Driveway Permit Public Comment from Bernie KrystkowiakDear PW, While I have not been informed directly of your decision to deny my permit as proposed at 70 E NIcklaus, I am very unhappy about modifications required as told to my contractor regarding my permit to replace my existing driveway in Village Greens. I bought this home new in 2003 and a big reason I did was the size of the garage, it’s door opening width and the ability to store my boat in it with easy access off the road onto the driveway. Twenty one years later, I’m faced with replacing it due to poor construction practices… which apparently were approved at the time. If you are going to insist that I cut my driveway down to a new inferior design and then add to the expense and complexity of completing the project with additional landscaping and irrigation work, I will withdraw my permit and pursue whatever means available to me for a reconsideration. I understands rule changes for new construction but as a 20 plus year resident I cannot abide redoing my front yard to satisfy any new restrictions when I should have some “Grandfather “ standing. Please advise if or how I can apply for a variance or if your decision is firm and final as you see it. Respectfully, B Krystkowiak, 406 250 7492. Ps. My driveway is not unusual by any means in this subdivision with regard to homes built over the last thirty years plus.