Coo-Ten-AI_ Public Comment from Jake Burtosky#gemineral #cancer #beosophican #dharmaceutical Juxtaposition between gems, minerals, generals & my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini constellation & the morphology of the term German mein leben. Juxtapose surveys when tranpsosed ser-obey with sergeants & military chains of command. I am petitioning a Government appropriation for the financing of a laboratory & theorize my theory on metaphysics satisfies prerequisites which specialist distinction in matters of pharmaceutical research requires. I theorize my life has been responsible for the Coronavirus pandemic. My theory is that the observation of a biopsy will express patterns or behaviors which the satisfaction of a disease requires: patterns or behaviors which theoretically can be satisfied by the formation of mineral procurement & the example established by pharmaceutical employment, as the primary motivation of human interdependency is theoretically the establishment of health care in society responsible for the morphology of the nation of Germany. I’ve theorized, evident by the (W. Zodiac) Cancer & Leo constellations when epistemology is transposed ehisstemology, that the cause of cancer can be sourced & resolved with the practice of epistemology. In other words, I theorize the cause of cancer can be sourced to ignorance promoted as fact on the world that if resolved, would mitigate or prevent certain varieties of disease such as cancer from forming. I seldom experience compunction when using the term cancer for the self-esteem of crabs & the self-esteem of those born of the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendency #hamassatcom #set #horus #maga #osiris #dialectics #epistemology Can the Hamas attack on Israel be likened to an insurgency within Islamic nations? Could the Hamas organization form to supplant the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia? Would the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia be willing to cede power to a democratic alternative configurated & implemented by the Hamas Organization? I petition the Hamas Organization to be ruled successful in the conflict between Hamas & Israel on account of the "blood of the lamb" as written in the Bible's book of Revelations for the Bible to be proscribed & replaced with a concurrent or subsequent reformation of the Quran to specifically remove mention of Moses that I read from an English translation of the Quran; however, that I petition discerned as I petition English translations of the Quran read with a stern dialectic admonishment sine qua non the (Greek) muse Urania when juxtaposed my memory of an English translation of the Quran's disallowance of polytheism & the naming of the Quran when transposed Qurania, (Egyptian) mythology concerning the deity Osiris & the lamp-like shape of Osiris's symbol & the Arabic language when juxtaposed the English language. #thespian #thespain #montana #dionysus #inspiration Speaks on horror films I theorize the thespian photo'd in "The Exorcist" or other thespians from horror films that may or may not be featured in the following compendium have formed to take roles in attempt to empathize with as to assuage my brain & cranial trauma. I theorize the thespian photo'd in "The Exorcist" or other thespians from horror films that may or may not be featured in the following compendium is & has been for nine years for nearly every moment an adverse, cruel & irritating influence on my psychology perhaps sine qua non the acculturation of "mind your storytellers" from Plato's Republic. Has Plato's Republic been responsible for the writing of the Bible, Lamarckism & Darwinism evident by Plato's writings on Atlantis when juxtaposed the former nation of Aztlan & my theoretical portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible, the morphology of Darwin, AU when juxtaposed the morphology of Australia, krill & the commandment from Moses's decalogue "thou shalt not kill," & the shaping of Alaska when juxtaposed Rene Baptiste Lamar, Lamarckism, Biblical proselytization & the formation of Alaska when juxtaposed Australia? I theorize if a thespian from a horror film is having an adverse influence on my psychology the thespian is powerless & feels extrinsically motivated sine qua non criticism of his or her role the pecuniary incentivization of Biblical adherence is responsible for when juxtaposed Biblical controversies such as Moses's theoretically false assertion of men as the origin of genders, the King Ahasuerus story where, according to Merriam Webster's Vocabulary Word Builder, King Ahasuerus "angered by his queen's disobedience proclaims that every man is to be the master of his own house" & the, to my memory, encouragement of the slavery of virgin women in Moses's pentateuch's book of Numbers; however, if a thespian from a horror film is having an adverse influence on my psychology his or her doing so may be of the thespian's own volition expressive of the hubris which the size or nature of the sun & formation of Australia required to form. https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/37-sppoky-facts-and-real-life-horror-stories-from-the-production-of-scary-movies/ss-BB1ldEmL?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=8ce1477b082149b19dcd5dec0fddeded&ei=35#image=12 <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.msn.com%2Fen-us%2Fmovies%2Fnews%2F37-sppoky-facts-and-real-life-horror-stories-from-the-production-of-scary-movies%2Fss-BB1ldEm L%3Focid%3Dhpmsn%26cvid%3D8ce1477b082149b19dcd5dec0fddeded%26ei%3D35%23image%3D12&data=05%7C02%7Cabrunckhorst%40kalispell.com%7C2d0affc9fb76408fbfff08dc58f7459d%7C6219d736f71146359cbaff616a81b398%7C1 %7C0%7C638483066279525950%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=3yOLIT4L9HuclTlHNSvNC14Fo9MmzJv9bpPEFU8kXOc%3D&reserved=0> Juxtapose the (explicit admonishment) film Rosemary's Baby with roses, Moses, feminism & the (Greek) muse Melpomene. #jakeb #indian #indying #dionysus #dyingwhysis As the Indian term il deva can be translated as "the of-vagina," has my portrayal as the Devil in the Bible been sine qua non the term deva in response to Catholicism as I vehemently protest selfish interests who would use Catholicism to proselytize women's interest in their favor with little regard of the psychology between women & children? #einsteinium #oganesson Should the Periodic Table of Elements be considered a doctrinaire prototype as the (PTE) element oganesson could exist as an effeminate alternative expressive of the nature of women as the origin of the genders & conducive to optimization of the world's potential in adherence to theory of women as the origin of the genders & if so, could the fact that the world would optimize were the Periodic Table of Elements to conclude with an effeminate element be expressed with mathematical formula? Like the (PTE) elements einsteinium, fermium & nobelium was the (PTE) element oganesson sine qua non my life as my confidence is nurtured to satisfy the massive expectation placed on my politics? #odoctor #dharmaceuticals #leosophicanpharmeceutical When postulating the duties of a representative of a foreign nation's company, a primary theme which enters my mind is the Congressional permission I remember to be required by private enterprise in the United States to conduct business with foreign nations. The premise of securing Congressional permission to conduct business with foreign enterprise does not intimidate me; rather, excites me for the opportunity to conduct formal interaction with the United States Congress which I believe &/or theorize to have ingratiated onto in popularity over the course of the last nine years. I've written quite a number of hand-written letters to various members of Congress while sharing (not with Congresspeople unless they've viewed my portfolio) evidence to have been responsible for the United States & the etymological morphology of the American continents. In regard to theoretical centralization of the pharmaceutical industry, the term "second opinion" & the relationship between the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer constellations when juxtaposed the duality shared between the (W. Zodiac) Pisces & Gemini constellations engenders my compunction. Juxtapose the relationship between centralization, Google & Bing, duality & binary code when the term binary is juxtaposed the (W. Zodiac) Aries constellation & transposed be-an-Aries. Recent juxtapositions between the nation of Germany when juxtaposed the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer constellations, Karl Marx & socialism engendered me to theorize that the primary motivation of human interdependency is sine qua non health care: a theory which lends veracity to another theory of mine which is the subject of the title of my writing: "Thesis: Woman in their Pregnancies Responsible for Society." The satisfaction of intrinsic society may be sine qua non the resolve of the pharmaceutical industry made evident by the formation of humans when juxtaposed the (E. Zodiac) Hu sign, the formation of carnivores & humans when juxtaposed the appended image of the surface of Mars, faith or practice in Dharma when juxtaposed the Hippocratic Oath & the naming of lions & the naming of pharmaceuticals when p is rotated to shape d for pharmaceuticals to then be spelled dharmaceuticals: a rotation which theoretically is expressive of the pharmaceutical industry's relationship to one-hundred-eighty degree angles, spheres, circles, the number Pi & the (PTE) element hafnium. In regard to the centralization of industry, fear of homogenization to the detriment of research may be an inhibition encountered by the appraisal of a would-be centralization prospectus. My suggestion would be to ensure the relationship between corporations & research laboratories & theoretically worksites or product available on the marketplace exists as only professional nomenclature ensuring the independence of research laboratories, markets & workplaces where specialists may form to thrive not influenced by the leaders of other corporate branches such as transportation & marketplace negotiation. My theory is that metaphysics are measurements of microbial entropy as if at a state of uniform regularity protecting independence as measurements of microbial entropy can influence an observation's formation while logarithms are expressive of the theoretically patterned desire for microbial entropy to be measured. Formulating a logarithm between a corporation's headquarters & researching branch with measurements such as volume of communication between the two entities will theoretically source & express the desire for the independence of researching in the form of a fraction or percentage which then could be facilitated by the amount of etymological relativity established between corporate headquarters & research branches financed by the corporation. Formulating logarithms which ensure the independence of researching & other branches of a corporation may be conducive to or prerequisite in the creation of a prospectus to centralize an industry if a corporation sought to secure financing from Government sources. If you are familiar with the Cultural Revolution, which I theorize was conducted to oppose pseudo-nations forming within the People's Republic of China, the concept of Government financing the centralization of industry may be a concept you are familiar with. My theory, which may contrast with the last sentence's mention of the Cultural Revolution which's era occurring approximately seventy years ago I cannot physically relate to, is that a company's goals are achieved with humanitarian aspirations such as ensuring popular wages & perquisites to & communication with employees evident by socialism in relation to interdependency. #mathemagics #mantenna #reptile #dionysus Juxtapose the words wizard & lizard. Juxtapose juxtaposition, common values & preponderance of evidence. #madhyamaka #xin #shangli Juxtapose free masonry, the establishment of currency & intrinsic psychology. Why was Jesus crucified? #aztec #incan #mantenna #zapata #hamassatcom Juxtapose the Mexican President during the Mexican Revolution Porfirio Diaz with the Poverello Homeless Shelter in Missoula, MT, US, Emiliano Zapata & the Hamas Organization. Juxtapose King Charles the Fifth of the Holy Roman Empire with Niccolo Machiavelli, Cesare Borgia, my writing Jake Burtosky on LinkedIn: Impeach Joe Biden <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url =https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Ffeed%2Fupdate%2Furn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7161462804829421569%3FupdateEntityUrn%3Durn%253Ali%253Afs_feedUpdate%253A%2528V2%252Curn%253Ali%253Aactivity%253A71614628048294 21569%2529&data=05%7C02%7Cabrunckhorst%40kalispell.com%7C2d0affc9fb76408fbfff08dc58f7459d%7C6219d736f71146359cbaff616a81b398%7C1%7C0%7C638483066279539478%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiL CJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=NLdNCn749J0JMtw7J6EjvoXIjNwL%2BKXGJ3GCAjlT3nw%3D&reserved=0> , the Nazis-SS-Schutzstaffel, the Spanish inquisitions, "Notes: 11/16/2023," the King James Edition of the Bible, Francis Bacon, the Catholic Church, King Charles the First of England, King Charlamagne of France when juxtaposed Pericles's Funeral Oration, the (Greek) deity Athena & the Mona Lisa Del Gioconda, the British Trade Empire Raj in or the British Colonialization & Subjugation of India, the eighteen-hundred-one concord between Napoleon & the Pope, the French-Indo China subjugation, as I remember to have read from Saigon by Anthony Grey, of Vietnam & the enactment of the Holocaust & Nazi Germany when juxtaposed Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, Carl Benz & the vulcanization of rubber. #gou #gemini Juxtapose Franz Ferdinand & Francisco Franco. #mercury #lead #meinleben #mexico #lead #meinleben #lemaitre #lordmaitreya #lead #mercury Did Mercury "go retrograde" sine qua non my life responsible for the knot formation on Jupiter as if to empathize with my perspective as if I never endured brain trauma? Juxtapose Mercury's "retrograde rotation" when Mercury is transposed Me-cure-y with my theoretical portrayal as the (Roman) deity Mercury. #davinci #zeus #aries #taurus Juxtapose the Revolutionary War with the Civil War. Was the Revolutionary War colluded between the United Kingdom & the United States while the Federation Army formed as if to truly secede the United States from the United Kingdom? #leosophicanpharmaceutical The premise of my petition for the ODT to supersede Darwinism is on two counts: first, what I perceive as the recidivism of Charles Darwin attributing his name to theory of origin which all seek intrinsically retrograde his theoretical motivation to supersede Lamarckism & secondly, the theory that theories of origin are arbitrary as no person has lived to observe the origin; thus, the ultimate theory that the scientific method allows promoted is one that gives those contemplating the origin the logical utility in which the origin could ever be contemplated. Evidence that communication throughout human history, for example in Egyptian hieroglyphs where I fear my portrayal as the deity Set is seldom victim of persiflage on account of ethnicity, has become more complex; thus, theoretically more veritable with time, is another motive in my advocacy for Darwinism to be superseded by the ODT as my intuition & testimony in relation to time dilation between two points of mass implies that a more accurate theory than any other of the microbial phenomenon which motivated what we know as perception would form as a result of the ODT’s precedent superseding an arbitrary theory of origin. I too petition the Bible proscribed while theorizing that Darwinism formed sine qua non the Bible or vice versa evident, for example, by Darwin, AU when juxtaposed krill, the Wales region of Australia, whales, the shape of north Asia, the formation of Australia & the commandment from Moses’s decalogue “thou shalt not krill.” What is Dharma: the nature of carnivores when juxtaposed herbivores evident by the Hippocratic oath when juxtaposed the naming & diet of lions? A juxtaposition between pharmaceuticals when pharmaceuticals are transposed dharmaceuticals & the (W. Zodiac) Gemini, Cancer & Leo constellations alludes further to Dharma's relativity to medicine which may be expressive of a geological origin of the morphology of pharmaceutical companies' sine qua non humanity's motivation in advocacy of carnivore ecosystems. A recent juxtaposition between the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer constellations, the nation of Germany, Karl Marx & socialism led to me the theory that healthcare is the primary motivation for human interdependency as a species: a theory which I discerned further made evident by a postmodern writing of mine, "Thesis: Women in their Pregnancies Responsible for Society. Is partnership conducive to progress & success? Over the course of the last four years my writing & political science methodology & subject matter has improved significantly; however, I've no confidants or partners with whom I share my ability & very few whom I socialize with. Observing Google's Gemini Artificial Intelligence model form as I promulgate evidence to have been responsible for the (W. Zodiac) Gemini constellation has been amusing. I share evidence to have been responsible for the Steam Deck while I theorized my action to have shaped the plot of the critically acclaimed (mature) God of War series the day before last: one example of the potential of my every moment. As I theorize my life to have been responsible for the Chu state of now-China do I theorize my life to have been responsible for the nations of Congo, China, Germany, Russia, Argentina, the United States & others. I am not an infallible person. As a daily writer I do not share a rational for my every punctuation: rational by my admission would be the theoretical prerequisite for writing as an occupation in a Communist society. I live with brain trauma & a metallic cranial filament or replacement theoretically responsible for the US state of Montana, the Spanish, French, German & Italian languages, the formation of the Puget Sound & straits of Juan de Fuca & Georgia & the writing of Niccolo Machiavelli's Il Principe. In relation to theory on the origin of the genders that I promulgate which I’ve titled throughout my application as “Gender Origin Theory” & my theoretical influence on the (PTE) element argon & the nation of Argentina, I may too be an influence on the Japanese language evident by the phrase domo arigato. Evident when the US state of Montana is transposed M-antenna, my theoretical influence on the phrase domo arigato is made further evident by juxtaposing myself with the (explicit admonishment) song “Mr. Roboto” by Styx As the man theoretically responsible for the formation of the African, European & Alaskan continents, I fear whether the individual influence I've acclimated is conducive to a quality world state: a sentiment I recently assuaged with the discovery of my theoretical influence on the number Pi which I theorized as expressive of both the perpetual nature of existence & the science of my life as I live with a condition which can be described, perhaps in hyperbole, as malignant & terminal. My theory is that the Can-Can formed sine qua non my relationship to the (W. Zodiac) Cancer constellation & impaired voluntary muscle initiation on account of brain trauma: a dance which too imputes my brain trauma to the formation of carnivores & the (W. Zodiac) Cancer & Leo constellations for the term can’s relativity to cancer & cannibalism. If my brain trauma can be juxtaposed in direct relativity to the formation of carnivores, the Chicxulub asteroid, the Chu state of now-China, the (W. Zodiac) Gemini, Cancer & Leo constellations & faith or practice in Dharma, common values between, for instance, the formation of pharmaceuticals, my brain trauma, the Chicxulub asteroid, the Chu & Wu states of now-China & society may be able to be sourced in satisfaction of the motivation of pharmaceuticals to ensure apropos investment in other industries My vision of an ideal society is a utilitarian society, a society which optimizes preservation as to mitigate superfluous labor. As I petition a Communist third party in the United States, I often feel the need to apologize to my Southeastern Asian contemporaries on account of the manufacturing & likely resourcing differential between the United States & Southeastern nations. If I were asked to formulate a multi-ethnic planetary model I theorize a popular prospectus would be in advocacy of the establishment of self-sufficiency for trade only in matters of “silk & porcelain.” My theory is that since the end of the Whig party & slavery in the United States, the United States has been unilaterally committed to the infrastructure forming a codependency on Southeastern Asian labor within the foundation of slavery which the United States's initial designs theoretically extrapolated to ensure for resourcing & manufacturing demands satisfied for the preservation of society. Why did slavery form? I encourage my peers to think of the Southeastern Asian population as not an opportunity to exploit labor; rather, as an opportunity to emulate a populace which's similarities are theoretically conducive to the facile establishment & maintenance of an ideal model which engenders emulation. As I live impoverished, I fear superfluous labor has formed in the United States which is theoretically expressive of superfluous labor in Southeastern Asia. While I often find qualm with the United States & the white ethnicity, I do not think imposing singular blame on the United States for the formation of the trade differential between the United States & Southeastern Asia is fair as China can be transposed Chu-NA or Chu-North-America & thus the creation of the United States can be theoretically sourced as the origin of the disagreements between the Wu & Chu states of now-China. As a feminist I encourage one another not to antagonize one another & think of all things like children: a philosophy which, when considering the pathos of the world as we have lived amongst warfare & famine, often results in my contemplation of the origin of perception. I've established what I like to think of as a conclusive theory of women as the origin of the genders & thus responsible for the parameters of the world we live amongst. If we temper ourselves as to not be overtly critical of mistakes, I theorize the natural consensus, that of female nature, implies, evident by the shaping of the Hudson Bay, that the creation of this world has been experimental: a compunction I seldom question as I live, often in pain, theoretically responsible for the Alaskan continent & the word woman as I theoretically satisfy the motivation of the Wu state of now-China in advocacy of the United States's self-sufficiency & legal tolerance of polygamy. My theory is that the Chu state of now-China was sine qua non the Chicxulub asteroid & has formed to advocate as little done as needed to survive while, as result, the Wu state has formed to be expected of more so than the prerequisites of the Wu state's survival can provide, thus, responding with warfare & theoretically responsible for the trade differential between the United States & Southeastern Asia today. I have recently shared a theory that the Bible has formed sine qua non the Chicxulub asteroid & time dilation between two points of mass while Biblical interests aim to impose upon woman more so than what is necessary for woman to contribute onto the preservation of society which may be expressive of the motivation of the Wu state's war against the Chu. Pharmaceuticals intrigue me as I promulgate theory on metaphysics as microbial measurements of entropy as if at a state of uniform regularity conducive to the preservation of intrinsic psychology as microbial measurement can influence an observation's formation while logarithms are expressive of microbial formations desire's to be recorded in theoretically patterned intervals which the satisfaction of may be expressive of the maintenance of society where all needs are satisfied. What is the difference between pattern & entropy? Do even solid objects exist at a state of entropy? Pharmaceuticals intrigue me as juxtaposition between the (W. Zodiac) Gemini & Cancer constellations may be expressive of the motivation of the formation of pharmaceutical companies which embracing as sociological may be conducive to an advantage conducive to the fulfillment of holistic contemporary well-being. Why is the (W. Zodiac) Gemini constellation an air sign while the (W. Zodiac) Cancer constellation is a water sign An ideal laboratory & enterprise theoretically benefits by the formulation of the world’s rate of thermonuclear fusion which theoretically has already been formulated as the number Pi which, when juxtaposed the one-hundred-eight degree rotation between p & d in relation to the terms Dharma & pharmaceutical, may be expressive of the necessity of pharmaceutical enterprise in relation to the establishment & maintenance of society. As I have been theoretically portrayed as the (Greek) deity Dionysus & responsible for the formation of alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, acid & other narcotics, I theorize my influence on recreational drug use’s origin is a similar origin to that of pharmaceutical medicines.