 and 2022. The grant was awarded in the 2022 cycle for just over $10 million. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 35 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS MG Rush Facilitator Certification Mediation Certification Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Certified Practitioner EDUCATION BA English Literature/ Creative Writing – Montana State University-Bozeman OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT Becky Rosenleaf | Grant Applications/PERs 30KLJENG.COM Chad has more than 10 years of experience with specializing in traffic, electrical, and safety engineering. He has strong design experiences covering urban and rural highways and streets including pedestrian and bicycle facilities applying current AASHTO and MUTCD standards. Chad experience with transportation infrastructure ranges from safety plans, LRTPs, traffic signing improvements, traffic projections, traffic safety improvements, crash analysis, signal warrant and design, street and pedestrian lighting layouts, pavement markings and pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Design Engineer | MDT Jct. US 93 – East (MT 40) | Whitefish, MT Chad completed a 4.5-mile corridor study on Montana Highway 40, near Whitefish, MT. The study included the collection of turn movement counts, growth projection, crash history analysis and countermeasures using MDT’s Level of Service of Safety, signal warrant analysis, and corridor and intersection capacity analysis using HCS and Synchro software. The study recommended the rural two- lane highway be expanded to a five-lane facility with two-way left-turn lane. Design Engineer | MDT Statewide Intersection Safety Evaluations | Throughout Montana Chad is currently assisting the MDT on a detailed safety evaluation of high-risk crash locations throughout the state of Montana. These detailed safety evaluations are identifying specific crash trends and crash narratives occurring at each intersection, quantifying the crash impact, and then identifying and evaluating safety improvements to address the specific intersection safety needs. Chad designed Conceptual Intersection layouts and developed costs for alternatives at each intersection to address safety and operational deficiencies. These layouts consisted of roundabouts, RCIs, traffic signals, and other alternative intersections that will address specific issues. Design Engineer | MDT US 93 Ronan | Ronan, MT Chad is currently a design engineer for a 3.5-mile complete urban and rural reconstruction in western Montana on the Flathead Indian Reservation. This project contains two miles of five and four-lane, high- speed rural highway along with 1.5 miles of low speed, urban highway including a one-way couplet through a rural community. He has analyzed and designed multiple alternatives for the intersection of US 93 and Baptiste Road/Spring Creek Road. This intersection crosses US 93 at an existing skew and is proposed to intersect within a seven percent superelevated curve. Safety considerations were made for potential conflicts with sight distance, driver familiarity, and truck turn movements. Chad’s responsibilities also include geometric design for the highway and several local roads, ADA-compliant pedestrian facilitates through town, traffic sign design, pavement markings, lighting layouts, and signal design for seven intersections. Chad assisted in coordinating with property owners with right of entry and Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) permits for Tribal land. Design Engineer | Glacier Rail Park, Flathead County Economic Development Authority | Kalispell, MT Chad served as a design engineer for a signal being installed on US 2 and Flathead Drive in Kalispell, MT with poor signal visibility with the railroad overpass. Different options were discussed on how to improve the visibility and analyzed before making the final decision. He analyzed traffic volumes for signal warrants for the intersection and monitored different phasing options and signal cycle lengths for an actuated signal that would yield the optimal level of service for the intersection. Chad was responsible for coordinating with different utility companies and preparing cost estimates and the contract bidding documents for the project. Chad Fischer, PE | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Electrical Engineering YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 10 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, AZ, CO, UT EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University CONTINUING EDUCATION MDT: • Fundamentals of Open Roads Training • Open Roads Survey Training ACEC Montana Project Management Training FHWA Combating Rural Roadway Departures OFFICE LOCATION Remote – Arizona 31KLJENG.COM Chris a senior project manager located in KLJ’s Helena office. He has been involved in a number of wide- ranging transportation-focused projects with DOTs, city, county, and Tribal agencies. Chris has extensive experience with federal/state transportation policy, risk identification, mitigation strategy preparation, FHWA guidance implementation, planning process development, and transportation study research. He brings a combination of real-world knowledge and experience deep-rooted in asset management principles, long-range planning, and pre-NEPA corridor study development. Prior to moving to the private sector, Chris served as the MDT Asset Management Engineer for nearly a decade. He was responsible for optimizing funding allocations based on need to maintain and improve pavement and bridges on Montana’s roadways and was involved in the initial development of MDT’s Transportation Asset Management Plan. Project Manager | MDT I-94 BR Rehabilitation – Circle Interchange | Glendive, MT This MDT design project was completed in two phases. Phase I included preliminary design activities required for road design, bridge type and size and field investigation activities. The Phase 2 scope included public involvement; environmental activities; hydraulics analysis; and final road and bridge design. This project was nominated to rehabilitate the bridge decks and reconstruct a portion of the roadway on Interstate 94 near Glendive. Unlike any traditional design MDT has pursued before, this project includes deck milling and overlays on the southern portion of both structures, while complete deck replacements on the northern portions. Additional bridge work includes replacing expansion joints and concrete bridge railing. Roadway reconstruction, including superelevation transition modifications, will take place at each end of the bridges on both directional roadways. Chris provided public involvement messaging, consultant project management, pre-NEPA activity guidance, and quality assurance reviews of all MDT deliverables. Project Manager | MDT Jefferson City Safety Rest Area Study | Jefferson City, MT Chris served as the project manager and MDT rest area program subject matter expert for the evaluation of the seasonal Jefferson City Safety Rest Area. MDT identified the need to evaluate options for the existing rest area located on Interstate 15 south of Clancy. The goal of the study was to evaluate two alternatives: reduction in service and complete closure of the facilities. The study was based on existing site constraints, corridor needs, public/stakeholder input, and financial feasibility to operate and maintain. As part of this study, he provided a comprehensive rest area evaluation using the guidelines outlined in the 2014 MDT Rest Area Plan and an ADA compliance assessment. Chris also assisted with the pre-NEPA/MEPA assessment, and stakeholder coordination. Project Manager | Vandalia Rest Area Rehabilitation | US 2 West of Glasgow, MT Chris is serving as the project manager and MDT rest area program subject matter expert for the evaluation and subsequent design for the future of the Vandalia Rest Area. The goal of this multi- phase project is to first evaluate two alternatives: reduction in service and rehabilitation of the facility. We are finalizing the Phase 1 of this effort, which has evaluated the existing site constraints, corridor needs, public/stakeholder input, environmental risk, and financial feasibility to operate and maintain. Phase 2 of the project will assess the feasibility and design the preferred alternative based on the determination of need and mitigation of project risks. He is providing overall project direction of this comprehensive evaluation using the guidelines outlined in the MDT Rest Area Plan, ADA Standards for Accessible Design, NEPA and MEPA process guidelines. As part of this project, Chris and his team have successfully conducted a detailed preliminary biological assessment, hazardous materials/substances and water quality assessment, investigation for hazard materials, and prepared a preliminary Categorical Exclusion (CATEX) for this project. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 21 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, ID EDUCATION MA Transportation Policy, Operations, & Logistics – George Mason University BS Mechanical Engineering – Montana State University CONTINUING EDUCATION Practical Negotiations for US Federal and Federally Assisted Projects Montana Engineering Law IRWA: • Principles of R/W Negotiations • Principles of Land Acquisition Practical Negotiations for US Federal and Federally Assisted Projects OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Chris DeVerniero, PE | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Development Plan Review, Grant Applications/PERs 32KLJENG.COM Dan is an experienced project manager and designer with expertise in comprehensive roadway design, traffic engineering and geometrics, alternative delivery, and hydraulics engineering. He is adept at leading multi-discipline engineering teams and serves as project manager for MDT’s Hydraulics Term Contract. Dan has been involved in numerous segments of the Kalispell Bypass, providing roadway and hydraulics design. His specialty within stormwater design and management includes hydrological analysis, hydraulic analysis, flood routing, open channel modeling, detention and retention pond design, mechanical stormwater treatment systems, and FEMA permitting. Lead Civil Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass (KBP) Foys Lake Design- Build | Kalispell, MT The project included widening the KBP to the full-build roadway, constructing a diamond interchange at KBP/Foys Lake Road to carry the KBP over Foys Lake Road, constructing a small parking lot for access to Lone Pine State Park, constructing new drainage features to meet MDT and City of Kalispell small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) regulations, and conducting adaptive management for streambank stabilization of the Ashley Creek stream mitigation site. Dan pulled all the different aspects of the project together into a single plan set. He also reviewed all documents and assisted the design manager with assigning staff to different project aspects. Project Manager | MDT Great Falls – North | Great Falls, MT Dan served as project manager for the Great Falls – North project. The project includes the reconstruction of approximately seven miles of Highway 87 in Cascade County, MT. The current road is a rural highway with roadside ditches with seven major drainage crossings under the highway within the project limits. Additionally, the highway crosses through the ephemeral Black Horse Lake bed, which when full, has caused eroding banks due to wave action from the wind. Project Manager | MDT Hydraulic Term Contract | Various Locations in Montana Dan leads the current MDT Hydraulic Term Contract within KLJ. Over the past three contract terms, he has been an integral part of the design team from project manager to lead designer. During the current and previous three-year term, Dan has managed six assignments, completing them all within the desired schedule. In addition to these assignments, he has been heavily involved in the design of other assignments that range from pump stations, urban design, rural designs, irrigation designs, bridge openings, scour analysis, and floodplain analysis and permitting. Over the past three terms, Dan has led the design for three separate stormwater lift stations. All required inflow calculations, pump sizing, best route determination, and overflow capabilities. Project Manager | MDT Bad Rock Canyon OT Study | Flathead County, MT Dan is the project manager, along with past lead hydraulic design engineer, for the MDT Bad Rock Canyon reconstruction study project. Within the project area, US 2 is a two-lane undivided highway with two 12-foot travel lanes and no shoulders. This study will consider continuing the five-lane configuration to the east, as far as feasible, and then consider transitioning to two 12-foot lanes with variable shoulder widths through the canyon. Dan has worked with the team to develop preliminary reports, produce a Wildlife Accommodation Recommendation Memo (WARM), coordinate with the geotechnical firm, coordinate with the public involvement firm, coordinate with the hydraulic specialty firm, provide for quality control (QC) on hydraulics reports, and address environmental concerns in preliminary reports. Dan Richardson, PE, CFM | Sanitary Sewer Collection, Water System, Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Development Plan Review, Grant Applications/PERs YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 21 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, AZ Certified Floodplain Manager EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – Montana State University CONTINUING EDUCATION MDT: • NEPA Training • Wildlife Accommodations FHWA) Aquaveo SMS 2D Modeling USGS StreamStats Training Montana DNRC Community Rating System Workshop FEMA CLOMR/LOMR Process Training OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT 33KLJENG.COM David is a professional electrical engineer with 22 years of well-rounded technical leadership experience providing electrical power, energy, and telecommunications solutions. He provides electrical engineering for lighting, electrical power, controls, and communications for transportation, aviation, oil/gas, water, telecommunications, and utility industries. Electrical Engineer | Glacier Rail Park and Kalispell Trail | Kalispell, MT KLJ assisted FCEDA and the City of Kalispell design, fund, and construct a rail-served industrial park (Glacier Rail Park), a multi-use trail, and a new complete street. Once the new rail park was operational, Alta Planning + Design and KLJ designed the new 12-foot-wide multi-use trail, conversion of a rail bridge to pedestrian use, and a complete street. KLJ assisted FCEDA and the City of Kalispell prepare three TIGER grant applications. In October 2015, the City was awarded a $10 million TIGER Grant. A $40 million Public-Private Partnership has resulted in more than $200 million dollars in private investment along the new trail including much needed attainable housing. The Core and Rail project was selected as a top transportation project by ACEC in Montana and received an Honor Award at the national level by ACEC. David provided electrical quality control review and provided electrical construction oversight. He designed the security and accent lighting for the locomotive display in conjunction with Kalispell’s dark sky requirements. Electrical Engineer | PT Lands Subdivision Infrastructure Improvements | Bozeman, MT David provided photometric calculations in accordance with the City Bozeman’s lighting policy for three street additions. He reviewed and updated the existing lighting plans and coordinated the installation with both construction personnel and City staff. Electrical Engineer | North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) ND 73 Reconstruction with Roundabout | McKenzie County, ND The project consisted of more than five miles of full depth reclamation and reconstruction. The scope of the project included widened shoulders, climbing lanes, hot mix asphalt (HMA) and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) paving, horizontal realignment, box culverts, temporary bypasses, Highway Patrol turn out, and a roundabout at the intersection ND 73 and ND 22. David designed the electrical infrastructure for the lighting system and completed photometric calculations for the roundabout and roadway to NDDOT requirements. Electrical Engineer | Reservation Wide Lighting, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe | Fort Yates, ND David was the electrical engineer of record for the electrical and lighting sections of this project for Standing Rock Sioux Indian Tribe. His role included lighting illumination calculations, layout, electrical calculations, panel schedules, and bill of material to install new luminaire pole assemblies along Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) 31. This project also included a destination light in Cannon Ball, ND. Additionally, project phases were designed for the Cannon Ball area to include adding roadway and pathway lighting. Electrical Engineer | MnDOT Charging Station, TH 52 Zumbrota to Cannon Falls Design-Build | Rochester to Twin Cities, MN KLJ is serving as the lead consultant to Mathiowetz Construction Co., one of Minnesota’s premier earthwork and construction management contractors, for MnDOT TH 52 Zumbrota to Cannon Falls project. Over the years, the Highway 52 corridor has been identified for improvements in several major transportation planning studies as it is a high-priority interregional corridor connecting Rochester to the Twin Cities and Interstate 494 to Interstate 90. It is the only corridor in the state of Minnesota that links Rochester to the Twin Cities. The overall goal is to enhance safety for the traveling public including providing access control to bring TH 52 closer to freeway conditions. This includes reconstruction of southbound Highway 52 lanes beginning 2.2 miles south of Highway 19 in Cannon Falls and proceeding south 1.2 miles north of Goodhue County Road, including a new interchange at TH 57. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 22 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, CO, IA, KS, MN, ND, NE, SD, TX, UT, WY NCEES Council Record Certified Energy Manager EDUCATION BS Electrical Engineering – Missouri University of Science and Technology OFFICE LOCATION Remote – Kansas David Drewing, PE | Electrical Engineering 34KLJENG.COM Denae has more than 20 years of experience focusing on project success and developing positive partnerships. She is a solid communicator and grant writer. Denae serves as a government specialist at KLJ and focuses on grant writing, analysis, funding, and public engagement. She works with communities to identify, research, apply for and manage a variety of infrastructure planning and construction projects, as well as economic development, diversification, and resiliency activities. Denae has worked with state, city, county and Tribal clients in the Upper Midwest and Rocky Mountain West to take full advantage of new and expanded federal funding to move projects from concept to completion. She also recently became certified as a Structured Professional Facilitator and uses these skills in conjunction with the knowledge of funding resources and community planning to identify stakeholders and develop partnerships that aid communities in accessing critical funding, conducting successful planning, and identifying/securing partnership resources. Grant Writer| Various Projects | Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Colorado Denae works with communities to identify funding resources for a wide variety of infrastructure planning and construction projects, as well as economic development and diversification activities. Recently, she has worked with Tribes to submit FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grants and Tribal Transportation Safety grants, South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) for a RAISE grant, the Bismarck Airport for an Airport Improvement Program grant, and two broadband companies in submitting Middle Mile Infrastructure grants. Awards for funding are all pending. In 2022, she assisted with writing and submission of a RAISE grant for US Highway 197, a joint project with MnDOT and the City of Bemidji, that was awarded $18 million in 2022 and will be moving forward in 2023. She also assisted with writing with a Rural Surface Transportation grant for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe that was awarded $26 million in 2022. Program Analysis | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) | Bismarck, ND With the increase in government funding and the development of new grant programs, Denae has been dedicated to researching, evaluating, and summarizing program information internally for our staff and creating public-facing materials to share with our clients. She serves as our in-house specialist to help connect potential projects with new or increasing funding sources. Funding Specialist and Grant Writer | MnDOT Transportation Projects, City of Bemidji | Minnesota KLJ has been partnering with MnDOT for the past seven years to assist in writing grants for several large community and state infrastructure projects. Most recently, Denae has assisted with writing a Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant for MnDOT and a RAISE grant for the City of Bemidji. Requests totaled more than $24 million in federal transportation grant dollars. The Bemidji RAISE Grant was awarded in August 2022, and Bridge Investment Program grant is pending. Grant Writer | Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) Grant Writing Services | South Dakota Since 2011, KLJ’s Government Relations staff has assisted KLJ project managers in identifying appropriate projects and writing annual grants to secure TTPSF funding for multiple Tribes in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. In total, (between 2011 and 2021) KLJ has written more than 100 grants for Tribes, garnering more than $7 million in TTPSF dollars for identified Tribal transportation safety planning and infrastructure development. Denae has assisted in this process for the past two years, writing 14 grants for South Dakota Tribes in the last two rounds of TTPSF requests. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 20 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATION Certified Structured Professional Facilitator EDUCATION Graduate Certificate in Public Administration – University of North Dakota BS Criminal Justice – Minot State University BS Psychology – Minot State University OFFICE LOCATION Bismarck, ND Denae Johnson | Grant Applications/PERs 35KLJENG.COM Dillon’s transportation engineering experience and design knowledge provides the technical and analytical skills required for the successful project development of transportation infrastructure. He is currently integral to the overall management, road design, and plan quality of several large highway design projects, including on-time delivery of complex MDT project plans. Dillon brings a thorough knowledge of principles, procedures, federal rules and regulations, and methods of road design and related engineering, as well as MDT department guidelines and procedures. Consistent work with MDT on large, multi-faceted projects has developed his specialty skills in roadway, multi-use pathway, and ADA facility design. Dillon’s ability to identify unique solutions to accommodate and benefit all users of the transportation network is unmatched. His principal expertise lies in comprehensive roadway design with specialty skill in multi-use pathway and ADA facility design. The primary urban and rural roadway issues Dillon is involved with include planning, location, roadway alignment, ADA facilities, environmental impacts, culturally sensitive areas, R/W, hydraulic analysis, utility impacts, and roadside safety. He is skilled at preparing specialized exhibits and has coordinated and participated in technical presentations for clients, fellow consultants, and the public. Lead Design Engineer | MDT KBP – US 93 to Airport Road | Kalispell, MT Dillon was lead design engineer for widening 1.5-miles and an interchange on the “interim” build Kalispell Bypass. He led the design team developing the grading and geometric model to deliver a comprehensive design package. The project included two additional travel lanes, a new interchange, and widening the existing bridge over Ashley Creek. He provided design assistance to the traffic team completing Vissim modeling and SSAM safety analysis for alternatives comparisons. The recommended alternative allows Dillon to lead a challenging design for the interchange including four and five-leg roundabouts and coordination of a quality delivery of the road, R/W, traffic, utility, and bridge plans. Assistant Project Manager/Lead Design Engineer | MDT Bad Rock Canyon Study | Flathead County, MT Dillon is currently serving as assistant project manager/lead design engineer for a 1.7-mile study on US Highway 2 through the Bad Rock Canyon in northwestern Montana. The study will look at reconstructing the roadway to meet current MDT design standards, provide safety enhancements, and identify potential options for a new multi-use path, while minimizing impacts to the environmental, cultural, scenic, and recreational characteristics of the corridor. The project is bordered by the Flathead River on one side and rock cliffs on the other. Dillon will lead design for five alternative options through the study phase and subsequent design phase, if an acceptable alternative is determined. He is providing support to the project manager, including contract administration, agency communication, design team and subconsultant coordination, resource planning, and project tracking. Lead Design Engineer | MDT Perma Curves | Sanders County, MT Dillon currently leads the roadway design efforts for a five-mile study phase project on MT 200 partially located on the Flathead Indian Reservation. The project will develop alignment alternatives to reconstruct the winding roadway to meet current design standards and provide safety enhancements while minimizing impacts to the cultural, environmental, and physical characteristics of the corridor. Dillon manages comprehensive design and provides coordination between technical area task managers and subconsultants. He leads the alternatives development process, exploring feasible options to eliminate or reduce the abrupt horizontal curves and adjust the highway geometrics to fit within the corridor’s constraints. If an acceptable option is selected, Dillon will lead efforts on R/W, traffic signing and marking, utility, and erosion control plans development. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 10 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering Technology – Montana State University- Northern CONTINUING EDUCATION Institute of Transportation Engineers: • Road Ecology • Technology on Rural Safety Projects • Elevating Rural Road Safety MDT: • Traffic Work Zone Safety Toolkit • MASH Guardrail and Roadside Safety Standards FHWA: • Geometric Road Design • DOT Utility Coordination Techniques OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Dillon McLain, PE, PTOE | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Development Plan Review, Grant Applications/PERs 36KLJENG.COM Gary is a business-minded, hands-on project manager with more than 27 years of experience ranging from municipal to heavy industrial projects. He has a strong ability to troubleshoot both technical issues and business processes. Gary excels at communicating engineering details to clients and associates for mutual understanding. He has significant project management experience, including estimating and budgeting, scheduling, code compliance, training, public speaking, and resource allocation. Client Manager/Project Manager | Flathead Riverbank/Blankenship Bridge Project | Flathead County, MT In spring 2022, significant flooding occurred throughout the state of Montana. One area that experienced flooding is where the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Flathead River converge near Blankenship Bridge. Flooding eroded approximately 50 feet of the embankment width at the bridge end over a length of approximately 150 feet. The erosion caused the river to change trajectory and to pool at this region. Fortunately, there was no damage or safety concerns associated with the bridge. KLJ was hired to provide preliminary and final design, as well as construction phase services. Project work included public engagement and funding assistance, environmental services, bathymetric and topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, hydraulic modeling, scour evaluation, coordination with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, final design, and project bidding and construction phase services. The project is expected to be complete in spring 2024. Municipal Infrastructure/Local Advisor | Downtown Master Plan and Five-Year Economic Development Strategic Plan | Ronan, MT KLJ was hired to develop the Downtown Master Plan and the Five-Year Economic Development Strategic Plan that will guide local decision makers and help ensure that the community can grow while maintaining its unique attributes, which are attractive to both residents and visitors. The project will be completed in three phases. KLJ is providing existing conditions analysis; public engagement and outreach; a downtown master plan that includes a vision, goals, and objectives, future land use plan, and main street conceptual designs; the five-year economic development strategy, with vision, goals, and objectives; implementation strategy; and finally plan adoption. Both projects are anticipated to be complete by fall 2024. Project Manager | Rail Park Drive Improvements | Kalispell, MT Gary worked with the City of Kalispell and the Flathead County Economic Development Authority to develop the scope, budget estimate, proposal and project management for the improvements to this city street located within the boundaries of a Superfund site. This project consists of improving an existing street with boulevards, sidewalks and irrigation while coordinating work plans with the DEQ. Project Manager | Water/Sewer Main Replacement & Street Reconstruction | Laurel, MT This project involves new water and sewer mains along four streets. In addition, the reconstruction of 4th street involved improvements to multiple other streets, interstate and state highways. KLJ provided a traffic impact study as well as other improvements such as a new city park. KLJ provided services from design through construction management. Senior Project Manager | Bozeman Wastewater Phase 1 Upgrade | Bozeman, MT This treatment plant upgrade for the City of Bozeman involved replacing their current SCADA and PLC control system with new technology. The plant upgraded capacity and treatment technology with all new computer systems and control panels. The design and implementation budget for this project was $300,000 and was completed in budget over two and half years. Gary’s role was the senior project manager for the project. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 27 years EDUCATION MBA – University of Montana BS Electrical Engineering, Business Management Minor – Montana State University OFFICE LOCATION Kalispell, MT Gary Johnson | Water System, Development Plan Review, Electrical Engineering, Grant Applications/PERs 37KLJENG.COM Hayden recently joined KLJ full time as an engineer intern. He interned at KLJ during summer 2022 and provided RPR services on several projects throughout Montana. Hayden’s experience includes construction inspection, and he is familiar with MDT procedures and guidelines. RPR | MDT KBP Foys Lake Design-Build | Kalispell, MT The project included reconstruction of approximately 1.9 miles of the Kalispell Bypass highway (US 93A), including changing the at-grade roundabout at Foys Lake Road into a grade-separated interchange. KLJ provided highway and traffic engineering, environmental document and permit preparation, survey, R/W, storm drainage improvements, utility relocations, streambank restoration, traffic and highway public involvement, work on the Great Northern Historic Trail, construction inspection/administration, and overall project management. Hayden’s work involved providing for construction inspection for pavement design along with associated documentation for joint repairs meeting MDT standards. RPR | Core and Rail Redevelopment Project | Kalispell, MT The second phase of the Core and Rail Redevelopment project included the removal of 1.6 miles of rail, construction of a 1.6-mile concrete multi-use path, and construction of a new complete street. KLJ provided construction administration and acted as the RPR for the City of Kalispell. Hayden provided construction observation (RPR) duties including material quantity verification and submission of a daily construction log detailing activities. He also provided construction staking and conducted as-built surveying. Stormwater Designer | Six40 Lofts | Kalispell, MT The Six40 lofts project included the renovation and redevelopment of an existing motel intended to become affordable housing in Kalispell. The redevelopment required a redesign of the existing stormwater system, a drainage report submittal to the City, and coordination with MDT for drainage and encroachment. Hayden prepared the stormwater drainage report, assisted with MDT coordination, and submitted encroachment permit applications for surface work and utility work within MDT R/W. Survey Tech and Construction Staking | Evergreen Apartments | Evergreen MT The Evergreen Apartments project consisted of the survey, site design, and construction staking for a new apartment building on an undeveloped lot in Evergreen, MT. Hayden assisted with the initial boundary and topographic survey of the lot, including the legacy survey data research and data processing. He also assisted with the construction staking for grading, sidewalk, curb and gutter, parking lot, utility locations, and foundation elevations. Project Engineer | Morning View Subdivision | Flathead County, MT Hayden assisted with project engineering for a new 12-lot, major subdivision in Flathead County MT. He helped dig test-pits, install groundwater monitoring wells, monitor groundwater seasonally, and prepare a preliminary lot layout in preparation for preliminary platting of the subdivision. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 2 years REGISTRATION Engineer Intern – MT EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering Technology – Montana State University OFFICE LOCATION Kalispell, MT Hayden Addams, EI | Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Construction Inspections, Development Plan Review 38KLJENG.COM Jess is a project engineer with experience in wastewater treatment and conveyance design. Her background includes development of master plans, preliminary engineering reports, design, bidding, and construction for small community wastewater treatment and sanitary sewer collection system including aeration ponds, secondary ponds, gravity sewer, force main, and lift stations. Jess also has experience in managing projects from conceptual design through construction. In addition to wastewater treatment and conveyance, she has knowledge in water treatment and conveyance. Lead Engineer | State of Montana Lead Service Line Inventory Services | Montana The federal IIJA provides historic funding to eliminate lead in drinking water system service lines. It will be essential for communities to fully understand where in the existing water system service lines there is lead present, what must be included in the required inventory, and how to classify materials. While all communities are anxious to understand their water line systems fully and to address lead-related concerns, several of them, especially small communities, do not have the skill set and/ or the staff capacity to complete the required inventories and/or to access available funding following the identification of any issues. KLJ was recently hired to provide technical assistance to Montana communities in inventorying water system service lines in accordance with state and federal guidance to assist them in becoming eligible for this funding. Project Engineer | Wastewater Improvements Phase I | Hysham, MT The town has an I&I issue and aging infrastructure, and like many small communities, they lacked the funds to address all the issues. Improvement needs were prioritized according to current condition and reliability. Based on the available funding, the project included replacement of the existing mater lift station and improvements to the other town’s lift station, cleaning and televising of the town’s collection system, and improvements to the wastewater treatment lagoon. Each project was a separate bid item, allowing the Town to select project based on available funds. The project included an engineer’s design report, coordination with geotechnical, assisted in the funding applications, bidding, and coordination with Montana DEQ for approval. Project Engineer | PRV and Hale-Malben Interzone Replacement | Helena, MT The project included replacement of four existing Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) stations in the city and the addition of a new flow control station. Design consisted of a package RPV control vault and site layout to install the new vaults and connect to the existing water main system. The project included coordination with the City’s preferred vendor that is responsible for maintenance of the PRV vaults. Tasks included engineer’s report, plans and specifications, engineer’s estimate, approval by the MT DEQ, and addressing bidding questions. Project Engineer | West Sand Creek Gravity Sewer, Lift Station, and Force Main | Williston, ND The proposed project includes extension of the sanitary gravity sewer, new lift station and force main. The project was developed to provide City sanitary sewer services to a new high school and development. This project included gravity sewer, lift station, dual force mains both open cut and directional bore, cleanout pigging station, and televising. This project included design, bidding, and construction. Design Engineer | Watermain Replacement Project | Breckenridge, MN The City experienced a failure with a water main pipe across the river that required replacement. The project involved coordination and approval from USACE in addition to the Minnesota Department of Health. Jess served as design engineer and project manager. She also provided the design and specification for watermain replacement, including cost estimates and submittal to the MnDH. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 18 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, ND, MN, SD, CO EDUCATION MS Environmental Engineering – North Dakota State University BS Civil Engineering – North Dakota State University PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AWWA – American Water Works Association WEF – Water Environment Federation OFFICE LOCATION West Fargo, ND Jess Wagner, PE | Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Water System, Utility Modeling, Grant Applications/PERs 39KLJENG.COM Jhett received his civil engineering degree in 2021 and has been providing field and construction inspection for more than seven years. He serves as a municipal engineer, assisting with design and construction inspection for city, county, and state projects. Jhett provides plans and specifications for a variety of municipal projects throughout Montana. Construction Inspection | South 4th Street Reconstruction | Laurel, MT Jhett provided construction inspection as the resident project representative for the eight-block reconstruction project in Laurel, MT. This project featured new storm, water, and sewer lines. New asphalt roads and a newly designed park with a playground were also included in this project. Construction Inspection | WTP Lift Well Replacement | Laurel, MT Jhett provided construction inspection for the lift well replacement at the Water Treatment Plant in Laurel, MT. Design Engineer | Laurel Airport New Hangar | Laurel, MT Jhett assisted with grading design for a new hangar at the Laurel Airport. The hangar is being built for a private individual and will be roughly 80 by 70-foot. Construction Inspection | BIA Route 73 | Big Horn County, MT Jhett provided construction inspection for the BIA Route 73 project, which is located on the Crow Indian Reservation. The Tribe had in the past tried to improve 19 miles of roadway from Lodge Grass to St. Xavier, MT; however, the project never got completed. KLJ also completed design for 12 miles of the corridor and assisted the Tribe with advertisement, prebid, and award. Design Engineer | Blue&White Motel | Kalispell, MT Jhett is completing a stormwater report for the Blue&White Motel. Design Engineer | Miles City Airport Pavement Maintenance | Miles City, MT Jhett is working with the Miles City Airport team to provide pavement maintenance throughout the airport. Pavement maintenance included routing, crack sealing, and new pavement markings. Design Engineer | Les Schwab Tire Centers and Graham Engineering Civil Engineering Contract | South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota Jhett is providing design for civil site projects for Les Schwab Tire Centers. He is working on plans, specs, stormwater analyses, and estimates. The projects involve Alta surveys, geotechnical investigations, a phase I environmental site assessment, flow tests, as well as R/W and zoning. Field Staff | NDDOT Highway 85 | Watford City, ND Jhett assisted in field inspection for multi-faceted construction project for the NDDOT along US Highway 85 corridor. This included inspection of backfill, pipe inspection, gravel quantities, verification of quantities installed, and quantity calculations. Jhett Quade, EI | Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Water System, Stormwater Collection &Treatment, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Construction Inspection YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 3 years REGISTRATION Engineer Intern – MT EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – Montana State University, Bozeman CONTINUING EDUCATION MDT (WAQTC): • Concrete Field I • Asphalt Mix Tester • Embankment & Base/Density • Aggregate Testing OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT 40KLJENG.COM Joe provides a unique mix of leading and completing multimodal traffic analysis while empowering public and stakeholder engagement. This leadership helps clients select transportation options that reflect each community’s needs and values. His hands-on experience doesn’t just include leading specific traffic engineering tasks but also having an active role in the technical modeling and analysis to provide technical answers to stakeholders. Joe specializes in visualization and simulation of 4D multimodal traffic simulation and is proficient in the use of Vissim and other traffic analysis softwares providing alternative intersection designs. Traffic Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass and KBP South US 93 to Airport Road | Kalispell, MT Joe was a key member of the traffic engineering team for the design of the south segment of the Kalispell US 93 bypass. He led both traffic operations and safety analysis, identifying when existing at-grade intersections will need to be improved to grade separated interchanges. This process is using the same Vissim and SSAM process to identify operations and safety benefits using a detailed microsimulation Vissim model. This work also includes providing alternative interchange design including the analysis of roundabout and quadrant interchanges that will reduce the cost and impacts compared to a conventional diamond interchange. Lead Traffic Engineer | MDT Foys Lake Road Design-Build | Kalispell, MT Joe provided initial conceptual modeling that proposed a roundabout terminal interchange that allowed bridge widths to be minimized and to maximize operations and safety of the proposed interchange. He assisted throughout the design project creating 20-year traffic forecasts, providing public and stakeholder involvement, and providing a CD Road analysis to reduce freeway access by combining two closely spaced exit ramps at the interchange. Project Manager | MDT Statewide Intersection Safety Evaluations | Montana Joe is currently assisting the MDT on a detailed safety evaluation of high-risk crash locations throughout the state of Montana. These detailed safety evaluations are identifying specific crash trends and crash narratives occurring at each intersection, quantifying the crash impact, and then identifying and evaluating safety improvements to address the specific intersection safety needs. The operations and safety benefits are then compared to cost estimates for each alternative to prioritize the highest economical value of alternative for each location and an implementation plan to prioritize safety improvements being constructed. Traffic Engineer | Western North Dakota 2021 Traffic Counts | North Dakota KLJ assisted the Upper Great Plans Transportation Institute (UGPTI) during summer 2021 with daily traffic counts and vehicle classification at approximately 310 county road locations throughout the western half of North Dakota. The effort included 48-hour counts of total volume and vehicle classification. The data is used to help with evaluating wear and tear to the roadways, including funding distribution, and the schedules of the pavement management of roadways. KLJ was able to complete the effort within three months by utilizing pneumatic tube counters on both paved roadways, as well as aggregate roadways. Traffic Lead | Pine Grove Road Reconstruction | Steamboat Springs, CO KLJ is designing multimodal improvements and reconstruction of Pine Grove Road from US 40 to Mt. Werner Road in Steamboat Springs. Pine Grove Road is one of the city’s primary commercial corridors for residents and visitors to the area. The road sees significant traffic volumes with high turning movements at many access points during peak hours. The project entails reconstruction of the roadway, sidewalk extensions, pedestrian crossings, multi-modal improvements for transit/bike/ped, stormwater improvements, property acquisition, and public engagement. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 12 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, ND, MN, SD, CO, FL, WY Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) Road Safety Professional 2 (RSP2) - Infrastructure EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – University of Minnesota CONTINUING EDUCATION PTV Vissim Advanced Training 2019 Montana Joint Engineers Conference (JEC) Presenter 2015-2020 PTV Users Group Meeting Presenter 2018 National ITE Annual Meeting Presenter 2021 StreetLight Summit Presenter OFFICE LOCATION Eagan, MN Joe DeVore, PE, PTOE, RSP2 | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Grant Applications/PERs 41KLJENG.COM John has more than 30 years of experience in municipal engineering. Most recently, he served as SRF Project Engineer as well as a member of the Deviation Committee with the State of Montana DEQ. John was the Project Engineer for several larger municipal projects in both the water and wastewater sections of the Montana DEQ. He also developed the water/wastewater portion of the Tax Certification Program for DEQ. This included developing a filing system and project database. Additionally, John was the Disinfection Byproducts Rule Manager while in the Community Services Bureau. Prior to his work at DEQ, John was the Lead Engineer and CADD Designer for several major subdivisions and stormwater projects with Staley Engineering in Helena, MT. Environmental Engineer/SRF Engineer | Montana DEQ | Helena, MT John served as the Project Engineer for large municipal projects ranging from pipe installation to treatment plant installations. He reviewed wastewater plans for systems with discharge permits not subject to SRF review and advised and worked with permit writers and management regularly. Previously, while working for the Permitting Bureau, John volunteered to become the Project Manager for the Concentrated Animal Feeding Program (CAFO). This was a temporary, one-month position; however, it became a permanent position that lasted five years. The CAFO project included extensive outreach, work with stakeholders to develop new CAFO application forms, and rewriting the CAFO general permit as well as helping develop the Fees, Application and Compliance Tracking System (FACTS) database. John was an integral part of the permit re-authorization for more than 100 facilities. He collaborated with the EPA to clarify and produce guidance on implementation of the CAFO program and integration into the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) database. He also designed the program logic used to correctly fill out the application online, provided text for online “Help”, and participated in user testing and system acceptance. Environmental Engineer | Montana DEQ Permitting and Compliance Division, Water Protection Bureau | Helena, MT John served as Senior Engineer and provided engineering services with minimal supervision. He was responsible for advanced engineering analysis and review of wastewater treatment systems large enough to require a wastewater discharge permit. This work involved unprecedented technologies for wastewater treatment that required new interpretations and application of design standards. John developed and issued individual discharge permits. He developed effluent limits and conditions in permits while considering all applicable design conditions and groundwater standards including non- degradation; established mixing zones as necessary; and required monitoring sufficient to determine compliance with the applicable water quality standards. John scheduled and completed facility inspections, provided rule interpretation, undertook informal and formal enforcement actions, reviewed pending legislation, and developed and revised design circulars. Environmental Engineer | Montana DEQ Community Services Bureau | Helena, MT John conducted engineering plan reviews; developed and/or implemented various rules associated with the Public Water Supply Program; provided on-site and remote technical assistance and training to engineers, public water supply operators, and members of the public; and provided compliance monitoring of public water supplies. He completed sanitary inspections and investigations to protect public and environmental health. John also ensured compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to public water supplies and performed records monitoring and data research needed to investigate outbreaks of water-borne disease in conjunction with state and county health agencies. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 30 years EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – Montana State University BS Computer Science – Montana State University OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT John McDunn | Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Water System, Development Plan Review 42KLJENG.COM Jonah is a Senior Survey Crew Chief in Kalispell, MT. He has extensive experience in cadastral, corridor, utility, control surveys, and private land boundary retracements. Jonah provides the necessary data to generate certificate of surveys, topographical surveys, bathymetric surveys, and construction layouts. He also has responsibilities including drafting, courthouse research, plat submittals, data downloads, survey data conversions, office-to-field data generation. His nine years of experience gives him the knowledge and experience to correctly manage and deliver an accurate survey. Jonah’s role for this project will be planning and measuring of the control network, topographical and cadastral survey, drafting the existing site conditions exhibit, the monumentation of destroyed or lost boundary corners, and any construction survey needed or deemed necessary by the awarded contract. Surveyor | Flathead Riverbank/Blankenship Bridge Project | Flathead County, MT In spring 2022, significant flooding occurred throughout the state of Montana. One area that experienced flooding is where the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Flathead River converge near Blankenship Bridge. Flooding eroded approximately 50 feet of the embankment width at the bridge end over a length of approximately 150 feet. The erosion caused the river to change trajectory and to pool at this region. Fortunately, there was no damage or safety concerns associated with the bridge. KLJ was hired to provide preliminary and final design, as well as construction phase services. Project work included public engagement and funding assistance, environmental services, bathymetric and topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, hydraulic modeling, scour evaluation, coordination with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, final design, and project bidding and construction phase services. The project is expected to be complete in spring 2024. Senior Survey Crew Chief | 95 Karrow- Phase I Subdivision Improvements | Whitefish, MT KLJ has been awarded by LHC Inc. to perform all necessary construction layout for Phase I of a 10-lot major subdivision. Jonah’s role in this project is to coordinate with contractors on project scheduling, create all office-to-field data for survey team to correctly layout site features, and verify that survey work meets or exceeds contractors’ expectations. Senior Survey Crew Chief | Texas Avenue Reconstruction | Whitefish, MT KLJ was awarded and completed all PLS required construction layout for the reconstruction of Texas Avenue and a portion of Edgewood Drive. Jonah’s role in this project was to coordinate with contractors on project scheduling, create all office-to-field data for survey team to correctly layout site features, performed any necessary “field-fits” to match with existing site conditions, verify that survey work meets or exceeds contractors’ expectations, and coordinate with additional subcontractors for surveying needs. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 9 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Remote Pilot Certification EDUCATION Geomatics Technologies – Southwestern Community College Engineering Technologies – Southwestern Community College OFFICE LOCATION Kalispell, MT Jonah Winchester | Surveying 43KLJENG.COM Justin is a PLS, CFedS, and EI located in Helena, MT. He has extensive experience providing cadastral, private land retracement, corridor, utility, and control surveys to public and private clients. Justin completes GLO retracement surveys, section breakdowns, Certificate of Survey, topographical surveys, bathymetric surveys, construction stakeout, drafting, writing legal descriptions, courthouse research, data downloads, and manipulations. His supervision of field survey crews for more than 17 years brings an understanding of the correct procedures to provide an accurate survey and has completed surveys meeting MDT protocols. Justin’s role for this project will be the planning and execution of the control, engineering, cadastral, quality control, and construction surveys as determined necessary by the awarded contract. Professional Land Surveyor | MDT Kalispell Bypass South NH-MT 5-3(109)F | Kalispell, MT This MDT project is the design of a four-lane bypass around the City of Kalispell along Highway 93. The current two-lane bypass is at design capacity and is to be increased to a four-lane highway. Justin’s role as lead surveyor is the planning and execution of the control verification/reestablishment, cadastral R/W checks, and engineering survey. The engineering survey consist of cross-sectional survey of the existing roadway and collection of features, including storm drainage inlets, culverts crossings, and signs. Professional Land Surveyor | MDT Perma Curves (MT-200) STTP-F 6-1(36)83 | Paradise, MT This MDT project is the design of a five-mile stretch of Highway 200 along the Flathead River east of Paradise. The highway traverses a dangerous corridor between rock cliff faces and the Flathead River. A portion of the project lies on the Flathead Indian Reservation and includes culturally-sensitive areas to CSKT. Justin is the survey lead, conducting and planning the control, engineering, cadastral, HYD-1, and ground control surveys for aerial LiDAR. Surveyor | Flathead Riverbank/Blankenship Bridge Project | Flathead County, MT In spring 2022, significant flooding occurred throughout the state of Montana. One area that experienced flooding is where the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Flathead River converge near Blankenship Bridge. Flooding eroded approximately 50 feet of the embankment width at the bridge end over a length of approximately 150 feet. The erosion caused the river to change trajectory and to pool at this region. Fortunately, there was no damage or safety concerns associated with the bridge. KLJ was hired to provide preliminary and final design, as well as construction phase services. Project work included public engagement and funding assistance, environmental services, bathymetric and topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, hydraulic modeling, scour evaluation, coordination with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, final design, and project bidding and construction phase services. The project is expected to be complete in spring 2024. Professional Land Surveyor | MDT Great Falls ADA Upgrades | Great Falls, MT This MDT design-build project is the design and construction of ADA improvement located in Great Falls. The project consists of the reconstruction of ADA ramps along Central Avenue West from Vaughn Road to 9th Street NW and 6th Street SW from County Club Boulevard to Central Avenue West. Justin’s role includes the planning and execution of the topographical, R/W boundary retracement, construction stakeout, and as-built of the intersection improvements. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 17 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Engineer Intern – MT Professional Land Surveyor – MT Certified Federal Surveyor (CFedS) EDUCATION BS Construction Engineering Technology Minor in Business Administration – Montana State University OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Justin Stefanik, PLS, CFedS, EI | Surveying 44KLJENG.COM Mathew is project manager/engineer with extensive experience designing and delivering projects for MDT. He has designed more than 20 projects in the last 11 years, where he has specialized in management and road design. Mathew has worked closely with functional managers within MDT to coordinate the final design of new road construction and new ADA facilities. Additionally, he has worked with multiple cities and sensitive landowners to coordinate impacts and alternative designs. Along with design, Mathew has been part of CADD power user teams to provide support for the design of highways, ADA facilities, and pedestrian pathways. Design Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass – Foys Design-Build | Kalispell, MT Mathew designed and modeled the reconstruction of the Foys intersection on the Kalispell Bypass. The work included removing the current roundabout and replacing it an overpass, on/off ramps with roundabouts, path reconstruction and ADA ramps. Road Design Lead | Rodney Reconstruction – Phase 2 | Helena, MT Mathew is currently leading the road design team on the reconstruction of approximately seven blocks of Rodney Street. Work includes reconstruction of the entire roadway section, all sidewalks, boulevards, water, sewer, and installing all new ADA ramps at each intersection. Road Designer | MDT Junction S279/S431 Roundabout | Helena, MT While employed at MDT, Mathew designed the roundabout at the intersection of Lincoln Road and Green Meadow Drive. Design included all road work, grading, hydraulic design coordination, sidewalks, and ADA-accessible crossings. He worked closely with hydraulics, geometrics, and traffic staff to assure the project addressed landowner flooding issues, impacts to landowner property limits, and stay within the limited budget provided by safety funds. Road Designer | MDT Wolf Creek North and South | Wolf Creek, MT While employed at MDT, Mathew was lead road designer on the reconstruction of I-15 though Wolf Creek Canyon. Design included all road work, grading, and urban design within the town of Wolf Creek, including sidewalks and ADA corners. The project had many hydraulic constraints as most of the project limits lay adjacent to Little Prickly Pear Creek and through the town of Wolf Creek. The project also had tight construction limits at the ADA crossings due to the bridge over the creek. Road Designer | MDT Lincoln Road | Helena, MT Mathew was lead road designer on the preliminary design for reconstructing 7.8 miles of Lincoln Road. He worked closely with hydraulics and R/W staff to limit the impacts within the flood plain and the impacts to a sensitive landowner to make sure the project could continue design and stay within budget. Road Design Supervisor | MDT | Montana Mathew led and supervised three road design crew members to produce design projects, including CADD files, paper plan sets, and project milestone deliverables to maintain project schedule. He served as a resource for design methodology, applied CADD and design standards, manage road design project communications, and provide CADD software configurations to the design crew and engineering management. Mathew provided training for CADD software, MDT engineering business processes, and road design practices to new-hire road design crew members, as needed. Civil Engineering Specialist | MDT | Montana Working in MDT’s Highways Bureau, Mathew designed and managed rural reconstruction projects. His day-to-day activities included compiling the road plans package, including design alternatives, estimates, contract time, and specifications, along with coordinating and leading team meetings. In project management roles, Mathew coordinate project schedules and cost estimates amongst different bureaus to deliver the plans package for letting and construction. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 14 years REGISTRATION Engineering Intern – MT EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – Montana State University-Bozeman Mathematics – University of Montana-Missoula OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Mathew Mogstad, EI | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering 45KLJENG.COM Matt performs duties as a project manager and design engineer and has more than 20 years of experience specializing in the structural and transportation sectors. He primarily works as a design lead for bridge projects with experience in prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete, and structural steel superstructures. Matt’s substructure design experience includes a variety of pile supported piers and abutments, as well as drilled shaft supported column bent piers. He has experience in all stages of a bridge design project, from cost-benefit analysis and preliminary layout to final design and production of construction documents using AASHTO design codes with MDT, MnDOT, and NDDOT standards. In addition to bridge rehabilitation, Matt’s experience also includes retaining walls and flood control structures. His bridge rehabilitation experience includes bridge deck replacements, fatigue fracture repair, steel girder hinge retrofits, and lead paint removal. Structural Engineer | MDT KBP Ashley Creek Bridge | Kalispell, MT KLJ designed the 1.7-mile reconstruction of the interim two-lane build of the new bypass to a four-lane highway, replacing an at-grade roundabout with a grade-separated diamond interchange with double roundabouts at the on/off ramp intersection at Airport Road and bridge widening over Ashley Creek. The existing bridge is a 144-foot long, single-span prestressed concrete girder bridge carrying the Bypass over Ashley Creek. Structure improvements include widening in order to carry four lanes of traffic. Work is ongoing to develop the bridge type, size, and location recommendations for changes to this structure. Design Lead | MDT I-94 Bridge Rehabilitation – Circle Interchange | Glendive, MT KLJ is currently in the final design stage of a major bridge rehabilitation project in MDT’s Glendive District. The project consists of two bridges carrying I-94, located at the Circle interchange on the west edge of Glendive. Work included a detailed bridge deck inspection, evaluation of bridge deck service life, developing structure repair details, developing roadway alignment and profile modifications, and traffic control details. The structural work consists of bridge deck replacements of three spans and bridge deck hydro-mill and overlays on the 10 remaining spans for each bridge. Additional modifications include barrier retrofits and modifications to the roadway superelevation transition on the bridge. Lead Structural Engineer/Engineer of Record | MDT TA Multi-Use Path – Heart Butte | Heart Butte, MT Matt is lead structural engineer for a one-mile separated multi-use path in northwestern Montana on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The paved path will provide pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non- motorized users a safe transportation connection from the community of Heart Butte to the school facilities located south of town. The path generally parallels the existing adjacent roadways and will construct a pedestrian bridge across the South Fork Whitetail Creek. Matt was responsible for the design and development of the pedestrian bridge structure details. Project Manager/Design Lead | MDT Bridge Deck Rehabilitation – Butte District | Livingston and Butte, MT KLJ is currently in the final design stage of a bridge rehabilitation project in MDT’s Butte District. The project consists of nine bridges located in or near Livingston and Butte and will be let as two construction projects, which the structures are grouped based on location. Work for each site include a detailed bridge deck inspection to aid in evaluation of remaining bridge deck service life, developing structure repair details, developing roadway and traffic control details, and coordinating public involvement with stakeholders. Because no feasible detour routes exist, construction phasing is a major component of this project. The structural work consists of two bridge deck replacements and four bridge deck hydro- mill and overlay, with remaining structures needing deck patching and barrier retrofits. One major Yellowstone River crossing is a historic bridge. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 20 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer – MT, MN, ND, SD NHI Certified Bridge Inspector EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – North Dakota State University CONTINUING EDUCATION NHI: • Load and Resistance Factor Rating of Highway Bridges • Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges for Professional Engineers • LRFD Highway Bridge Substructures FHWA/NSBA – LRFD Design for Steel Bridge Superstructures PSMJ Resources, Inc. – Project Management Bootcamp OFFICE LOCATION West Fargo, ND Matt Isley, PE | Structural Analysis & Design 46KLJENG.COM Matthews’s transportation engineering experience and design knowledge provides the technical and analytical skills required for the successful design, inspection, and traffic engineering. He is currently integral to road design, inspections for current projects, and traffic engineering. Matthew brings a thorough knowledge of principles, procedures, and methods of road design and related engineering. Work with KLJ on multi-faceted projects has developed his specialty skills in roadway, multi-use pathway, ADA facility, storm drain, water main design, R/W, and inspection. Matthew has strong design and traffic engineering experience involving traffic safety improvements, traffic signing improvements, and pavement striping. He brings a thorough knowledge of MDT, AASHTO, and MUTCD standards, which he utilizes in everything from urban and rural highways to pedestrian facilities. Matthew can identify unique solutions and thoroughly think ahead through a design process. The primary urban and rural roadway issues he is involved with include planning, location, roadway alignment, ADA facilities, environmental impacts, culturally-sensitive areas, R/W, hydraulic analysis, utility impacts, and roadside safety. Design Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass – US 93 to Airport Road | Kalispell, MT Matthew is currently a design engineer for widening 1.5 miles and an interchange on the “interim” build Kalispell Bypass. He is assisting with R/W development and developing the grading and geometric model to deliver a comprehensive design package. The project includes two additional travel lanes, a new interchange, and widening the existing bridge over Ashley Creek. The alternative will allow Matthew to design the interchange including four and five-leg roundabouts and coordinate a quality delivery of the road, R/W, traffic, utility, and bridge plans. Design Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass | Kalispell, MT This project involved the 2.5-mile north segment of the multi-phase Kalispell Bypass. Matthew was involved with the plan preparation and survey processing for the combined $44 million in construction on the Bypass. Design Engineer/RPR | Rodney Street Phase II | Helena, MT The Rodney Street Phase II design will begin approximately 50 feet North of the 9th Street intersection. Design will run to the North following Rodney Street until it intersects with the South curb of Helena Avenue. Design will include reconstruction of the street, curb and gutter, and sidewalks/driveway approaches in their current locations. KLJ will be replacing the two existing six-inch water mains with a single upsized eight-inch water main. KLJ will also design new sewer and water services throughout the project corridor. Matthew is responsible for design, utility coordination, and RPR for the project. R/W and Utility Design and Coordination | MDT SF179 Lodge Grass Shoulder Widening | Lodge Grass, MT The four-foot shoulder widening safety improvement project is located on Secondary Highway 451 (S- 451) and is parallel to the BNSF railway. There will be at least three possible alternatives developed to provide shoulder widening with consideration given to the numerous constraints along this corridor. Work includes complete design survey, hydraulic and geotechnical analysis, environmental determination, risk analysis, preliminary and final design, construction traffic control, rumble strips, seal and cover, Tribal coordination, and update signing and pavement striping. Design Engineer | MDT Perma Curves (MT-200) | Sanders County, MT Matthew is currently working on the roadway design efforts for a five-mile study phase project on MT Highway 200 in western Montana. The project will develop alignment alternatives to reconstruct the winding roadway to meet current design standards and provide safety enhancements while minimizing impacts to the cultural, environmental, and physical characteristics of the corridor. If an acceptable option is selected, Matthew will work through the design phase and efforts on R/W, traffic signing and marking, utility, and erosion control plans development. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 7 years REGISTRATION Engineer Intern – MT EDUCATION BA Civil Engineering – Carroll College CONTINUING EDUCATION Training: The Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction (WAQTC): (Certified) • Aggregate • In-Place Embankment and Density • Plant Mix Pavement ACI:Concrete Field-Testing Technician Grade I OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Matthew Tummel, EI | Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Water System, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Utility Modeling, Construction Inspection 47KLJENG.COM McKenzie is an engineer in KLJ’s municipal team who focuses on potable water design and infrastructure. She has knowledge in water treatment facilities, water distribution, water modeling, booster stations, water storage, and construction. McKenzie has experience with developing and writing design memos, funding reports, providing construction management and construction administration services, and preparing plans and specifications. She has worked on a variety of projects, which allow for a comprehensive knowledge of overall systems, while being a strong communicator with clients, the public, and contractors. Water Engineer | State of Montana Lead Service Line Inventory Services | Montana The federal IIJA provides historic funding to eliminate lead in drinking water system service lines. It will be essential for communities to fully understand where in the existing water system service lines there is lead present, what must be included in the required inventory, and how to classify materials. While all communities are anxious to understand their water line systems fully and to address lead-related concerns, several of them, especially small communities, do not have the skill set and/ or the staff capacity to complete the required inventories and/or to access available funding following the identification of any issues. KLJ was recently hired to provide technical assistance to Montana communities in inventorying water system service lines in accordance with state and federal guidance to assist them in becoming eligible for this funding. Water Design Engineer | Water System Improvements | Vaughn, MT The project involved the design and construction of 1,300 feet of six, eight, and 12-inch PVC, 330 feet of horizontal directional drilling under a local highway, and a 150,000-gallon factory coated bolted carbon steel storage tank. McKenzie’s responsibilities included the design of the system, minor water modeling of the City, submittal of permits to DEQ and MDT, and preparation of the construction and bidding documents. Water Modeling | Laurel PER | Laurel, MT The project’s purpose is to model the existing Laurel water system and evaluate improvements to the existing water distribution system to improve the system and prepare for future growth. Modeling effort to be added to PER for future funding and planning for the City of Laurel. McKenzie developed the existing model and different scenarios and alternative to be evaluated. She also assisted in the design of the improvements for a new tank, booster station, and various system-wide improvements. Water Design Engineer | Darling Addition | Miles City, MT The project involved the design and construction of approximately 2,000 linear feet of full urban road reconstruction, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, and new asphalt pavement section; new water mains, valves, hydrants, water services, and other appurtenances over the entire length of the road reconstruction; and approximately 600 liner feet of sanitary sewer replacement, including manholes and services. McKenzie’s responsibilities included the design of the water portion of the system, submittal of permits to DEQ and MDT, and assistance in the preparation of the construction and bidding documents. Water Modeling | Box Elder PER | Box Elder, SD McKenzie assisted in the update to the Box Elder Water PER. Work included updating the existing water model and evaluating alternatives. Alternatives to be evaluated where the development of at least two additional wells and a water storage tank. Updated report to findings of the evaluations. Report to be used for future CIP planning and securing funding. McKenzie’s responsibilities included evaluation of the proposed alternatives and updating the model for the different scenarios. Her role included validifying the existing model and providing updates for the report based on findings. McKenzie assisted in the water source and storage calculations and review. McKenzie Butcher, PE | Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Water System, Utility Modeling, Grant Applications/PERs YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 8 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, CO, ND, SD EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering, Emphasis in Environmental Engineering – South Dakota School of Mines and Technology OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT 48KLJENG.COM Michael has been in the surveying profession for more than 31 years. He has in-depth knowledge of land surveying; has planned many minor and major subdivisions, family transfers, court order surveys, deeds, and easement documents; and has drafted COSs. Michael has worked with many government agencies, title companies, lawyers, lending institutions, realtors, and private landowners. He has been in the public view for many years and has spoken at numerous public meetings, as well as testified multiple times in court cases dealing with land. Surveyor | North Central Montana Regional Water Authority, Main Waterline Project Covering More Than 450 Miles | North Central Montana The multi-million project includes construction of a water main from Tiber Reservoir to a main water treatment plant that will service many communities throughout north central Montana. First, KLJ set primary control throughout the area covering more than 300 miles. Work included assisting with the preliminary and final water line route to each community. This includes R/W easement exhibits, boundary surveying of each parcel of land we required easement through, working with landowners on determining the best route through their property, state and federal lands permits, working with utility companies on the best route to cross existing easements, construction staking of route, topographical survey and an as-build survey after construction of each phase. The project has an estimated completion time of 10 years or more. Surveyor | Montana Rail Link (MRL) Bridge 207 | Paradise, MT This project included the design of a long-term repair and reinforcement of two piers of an MRL bridge across the Clark Fork River. Michael’s role in the project was the topographical survey of the bridge and its piers using GPS, Total Station, and reflector less robotic Total Station. The crew established control and benchmark on each side of the bridge and coordinated with MRL to conduct the survey safely. Survey Lead | Great Falls PLSS Collection Project | Great Falls, MT KLJ has been selected by the City of Great Falls, Montana to perform a public land survey system (PLSS) collection project to update the Montana State Library GIS system. The PLSS corners will be used to more accurately locate property lines in the State’s GIS system. Professional Land Surveyor | MDT Great Falls ADA Upgrades | Great Falls, MT This MDT Design-Build project is the design and construction of ADA improvements located in Great Falls. The project consists of the reconstruction of ADA ramps along Central Avenue West from Vaughn Road to 9th Street NW and 6th Street SW from County Club Boulevard to Central Avenue West. Michael worked with survey crews on the topographical, R/W boundary retracement, construction stakeout, and as-built of the intersection improvements. Surveyor | Canyon Ferry Wastewater | Montana The Canyon Ferry Wastewater is a project to create 30 utility parcels for drain fields for 266 tracts of land along the shores of Canyon Ferry Lake. These newly created parcels of land were owned by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), the parcels conformed to existing private property and other federally-owned lands. The survey consisted of a large and extensive property retracement and topographical survey to ensure the created parcels have efficient room to contain the drain field areas and do not encroach onto private lands. Michael organized survey ground crews, reviewed all survey data, performed on-site visits, and verified boundary lines and drain fields sites. He also prepared any legal and easements documents pertaining to this project and certified them. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 31 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Professional Land Surveyor – MT Certified Federal Surveyors Program EDUCATION International Air Academy – Vancouver, WA OFFICE LOCATION Helena, MT Michael Ries, PLS | Surveying 49KLJENG.COM Oz is a transportation engineer and planner with more than 11 years of experience in traffic operations and safety studies, traffic impact studies, traffic forecasting, traffic modeling and simulation, LRTPs, multimodal planning, GIS analysis, speed studies, ADA compliance, pavement management, context- sensitive solutions, asset management, noise analysis, and advanced statistical analysis. He has served as a lead traffic modeler for several traffic engineering studies and has developed numerous traffic study and transportation planning reports. Oz is skilled in various transportation modeling tools such as GIS, Synchro/SimTraffic, Vissim, HCS, and TNM. Traffic Engineer | MDT Kalispell Bypass South – US 93 to Airport Road | Kalispell, MT Oz assisted with the corridor improvement project to the south portion of the Kalispell Bypass by identifying when the existing at-grade intersections needed to be improved to grade-separated interchanges. The analysis involved using Vissim and SSAM to identify operations and safety benefits using a detailed microsimulation model. This work also included providing alternative intersection design and the analysis of quadrant interchanges that reduced the cost and impacts compared to conventional diamond interchanges. Traffic Engineer | Old US 87 Speed Study | Lockwood, MT The purpose of the study was to determine the appropriate speed of the roadway. Oz assisted with reviewing the existing roadway conditions, coordination of collecting speed data, analyzing the speed characteristics, reviewing the speed related citations, performing historic crash analysis, and reviewing multimodal activities along the corridor. Speed characteristics included engineering approach of calculating 85th and 50th-percentile speed, and percentage of traffic travelling within 10-mph pace using the guidance documented by MDT for speed studies. Following the analysis, Oz assisted with the final report that documented the findings and recommended corridor speed. The recommended speed for the corridor was based on National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 17-76 Speed Limit Setting Tool. Transportation Planner | LRTPs | Kalispell, Columbia Falls, and Whitefish, MT Oz assisted with LRTP development for the Cities of Kalispell, Columbia Falls, and Whitefish. He researched demographic, economic, and transportation related research and analysis for regional planning initiatives. He analyzed the traffic operations and safety elements of the plan, created high- quality graphics, and assisted with the development of the final document. Traffic Engineer | 2021 Traffic Counts | Western North Dakota KLJ assisted the Upper Great Plans Transportation Institute (UGPTI) during summer 2021 with daily traffic counts and vehicle classification at approximately 310 county road locations throughout the western half of North Dakota. The effort included 48-hour counts of total volume and vehicle classification. The data is used to help with evaluating wear and tear to the roadways, including funding distribution, and the schedules of the pavement management of roadways. KLJ was able to complete the effort within three months by utilizing pneumatic tube counters on both paved roadways, as well as aggregate roadways. Oz led the project deliverable efforts including directing traffic data collection and developed a robust geospatial database using ArcGIS software package for UGPTI. Transportation Plan Production Lead | Comprehensive and Transportation Plan Update | Dickinson, ND The updated plans will focus on relevant and real community issues, with practical and workable recommendations. The project includes approximately 10 stakeholder meetings, three public engagement meetings, and community pop-up events. The project involves data collection and existing conditions analysis; vision, goals, and objectives development; future growth projections and a future land use plan; travel demand projections; future infra-structure plan; future housing plan; and a CIP. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 11 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, MN, ND, SD, WY EDUCATION Doctoral Studies in Transportation Logistics – North Dakota State University, Fargo MA Urban and Regional Planning – Minnesota State University, Mankato BSc Civil Engineering – Minnesota State University, Mankato CONTINUING EDUCATION Synchro and SimTraffic Studio from Trafficware ArcGIS Online – Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium QGis Online – Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium Esri – 24-Hour ArcGIS Courses OFFICE LOCATION Eagan, MN Oz Khan, PE | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering 50KLJENG.COM Rochelle has been in the civil engineering field for 30 years. With 20 years of engineering experience and 10 years managing engineering projects, she has an in-depth understanding of engineering and construction projects. Rochelle brings knowledge of observation, documentation, and inspection methods for the construction of transportation projects for municipal rural and urban roadways, as well as experience working with their unique infrastructure, engineering needs, design and construction standards, and ordinances to successfully deliver transportation, stormwater, and floodplain projects. Inventories and Plans | State of Montana Lead Service Line Inventory Services | Montana The federal IIJA provides historic funding to eliminate lead in drinking water system service lines. It will be essential for communities to fully understand where in the existing water system service lines there is lead present, what must be included in the required inventory, and how to classify materials. While all communities are anxious to understand their water line systems fully and to address lead-related concerns, several of them, especially small communities, do not have the skill set and/ or the staff capacity to complete the required inventories and/or to access available funding following the identification of any issues. KLJ was recently hired to provide technical assistance to Montana communities in inventorying water system service lines in accordance with state and federal guidance to assist them in becoming eligible for this funding. Associate Project Manager | Big Sandy Stormwater Project | Big Sandy, MT Rochelle was responsible for preparing the bid documents, facilitating the bid opening, fielding contractor questions and respond to Requests for Information (RFI). Site Designer | Various Civil Site Projects (Airport Way, Black Eagle C-Store, Hangars at Glacier Park International Airport) | Kalispell and Black Eagle, MT Vacant lots in which a building, parking lot, and utilities were designed which included storm drain analysis, detention ponds, and storm drainage reports. Rochelle was responsible for site design, which included site layout, site grading, site utilities, run-off calculations, pre-development verses post- development conditions for sizing continuous deflection separation (CDS) units and detention ponds, preparation of stormwater drainage report, as well as Montana DEQ submittals when necessary. Roadway and Drainage Designer | The 47 | Kalispell, MT This project is for a major subdivision of 47 acres into 17 lots with pedestrian trail to river, two detention ponds, community well, and individual wastewater systems. Rochelle’s responsibilities were full roadway design, full drainage design, full detention pond design for two ponds, preparation of stormwater drainage report, and preparation of DEQ submittal. Site Designer | Westside Condo Association Parking Lot, Tap and Games, M&S Meats | Kalispell, MT The projects consisted of developed site in need of CDS treatment units for MS4 compliance, storm drain system, and/or parking lot reconstruction. Rochelle’s responsibilities were to assess the existing site and drainage systems, regrade the sites and add treatment units, building additions, utilities, detention ponds, etc. that are needed to complete development. Roadway Designer | MnDOT US 52 Zumbrota to Cannon Falls Design- Build | Minnesota The project includes reconstruction for parts of northbound US 52; TH 57; County 14, 1, 9, and 8; frontage roads; and miscellaneous sideroads, as well as a new interchange and drainage and utility relocations. Rochelle’s responsibilities included roadway modeling of mainline US 52 with MicroStation GEOPAK. Rochelle Hansen, RSR, RSI, CFM | Sanitary Sewer Collection, Water System, Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Utility Modeling, Development Plan Review YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 30 years REGISTRATION Registered Storm Water Inspector (RSI) – UT Registered Storm Water Reviewer (RSR) – UT Certified Floodplain Manager EDUCATION Associates CAD Design and Technology – ITT OFFICE LOCATION Remote – Montana 51KLJENG.COM As part of the transportation team at KLJ, Ryan provides design services, plan review, and construction services for municipal, utility, and development projects. Prior to joining KLJ, he was a project engineer for BNSF Railway and worked to develop, design, and construct passenger rail infrastructure improvements along the I-5 corridor in partnership with the Washington State DOT. Ryan’s project experience includes slope stability, corridor reliability improvements, existing mainline improvements and extensions, passenger station platform expansions, and yard track reconfigurations. He also managed the design and construction of automotive and intermodal facility expansion projects, developed new staging yards and siding extensions, coordinated public crossing separations, and developed passenger rail service expansion plans. Ryan has experience in design reviews, cost estimating, construction observation, contract management, Request for Proposal (RFP) development, project bidding, and lifecycle project management. Resident Project Representative | Kalispell Parkline Trail and Complete Street | Kalispell, MT Ryan provided construction administration and observation services for the Kalispell Parkline Trail and Complete Street project in Kalispell, MT. He oversaw all construction activities and as part of his duties, Ryan reviewed and approved traffic control plans and coordinated the closure of roads during removal of at-grade rail crossings and construction of multi-use path crossings. He verified testing results and conformance to specifications during concrete pours and new road surface paving. Construction Manager | Flathead Riverbank/Blankenship Bridge Project | Flathead County, MT In spring 2022, significant flooding occurred throughout the state of Montana. One area that experienced flooding is where the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Flathead River converge near Blankenship Bridge. Flooding eroded approximately 50 feet of the embankment width at the bridge end over a length of approximately 150 feet. The erosion caused the river to change trajectory and to pool at this region. Fortunately, there was no damage or safety concerns associated with the bridge. KLJ was hired to provide preliminary and final design, as well as construction phase services. Project work included public engagement and funding assistance, environmental services, bathymetric and topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, hydraulic modeling, scour evaluation, coordination with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, final design, and project bidding and construction phase services. The project is expected to be complete in spring 2024. Rail Coordination | MDT SF179 Lodge Grass Shoulder Widening | Secondary Highway 451 between Garryowen and Lodge Grass, MT KLJ is providing engineering services for this four-foot shoulder widening safety improvement project. This project is located on Secondary Highway 451 (S-451) and is parallel to the BNSF railway. There will be at least three possible alternatives developed to provide shoulder widening with consideration given to the numerous constraints along this corridor. The work includes complete design survey, hydraulic and geotechnical analysis, environmental determination, risk analysis, preliminary and final design, construction traffic control, rumble strips, seal and cover, Tribal coordination, and update signing and pavement striping. Project Engineer | Portland Intermodal Facility Expansion | Portland, OR Ryan led the design for and construction observation of the expansion of the Portland Intermodal Facility for BNSF Railway, which included an unloading track relocation, expansion of an existing trailer lot, and construction of a new auxiliary lot. This project added more than 300 new parking stalls to the facility and increased the working length of the unloading track by more than 1,200 linear feet. Ryan worked closely with the contractor, Hub Manager, and adjacent facility owner to establish a construction phasing plan for the lot construction, paving, and track realignment that minimized service interruptions to the 24/7 facility. This plan allowed the facility to manage record seasonal volumes during construction and ensured that the project came in under budget. Ryan Blumer, PE, PMP | Water System, Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Utility Modeling, Construction Inspections, Development Plan Review YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 8 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT Project Management Professional EDUCATION BS Mechanical Engineering – University of Colorado CONTINUING EDUCATION MT SWPPP Administrator and Preparer OFFICE LOCATION Kalispell, MT 52KLJENG.COM Ryan is a professional engineer in KLJ’s Billings office. He works as a project manager and project engineer for various projects, including residential subdivision, site development, and various other street, water, wastewater, and stormwater design projects. Ryan has more than 20 years of design and civil engineering experience for municipal clients. Senior Project Engineer | South 4th Street Reconstruction Project | Laurel, MT This project included the reconstruction of approximately 2,800 linear feet of South 4th Street with a new urban street section, including curb and gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, driveway approaches and new asphalt pavement; construction of approximately 3,100 linear feet of water mains, including valves, fittings, fire hydrants and other appurtenances; construction of approximately 600 linear feet of sanitary sewer main; and construction of approximately 3,200 linear feet of new storm drain system, including a storm drain detention pond, inlets, manholes and appurtenances. This project is the largest reconstruction project ever undertaken by the City of Laurel. Ryan served as the lead project engineer overseeing design and construction. Project Manager | Splash Park Installation Project | Laurel, MT This project included the conversion of the existing City pool site into a 6,000-square foot splash park with multiple age group features. Ryan served as the Project Manager and primary contact for coordination of the design and construction of the facilities. The new splash park is expected to open in spring 2024. Senior Project Engineer | Lindy Lane Sewer Replacement Project | Laurel, MT This project included the removal and replacement of the primary sewer outfall for the City of Laurel with 30-inch PVC sewer line at the intersection of Lindy Lane and South Laurel Road. Ryan served as the lead design engineer and engineering construction manager. Project Civil Engineer | 5th Avenue Waterline Reroute Project | Laurel, MT This project included the abandonment and rerouting of an existing 12-inch water main and reconstruction of the streets of a five-block area in north Laurel. Ryan served as the lead design engineer and engineering construction manager and oversaw all aspects of design and construction. Project Civil Engineer | East Downtown Infrastructure Improvements | Laurel, MT This project included the replacement and reconstruction of water, sewer, storm, and streets of a six- block area on the east side of Laurel. Ryan served as the engineering construction manager and oversaw all aspects of the construction phase. His duties included conducting weekly progress meetings, processing contractor pay request, managing the inspectors and survey crew assigned to the project, and being the contract liaison between owner and contractor. Project Civil Engineer | 2019, 2020, and 2021 Pavement Improvements Project | Laurel, MT These projects include the yearly street maintenance projects for roads within the City of Laurel. Projects routinely consist of approximately $1 million worth of work on street maintenance that includes patching, crack sealing, non-structural overlays, and chip sealing at various locations throughout the City of Laurel. Ryan serves as the lead design engineer and serves as the engineering construction manager. Ryan Welsh, PE | Sanitary Sewer Collection, Water System, Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Utility Modeling YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 25 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer – MT, WY WaterCAD v8 XM Certified SewerGEMS v8 XM Certified ACI Certified Nuclear Gauge Certified EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering/Bio- Resources Engineering – Montana State University OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT 53KLJENG.COM Shawn is a lead bridge engineer with field review experience on numerous bridge projects over his past 20 years with KLJ. He is certified as a team leader for bridge inspections, having completed the NHI course for Safety Inspections of In-Service Bridges. Shawn has led structure rehabilitation and replacement aspect of bridge projects throughout the Upper Midwest and has an in-depth knowledge of the practices of NDDOT in conjunction with AASHTO and FHWA standards. Project Manager | BIA 88 Bridge A154, Oglala Sioux Tribe | Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, SD KLJ performed survey, hydraulics, design, and plan preparation for replacement of an 80-year-old structure. The deck and substructure concrete continue to deteriorate and is impacting the safety of the structure. Additionally, the roadway west of the structure is prone to flooding during spring runoff and large rain events. The project will provide a new 146-foot two-span prestressed concrete girder bridge on a new alignment adjacent to the existing structure. The west roadway will also be raised approximately three feet to help maintain traffic flow during times of high water. Engineer of Record | Thunderhead Falls Bridges | Pennington County, SD KLJ performed survey, hydraulics, design, and plan preparation for replacement of two, single-span precast concrete channel beam bridges that carry Thunderhead Falls Road over Rapid Creek near Hisega. The north site will provide a new 44-foot, single-span continuous concrete bridge skewed 15 degrees to match the channel alignment. The south site will provide a new 40-foot, single-span continuous concrete bridge. These crossings are the only accessible route for local residences along Thunderhead Falls Road. The project will include temporary traffic diversions for each site during construction. Project Manager | Adon Road Box Culvert | Campbell, WY The need for the project was driven by the condition, inadequate hydraulic capacity and flow width of the existing corrugated metal culverts which caused floodwaters to backup during runoff events. The project included preliminary, design, and construction of a Triple 14 by 6 by 74-foot cast-in-place reinforced concrete box culvert skewed 30 degrees, roadway grading and incidentals. Structural QA/QC | Burleigh County Bridge Bundling Project | Burleigh County, ND KLJ recently completed design and construction of two box culverts in Burleigh County, ND. This project included survey, roadway design, structure design, R/W acquisition, wetland delineation and 404 permit, NEPA documentation, and construction administration and observation. Project Engineer | Wagner Pedestrian Bridge, Yankton Sioux Tribe | Wagner, SD KLJ is performing survey, hydraulics, design, and plan preparation for replacement of a 168-foot prefabricated steel truss pedestrian bridge that was damaged by ice during the 2019 spring flood event. The bridge connects residents north of Choteau Creek to the City of Wagner. The bridge will be replaced with a similar type of structure that will be raised to better accommodate ice flows. Engineer of Record | Caledonia Bridge Replacement | Traill County, ND The Caledonia bridge replacement project included design of a new 294-foot curved bridge and approximately one mile of roadway realignment. KLJ completed the design, environmental documentation, and the construction engineering for the project. The construction spanned two seasons and traffic was maintained throughout the project as the bridge location is a major connection to a Red River bridge crossing. The three-span bridge consisted of precast concrete I-Beams with a cast in place deck. The project used federal funding and NDDOT CARS was used throughout construction to track quantities and progress. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 20 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer – MT, SD, ND, WI, MN, WY, CO NHI Certified Bridge Inspector EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – North Dakota State University CONTINUING EDUCATION University of Wisconsin- Madison: • Highway Bridge Design Course • Seismic Design Course • Lateral Bracing Course • Unsteady Flow Modeling Course NHI Stream Stability and Scour Course Design of Modern Timber Bridges PSMJ – Project Management Workshop OFFICE LOCATION Rapid City, SD Shawn Mayfield, PE | Structural Analysis & Design 54KLJENG.COM Steve has 35 years of experience in urban and rural traffic engineering, transportation planning, and design project management. This includes development of access improvements at multiple airports. As a traffic engineer, Steve has significant experience in completing traffic impact studies, assessing traffic safety and capacity issues, and evaluating alternatives to address traffic operational deficiencies. Steve is a strong communicator, often responsible for public involvement and making sure stakeholders are informed and listened to. Steve is adept at leading planning activities and facilitating comprehensive design elements. Lead Traffic Engineer | Kalispell Town Pump Traffic Impact Study | Kalispell, MT In 2017, KLJ completed a traffic impact study for a proposed Town Pump and convenience store improvement at the intersection of US 93 and Airport Road/Cemetery Road. The study included gathering traffic data, trip generation, crash analysis, and an analysis of proposed and nearby access. Recommendations included proceeding with discussions with the City of Kalispell regarding future expansion of Cemetery Road. The Town Pump facility has since been constructed. Project Manager | MDT Cottonwood and Stucky Roundabout | Bozeman, MT Steve managed all aspects of this project. KLJ completed preliminary and final design for MDT on the project. A single-lane roundabout will replace the existing standard intersection to address safety and future capacity needs at the intersection. The project included design of street lighting and 10- foot shared-use path facilities in all quadrants of the intersection. KLJ provided topographic and cadastral survey, environmental documentation, public involvement, and overall design services for the roundabout. The project was bid and constructed in 2018. Lead Transportation Planner | Flathead Indian Reservation Road Safety Audit (RSA) | Montana KLJ completed an RSA for the CSKT Tribe, covering approximately 455 miles of roadway and 526 intersections on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Steve led analysis and was the primary author for the RSA that included a field inventory of signs, delineation and roadside elements, analysis of historical crash data, development of crash countermeasures, preparation of a priority improvements plan, and recommendations for best practices. A sign retroreflectivity maintenance policy was also established. Lead Planner/Traffic Engineer | Wallace Avenue Traffic Calming Improvements | Bozeman, MT The Wallace Avenue neighborhood approached the City of Bozeman seeking a project to calm traffic along the busy corridor. Steve provided traffic calming alternatives for the City of Bozeman and surrounding neighborhood to consider. KLJ also provided visualization graphics to assist local stakeholders in their selection of preferred traffic calming measures. A combination of traffic calming measures was recommended and implemented, including traffic circles, curb bulb-outs, and speed message signing. Steve facilitated public involvement efforts, which resulted in unanimous support from the neighborhood on a preferred design. Transportation Planner | MDT Swan River Bridge Feasibility Study | Bigfork, MT KLJ completed a feasibility study for rehabilitation or replacement of the Swan River Bridge in Bigfork, MT. KLJ’s inspection and load rating analysis of the historic bridge indicated that without rehabilitation, repurposing or replacement, the ability of this bridge to continue to serve the community will eventually disappear. Steve provided support in Steering Committee and multiple public meetings to help stakeholders consider options to address bridge deficiencies. KLJ provided recommendations to replace the historic bridge while maintaining the historic context. This was in line with the wishes of the community and local jurisdictions. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 35 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, ND, SD, MN, CO, WY Professional Traffic Operations Engineer Land Surveyor in Training – MN EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – North Dakota State University CONTINUING EDUCATION FHWA: • NEPA Workshop • Design for Older Drivers and Pedestrians • Community Impact Assessment ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers: • Designing Walkable & Neighborhood Friendly Streets • Safety Analysis For Signalized Intersections • Walking and Biking Through Minnesota Winter OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT Steve Grabill, PE, PTOE, LSIT | Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Development Plan Review, Grant Applications/PERs 55KLJENG.COM Tim is a design engineer with experience in hydraulic design, highway design, and aviation design. This background allows him to quickly understand both the needs and constraints of an MDT hydraulics project. Tim is actively involved in 1D and 2D modeling for bridge scour and floodplain analysis on projects throughout Montana. In addition, Tim’s experience includes basin delineation, hydrologic calculations, highway drainage design, bridge opening analysis, and hydraulic modeling. Hydraulics Design and Modeling | Flathead Riverbank/Blankenship Bridge Project | Flathead County, MT In spring 2022, significant flooding occurred throughout the state of Montana. One area that experienced flooding is where the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Flathead River converge near Blankenship Bridge. Flooding eroded approximately 50 feet of the embankment width at the bridge end over a length of approximately 150 feet. The erosion caused the river to change trajectory and to pool at this region. Fortunately, there was no damage or safety concerns associated with the bridge. KLJ was hired to provide preliminary and final design, as well as construction phase services. Project work included public engagement and funding assistance, environmental services, bathymetric and topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, hydraulic modeling, scour evaluation, coordination with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, final design, and project bidding and construction phase services. The project is expected to be complete in spring 2024. Hydraulics Engineer | MDT Bridge Scour Study | Montana This project evaluated scour on several scour critical bridges throughout Montana. These structures were identified by MDT as bridges in need of additional analysis and recommendations on scour and countermeasure design. Tim assisted with the development of hydraulic models for the sites, scour evaluation, preliminary countermeasure recommendation and design, and preparation of the hydraulics reports. Hydraulics Engineer | MDT Choteau North | Choteau, MT The project will reconstruct seven miles of US Highway 89 north of Choteau, MT. This will include new horizontal and vertical alignments to improve safety and sight distances. Tim assisted with hydraulic modeling and the floodplain permitting of the project. Hydraulics Engineer | MDT I-94 BR Rehabilitation – Circle Interchange | Glendive, MT The project will rehabilitate the two bridges carrying I-94 over MT 200S at Exit 211 in Glendive, MT known as the Circle Interchange. Both bridges will receive a full-length mill and overlay of the bridge decks, with the northernmost spans of receiving a full depth deck replacement to modify the superelevation transition to meet current standards. Tim did the stormwater and deck drainage design on the project which included the addition of new deck drains to reduce observed ponding and icing problems on the bridges and preparation of a hydraulics report. Hydraulics Engineer | MDT West of Brockway – West | Brockway, MT The project will reconstruct approximately seven miles of MT Highway 200 west of Brockway, MT. Three bridges and two large diameter culverts will be replaced/rehabilitated by the project. Tim is assisting with the hydraulic design of these structures and the preparation of the hydraulics report. Design Engineer | Market Basket Gas Station | Billings, MT Tim provided design engineering services for a new gas station at the intersection of Wise Lane and Frontage Road in Billings, MT. The gas station will replace the Town & Country Supply gas station that currently resides there. He provided site and grading design, hydrology calculations, and stormwater system design including an underground detention tank system. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 4 years REGISTRATION Engineer Intern – MT EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – South Dakota School of Mines and Technology OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT Tim Kroehler, EI | Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Utility Modeling 56KLJENG.COM Travis has more than 23 years of combined experience in engineering, land surveying, and construction administration, with his primary emphasis on civil design and project management. This experience has been in both the private and public sectors and encompasses a broad range of civil projects, including road construction/rehabilitation, development of stormwater management systems, planning and rehabilitation of municipal water and wastewater systems, as well as a broad range of land development projects. Project Engineer | Hilltop Road Storm Drain Extension | Billings, MT The project included a major storm drain extension to deal with flooding in an area of town that was originally developed without any stormwater management facilities. KLJ was selected by the City of Billings to provide design, bidding, and construction administration for the Hilltop Road Storm Drain Extension project in Billings Heights. Flooding was caused by roads conveying stormwater runoff from large watersheds long distances without any stormwater inlets or other points of relief. Flooding is further impacted by low curb profiles with minimal hydraulic capacity and improper road crowns throughout much of the project area. The project involves extend large diameter storm drains in Hilltop Road from Shamrock Lane to Bazaar Exchange, and in Aronson Avenue from Nutter Boulevard to Stewart Court. R/ Ws encumbered by utilities due to lack of prior stormwater planning also provides challenges that were overcome with this project through a detailed design approach. Travis provided all design, hydraulic analysis, coordinate with private utilities, and construction administration services. Lead Design Engineer | East Downtown Infrastructure Improvements | Laurel, MT This project was completed as part of the Laurel Urban Renewal District to updated dilapidated infrastructure and promote economic growth in a commercial and residential district of Laurel’s east downtown area. The project included reconstruction of approximately 10 blocks of old roads, storm drain, water, and sanitary sewer infrastructure. Design included a new urban road section with curbs, gutter and sidewalks interfacing existing residential and commercial facilities as well as reconstruction of five connections to MDT Highway 10. The project included traffic safety features to increase site distance and bring pedestrian routes into compliance with accessibility standards, as well as traffic calming mitigation measures and head in parking facilities to help accommodate lack of off-site parking for adjacent businesses. Travis served as lead design engineer for the project. Project Engineer | Water Systems Computer Modeling | Eastern Montana Travis completed water modeling projects for the City of Hardin, City of Jordan, City of Fromberg, Town of Rapelje, Town of Musselshell, and City of Roundup. Travis’ responsibilities included local agency coordination, water system research and mapping, computer model preparation, hydrant flow tests, water model calibrations, system analysis, and alternative evaluation. Following system evaluation, Travis would plan and strategize with each community to develop solutions and budgets to bring each system into compliance with state and local regulations. Recommendations were given for fire protection, storage capacity, and water quality. Project Engineer | Red Lodge Wastewater PER | Red Lodge, MT Although there were no time-sensitive deficiencies, the City of Red Lodge proactively hired an engineer to write a planning document assessing their wastewater system’s current needs and deficiencies while planning for future upgrades and/or replacements. KLJ was hired by the City to assist in this effort by preparing a PER assessing the City’s collection system, wastewater treatment aerated lagoon and the impacts of the City’s new Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) discharge permit requirements. The recommendations developed in the PER are to be incorporated into the City’s CIP to develop a road map for the City to use on future projects. Travis Copper, PE, PLS | Sanitary Sewer Collection, Water System, Stormwater Collection & Treatment, Roads & Multiuse Paths, Traffic Engineering, Development Plan Review YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 23 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, CA, ND Professional Land Surveyor – CA EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – California State University (graduated first in class) OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT 57KLJENG.COM Travis worked as a design engineer for many of KLJ’s complicated water and wastewater projects before his transition to oilfield services in 2012, with his primary role of project manager and design engineer. His background includes system planning, hydraulic modeling, design, construction administration, and construction observation. His management capabilities, hydraulic modeling background, and experience with planning and routing for rural utility projects have provided a smooth transition to pipeline and facility projects. Through managing several small-scale oil and gas pipeline projects and the successful completion of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Spill Response Plans, he has advanced his regulatory knowledge and adapted his approach to meet each client’s needs. Design Engineer | Tongue River Crossing 10-inch Watermain Boring | Miles City, MT The City of Miles City had an existing 10-inch watermain crossing underneath the Tongue River that was destroyed during a high runoff event in spring 2011. Travis prepared the specifications and oversaw plans and permit application preparation necessary for watermain replacement under the Tongue River using horizontal directional drilling and 10-inch fusible PVC main. Travis coordinated permitting, solicitation, and bidding, which was funded mostly through FEMA emergency disaster funds. Project Manager and Design Engineer | Glendive Yellowstone River Crossing | Dawson County, MT Travis is the project manager and design engineer for a 12-inch High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) potable water crossing under the Yellowstone River, which will include a 24-inch HDPE casing to allow for maintenance, replacement, and possibly telecommunications conduit. The bore crossing is estimated at 1,900 feet long and includes USACE permitting due to crossing of a regulated levee system. Design Engineer | Carbon Hill Water Tank Replacement Project | Miles City, MT Travis acted as design engineer in final design and bidding for both phases of the project. He assisted with contract administration and performed RPR duties throughout construction of both phases. The project required design and construction administration of a new 1.5-million gallon water storage tank, more than 50,000 cubic yards of earthwork, and yard piping. Travis’s responsibilities included coordination with the owner, MDT, and funding sources for design approval. Design Engineer | Water System Rehabilitation, Phase I | Darby, MT Travis assisted with a project site survey. He completed preliminary design, lifecycle cost analysis, final design, and assembled contract plans and specifications for a new 900,000-gallon partially- buried, pre-stressed concrete water storage tank. The innovative design allowed for the first Type III pre-stressed tank to be constructed in Montana, while providing the owner with significant savings. The site grading was challenging due to the limited size of the property and the Town’s only existing storage tank remaining on the same site. The project was funded by United States Department of Agriculture- Rural Development (USDA-RD), TSEP, CDBG, and Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC). Design Engineer | Sheridan Veterans Affairs (VA) Water Treatment Plant | Sheridan, WY Travis conducted the site survey, completed a plant evaluation and alternative analysis investigation reports, and assisted in the pilot study protocol development. He evaluated pilot proposals submitted by suppliers to complete a process selection report. Work also involved conducting the pilot study and assembling a pilot study report, construction plans and specifications, and a design report for Wyoming DEQ and EPA approval. Due to limited funding, the design had to fit within the existing treatment building with minimal modifications, while meeting enhanced treatment requirements. The project upgraded an existing diatomaceous earth surface water treatment plant to an ultrafiltration membrane plant to meet LT2ESWTR. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 17 years REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – MT, CO, ND, SD, WY, NE, MN, ID, IL, MI, TX, OR, KS EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – Montana State University OFFICE LOCATION Billings, MT Travis Jones, PE | Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Water System, Stormwater Collection & Treatment 58KLJENG.COM Wade is a structural engineer more than 14 years of experience in structural design, roadway design, inspection, and construction management of rural transportation projects. His design experience ranges from historical bridge rehabilitation to prestressed concrete bridges and long-span steel bridges. Wade’s experience also includes public involvement, hydraulic design, bridge inspection, project management, and client management. He has been involved in all facets of project progression from preliminary planning to project construction and close-out. Wade’s focus has been the design and construction of highway and structure projects for DOTs, counties, and cities. Structural QA/QC | NDDOT/MnDOT Climax Bridge Replacement | Trail County, ND and Polk County, MN The Climax Bridge project includes replacement of a 760-foot-long bridge over the Red River of the North and roadway realignment. The 910-foot-long replacement structure is a three-unit steel plate girder bridge. Due to the excessive slope instability, the bridge substructures are designed to accommodate several feet of movement. The approach units are fixed at the abutments and utilize hinged steel piers that can accommodate the movement of the riverbanks without compromising pier functionality. The center unit consists of a 75-foot-tall concrete pier in the center of the river. The roadway realignment allows the structure to be built adjacent to the existing structure, allowing traffic to be maintained during construction. The new alignment also provides added safety measures when intersecting with a state highway. Project Manager | NDDOT State Bridge Replacements | North Dakota KLJ is leading the design efforts for five structure replacements throughout North Dakota. The replacements vary from corrugated steel pipes to multicell reinforced concrete box culverts. The replacements convey state highways over the waterway and maintenance of traffic during construction is critical to avoid significant detours to the traveling public. The project included multiple public input meetings and agency coordination along with the fieldwork, hydraulics, and structure design components. Project Manager | Bridge Bundle | Grand Forks County, ND KLJ was selected to perform preliminary and design engineering for a bundle of federal aid projects, including removal of one structure; replacement of four bridges with culverts or low water crossings and four bridges with box culverts; and one bridge replacement. The project work includes survey, environmental, cultural, structural, and roadway design. Project Manager | Walsh County Bridge Replacement | Walsh County, ND Wade was the project manager for the construction project replacing three bridges at three different sites. The replacements consisted of a two-span 132-foot bridge, 15-foot aluminum box culvert and a 32-foot aluminum box culvert. The bridge replacement site included a temporary traffic bypass and pavement tie-ins. The project was constructed in 2023. Lead Structural Design | Bridge Replacement | Ward County, ND Ward County is replacing this bridge that carries Ward County Road 5 over the Des Lacs River in the City of Donnybrook and serves as a designated Transporter-Erector (T-E) Route for the Air Force Base. The 31-foot, single-span concrete bridge is supported on concrete abutments. KLJ led preliminary engineering and design efforts for a new bridge, which will be a 96-foot, two-span prestressed box beam bridge, having a clear roadway width of 36 feet. The design for a replacement structure was on an accelerated schedule after a bridge inspection reduced the load posting, resulting in immediate re-routing of all T-E vehicles. KLJ was able to successfully deliver plans to meet a spring bid opening. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 14 years REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer – MT, ND, SD, CO, MN NHI Certified Bridge Inspector EDUCATION BS Civil Engineering – University of North Dakota OFFICE LOCATION Grafton, ND Wade Thompson, PE | Structural Analysis & Design EOE/M/F/VET/DISABILITY 1-800-213-3860 APRIL 2024 KLJENG.COM