The 110 acres on Tronstad Road Public Comment from Jean AmbroseDear Leaders, My name is Jean Ambrose, my address is 445 Sirucek Lane, Kalispell, Montana. My husband and I moved here in October, 1992. Over the years we have seen a steady increase in traffic and Rose Crossing extended. In the last few months I have seen a dramatic increase in traffic on Whitefish Stage because of the Rose Crossing Extension and a change in the intersection of Tronstad and US 93. The extra use has contributed to accidents at the intersection of Whitefish Stage and Tronstad Road as well as Whitefish Stage and Rose Crossing. Neither of these roads are able to move traffic in an efficient and safe manner. Also I believe there is a weight limit on Tronstad Road. Two weeks ago I had two ;people pass me and I was going about 2 miles above the speed limit. I know of two accidents that happened near Easthaven when cars have been rear ended by people going towards Kalispell. Last week I was at the intersection of Tronstad and Whitefish Stage Road and two cars were behind me, one coming toward me and 2 on my right and left. It was about 11:00 in the morning. At other times there are more and sometimes there are less. Equally important is how that large piece of land is zoned. None of these roads are ready to move all the traffic that reducing the lot size will generate. Please vote against this proposal, please respect the work of those who studied the area and zoned it for the 5 acre lot size. I believe it was originally zoned 10 acres. Thank you for all the work you do on the Council and for considering the safety of those driving these roads as well as respecting the work of those who zoned this land. God Bless you. Sincerely, Jean Ambrose