02-20-24 Conrad Mansion Board MinutesConrad Mansion Museum Board of Directors February 20, 2024 - 4:00-5:00 p.m. Conrad Mansion 1. Welcome- Members present in person: Natalie Robinson, Gail Erickson, Cate Weber, Diane Morton-Stout, Mary Pat Murphy, Everit Sliter, Chris Vick, Mark Schickendantz, Teri Iwerson, Carrie Nelson, and Museum Director Brit Clark. Members present via Zoom: Diane Medler and Katharine King. 2. Consent Agenda- a) January minutes- Accepted. b) Treasurer’s report for Jan 2024- Accepted. c) Budget will be moved to March meeting. d) Employee Handbook- Chris and Tia reviewed the handbook further. Motion to accept the handbook was made and seconded. 3. Fundraising- a) Great Fish Community Challenge- Brit provided updates for next year’s Great Fish Whitefish Community Challenge. We will vote to participate next month. $20,000 is the recommended goal for fundraising. b) Room Sponsorships Committee Report (Teri)- Teri, Chare, Gail and Sorcha are working on the sponsorships. They asked that board members let community members have the first chance to sponsor available rooms. If all rooms are sponsored, board members are welcome to donate during the Great Fish Community Challenge. The deadline for room sponsorship payment is May. 4. Facilities- a) Cate shared an artist rendering of the proposed Mansion multipurpose building created by Jackola Architects. It will be 1½ stories and include restrooms, a director’s office, collection storage space, and a large reception area to seat at least 75 people. There will be no changes to the Mansion itself. A portico will connect to the gift shop and the fire escape will go over the portico. 5. Executive Director’s report- a) Brit has joined the MAM (Museums Association of MT) board. b) Brit traveled to Helena to serve as a judge for National History Day projects. The MT Historical Society would like to have a regional competition in Kalispell. 6. Mansion Roof updates a) MMIA (Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority) sent a letter indicating intent to subrogate the full amount of the roof replacement resulting from the 2022 hail damage. As a city employee, Katharine recused herself from the discussion. After discussion, a motion was made and passed to authorize the Finance Committee to pursue hiring an attorney to represent the Mansion in this matter.