Opposition to #KGPA-24-01 Public Comment from Ming Lovejoy[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.] To: Kalispell City Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Re: Opposition to #KGPA-24-01: Tronstad Meadows and Whitetail Crossing Growth Policy Amendment Application Dear Honorable May Johnson and Members of the Kalispell City Council, We are writing to express our strong opposition to the proposed amendment to the Kalispell Growth Policy related to the Tronstad Meadows and Whitetail Crossing development, identified by application #KGPA-24-01. As concerned residents of Kalispell, we believe that this amendment poses significant risks to the well-being and future growth of our community. Inconsistent with Kalispell Growth Policy The proposed extension of the city annexation boundary to include Tronstad Meadows and Whitetail Crossing directly contradicts the objectives of the Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035 and the city’s Annexation Policy. These frameworks were meticulously crafted to ensure orderly, sustainable growth that aligns with community values and existing land use. Pushing through an amendment to the current growth policy appears to be a hasty shift in direction designed to benefit a single piecemeal development nestled in and among rural and agricultural areas, and serving the interests of one developer. This is not in keeping with Kalispell's stated and current objectives in their own growth policy. Unlike the planned growth along the Highway 93 corridor, amending the growth policy for a patchwork annexation of Tronstad Meadows and Whitetail Crossing is shortsighted, undermines strategic planning efforts, and compromises the long-term vision for sustainable development in Kalispell. We support comprehensive plans as fundamental instruments that guide public planning processes and prevent the piecemeal and patchwork alteration of land use policies to favor individual interests over public welfare. Given the public outcry on this issue, with over 500 signatures on a circulating petition, packed turnout by residents sharing their opposition at the city planning board meeting, and high levels of public comment raising many valid concerns and expressing strong opposition, we ask that the city council reconsider this amendment and adhere to the established growth policies that prioritize the collective interests and long-term vision for our community. Please vote no until and unless a thorough review and community consultation process is conducted, ensuring that any amendments align with the principles of sustainable and orderly growth as outlined in the Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035. Economic and Environmental Concerns Approving this amendment would strain the city’s resources and set a troubling precedent for future developments that do not meet the needs of our community. The proposed housing prices are unaffordable for many residents, contradicting the policy’s goal of providing housing for all income levels. An argument in favor of amending the current growth policy with an intention to annex and build theTronstad Meadows / Whitetail Crossing development, is in direct opposition and contradicts the the current growth policies stated intentions, While the Staff Report recommends approval based on the provision of housing contained in Growth Policy “for all sectors and income levels in the community” (Chapter 3, Goal 3), this development will not provide affordable housing in the City. Additionally, converting agricultural land into residential areas threatens local wildlife, water quality, and the overall integrity of our rural landscape. We need to preserve our natural resources and ensure any development aligns with our environmental sustainability goals. Safety Concerns The safety concerns associated with this development are significant. Increased traffic on what is primarily a county road would lead to congestion and higher accident risks, especially in currently quiet, rural areas. Our existing infrastructure may not be able to handle this traffic volume, potentially compromising emergency response times. Furthermore, the lack of adequate pedestrian pathways and cycling lanes in the proposed development area poses serious risks to non-motorized road users, undermining our commitment to creating safe, walkable, and bikeable neighborhoods. Given the August 2023 CPSM report (see attached) which found Kalispell’s Emergency Medical Services response times are currently over 5 minutes, (and that includes an average of all calls, not the average response times for Silverbrook and outlying areas), this underscores the importance of postponing approval of an amendment aimed at adding piecemeal and patchwork subdivisions that are not substantially contiguous to existing city boundaries until the response time is within reason and under 5 min. Conclusion and Appeal Given these points, we urge the Kalispell City Council to reject the #KGPA-24-01 application and maintain our commitment to a thoughtful, inclusive, and strategic approach to growth. Let us ensure that our development policies reflect the needs and values of all Kalispell residents, preserving the unique character and natural beauty of our area. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We are hopeful that you will consider the long-term interests of our community and make a decision that aligns with the principles of responsible and sustainable planning. Sincerely, Daniel Munzing Ming Munzing 213 Tronstad Rd. Kalispell bedroom, 3-bedroom, and 4-bedroom options. While we understand some individuals will always oppose new development, and some individuals will only oppose development when it is in “their backyard,” we urge the Council to consider the needs of the many residents across the City and Flathead Valley who are in need of a home. And consider that their need is now. Without new housing options, many of us, as well as our families, friends, and employees – will not be able to sta