06-23 Parking UpdateCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: June 2023 Tickets June 2023: Dave 521 $5,210.00 KPD 6 $60.00 Combined 527 $5,270.00 June 2022: Dave 473 $4,730.00 KPD 13 $130.00 Combined 486 $4,860.00 Ticket Income June ticket income $5,380.00 Tickets issued and paid in June $3,495.00 Parking Permits June 2023: $8,827.00 up $1,237.00 June 2022: $7,590.00 Occupancy Report June 2023: Westside 94% Eastside 117% combined 106% June 2022: Westside 104% Eastside 121% combined 112% Meters & Machines June 2023: $1,043.80 down $8.51 June 2022: $1,051.71 The Boot June 2023: used 6 times $400.00 $210.00 $610.00 total June 2022: used 3 times $310.00 $105.00 $415.00 total